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Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Officials: ISIS Terrorists May Target Europe and US Homeland, Threat 'Extremely High' Guy Benson | Jul 01, 2014
With the partisan blame game over the current meltdown in Iraq consuming much of the media's attention, NBC News' chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel is reporting on the increased terrorism threat Americans face from ISIS radicals as they establish a stronghold in the crisis-stricken country. Engel -- who was kidnapped and released in Syria in 2012 -- tweeted a series of disquieting assessments from US national security sources (via Noah Rothman): Engel's sources say that roughly 70 American nationals have taken up arms with ISIS in the region over the course of the violent unrest, with about a dozen "currently active:" Richard Engel✔@RichardEngelFollow
Multiple US intelligence officials tell NBC News that the current terror threat against US targets from #ISIS is “extremely high”
"Pop Tart" suspension should be upheld, school official saysJuly 1, 2014,
A hearing examiner supported the decision of a Baltimore-area school principal to suspend a 7-year-old boy for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. But his family's attorney is reportedly vowing to take the case further if the decision is upheld. Andrew Nussbaum, a lawyer who serves as a hearing examiner for several school systems surrounding Washington, rendered a 30-page opinion Monday and agreed that principal Sandra Blondell of Park Elementary School in Anne Arundel County, Maryland acted properly when she removed the boy from school. The boy, according to Nussbaum's opinion, told his classmates, after nibbling the breakfast pastry: "Look, I made a gun." The incident took place in March, 2013, only months after the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.----proven ??
2nd-grader given NRA membership for gun-shaped PopTart
An 8-year-old boy in Baltimore, Md., was awarded membership to the National Rifle Association for being suspended from school for his gun-shaped ...
Illinois state police officials say they're reviewing an incident involving one of their troopers. The officer pulled over a truck driver for honking his horn. But the trucker was able to turn the tables on the trooper, thanks to this cell phone video, CBS News Correspondent Adriana Diaz reports. It started as a routine traffic stop. "I pulled you over for the horn, don't know what that was about," the police officer said. "'Cause you were speeding and you had your cell phone in your hand," the truck driver responded. Illinois state police can drive with cell phones under the law, but truck driver Brian Miner doesn't know that. He says it's the officer who was driving recklessly. "You're gonna get a ticket for unlawful use of horn," the officer said. "By the way you are being recorded," Miner responded. After Miner reveals his cell phone is capturing their exchange, he says the officer's mood changes, returning from his car seemingly reasonable, more forgiving man. "I looked at your record you got a ticket recently for the one headlight or something, looks like," the officer said. "I didn't write your ticket. I didn't want to hurt your record. No violation, no warning, no nothing. I understand you using the horn, you saw me speeding. I honestly wasn't paying attention to my speed." Miner drove away ticket-free, the officer learning a lesson for a change. "Me putting the video out there, I was hoping I did embarrass him a little bit," Miner said. "That was kind of like me giving him a ticket." The Illinois state police told us "the matter is under review." As for Miner, he has a reminder for drivers everywhere: "That's what happens when they know you're recording."
'Cannibal Cop' to Walk Free: What it Means for Internet SpeechBy
Keith Wagstaff
At least for New York police officer Gilberto Valle, who the tabloids dubbed the “Cannibal Cop,” the decision was made by a federal judge who overturned his conviction on Tuesday due to lack of sufficient evidence.
Valle never actually murdered or ate anybody. Instead, he reportedly talked about it with another member of the “vore” community that he met on the site DarkFetishNet, a self-described “friendly place for all people with dark fetishes.”
“Vore” is short for “vorarephilia,” a sexual fetish where people are aroused by the idea of eating someone or being eaten. Valle reportedly talked about killing and eating at least five women that he knew, including his soon-to-be wife.
“I have longed to butcher and cook female meat,” he wrote, according to testimony of FBI agent Corey Walsh.
Detroit Soccer Ref Dies After Getting Punched at Game
A man who was punched in the head over the weekend while refereeing an adult-league soccer match in suburban Detroit died Tuesday at Detroit Receiving Hospital, according to hospital spokesman Alton Gunn.
Police said a 36-year-old man punched John Bieniewicz, 44, in the head after the referee indicated he planned to eject the man from the game. Baseel Abdul-Amir Saad of Dearborn was arraigned Monday on a charge of assault with intent to do great bodily harm. The Wayne County prosecutor's office said the charges would be reviewed and possibly amended when it had the necessary documentation.
"I speak for all his friends when I say we are devastated. Crushed. Just a senseless way for a great guy to go out," Bieniewicz's longtime friend Jim Acho said. "He deserved better."
