Thursday, September 17, 2015

Michigan Democrats call on Republicans to denounce Donald Trump
Wed, September 16, 2015
   If the Republicans had attacked President Obama with the same gusto as they're going after Donald Trump, Mitt Romney would be running for a second term in the White House. But if there's one thing the GOP hates worse than Mr. Trump -- it's their base. But instead of governing as Republicans, they kowtow to Democrats.

Was focus of CNN debate to attack Trump?              
The Donald weighs in

Artist Paints Portrait of Trump With Her Menstrual Blood   By Aaron Montes   (Published Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015)

An Oregon artist created a portrait of Trump using her own menstrual blood, in response to Donald Trump's alleged comments about Fox News' Megyn Kelly and her period.
   A Portland, Oregon, artist is defending the use of her blood to draw a portrait of GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.
   Sarah Levy posted her depiction of Trump to her Facebook page on Sept. 12, calling the work "Whatever" and saying it was created with "Menses on matte board." She collected blood for it with a Diva Cup.
   The painting's title is a reference to Trump's comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly following the first GOP presidential debate in August.
Trump said that Kelly, while questioning his past comments denigrating women, was bleeding from her eyes and "wherever."
   The remark was widely interpreted to have been a reference to menstrual blood. Trump later said he meant Kelly's nose.
    "Whatever"Menses on matte boardgoal: sell and donate the money to an immigrants' rights organization
"I heard his comment to Megyn Kelly and was outraged," Levy told NBC affiliate KGW of the inspiration for her painting.                                                   
   "He had the gall to insult Kelly's intelligence through just saying she was on her period," she said.
KGW said it received more than 2,700 comments in two hours after the station posted a story about the drawing. Most were disgusted by the work, KGW said.
   But Levy said what disgusted her besides the Kelly insult were Trump's comments about the Mexican and immigrant communities.
   Levy began drawing two years ago to cope with her mother's sudden death and has since created lavish portraits — in charcoal — of political and historical figures, KGW reported.
   Levy is auctioning the Trump portrait and will donate the proceeds to an immigrant rights group based in the U.S., she said. She is also selling posters on Etsy. 
   Trump leads the GOP field with 30.5 percent support from Republican voters, according to an average of national polls by RealClearPolitics.
The Trump campaign has not yet responded to a request for comment on the painting.

Ferguson Looter Brags on Facebook About Seeing Himself on TV, Is Quickly Arrested    By on September 16, 2015 CBS Local

CLAYTON, Mo. (AP) – Police say a man’s bragging on social media and a tip from his mother has led to his arrest on charges he played a role in Ferguson-area looting last November.
Investigators say Brandon Ward posted on Facebook a photograph of surveillance footage shown during a televised news segment asking for public help in identifying suspects in looting that followed a St. Louis County grand jury’s decision not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in Michael Brown’s shooting death.
Using an expletive, 19-year-old Ward’s caption in the posting allegedly said, “I’m on TV.”
Police say Ward’s mother saw the posting and the news segments and called police.
St. Louis County prosecutors have charged him with burglary and stealing.
Online court records don’t show whether Ward has an attorney.

Does Obama meet the Criteria of the Definition of TREASON?

Did someone forget to tell the pope there is supposed to be a seperation between the church and the state ? Especially telling Israel to give up their nuclear weapons.

Franco Origlia/Getty Images   by Jordan Schachtel15 Sep 2015,

Vatican Welcomes Iran Deal, Pressures Israel to Give Up Nukes

The Vatican released a statement Tuesday officially welcoming the nuclear agreement between the P5+1 world powers (U.S., UK, China, France, Russia, Germany) and Iran, stating that the Holy See believes Tehran will reduce its nuclear capabilities in exchange for sanctions relief. In calling for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons, the Vatican also appeared to target Israel, given that it is the lone nuclear power in the region.

 Why Police Put this Hospital on “Lock Down” – and Even Turned Ambulances Away  

  On August 21, 2015, police locked down a hospital in Danville, Kentucky, over concerns about a public health risk.” They turned away ambulances (which, you would think, would contain patients with legitimate emergencies).

Apparently, this was a huge deal that we should all be concerned about.
So, what was it that caused this panic? Avian flu? Polio? Bubonic plague? No.
It was chicken pox.
Our society has gotten to the point that we are so terrified of any potential health inconvenience that a case of chicken pox is justification for a complete police lock down of a building.
It makes you wonder what will be the next justification? Will they lock down your children’s school over concern that someone has a sore throat? Will you be put in jail for quarantine the next time that you have a cold if the police find that you haven’t taken the flu shot that year (never mind that last year’s flu shot was for a strain that was not the most common strain spreading that year)?
How much more sheer pathetic wimpiness are we going to tolerate in our society so that the police state can justify any and every little thing that they want to impose upon us?

