Saturday, February 27, 2016

Picture of the Day: Just a Baby Swordfish Up Close

baby swordfish close up Picture of the Day: Just a Baby Swordfish Up Close
Photograph by Juan C. Levesque

In this amazing close-up we see how small a baby swordfish is. Amazingly, this fish can grow to 39 inches in length within a year, according to fishery biologist Juan C. Levesque, speaking with Florida Sportsman Magazine. Levesque adds that ‘swordfish larvae primarily feed on fish larvae but also consume zooplankton’.
In the informative article on Florida Sportsman, Levesque provides a fantastic overview of a swordfish’s movement patterns, diet, reproduction, age and growth. It’s worth checking out if you want to learn more about these fascinating creatures of the sea.

You can read it here.


Tennessee’s new official state rifle is so powerful it can 'destroy commercial aircraft'
The Washington Post            

Capitol City Arms Supply owner Steve Swartz shows off a Barrett .50-caliber rifle in Springfield, Ill.

© AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File Capitol City Arms Supply owner Steve Swartz shows off a Barrett .50-caliber rifle in Springfield, Ill.
   The Barrett .50 caliber rifle is a powerful gun. Originally designed for military use, its rounds can "penetrate light armor, down helicopters, destroy commercial aircraft, and blast through rail cars," according to a report from the Violence Policy Center, a gun safety group. The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence describes .50 caliber rifles like the Barrett as "among the most destructive weapons legally available to civilians in the United States."
   And as of Wednesday, the Barrett .50 caliber is now the official state rifle of Tennessee, joining an illustrious roster of other state symbols including the raccoon (state wild animal), the tomato (state fruit), and Tennessee Cave Salamander (state amphibian).
The gun's inventor, Ronnie Barrett, is a Tennessee native and NRA board member who was referred to as "the rock superstar in the world of weapons" at a 2014 birthday bash attended by politicians Mike Huckabee, Lamar Alexander, Marsha Blackburn and others. The rifle bearing his name is manufactured in Christiana, Tennessee.
   Tennessee is the seventh state to declare an official state firearm of some sort. If the idea of an "official state gun" seems a little strange, that's because it's a recent development. There weren't any state firearms until 2011, when Utah adopted the Browning M1911 pistol as its state gun.


“Black Lives Matter” Protester Warns Of Impeding “Race War”

A “Black Lives Matter” protester warned on Tuesday that a “race war” may be imminent.
The warning was recorded during a New York City-based protest of Beyoncé’s Super Bowl 50 performance. During the protest, a group of “Black Lives Matter” protesters showed up to counter-protest, and one of

Metellus argued that if white people keep ignoring the deaths of blacks at the hands of a police, a race war will occur.
Not surprisingly, he forgot to mention the fact that the vast, vast, vast majority of police shootings are 100 percent justified. Nor did he take the time to consider that most black deaths occur at the hands of other black people.them, Kalief Metellus, had this to say, according to The Blaze.

“Police shootings account for a much smaller share of homicides in the black community than in other communities: 4 percent of black homicide victims are killed by the police, compared with 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide victims,” she wrote.
Furthermore, though blacks make up just 15 percent of the population, in 2009 they committed 62 percent of all robberies, 57 percent of all murders and 45 percent of all assaults.
The biggest threat to black victims isn’t the police; it’s other black people who have, sadly, fallen sway to the epidemic of black criminality.

Here’s a question: Do you think either the White House or the liberal mainstream media will speak out about this “Black Lives Matter” protester talking about a “race war?”
Given that they say nothing when “Black Lives Matter” thugs assault Marine veterans, I assume not


Eagle catches deer

BEEN ON BEFORE, BUT.....................

Whatever you think of Trump, he has people talking and thinking about todays issues. all of a sudden, his thoughts are coming out of his opponants mouths. Will he be a good President ? That remains to be seen, but he certajnly can't be as bad as that piece of DOG CRAP that sits in the oval office now. The other candidateb scare the hell out of me, all except Ben Carson, who I think is too nice a man to be ruined by the office of President

Written by a Facebook member...a good read..........

      I've been thinking a lot about Donald Trump, people say that he doesn't have a platform, that he just wants to make America great again. I have something to say about that, Donald Trump is not telling you his plan he's giving you an outline. Why? Every time he brought something to the table, the other candidates take it and run. Such as immigration, the wall and other issues. I can guarantee you that he won't give you his full plans in detail until he standing at the podium next to one of the Democrats.


Everything is the "WHITE MANS FAULT" Face it, YOU / WE are EVIL PEOPLE ! ! !

All three women in alleged UAlbany racial attack charged with assault

N.Y. (NEWS10) –
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The University Police Department at UAlbany will be arresting three people in connection with a reported assault that took place on a CDTA bus on the University at Albany campus.
The incident took place just after 1 a.m. on Saturday, January 30.

It would be O K if they were associated with the "BLACK PANTHERS" or "BLACK LIVES MATTER" ? ? ? ?

SO NOW....The media wants to associate Christie with the KLAN, and since he endorses Trump then I guess Trump is associated with the KLAN ? ? ?
Daily News Front Cover" O"
Georgia Republican Lt. Governor Casey Cagle posing with gun-grabbers from "Moms Demand Action" at the Capitol
The same "Moms Demand Action" funded lock, stock, and barrel by anti-gun BILLIONAIRE Michael Bloomberg of New York.
Do everything in your power to make sure he NEVER becomes Governor of Georgia.

For freedom,

Patrick Parsons
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

The GOP Leaders don't want Donald Trump.....I wonder if the GOP LEADERS ever realize that the "PEOPLE" WANT TRUMP because of "THE GOP LEADERS"

Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump
  New York Times

The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak. Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.
At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics
The suggestion was not taken up. Since then, Mr. Trump has only gotten stronger, winning two more state contests and collecting the endorsement of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.


Townhall Daily - February 27 - John Hawkins, Caroline Glick, Joe Connor, Michael Brown, Humberto Fontova and More

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