Saturday, February 16, 2019
50 Republican Celebrities
We feel alone in liberal-dominated Hollywood as the elite push transgenderism onto children and host marches for gun control, but we are not alone and not every celebrity is a liberal nutjob like Mark Ruffalo or the insufferable Samantha Bee! There are Republicans and Conservatives in every which direction and in every walk of life, you just have to know where to look. Here are 50 Republican Celebrities.
Source: American Update
Source: American Update
Source: American Update
Real "LADYLIKE" language.....This is what wants to take over our country.....To replace "Old White Men"
Sarah Silverman Launches Vulgar Attack on Trump

Comedian Sarah Silverman ripped into President Trump recently after the president called out potential challenger Senator Amy Klobuchar.
According to Fox News:
Sarah Silverman is no stranger to sharing her political thoughts on social media. However, in response to President Trump’s latest tweet about Sen. Amy Klobuchar and global warming, she turned things up a notch.
Trump tweeted;
“Well, it happened again. Amy Klobuchar announced that she is running for President, talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Bad timing. By the end of her speech she looked like a Snowman(woman)!” Trump tweeted Sunday.
Silverman responded to the tweet with an expletive-filled tirade directed at the president, opting less for rebutting his statements and more for insulting his character.
“No point in explaining how mind blowingly stupid this tweet is so I’m just gonna go with "F--- YOU, and also add that you are a smelly penis hole with balls that touch water. Eat s---, you greedy t---,” the “I Love You America” star wrote Silverman then followed it up by calling the president a liar and taking a shot at Donald Trump Jr. as well.
ource: American Update
How Andrew McCabe's 25th Amendment bombshell tells us everything -- and nothing
In a forthcoming interview with "60 Minutes," former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe confirmed that he and a handful of other Justice Department officials openly discussed recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment in the wake of President Donald Trump''s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey in May 2017.
That revelation proves something BIG about Trump's presidency. What is it? That depends on how you feel about him.
If you are a Trump supporter, this news from McCabe is confirmation of a "deep state" network in place at the Justice Department -- a group of senior officials embedded in the top ranks of the federal bureaucracy that views itself as all-powerful, able to deploy the resources of the government to accomplish its goals even if those goals subvert the will of the people.
Trump himself seized on that idea in the wake of the McCabe news. He tweeted this Thursday morning:
"Disgraced FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe pretends to be a 'poor little Angel' when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal & the Russia Hoax - a puppet for Leakin' James Comey. I.G. report on McCabe was devastating. Part of 'insurance policy' in case I won. Many of the top FBI brass were fired, forced to leave, or left. McCabe's wife received BIG DOLLARS from Clinton people for her campaign - he gave Hillary a pass. McCabe is a disgrace to the FBI and a disgrace to our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
There's A LOT going on in that, er, statement from the President. But you get the gist: McCabe is a secret Democrat -- because his wife ran for the state legislature as one -- and wanted Hillary Clinton to win in 2016. To that end, he and the rest of the senior leadership at the FBI -- including Comey -- decided not to indict Clinton for her use of a private email server as secretary of state. Then, once Trump won, they led an effort to disgrace him and disenfranchise his voters.
From that perspective, what McCabe is revealing is nothing short of a coup in the making, an attempt by unelected bureaucrats to throw out a duly-elected President solely because they disagreed with his views. It's the clearest proof yet that the deep state will say and do anything to get Trump!
In a forthcoming interview with "60 Minutes," former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe confirmed that he and a handful of other Justice Department officials openly discussed recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment in the wake of President Donald Trump''s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey in May 2017.
That revelation proves something BIG about Trump's presidency. What is it? That depends on how you feel about him.
If you are a Trump supporter, this news from McCabe is confirmation of a "deep state" network in place at the Justice Department -- a group of senior officials embedded in the top ranks of the federal bureaucracy that views itself as all-powerful, able to deploy the resources of the government to accomplish its goals even if those goals subvert the will of the people.
