90 Miles From Tyranny.. WISH I HAD SEEN THIS EARLIER
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
DeSantis Responds to Supreme Court Protests as He Signs Bill to 'Provide Protection to Those Living in Residential Communities' By Andrew Jose May 17, 2022

Florida’s Republican Gov. Ronald DeSantis Florida’s Republican Gov. Ronald DeSantis signed a law Monday banning people from carrying out protests near private residences
Sending unruly mobs to private residences, like we have seen with the angry crowds in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices, is inappropriate,” DeSantis said in a Monday news release announcing HB 1571’s signing.
“This bill will provide protection to those living in residential communities and I am glad to sign it into law,” DeSantis said.
Under the new law scheduled to come into effect Oct. 1, police officers will warn people protesting or picketing outside someone’s place of residence, asking them to disperse peacefully.Should they refuse to disperse peacefully, they will be arrested and charged with a second-degree misdemeanor.
Elon Musk Switches to GOP for First Time in His Life - Here's What That Means By Richard Moorhead May 17, 2022
Megabillionaire Elon Musk made a frank announcement about his voting plans in a Monday interview, revealing that he intends to divert from his usual partisan preferences.
Musk is planning on voting for a Republican for the first time.
“I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats, historically,” Musk said of his voting history.
“Like, I’m not sure, I might never have voted for a Republican, just to be clear,” the technologist continued.
“Now this election, I will.”
PITY the poor "middle class" we ALWAYS get the short end of the stick..!
by DAVID CATRON May 15, 2022, The American Spectator
the economy
Nor is it “heartening” to see that Biden is still in denial about the role his administration’s spending has played in igniting inflation. Here’s a typically delusional claim he made last week in response to a reporter’s question concerning how much responsibility he accepts for the inflation spike: “I think our policies help, not hurt.… Economists think that this is going to be a real tough problem to solve, but it’s not because of spending.” That claim conflicts with the opinions of most economists, including progressives like Obama economic advisor Steven Rattner, who wrote the following in the New York Times during November of 2021:
The original sin was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, passed in March. The bill — almost completely unfunded — sought to counter the effects of the Covid pandemic by focusing on demand-side stimulus rather than on investment. That has contributed materially to today’s inflation levels.… So the administration should come clean with voters about the impact of its spending plans on inflation.
Biden’s preposterous response to April’s inflation figures suggests that he is unlikely to do that. He still insists, for example, that high inflation in our country is symptomatic of a global trend. However, as my American Spectator colleague Daniel J. Flynn recently pointed out, this is fiction. A rational president would have stopped peddling this whopper months ago, when the Federal Reserve compared the core inflation rate in the U.S. to the rates experienced in other OECD nations and concluded, “The United States is experiencing higher rates of inflation than other advanced economies.” The chart below tells you all you need to know:
If whites are killed by blacks....NO BIG DEAL, If BLACKS ARE KILLED BY WHITES, pull out all the stops to get there
Do You Spot The BIG Difference In Joe Biden’s Travel Schedule? by Missy Crane May 16, 2022
Just a tiny bit of effort to look like they’re NOT ghoulish scumbags would be much appreciated…
And the real kicker here is that this is the guy who claimed he would “unite” the country.
Here’s what people online are saying:
“Peak hypocrisy, but not at all surprising.”
“Democrats only care about their political agenda. #AmericaLast“
“So, he is only sent out when the shooting fits the leftist agenda. When a black man turns Christmas deadly for a bunch of white people, no, nope, not gonna go”
“Never let a crisis go to waste, but only one that fits the party narrative.”
“It’s always about race with this mofo”
“If you are the President of the United States, you can’t play sides like this. You have to be here for ALL AMERICANS”
“This speaks volume about the sheer cynicism of American politicians”
“Biden has lost support so badly, he’s hanging off a cliff. They’re trying anything to avoid the inevitable crash.“It’s all about politics. They do not care about the people. Remember the funeral for Sicknick? Yet they bashed, smeared and ignored police for years. (Border patrol, too) They only “care” when they can use it. Never let a crisis go to waste.”
The only person who divided us more was Joe’s boss Barry.
The biggest difference now is that Americans are fully united in their dislike and disapproval of senile Joe.
