On the day our Constitution was signed, September 17, 1787 (for those of you who didn’t know), Benjamin Franklin was met by a Philadelphia socialite, a woman named Mrs. Powell. She made a simple but powerful inquiry of Franklin asking him, “Well, Doctor, what is it that we have, a monarchy or a republic?” Franklin with his well-renowned precision wit responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
The United States of America is not a democracy; it is a Constitutional Republic. However, when we don’t teach our history, instead choosing to revise it; when we don’t teach civics, instead choosing to create a generation of subjects, mindless drones, and not citizens — we cannot keep the Republic. The reason is we don’t even know what a Republic entails, and as Franklin once quipped, we then get the government we deserve.
We live in a representative Democracy, and our representatives in political office are selected to represent and be accountable to us — that is a Constitutional Republic. But what happens when we’re too ignorant to know the difference between that which we were created to be, and that which we are becoming — a Constitutional Monarchy? We find ourselves not being governed, but rather being ruled, by a class of political elites enabled by a complicit media and entertainment elites. They see themselves as above us, the common folk, and direct us to do as they say, not as they do, and accountability to us be damned.
That has once again raised its ugly head from the highest office of this land. As reported by POLITICO, “The White House and the House Select Committee on Benghazi are at a standoff over whether President Barack Obama should answer a series of questions about the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya that left four Americans dead.
Neil Eggleston, counsel to the president, blasted the committee for sending the president a list of questions about the attack — an inquiry the administration deemed inappropriate and a partisan attempt to frame the White House as uncooperative.
Eggleston has encouraged Obama not to answer the committee’s questions “because of the implications of his response on the constitutional separation of powers,” according to a letter sent Saturday to Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and obtained by POLITICO. “If the president were to answer your questions, his response would suggest that Congress has the unilateral power to demand answers from the president about his official acts,” the letter reads.
Eggleston also accused the panel of asking questions it already knew the answer to — something the committee denies. And Gowdy’s panel criticized the White House’s response as unhelpful to its investigation.
Committee members have been trying to answer several unresolved questions before releasing their final report in the coming weeks. “It’s no surprise President Obama would rather take questions from Derek Jeter than answer questions for the American people about the Benghazi terrorist attacks, which followed what he himself has called his worst mistake — failing to plan for what happened after the State Department pushed U.S. intervention in Libya,” said committee spokesman Jamal Ware, referring to Obama’s chat a few days ago with the former New York Yankee. “The White House’s fictional narrative today is the latest chapter of the story it has been spinning since 2012, when four of our fellow citizens were murdered by Al-Qaida-linked terrorists in the tragic terrorist attacks in Benghazi.”