Trump himself seized on that idea in the wake of the McCabe news. He tweeted this Thursday morning:
"Disgraced FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe pretends to be a 'poor little Angel' when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal & the Russia Hoax - a puppet for Leakin' James Comey. I.G. report on McCabe was devastating. Part of 'insurance policy' in case I won. Many of the top FBI brass were fired, forced to leave, or left. McCabe's wife received BIG DOLLARS from Clinton people for her campaign - he gave Hillary a pass. McCabe is a disgrace to the FBI and a disgrace to our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
There's A LOT going on in that, er, statement from the President. But you get the gist: McCabe is a secret Democrat -- because his wife ran for the state legislature as one -- and wanted Hillary Clinton to win in 2016. To that end, he and the rest of the senior leadership at the FBI -- including Comey -- decided not to indict Clinton for her use of a private email server as secretary of state. Then, once Trump won, they led an effort to disgrace him and disenfranchise his voters.
From that perspective, what McCabe is revealing is nothing short of a coup in the making, an attempt by unelected bureaucrats to throw out a duly-elected President solely because they disagreed with his views. It's the clearest proof yet that the deep state will say and do anything to get Trump!
"Wait, so is McCabe admitting that he attempted to lead a deep state coup against the President? #WitchHunt," tweeted Donald Trump Jr., the President's eldest son and the medium through which the most pro-Trump readings of the news move through.
THINK TWICE....Before you register ANY of your guns
CA Man Registers ‘Assault Weapons’; CADOJ Shows Up to Confiscate Them February 15, 2019 by Jennifer Van Laar
After California changed their gun laws in 2016 to require registration of so-called assault weapons (along with re-defining AW’s, requiring serial numbers on all firearms, doing away with an AW grandfathering provision, and more), many law-abiding gun owners were concerned that by complying with the law they would be essentially signing up for gun confiscation. Of course, then-Attorney General Kamala Harris pooh-poohed their concerns.
On Tuesday, one California gun owner’s guns were confiscated by California Department of Justice agents who showed up at his house in an unmarked vehicle and used photographs he provided to the DOJ in the AW registration process as evidence he’d “manufactured an unsafe handgun” to confiscate two AR pistols he’d built from 80 percent lowers.
(Side note: California law requires that all pistols and handguns manufactured or sold in the state pass drop safety and firing tests administered by an independent laboratory, in addition to other requirements, to be labeled “not unsafe.”)
The owner recorded his interaction with law enforcement then posted the video on Reddit. Additional information about the history of the guns and the steps the owner took to comply with the law came out in the subsequent thread, which has been distilled by Real Write Winger:
Key “Trump Dossier” Reporter Walks It Back
Michael Isikoff, the reporter who first broke the existence of a Trump dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, is now walking back the credibility of the information he was given. The Daily Caller reports:
The investigative reporter who broke the first story based on allegations from Christopher Steele offered a surprising assessment of the former British spy’s infamous dossier, which alleges a vast conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.
“Would you agree that a lot of what’s in the Steele dossier has been somewhat vindicated?” Mediaite columnist John Ziegler asked Michael Isikoff, a co-author of the book “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story on Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.”
“No,” Isikoff responded in an interview released Saturday.
“You would not?” asked Ziegler.
The fact that Isikoff is now doubting the authenticity of the Steele dossier tarnishes the fact that his own article and the dossier has been used for the initial FISA warrant application that started this entire Russia investigation. An investigation started on false premises can only be described as a witch hunt.
Michael Isikoff, the reporter who first broke the existence of a Trump dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, is now walking back the credibility of the information he was given. The Daily Caller reports:
The investigative reporter who broke the first story based on allegations from Christopher Steele offered a surprising assessment of the former British spy’s infamous dossier, which alleges a vast conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.
“Would you agree that a lot of what’s in the Steele dossier has been somewhat vindicated?” Mediaite columnist John Ziegler asked Michael Isikoff, a co-author of the book “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story on Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.”
“No,” Isikoff responded in an interview released Saturday.
“You would not?” asked Ziegler.
The fact that Isikoff is now doubting the authenticity of the Steele dossier tarnishes the fact that his own article and the dossier has been used for the initial FISA warrant application that started this entire Russia investigation. An investigation started on false premises can only be described as a witch hunt.
The demo-rats have a different reason for NOT wanting the walls built.....What could it be..???? It's certainly not the money..!!
The Truth About Border Walls’ Effectiveness
By Kelly - Feb 15, 2019“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts.”
That pithy observation is attributed to the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who served in the Senate from 1977 to 2001.