   So, I watched the "debate" last night. Nothing much new was discussed. main difference this time was having a woman on the stage (not that she made any "profound: statements ). The biggest single lead in to any statement from each of the candidates was "I'M THE ONLY ONE ON THIS STAGE THAT.....BLAH...BLAH...BLAH......"
   I'm glad the media was there recording, so that this morning they can TELL me what I heard. It's good they do this because evidently, I'm not intelligent enough to understand, on my own, WHAT I HEARD.
   The bulk of the debate was the other candidates (and also the "moderators" tearing into and trying to discredit TRUMP. He does some of the same but makes no apology for what he says or feels.
   I don't apologize either for favoring TRUMP, they say he hasn't a clue how government works. Well look at what we have in office now, almost 7 full years of OBAMA. COULD TRUMP BE ANY WORSE ? Trump has gotten some of the other candidates talking on subjects that HE instigated, somehow I feel he would be the one to follow up on his promises
   Trump and Carson still lead in the polls, I wonder why ? As I see it, most of the rest of the candidates are "career" politicians and the voters are fed up with what has been (for years) going on in Washington.

no posting....WATCHING DEBATE

GOP Candidates Slug It Out At
The Reagan Library

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

All for less than 13% of the country

Purging America's Heroes   Pat Buchanan | Sep 15, 2015

With that kumbayah moment at the Capitol in South Carolina, when the Battle Flag of the Confederacy was lowered forever to the cheers and tears of all, a purgation of the detestable relics of evil that permeate American public life began.

City leaders in Memphis plan to dig up the body of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who is buried in a city park that once bore his name. A statue of the great cavalrymen will be removed.
"Nathan Bedford Forrest is a symbol of bigotry and racism, and those symbols have no place on public property," said council chairman Myron Lowery, "What we're doing here in Memphis is no different from what's happening across the country." Myron's got that right.
Panicky Democrats are terminating their tradition of Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners, as both presidents were slaveholders.
Other slaveholders include Presidents George Washington, James Madison, who authored the Constitution that equated slaves with 3/5ths of a person, James Monroe, of Monroe Doctrine fame, John Tyler, who annexed Texas, and James K. Polk, who tore off half of Mexico.
Jefferson, Jackson and Madison are also the names of the state capitals of Missouri, Mississippi and Wisconsin, and Washington is the capital of the United States. Is it not time to change the names of these cities to honor more women and minorities who better reflect our glorious new diversity?
Washington, Jefferson and Jackson are on the $1, $2 and $20 bills. Ought they not all be replaced?

And those tearing down the battle flags, and dumping over the monuments and statues, and sandblasting the names off buildings and schools, what have they ever accomplished?

They inherited the America these men built, but are ashamed at how it was built. And now they watch paralyzed as the peoples of the Third World, whom their grandfathers ruled, come to dispossess them of the patrimony for which they feel so guilty.

The new barbarians will make short work of them.

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Hmm: Five Month 'Gap' in Hillary Emails?   Guy Benson | Sep 2015       

It may be time to resurrect the Nixon comparisons, which were recently raised by someone with unique expertise on such matters. Via Judicial Watch, which has done yeoman's work using FOIA and other transparency tools to pry information out of the opaque Obama administration.  What's this about?  
 [Keep Reading]

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Trump: Evidence Suggests Obama Protecting ISIS
Trump is closer to the truth than he realizes, according to Pentagon (Infowars) – The fact the Obama administration is leaving known ISIS training camps alone suggests the White House is protecting the terrorist group, according to presidential candidate Donald Trump.
   “Well, you [as president] would knock the hell out of the training camps, that one’s a given, and it’s incredible we don’t do it [since] we know where they are,” he said on the Michael Savage Show. “It’s almost like, ‘are we protecting these people?’”
   Trump is closer to the truth than he realizes; a secret U.S. government document obtained by Judicial Watch reveals the U.S. and other NATO nations deliberately backed al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups to overthrow Syrian president Bashir al-Assad.
“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” the Pentagon document stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”
ISIS grew directly out of al-Qaeda in Iraq when the latter gained territory in Syria in 2013.
   “On April 8, 2013, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) – Al-Qaeda in Iraq – released a recorded audio message by its leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, in which he announced that the Syria jihadi group Jabhat Al-Nusra (JN) has been merely an extension of ISI [Islamic State of Iraq] in Syria,” the Middle East Media Research Institute reported. “…Al-Baghdadi announces that the names ISI and JN are not to be used anymore; instead, he declares the official merging of the two groups under the name ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’ [also known as ISIS].”

