City Votes To Give a Lake More Rights Than an Unborn Child
By Jared Harris Published March 1, 2019
The most basic human right — the right to life — is under constant attack from the left. Now, legislation out of Ohio is proving that it’s easier to protect an inanimate object in this political climate than it is to protect a human life.
Citizens of Toledo, Ohio gave Lake Erie its own “Bill of Rights” Tuesday in a vote where 61 percent approved the measure. Toledoans for Safe Water, the group behind the measure, has been fighting to make it law for over two years, according to the Sandusky Register.
The move takes the form of an amendment to the city’s charter, which promises to protect the lake’s right to “exist, flourish, and naturally evolve.”
This isn’t the first time parts of nature have been given this level of protection.
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, a nonprofit that helped to draft the legislation, proudly boasts of their previous accomplishments.
“It is in accord with the larger Rights of Nature movement and philosophy which, over the past decade, has resulted in Ecuador’s 2008 constitutional acknowledgment of the rights of Mother Nature; New Zealand’s 2014 granting legal personhood to the Te Urewera forest; and India’s courts ruling in 2017 that the Ganges and Yamuna rivers have rights to exist, thrive, and evolve,” the group said in a statement.
But while nature has been handed victory after victory, the unborn are suffering under the steady march of progressivism.
Far from Hillary Clinton’s vision of abortion as a “safe, legal, and rare” procedure, abortion has become a common practice. The Centers for Disease Control found that for every 1,000 live births, 188 abortions are performed.
Abortion has become more accessible than ever, too — every state has at least one clinic that offers the procedure.
Despite massive advances in such a short time for this deplorable act (remember: Roe v Wade was decided in 1973), the political left is fighting harder than ever to strengthen the institution of abortion. Recently, legislation proposed in several states seeks to solidify the killing of an unborn baby.
In Virginia, a bill that would have stripped certain restrictions from abortion was floated.
The bill, HB2491, would have removed requirements from the mother and doctor both, making abortions exponentially easier to access. Interestingly enough, a lawmaker who pushed the bill sponsored another one protecting life — for caterpillars.
Kathy Tran, the lawmaker who introduced both the pro-abortion bill and the pro-caterpillar bill, hoped to enact a law that “prohibits localities from spraying pesticides intended to suppress an infestation of the fall cankerworm during the period between March 1 and August 1.”
In what seems like an affront to the dignity of human life, both bills were introduced on the same day.
These two contradictory lines of thinking- that pests and bodies of water should be given more basic protections than an unborn life- make an absolute mockery of the human soul by placing it on a lower level than algae and insects.
As abortion is pushed further and further, there have been recent attempts to draw the line at infanticide. One attempt, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, ultimately failed in the Senate.
It doesn’t appear as though the left will be backing down from their position anytime soon. Unfortunately, they only seem to be pushing the bounds of “abortion” as far as they can.