The final two years of Moynihan’s stint in the Senate overlapped the first two years of that of his fellow New York Democrat, Sen. Charles Schumer.
President Donald Trump, at a rally set for Monday night on the border in El Paso, Texas, should remind Schumer of Moynihan’s maxim in their fight over the need for more walls and fencing along the U.S.-Mexican border to help stem the flood tide of illegal immigration.
Schumer and his House counterpart, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., are entitled to their opinions about Trump’s proposed border wall, but they aren’t entitled to their own facts.
In their rebuttal to the president’s Jan. 9 nationally televised address outlining the need for a border barrier and his request for $5.7 billion in funding for them, both described the proposed wall as “ineffective”—Pelosi once and Schumer twice.
Good fences make good neighbors
In her rebuttal to Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, 2018 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams didn’t echo Schumer and Pelosi’s “ineffective” claim, but she advanced an argument that was equally fallacious.
“America is made stronger by the presence of immigrants, not walls,” Abrams said, disingenuously omitting the key adjective in this debate, “illegal.”
Insisting that walls are “ineffective” over and over again doesn’t make it true. The facts on the ground—both in the U.S. and around the world—not only don’t support that opinion, they decisively refute it.
Friday, February 15, 2019
Wouldn't be the first time a black person MADE UP a HATE crime story against whites....
Jussie Smollett Appears Ready To Admit Hate-Crime Attack Was All An Elaborate Hoax By Calvin Custis February 14, 2019
Multiple sources are just now telling ABC 7 Chicago Eyewitness News that Jussie Smollett and the two men currently being questioned by police staged the entire attack between them all because his character was being written out of the show ‘Empire.’
From The Washington Times:
Chicago police reportedly believe two Nigerian men and Jussie Smollett conspired to fake an attack on the “Empire” actor that supposedly involved racist and homophobic slurs and taunts that Chicago was “MAGA country.”
According to Chicago TV station WLS, the two “persons of interest” arrested late Wednesday and Mr. Smollett have been questioned along those lines all day Thursday by the police.
“Multiple sources tell @ABC7Chicago Eyewitness News Jussie Smollet and the 2 men who are being questioned by police staged the attack – allegedly because his character was being written out of the show Empire,” WLS reporter Rob Elgas tweeted. …
In response, Jussie Smollett is more than likely preparing to come clean about the whole thing. The jig is finally up. There’s no more hiding behind the lies and distortions.
From The Washington Times:
Chicago police reportedly believe two Nigerian men and Jussie Smollett conspired to fake an attack on the “Empire” actor that supposedly involved racist and homophobic slurs and taunts that Chicago was “MAGA country.”
According to Chicago TV station WLS, the two “persons of interest” arrested late Wednesday and Mr. Smollett have been questioned along those lines all day Thursday by the police.
“Multiple sources tell @ABC7Chicago Eyewitness News Jussie Smollet and the 2 men who are being questioned by police staged the attack – allegedly because his character was being written out of the show Empire,” WLS reporter Rob Elgas tweeted. …
In response, Jussie Smollett is more than likely preparing to come clean about the whole thing. The jig is finally up. There’s no more hiding behind the lies and distortions.
McCabe Emerges to Brag as the Russia Hoax Collapses
posted by Rush Limbaugh -
RUSH: So this is kind of classic. We have Andrew McCabe and his new book. Now, this guy was one of the ringleaders of this coup to get rid of Donald Trump, and he's got a new book out, and 60 Minutes is helping him push and promote the book, and he is bragging about this. He is bragging about his efforts to undermine and overthrow Trump. He's admitting, essentially, that he and his buddies put in motion a silent coup to get rid of Donald Trump. He admits that the talk of wiring Rosenstein to entrap Trump in an Oval Office conversation was real.
Rosenstein and others have been laughing it off and denying it. But McCabe is out there admitting that it is all true. He says every day in the White House, even today, every day in the White House is a new low. It's almost as though he wants great credit here for what he did. But in the process of bragging about this, we are learning his motivations.
