Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Brother said...: Ga. suspect was due for trouble

I haven't seen any suggestion to this, but what if........Michael Hill is a government plant ? He was carrying an AK-47, about 500 rounds of ammunition . No one was shot [even though he went outside a few times to shoot at police][how did he get back in ?]His brother stated that Michael was diagnosed "bi-polar" and has a long history of medical disorders. Opportunity to shoot the school employees and children but didn't. 
People don't talk about Sandy Hook too much anymore, could this be a reminder of school shootings to keep the governments anti-gun agenda going ??    Wouldn't surprise me a bit
 Michael Hill, who allegedly entered the elementary school with an automatic weapon was coaxed out of his rampage by a heroic school employee.  The school bookkeeper talked him down ???

   He doesn't look crazy like the other shooters, just sullen

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