Monday, May 16, 2022
What political experience does Kathy Barnette bring to the GOP? What is it that would make people vote for her? Or is it like Ketanji Brown Jackson, she's a WOMAN and she's BLACK ! Is that it ??? ?
The conventional wisdom has been that Donald Trump might hurt Republican prospects in the midterms by endorsing and boosting flawed candidates. That’s a valid concern, but the Republican Senate primary in Pennsylvania is a showcase for a different dynamic — a flawed Trump-endorsed candidate potentially getting surpassed by a perhaps even more flawed non-endorsed MAGA Republican.
Barnette, an African American, has a compelling personal story. She has spoken powerfully about her mother being raped when she was eleven years old and delivering Barnette when she was just twelve. The more people can hear this moving story the better, and the pro-life movement would be well-served to put her on the speaking circuit. But she’d be an enormous risk as the GOP’s Pennsylvania Senate candidate, reminiscent of the party’s picks who lost winnable Senate races in the Tea Party era, such as Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle.
She’s made statements over the years that will readily be used against her in a general-election campaign, and she’s been cagey about aspects of her past, including when she first moved to and voted in Pennsylvania. The party shouldn’t be putting itself in the position to find out more about all of this and fully vet Barnette after next Tuesday’s primary.
It is perhaps understandable that primary voters have been interested in Barnette, given the alternatives. Dr. Oz is a shrewd man and talented communicator with a successful TV show under his belt to prove it, but he’s not a conservative. He happened to win the contest for Trump’s endorsement, largely because of his celebrity, but his record of liberal statements on issues like abortion and guns has provided fodder for his Republican opponents.
The other major GOP candidate, Dave McCormick, is a former hedge-fund executive and an establishment Republican from central casting, although he’s been running as an “America First” candidate. He’d probably be a more reliable conservative vote in the Senate than Oz, but has run a lackluster campaign and isn’t a natural fit for working-class Pennsylvania.
If the Senate race isn’t tremendously encouraging, the gubernatorial race has been even worse. State senator Doug Mastriano has a solid lead in the latest polling. Endorsed by Trump on Saturday, Mastriano is a full-blown conspiracy theorist about the 2020 election and was outside the Capitol on January 6. Besides having demonstrated his unsuitability for major office, he’s the candidate Democrats hope to run against in November, and they’ve made their preference known by subtly promoting him. Either of the two Republicans currently running behind Mastriano, former representative Lou Barletta or former U.S. attorney Bill McSwain, would be better candidates, but they have to be rated long shots at this point.
Nominating train-wreck candidates at the state level could also be a drag on close House and state legislative races.
It’s going to be a Republican year in the midterms, the kind of year that often sweeps in unlikely and unworthy candidates — and the Pennsylvania Republican Party is acting like it’s banking on it.
'A racist subculture exists in America': WSJ slams politicians pushing 'A racist subculture exists in America' 'Raw Story - 4h ago By Tom Boggioni
In a biting editorial on Monday morning, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal called out politicians and conservative media personalities for promoting the conspiratorial "white replacement theory" that was at the heart of the horrific mass shooting in Buffalo, New York on Saturday.As Yahoo News reports, a manifesto reportedly written by the 18-year-old gunman who murdered ten and wounded three at a grocery store in Buffalo "includes dozens of pages antisemitic and racist memes, repeatedly citing the racist 'great replacement' conspiracy theory frequently pushed by white supremacists, which falsely claims white people are being 'replaced' in America as part of an elaborate Jewish conspiracy theory."
According to the WSJ editors, "We’ll learn more about the shooter’s motives and mindset, but it’s worth noting a report in the Buffalo News that an official in the school Mr. Gendron attended in Conklin, N.Y., said he had spoken of wanting to go on a shooting spree. He fits the profile of other young men who become mass shooters at an age when mental illness often strikes. Keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill isn’t easy, but it’s one form of gun control that would do some good."
Moving past the mental illness element, the editors said blame must also be placed upon those whose words are writings may have influenced the shooter.
Without naming any media personalities or lawmakers, the editors wote, "There’s no doubt that a racist subculture exists in America and is spread on social media. Politicians and media figures have an obligation to condemn it and such conspiratorial notions as 'white replacement theory.'"
The editors' comments echo conservative CNN commentator S.E. Cupp, who slammed politicians who traffic in conspiracy theories about white Americans being "replaced."