Here's What The 2016 Candidates Think About The Refugee Crisis

President Obama plans to welcome 10,000 more Syrian refugees to the U.S.     Reporter, The Huffington Post Posted: 09/15/2015

As hundreds of thousands of people fleeing Syria seek refuge across Europe, U.S. leadership has begun considering what role it can play in mitigating the crisis.
More than 7 million Syrian refugees have been displaced by the war that began in 2011. President Barack Obama has asked his administration to prepare for the arrival of 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next fiscal year. So far, the U.S. has accepted about 1,500 refugees from Syria, and 300 more are slated to arrive by the end of September.
As election season kicks into high gear, the civil war in Syria and the resulting refugee crisis are inescapable policy topics.
Here's where some of the 2016 presidential candidates stand on whether the U.S. should be responsible for taking in more people from Syria:

5 Things the Media Won’t Report About the Refugee Crisis      
The official narrative is a monumental fraud
Paul Joseph Watson
September 15, 2015

The entire narrative that major western media outlets have crafted around the migrant crisis is a complete fraud.
Kit Daniels @KitDaniels1776 Sep 12
Exclusive: Admin. Resettling Refugees in Republican States

Monday, September 14, 2015

Then send the "refugees" home. Why is the host country always expected to change for the MUZZIES ?

Gateway Pundit reports: Parents of children at a Bavarian grade school were told to cover up their grade school girls so they won’t tempt the Muslim refugees in the gymnasium next door.Parents were warned — “Miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.
The grade school sent a letter home this week.
   A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts, because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym.

ThisTrio of Copycats Should be treated the same as the actual shooter due to the threat of causing accidents

Trio of Copycats Arrested in Phoenix Freeway Shooting


Colonel Frank Milstead, director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
So, there is a freeway shooter with a firearms, a copycat (or copycats) with BB/pellet rifles, and now apparently copycats of copycats armed with slingshots who managed to get busted:
Three teenagers were arrested in Arizona after police say they were launching rocks at cars and pedestrians with a slingshot in an apparent “copycat” attack inspired by a wave of vehicle shootings along a major highway in Phoenix, authorities said Sunday.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said at a news conference that the 18-year-olds admitted to shooting the slingshot at several cars and pedestrians between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday.
Authorities do not believe the three are responsible for firing bullets and other projectiles at 11 vehicles in the past two weeks along a 10-mile (16-km) stretch of Interstate 10 where it runs through the Phoenix metro area.
“This probably is a copycat but that’s still serious and I’m sure there will be copycats out there,” Arpaio said.
The teens remained in jail on Sunday on charges of criminal damage and conspiracy, said Colonel Frank Milstead, director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
The three were using a slingshot and granite rocks to smash windows out of cars traveling on the east side of Phoenix, near the suburb of Mesa, Milstead said.
Sadly, when a criminal investigation of this kind takes a significant amount of time to resolve, some knuckleheads get the bright idea to emulate these dangerous acts. While slingshots are not on par with firearms, they can indeed be lethal, and so its a very good thing these three hoodlums are in custody.
The man who was picked up Friday as a possible suspect in a series of confusing stories that said he was a suspect, then not a suspect, then a person of interest who has been released, is actually still in police custody, according to Frank Milstead, director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
Coincidentally, there has not been a shooting since this 19-year-old Phoenix man has been taken into custody.

fter 31 years, this Sam Haskell apologized to Vanessa Williams .....WHY ?...Is this the "GIVE EVERYTHING TO THE BLACKS" Year ???

Miss America CEO Apologizes to Vanessa Williams

‎September‎ ‎14‎, ‎2015
During Sunday’s 2015 Miss America Competition, Miss America CEO Sam Haskell apologized to former Miss America Vanessa Williams.  Williams was crowned Miss America in 1984 but was pressured to give up her crown when Penthouse Magazine released nude photos of her taken years before.  Haskell said, “I want to apologize for anything that was said or done that made you feel any less the Miss America that you are and the Miss America you always will be.”
Williams, her eyes shining with tears, accepted the apology with grace. “Thank you so much,” she told Haskell. “So unexpected but so beautiful.” Later that evening, Miss Georgia was crowned the new Miss America.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Ben Carson seems to be a vary nice man, maybe too nice and too timid to be president BUT... is TRUMP the only candidate to understand the term "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT" ............ILLEGAL !!!!!

