Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Florida Sheriff's advice: "If you need to shoot somebody, shoot ‘em a lot”

Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida is back in the news again and he’s giving advice to citizens afraid of “active shooter” scenarios.
“The armed assailant doesn’t plan on you fighting back,” Sheriff Judd said on camera to local Fox News affiliate Fox 13. “He plans on having a gun, doing all the shooting, and you’re just a sitting duck. Well, the ducks need to shoot back.”
Judd believes all of his constituents should seek proper firearms training then obtain a concealed carry permit. “If you’re not afraid of a gun, get one,” he said. “And if you need to shoot somebody, shoot ‘em a lot.”
The Sheriff is actively involved with firearm education at the nearby Southeastern University. He has helped properly train both educators and students and if there is an active shooter scenario on campus any trained faculty are deputized.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bad advice - shoot them just enough to solve the problem would have been far better. As in the old Texas Ranger story - lawyer 'why did you shoot my client 6 times?' Rangers answer '5 wasn't enough and 7 would have been too many.' 'Nuff said.