Livonia Police Department via AP
An undated photo provided by the Livonia Police Department is of Baseel Abdul-Amir Saad. Saad, a Detroit-area soccer player who police say critically injured a referee by punching him during a match June 29, has surrendered to face a felony assault charge.
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, A MUSLIM [THE RELIGION OF PEACE] The South Jersey McDonald's worker wanted in the brutal beating of a young mother in front of her toddler and a group of bystanders turned herself in to police Monday night and is in jail
Supreme Court Upholds Little Caesar’s Right to Feed Christian Employees to Lions July 1, 2014 by Matt HorganWASHINGTON, DC–The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that Roman-owned pizza chain Little Caesar’s was within its rights to place Christian employees in an arena and then unleash starved, vicious lions and lionesses upon them. The court cited religious freedom as its guiding principle. The 5-to-4 ruling opened the door to potentially thousands of Christian Little Caesar employees nationwide being immediately fed to the top predators of the African savannah.Little Caesar’s argued that the persecution of Christians and the feeding of them to ravenous big cats was a “deeply held” religious belief, that the continued survival of the roughly 6,000 Christian employees, as well as the fact that they remained on company payroll, imposed a “substantial financial burden” on their religious liberty. The 5 conservative Justices agreed. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr, the author of the majority opinion, wrote:
while it is debatable that some harm may come to any Christians fed to a lion or lioness, there is certainly demonstrable harm being done to these animals that are denied the tasty, nutrient-rich Christians that their diet requires
A Christian employee of the company, Ed Broyles, expressed dismay at the decision. “They’re gonna fxxkin’ feed me to a motherfxxking lion? But I only ever go to church on like Easter!”, he said, shaking visibly and sweating. “Jesus H Christ on a cracker, I’ve got a fuxxking family!” Little Caesar owner and CEO, Little Caesar himself, applauded the ruling. When asked how soon his company would begin killing off its Christian employees he responded, “Carpe Diem.”
Monday, June 30, 2014
Air Strikes in Gaza Reported After Bodies of Israeli Teens Found Jul 1, 2014,By ABC NEWS
Following the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped in the West Bank earlier this month, reporters said they could hear the sound of airstrikes tonight in Gaza.
It wasn't immediately clear whether the strikes were in retaliation for the kidnappings and murders, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had vowed to avenge. The Israel Defense Forces also tweeted early Tuesday morning that a rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel, but no damage was reported.
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PHOTO: Eyal Ylfrah, Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Sha'er, are seen in these undated photos.
The discovery of the bodies drew a strong rebuke from Netanyahu earlier today as he convened an emergency meeting of his Security Council.
"With heavy grief, this evening we found three bodies. All signs indicate that they are the bodies of our three abducted youths –- Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel," Netanyahu said before the start of an emergency cabinet meeting.
"They were abducted and murdered in cold blood by human animals. On behalf of the entire Jewish people, I would like to tell the dear families –- the mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, and brothers and sisters –- we are deeply saddened, the entire nation weeps with you. We will give the boys a proper burial."
Then the prime minister quoted Israeli poet Hayim Nahman Bialik. "'Vengeance for the blood of a small child, Satan has not yet created,'" he said. "[N]either has vengeance for the blood of three pure youths, who were on their way home to meet their parents, who will not see them anymore. Hamas is responsible –- and Hamas will pay. May the memories of the three boys be blessed."
There were reports that Israeli soldiers had already been deployed in Hebron, where the teens went missing on June 12, and Israeli TV stations showed pictures of soldiers moving through the village of Halhul, just north of Hebron.
Hamas had warned Israel on Monday before the bodies were found that waging war on the Gaza Strip would “open the gates of hell” on Israel.
ABC News' Alexander Marquardt, Bruno Nota, Mike Levine and Ali Weinberg contributed to this report.
President Asking for Billions in Border Aid and to Fast-Track Deportations
All of a sudden, he's worried about our border security
President Obama announced today that he will bypass a stalled Congress and use his executive power to start fixing the nation's immigration system.
"The failure of House Republicans to pass a darn bill is bad for our security, it's bad for our economy and it's bad for our future," he announced today in the Rose Garden. "America cannot wait forever for them to act, and that's why today, I'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own, without Congress."
Obama's first moves will include mobilizing the department of homeland security and ordering the attorney general to move resources from the interior to the border in an effort to "refocus our efforts where we can to make sure we do what it takes to keep our border secure."