"The next consequence is those people go out and vote for characters who believe in that, folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert or name your nationalist or anti-Semitic or conspiracy theorist, those people get elevated," she said Monday. "They feel empowered to run because this garbage that was once disqualifying has been so mainstreamed by political leaders and far right-wing media that they are not wearing hoods anymore. They are not hiding in the basement, they are out in the open talking about this, you know, openly as if it's no big deal."
Sunday, May 15, 2022
The New Disinformationists We have seven more months before the midterms. Expect more disinformation ministries, censorious zars, and hack grandees to emerge.
The Biden Administration feels that it must now use federal resources to attack “disinformation.” So the Department of Homeland Security recently announced the creation of a “disinformation governance board.”
The board’s executive director, Nina Jankowicz, at least has clear qualifications for the post. She previously had spread false rumors on social media that Donald Trump voters would show up at the polls in 2020 armed, and joined the mob’s chorus that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” Perhaps the idea behind her hiring was “it takes one to know one.”
Although the new board’s mandate is unclear, the idea seems to be that Jankowicz and her colleagues will use the federal government’s powers to adjudicate what Americans say as either true or false—and to suppress as “disinformation” anything it doesn’t find useful.
The new war against “disinformation” follows the narratives of the “insurrection” on January 6, the “democracy dies in darkness” return of Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin as a mastermind gasoline price-spiker. Such narratives are intended to distract us from the Biden disaster and the ongoing assault against constitutional freedom.
When things turn south for the administration, Barack Obama—a sagging Netflix’s $50-million “idea man”—usually emerges from one of his three mansions in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, or Kalorama to lecture clingers and deplorables on various threats they pose to the anointed.
His sermons usually project his own transgressions. Recently, Obama went to Stanford University, in the heart of Silicon Valley, to admonish us that new free speech platforms might tolerate incorrect expressions that he and the Left smear as “hate speech.”
But is not Barack Obama ill-suited to lecture anyone on disinformation? Do we remember his Obamacare version of disinformation: “You can keep your doctor; you can keep your plan”? Do we recall “shovel-ready jobs”?
Obama was caught secretly promising Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev that the United States would deal away missile defense in Eastern Europe for Vladimir Putin’s good behavior (“but it’s important for him to give me space”) during his 2012 reelection bid. Was this transparency or another example of how, but for a hot mic, “democracy dies in darkness”? Could Eastern Europeans have used such a discarded anti-missile system today?
Who employed the misinformationist Christopher Steele to slander presidential candidate Donald Trump? Was it James Comey’s FBI? Or Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Or the Democratic National Committee? Or the Perkins Coie legal firm? Or Fusion GPS? Or all combined? And which president was briefed regularly on his administration’s disinformation war against Trump?
For that matter, which media company banned any coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story? Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post? Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook? Jack Dorsey’s Twitter? Or all of them?
Projection is a left-wing trademark. What it accuses in others reveals what it seeks to hide within itself. So when we hear Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announcing this war on disinformation, we suspect he is our master disinformationist. Is it not his agency that is airlifting illegal aliens in the dead of night to regional airports rather than transparently, in the light of day? Is that “disinformation dies in darkness”?
What happened to the Biden Administration’s furious charges that the mounted border patrol was “whipping” innocent illegal aliens? When a federal investigation cleared the accused, did Mayorkas correct his own administration’s disinformation and apologize?
Who should we expect next to lecture the nation on the dangers of “disinformation”? A paroled and once-leftist heartthrob Michael Avanetti? Joe Biden himself on his own supposed ignorance of Hunter’s cronies? CNN and MSNBC on Hunter Biden’s “Russian disinformation” laptop?
Will Anthony Fauci weigh in on the nonexistence of federal funding for gain-of-function research at Wuhan? Will Robert Mueller reemerge to restate yet again that he never knew anything of the Steele dossier? Will James Comey go back under oath to claim another 245 times he cannot remember? Will John Brennan lie a third time under oath before Congress, James Clapper a second time, or Andrew McCabe mislead a fourth federal investigator?
What about those 51 former intelligence officials who convinced voters before the election that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation?” Would Nina Jankowicz rule their letter of expertise “information,” “misinformation,” or “disinformation?”
