Bill's "Bimbos" Fight Back
Hillary Clinton just can't help herself. The Democratic frontrunner chided Republican frontrunner Donald Trump over his various remarks on women. Hillary was talking to her base. What she didn't realize is that Mr. Trump has no intention of letting Clitnon's remarks go unanswered. And the result
Mrs. Clinton and her followers will dismiss the Kathleen Willey's Juanita Broaddrick's and Jennifer Flowers of the world as abberations, or much worse. That's how the Clintons have always handled Bill's victims.
But Hillary cannot escape the cold and inconvenient truth that her husband preyed on women...and Hillary knew all about it.
Last week, Hillary accused (link is external) Republican candidate Donald Trump of having a “penchant for sexism” in an interview with the Des Moines Register in Iowa. The billionaire fired back (link is external)on Twitter: “Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card.”
Trump followed up with a second tweet, saying, “Hillary, when you complain about ‘a penchant for sexism,’ who are you referring to? I have great respect for women. BE CAREFUL!”
Clinton has sought to portray her campaign as one that is fighting for women’s rights. On several occasions, she has tweeted about sex assault survivors’ right to be believed, and awkwardly starred in a campaign ad in which she insisted that one must always side with women who accuse men of sexual assault – a strange position given that her husband was repeatedly accused of precisely that crime.
“You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you,” Clinton said in the video, which she addressed (link is external) to “every survivor of sexual assault.”
Since Hillary first announced her candidacy in April, my weekend talk radio program has become a support center of sorts in which Bill’s female accusers tell their newly relevant stories; a safe-space for these women to sound off about the way they were allegedly treated by both Bill and Hillary. The theme that emerges is of an out-of-control, entitled husband, and a wife who was actively involved in covering up his behavior, many times by allegedly targeting the female victims themselves.
But Hillary cannot escape the cold and inconvenient truth that her husband preyed on women...and Hillary knew all about it.