Carson tackles Trump on Immigration  September 2015   NormanL

Carson tackles Trump on Immigration
With Dr. Ben Carson's rise in the polls, it was only a matter of time before he began to clash (link is external) with current GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Interestingly, it's over illegal immigration:

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said while it sounds “really cool”  to say “let’s just round them all up and ship them back” on the topic of the estimated 12 million immigrants living illegally in the Untied States, that would cause food prices to skyrocket and industries like lodging and farming to collapse.
Carson said, “You have to turn off the spigot that dispenses goodies, including employment. If there is nothing to come for, then people won’t come. That will stop the influx. You still have to deal with the people who are here already. And you know, it sounds really cool you know, ‘Let’s just round them all up and ship them back.’ People who say that have no idea what it would entail in terms of our legal system—the cost—forget about it. And plus, where are you going to send them? So that’s, you know, a double whammy.”
“What I have suggested is that we allow people to become guest workers, assuming that they don’t have any criminal record, or if they have anything askew—they go,” he continued. “They have a six-month window and they can get registered. They can pay a back taxes penalty. They can pay their taxes going forward, and they now exist above ground. Now why is that an important thing to do? I was talking to a farmer in South Dakota recently—he has an 8,000 acre farm. He starts workers out at eleven dollars an hour. He said he could not hire a single American—not one. And I have encountered many others who say the same thing. The farming industry would collapse. And there are those who say—yeah but we need to have high high wages—that have no idea what that is going to do to their food prices. They are very naive when they say that. It is also the hotel industry, there are a lot of industries

They are really brave when the numbers are like 30 to 2.......I wonder how brave they would be with the numbers reversed ??? MAYBE YHE TIME IS COMING THAT THEY SHOULD FIND OUT

30 Black Thugs Savagely Attack Two White Teens


When something happens once or twice a year it is probably an isolated incident. When something happens once or twice a week, that’s an epidemic. That is the point we have reached in this country where gangs of black thugs target and assault innocent unsuspecting white people for no other reason than the color of their skin. It happened once again over the weekend in Harrisburg, PA when a couple of white teens were severely beaten by a mob of unruly blacks.
WTBW reports that the assault was the culmination of a weekend of mayhem. On Saturday night a group of 30 or so black teens started the festivities off by looting a convenience store. They trashed the place and took what they wanted because I guess they figured the “racist” society owed them something. Reports are that they made off with $300 worth of stuff that didn’t belong to them.

Just think of the reasons the mayor might not want to seek re-election....$$$

File photo of Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

The Baltimore Sun on · 1 day ago
Rawlings-Blake, beleaguered by the death of Freddie Gray and the protests that followed, announced Friday she won't seek re-election.

Dustin Stockton's photo.
Uncle Sam's Misguided Children's photo.

Look at the faces of the men in this video, most are young men and from thier appearance, they don't look to be starving. WHAT is up ?????

Watch what happens when desperate, starving Muslim refugees are offered Red Cross food  Michele Hickford,  September 13, 2015

Take a look at this video of Muslim “refugees” in Macedonia on their way to the rich infidel countries of Western Europe.        VIDEO

Does this crowd appear desperate or spontaneous? Not to me either.
When the cameras are rolling, they refuse the Red Cross food generously offered by the Macedonian army because it is not halal.

But It’s not politically-correct to be anything but heart-wrenchingly sympathetic to these “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
In fact, Dutch writer Joost Niemöller says (as quoted and translated here by LiveLeak) “On the Al Jazeera website we found a comment about the illegal immigrants flooding Europe. According to AJ, we are not allowed to speak about “immigrants”, because they are “refugees.”

Al Jazeera is the state-funded broadcaster in Qatar. Qatar itself takes in ZERO “refugees.”
The six Gulf countries — Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain — have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees.
Nevertheless Qatar wants to teach us a politically correct lesson.
In reality, there is a plan behind the recent movements of these hordes.
The main origin of the panic in the Middle East is ISIS, whose sophisticated and professional PR apparatus has made it abundantly clear that the mass movement of people towards Europe is part of their strategy.”

It’s actually an ancient strategy, straight from the Islamic playbook called The Hijra (Arabic: هِجْرَة‎ hijrah), also called Hegira or Hejira, the migration or journey. Hijra is one of the most effective methods of jihad which requires no military or wars. But it is an invasion nonetheless, and the politically-correct, humanitarian West is inviting it with open arms.
Guess what happens next?
[Note: This article was written by Michele Hickford]