Or perhaps we could hear warnings of organized misinformation from those blue-chip “17 Nobel Prize-winning economists” who vouched in a letter that Biden’s massive “Build Back Better” plan would not contribute to inflation that was indeed already ignited and beginning to blow up the economy?
Perhaps ex-felon and FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith could serve on the disinformation board, considering his keen eye for altered federal documents that advance false narratives. Hillary Clinton would also be a good candidate given her expertise in hiring sleuths like Michael Sussman to conjure phony Alfa-Bank stories?
So what are the catalysts for this sudden assault on free speech? Why is the Left now so worried after holding all the reins of power for 15 months? Why their embarrassing new Nineteen Eighty-Four-like Ministry of Information and Truth? And again, why now?
First, the looming midterms well may see the greatest repudiation of leftwing politics in the last 100 years. Rarely do hardcore leftists gain the reins of the Senate, House, and presidency. And more rarely are the Democrats foolish enough to go full socialist and emulate failed statist regimes abroad. And yet they have now done both—and have managed to alienate much of the country.
Rarest of all is to have both a president and vice president who are force multipliers of the disasters that ensue from their policies. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are no JFK, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama. Instead, they make Jimmy Carter seem Ciceronian in comparison.
The one cognitively diminished, the other blindly confident in her puerile ignorance, only add to the public anger over their disastrous 15 months. Surging crime, a nonexistent border, historic inflation, sky-high energy prices, record deficits and debt, racial polarization and appeasement, war, and humiliation abroad were all self-inflicted catastrophes, the logical bitter fruit of a diseased socialist tree. So fear of not just losing in November but also losing in humiliating fashion has made the Left more desperate than usual.
Second, leftwing politics are the operational face of a much larger social and cultural revolution that has also sickened the public and alienated the majority of voters—and also is about to “circle back” on its creators.
The media, Silicon Valley, CEOs, deep state, Wall Street, academia, Hollywood, and professional sports represent a vision of the future of America that most voters do not want. The scolding faces of the rich and pampered political, corporate deep state, and celebrity progressive crowd—Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, John Kerry, the Disney crowd, George Soros, Anthony Fauci or James Comey, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, LeBron James, and Colin Kaepernick—grow wearisome and bore the public.
This erosion of our culture reflects the growing political discontent in insidious ways: the fall-off of Netflix subscribers, the utter corruption of Black Lives Matter, the humiliation of Disney, the rapid collapse of CNN+, the grassroots revolt against critical race theory and transgender tyranny.
Third, the Democratic Party no longer exists. It is now hard-left, as sanctimonious as it is shrill. Such zealots will not discard their ideology. Rather they would prefer to embrace dogma and stay unpopular than adopt and gain public approval.
Do not expect a suddenly closed border, an abrupt resumption of the Keystone XL Pipeline, or a tough new federal crime bill. Do anticipate more wild conspiracy theories, more Russian disinformation, and more Pravda-like ministries.
In this context, the emergence of Elon Musk as the Silicon Valley dragon slayer is emblematic of the ongoing left-wing nightmare.
As Musk pulls up the shades at Twitter, what are leftists to say: that billionaires should not become media barons, heretofore the pillars of the progressive movement? That suppressing free speech is more popular with the public than liberating expression? That some censorship is better than others?
We have seven more months before the midterms. As the disinformationists see no way out of their self-created Armageddon, expect more disinformation ministries, censorious czars, and hack grandees to emerge from the shadows.
As good Orwellians, they will try to convince us that high gas prices are welcome; negative growth is good; borders are ossified ideas; unaffordable housing aids the economy; inflation can prove useful; a declining stock market is encouraging; crime is a mere construct in the eye of the beholder.
Anyone who doubts all that will have a rendezvous with Nina Jankowicz.
What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer :
Princess Diana's death.
How come?
Answer :
English Princess
with an
Egyptian boyfriend
in a French tunnel,
riding in a
with a
Dutch engine,
by a Belgian
who was
Scottish whisky,
(check the bottle before you
Challenge the spelling),
closely by
Japanese motorcycles,
by an American doctor,
This is
sent to you by
Bill Gates' technology,
you're probably reading
this on your computer,
uses Taiwanese chips,
and a
in a
Singapore plant,
by Indian
truck drivers,
by Indonesians,
unloaded by
Sicilian longshoremen,
trucked to you by
Who are in the
US Illegally.
That, my friends, is