The timing of this, however, could not be more delicious. And I haven't seen anybody make this point yet. Now, I'm sure somebody has, do not misunderstand. I just haven't seen it. Within the past week or two -- now, people have made this point, don't misunderstand, but connecting these two things I haven't seen yet. Over the past two weeks it has been -- and even longer than that -- over the past two weeks it has been leaking very slowly, very surely, that the Mueller report isn't gonna have anything about collusion with Russia in it. And actually these leaks began maybe more than a month ago
There were the first reports of insiders saying, "You know, I wouldn't expect much here." That was one of the first leaks. "Don't get your expectations up. Way too high." Then the leaks continued along those lines. Then the most recent leaks, which were this week that Mueller may not even issue a report. And then Trump's lead lawyer at the beginning of all this, John Dowd, said, "There isn't gonna be a report. He's got nothing. There isn't anything in this." To which we correctly replied what the purpose is. It's gonna continue to provide a source for anonymous leaks.
Even if the report's got nothing in it, the media from now through the 2020 election is gonna be acting like it does. They're doing a 180 now. And they're acting like, "Well, wait a minute. We never, ever said that there was collusion." They really are. They're now starting to take the position, now that everybody knows that this report may not even be made public and that it does not have any evidence whatsoever of Trump-Russia collusion, there are elements of the media now saying, "Well, wait! We never said that there was!"
The term for this is gaslighting. They're gaslighting us. They're literally trying to make us believe that what we've thought for the past two years has been wrong, that they have not been pushing the collusion theory. I mean, it's stunning to see this. And I will have examples of this as the program unfolds before your very eyes and ears today.
Trey Gowdy: Adam Schiff wants to undo 2016 election results Fox News
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff looks to expand scope of Russia probe; Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy reacts. #TheStory #MarthaMacCallum #FoxNews
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff looks to expand scope of Russia probe; Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy reacts. #TheStory #MarthaMacCallum #FoxNews
Of course they didn't have time to investigate Killary...they were too busy investigating EVERYONE who touched President Donald Trump....!!
Report: It Looks Like the Government Failed to Act on Hillary Money-Laundering
The Federalist
Margot Cleveland
To understand the alleged scheme requires familiarity with controlling campaign-finance law and campaign contribution limits. As I explained at the time CDP sued the FEC last April:
Under federal law, ‘an individual donor can contribute $2,700 to any candidate, $10,000 to any state party committee, and (during the 2016 cycle) $33,400 to a national party’s main account. These groups can all get together and take a single check from a donor for the sum of those contribution limits—it’s legal because the donor cannot exceed the base limit for any one recipient. And state parties can make unlimited transfer to their national party.’
This legal loophole allows ‘bundlers’ to raise large sums of money from wealthy donors—more than $400,000 at a time—filtering the funds to the national committees. Democrats and Republicans alike exploit this tactic. But once the money reaches the national committees, other limits apply.
Read more at The Federalist.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Pelosi warns GOP that a Democratic president could declare gun violence a national emergency
DAVID HOGG......THE BOY WHO WOULD BE KING.....The day of the shooting, David Hogg was AT HOME..!! In his own words he told of hearing of the shooting, jumping on his bike and riding to the school as fast as he could. You see, he is an aspiring journalist. His mother is/was a CNN VIP & Anti-Trump Activist and his father is a retired FBI agent
David Hogg: AR-15 Owners Are Hunting Human Beings bearingarms.com February 13, 2019 by Tom Knighton

A year ago, no one had ever heard of David Hogg. Then after a mass shooting put him in front of the cameras, he’s now a name almost everyone knows.
It’s too bad for both him and everyone else that the only thing he knows is how to find himself in front of a camera.
The latest example of Hogg displaying his ignorance comes to us from an interview he recently did on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell, one chronicled over at the Washington Free Beacon:
After telling viewers that Americans need to find unity in addressing gun violence, Hogg was asked about his recent efforts to ban certain kinds of semiautomatic firearms at the state level. He said he and other March for Our Lives activists had introduced a ballot initiative to ban so-called assault weapons in Florida. He said those who own an AR-15, the most popular rifle in the United States, want to hunt other people.
“The truth of the matter is weapons like the AR-15 have an effective range of over 1,500 meters,” Hogg said. “If you’re using a weapon with an effective range of over 1,500 meters, you are not defending yourself. You are hunting a human being.”
In an interview with CBS News, Hogg says he was at home during the shooting, and had to ride his bike several miles to get to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to “get as much video as he could” of the event.
One of many articles. read HERE about this LYING LITTLE SHIT !!!