A battle over gun politics that first put Target in the crosshairs in Texas has begun to spread around the country. Over the past week, several people have openly carried handguns into Target stores in Virginia and Oklahoma and posted pictures of themselves on Target's Facebook page, using the hashtag #OnTarget and thanking the retailer for "their decision to not ban guns in their stores or lots." The armed people were responding to mounting pressure on Target from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which has used a social-media campaign (hashtag: #OffTarget) to denounce a string of open-carry demonstrations first involving stores in Dallas-Fort Worth andCorpus Christi. This week's 2A activists—who included two men and another person who appeared to be a woman—posed with the chain's signature red-and-white shopping carts, Target receipts, and their holstered handguns. Then they uploaded the photos to Target's Facebook page: "#OnTarget will continue to shop Target while they support the Second Amendment," the woman who packed heat inside an Oklahoma store commented in her post on June 21, adding, "#OffTarget is for idiots who think the government can protect them." READ MORE
McDonald's Worker May Surrender in Videotaped Beating of Young Mom By Kelly Bayliss and Vince Lattanzio Monday, Jun 30, 2014 | Updated 6:56 BREAKING NEWS: A McDonald's worker will turn herself in today after she was caughtbeating up a young mother. Details here: http://on.nbc10.com/xtM37DZ
The South Jersey McDonald's worker wanted for the brutal beating of a young mother in front of her toddler and a group of bystanders is expected to turn herself in to police.
According to New Jersey State Police, the attorney for Latia Harris called them on Monday saying Harris would surrender within an hour. After a second conversation, police said they still expected her to surrender but were not sure when because the attorney did not want to hand his client over in front of the media .MORE + VIDEO
Large Shark Bumps NY Fishing Boat, in Latest Sighting Greg Grodecki was out with fishing buddies 15 miles off the shore of Fire Island Sunday when a wide-mouthed great white sidled up to his boat By Checkey Beckford NBC 4 New York
A great white shark was sighted off a popular Long Island beach, the third instance of sharks being spotted in tri-state waters this week. Checkey Beckford reports.
A large shark bumped into a fishing boat off a popular Long Island beach over the weekend in what may have been the third sighting of a great white in waters off the New York and New Jersey coasts this week.
Greg Grodecki was out with fishing buddies 15 miles off the shore of Fire Island Sunday when awide-mouthed fish sidled up to his boat. Grodecki said he thought it was a great white shark.
"It was just amazing to see it, so beautiful and powerful," Grodecki said. "It's just a great experience."
The sighting was the third in recent days. Another shark, also possibly a great white, was spotted Saturday off the coast of Cape May in New Jersey, and on Sunday two sharks were seen about a mile off of Rockaway Beachin Queens.
Phil Argiros from the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center says conservation efforts are driving up the number of great whites, which are curious creatures that often swim up to boats while checking out their surroundings.
"I think their numbers are increasing, so we are going to see more of them," he said.
Great white sharks inhabit all of the world's oceans and are typically found near coastal areas, but Argiros says swimmers shouldn't be too worried about attacks.
"I think people should actually enjoy this instead of being afraid," he said.
On Wednesday of this past week, Speaker of the House John Boehner went on the record stating the House of Representatives was preparing to bring a lawsuit against President Barack Obama for his continued abuses of executive power. While the lawsuit hasn’t been filed yet, Boehner says it will be filed within the next few weeks. Assuming plans move forward as Boehner expects them to, the lawsuit could be filed before the end of July. Fox News reports:
House Speaker John Boehner announced Wednesday he plans to file suit against President Obama over his alleged abuse of executive power. “This is not about impeachment — it’s about him faithfully executing the laws of this country,” Boehner said. The speaker alleged that the president not only has ignored the law but “brags about it,” decrying what he described as “arrogance and incompetence.”
The pending lawsuit raises the question: Is Obama’s time as president in jeopardy? For many conservatives across the United States, they can only hold their breath and hope. One doesn’t have to look very far to see that Obama has abused his power flagrantly and regularly. From last-minute executive changes to the Obamacare legislation… to the Bergdahl trade… to intentionally overlooking massive problems at the VA… it’s plain that Obama has painted a giant target on his back. Let’s hope the House of Representatives’ aim is true.
Florida sheriff's cadet bitten by alligator during training exercise
Lake County, Fla.(WOFL)-A Lake County Sheriff's cadet was bitten by a 4 ft. alligator while participating in a training course on how to subdue the reptiles on Monday.
The training was held in two parts. The first part was in a classroom and the second part was outside the training facility with a real, live alligator. Officials said one of the cadets tripped over the reptile and was bitten on the hand.
A Florida Fish and Wildlife instructor was forced to shoot and kill the gator. The cadet was taken to the hospital and is expected to fully recover.