Saturday, November 30, 2013

America is broken: Who will fix it?

This article from "WAKE UP AMERICA" made quite an impression on me,that I sent it out by e-mail to many of my friends and acquaintances
This is the document that clearly authorizes what the Federal government is allowed to do, what authorities and responsibilities the separate entities of the Government have.  It is what Our Troops swear to defend and what our politicians and judges have sworn to uphold:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Those words in the first paragraph above are the beginning of an article written on War On Terror News back on Constitution Day 2011.

As is pointed out within that article, the US Constitution is but four (4!!!)  pages of simple language setting out what America is/will be, and what it is NOT.  The foundations upon which a great nation was based seem to have been shaken to the core in recent years, as the current crop of politicians seem determined to over-reach the very clear limits placed upon them within that framework.  Today, from where I sit, America is under attack by those very 'servants' of the people who - as noted above - swore to uphold the Constitution. 

America is broken: Who will fix it? 
Since the first election campaign of the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania, I have watched the media aid and abet those candidates who preached things like: Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

On the first campaign Obama repeatedly said things like:   America does not need to be divided and angry. "You can't afford to settle for the same old politics," and was constantly referred to as the 'great uniter.'  He made many silver-tongued promises of how if we just voted for him, he would join us all as one to transform this country,  that was forged in those values held most dear by the Founding Fathers. 

Really? Okay, well  not so much.  At almost every turn, this administration has been based on the willingness of the uneducated masses to blindly follow an ideology, an agenda, that was based on emotion, rather than a  clear  articulation of what that transformation really meant.  Sure, his golden oratory promised that there would be 'peace in the world; the dawning of a new era' or something like that.  A whole new America, where every mouth was fed, and everybody would be healthy and wealthy living in this new nirvana.  What he did NOT say explicitly was that government would tell parents what their children would be taught in school (Common Core,  anybody?), what those kids must eat in school (Let's Move, courtesy of the missus), a health care system  where everybody would have equal access to healthcare, no matter their economical or citizenship status - or their individual choices?  (ObamaCare of course!)  As for everybody sharing the wealth of America? NOwhere in the Constitution is the power given to the Federal Government to give gazillions of taxpayer dollars to create phantom 'shovel ready' projects to give fake jobs to citizens. All well and good, but the America the Constitution was written in, and for, was an America that ANY and all of those were attainable by the individual effort.  They are NOT mandated within the Constitution, nor are they God-given rights.  "The PURSUIT...", not the giving.   

Found a very interesting series of videos, where the same simple language as found in the Constitution is used to explain the function and limits of each of the three branches of government. Take a look:

 Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it.                                                            
GOD bless America.


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