Donald Trump Teases a President Bid During a 1988 Oprah Show | The Oprah Winfrey Show OWN Jun 25, 2015
Donald Trump is perhaps best known for the money he's made (and lost) in real estate, his less-than-humble demeanor and his hit reality TV show, 'The Apprentice'. In recent years, the business tycoon has also been chasing the dream of holding the highest office in the land. Although many people know he has been eyeing the Oval Office for a couple of election cycles, you may be surprised to learn just how far back his presidential aspirations reach. Watch as Donald, in a 1988 appearance on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show', shares his thoughts on running for office. For more on #oprahwinfreyshow, visit http://bit.ly/1ODj0x7
Donald Trump is perhaps best known for the money he's made (and lost) in real estate, his less-than-humble demeanor and his hit reality TV show, 'The Apprentice'. In recent years, the business tycoon has also been chasing the dream of holding the highest office in the land. Although many people know he has been eyeing the Oval Office for a couple of election cycles, you may be surprised to learn just how far back his presidential aspirations reach. Watch as Donald, in a 1988 appearance on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show', shares his thoughts on running for office. For more on #oprahwinfreyshow, visit http://bit.ly/1ODj0x7
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
After postin g this I realized I may have posted it before...but thats O K it probably SHOULD be seen again...and again....................................................... Nancy Pelosi advocates "open borders" and Californica is a "sanctuary state", so I, like Laura Loomer don't understand WHY they were told by Police, they had to leave the property.......Maybe Nancy changed her feeble mind ??
Nancy Pelosi's Wall......Laura Loomer Published on Jan 23, 2019
This is a short film about our current immigration crisis and the need for a border wall on the Southern border.
Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said everyone is welcome here in the United States, and went as far as saying building a wall on the border "is an immorality, and not who we are as a country".
I decided to put Speaker Pelosi's own words to test by bringing three amigos, who happen to be
illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala, to her estate in Sanctuary State California, where we hopped her fence and pitched a sanctuary city on her lawn. Along with seeking sanctuary on Pelosi's lawn, we discovered Nancy Pelosi LOCKS HER DOORS!
As you can see, we weren’t able to get inside Nancy's kitchen to make sandwiches. After getting word that 3 illegal aliens and I had pitched a sanctuary tent on her lawn, Pelosi called the police and had us deported from her multi-million dollar Napa Valley Mansion.
We have a crisis at the border. President Trump's administration has identified that within the Caravan of illegals headed toward our border, there are many violent criminals and members of designated terrorist organizations who are trying to penetrate our border to harm Americans. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) unit revealed in a year-end report that in total, about 2,737 pounds of fentanyl were seized in Fiscal Year 2018, along with 7,103 pounds of heroin, and 225 pounds of chemicals used to make these deadly drugs.
That is enough Fentanyl to kill the entire population of the United States twice over.
Upon receiving these statistics and hard data from U.S. Border Patrol Agents and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen,
Nancy Pelosi said, "I reject your facts". It is clear that Nancy Pelosi cares more about partisan politics than securing the US-Mexico border for the safety of the American people.
The Democrats refusal to sign off on Trump's requested funding for the border wall has resulted in the longest government shutdown in US history.
COLLUSION COLLAPSE: Mueller Poised to Disappoint the Dems Jon Miller Published on Feb 13, 2019
The Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media spend the last two-plus years assuring themselves that Mueller’s investigation would turn over definitive proof that Donald Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election. Now the Mueller investigation looks like it will come to an underwhelming close, and the Senate Intelligence Committee says it hasn’t found any proof of collusion. The Democrats have moved from “Donald Trump definitely committed crimes” to “Donald Trump does stuff that’s not illegal but we still don’t like it.” This is third-world thuggery. Every American should be horrified that we allow this to happen on our soil.
The Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media spend the last two-plus years assuring themselves that Mueller’s investigation would turn over definitive proof that Donald Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election. Now the Mueller investigation looks like it will come to an underwhelming close, and the Senate Intelligence Committee says it hasn’t found any proof of collusion. The Democrats have moved from “Donald Trump definitely committed crimes” to “Donald Trump does stuff that’s not illegal but we still don’t like it.” This is third-world thuggery. Every American should be horrified that we allow this to happen on our soil.
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