All of a sudden they want us to automatically be United with the Democratic party. Here is my little bitty, small issue with the whole, “Let us all be a United States again”, from former Vice-President, Joe Biden .
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Another post from a friend, expressing the way MANY of us feel...
For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.
The problem is we have memories longer than a hamster.
We remember the women’s march the day after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments
We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.
We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting
We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F" Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.
We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.
We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.
We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.
This list is endless, but you get the idea.
My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me
Copied and pasted
And the BEAST rears it's ugly head again.....
Report: Biden considering Hillary Clinton for UN Ambassador – Susan Rice responds
A friend, here in Pennsylvania, gives this advice....Sounds very good to me.
Love thy neighbor!
And if you can’t, mind your own business!
Friday, November 20, 2020
AND... "They" wonder why there is racial division....
Kelly said that the school had "gone off the deep end" by asking faculty to read the letter, entitled "If You Really Want to Make a Difference in Black Lives, Change How You Teach White Kids."
Nathan Congleton/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images
Kelly said that the school had “gone off the deep end” by asking faculty to read the letter, entitled “If You Really Want to Make a Difference in Black Lives, Change How You Teach White Kids.”
The former Fox News and NBC News host discussed the letter during a conversation on the November 16 episode of her podcast.
Former Fox News and NBC News host Megyn Kelly said that she has pulled her two sons out of their “woke” Upper West Side New York City school after a letter about racism was circulated at the school, which faculty were asked to read
On a November 16 episode her podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Kelly talked about the letter, entitled “If You Really Want to Make a Difference in Black Lives, Change How You Teach White Kids.” Nahliah Webber, the executive director of the Orleans Public Education Network, published the letter in June, and it’s been widely circulated since.
Kelly said that schools, including the one her sons attended, have “gone around the bend…gone off the deep end.” She went on to read what she called “highlights” from the letter, including a line that states “there’s a killer cop sitting in every school where White children learn…Where’s the urgency for school reform for White kids being indoctrinated in Black death and protected from the consequences?”
Kelly asked: “Which boy in my kids’ school is the future killer cop? Is it my boy?” after reading the letter.
On the podcast, Kelly said that she viewed the school’s statement and circulation of the letter as an “attempt to appease” student groups that have formed after George Floyd was killed in May.
Kelly did not identify the school her sons attended, or the all-girls school her daughter attends, but did say that she “didn’t really care” that her children’s schools had always been far-left, out of alignment with her own ideology. She also said most of her friends are liberals, so she is not offended by liberal ideas.
She also did not say where the family will move. Kelly did not respond to Business Insider’s request for comment.
Dominion Cancels Planned Appearance Before Pennsylvania Lawmakers BY ZACHARY STIEBER November 20, 2020
Dominion Voting Systems committed to attending an oversight hearing in Pennsylvania but backed out at the last moment, lawmakers in the Keystone State said Friday.
“The members of the state government committee were looking forward to publicly addressing the plethora of accusations of Dominion Voting Systems in a format which would have allowed open and honest dialogue. I was impressed at what appeared to be the willingness of Dominion Voting Systems to address accusations, and it would have put the 1.3 million Pennsylvanians who used their machines at ease, including myself,” state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who chairs the Government Oversight Committee, said during a press conference.
“Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up and backed out of their commitment.”
Fourteen counties in Pennsylvania use Dominion’s voting systems. Approximately 1.3 million people, or 19 percent of voters, voted in those counties.
“Instead of running towards the light of honesty and integrity, Dominion Voting Systems retreated to the darkness. Why? Why would a vendor of public goods fear discussing their products sold to the public for the public good?” Grove said.
“If Dominion’s products were successful and operated as they were supposed to, why wouldn’t Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success? How hard is it to say, ‘our ballot machines worked exactly as promised, and they are 100 percent accurate?'”
Dominion did not respond to a request for comment.
The cancellation adds credibility to accusations against Dominion, state lawmakers said.
People STILL don't seem to understand....Trump doesn't want to lose the election....DISHONESTLY..! Trump lawyers have REAL EVIDENCE of "irregularities" in the voting. Give them a chance to present their case and then see how you feel. It's just like always, Trump has to fight Biden, congress, the MEDIA and now a crooked election. It's been throughout his WHOLE presidency.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
BOOM! SIDNEY POWELL DROPS MOAB! “An Algorithm Was Plugged In to Steal Votes from President Trump During Election! (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft Published November 19, 2020
Powell accused leftist operatives of rigging an election for Joe Biden using computer algorithms via the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines.
Powell accused leftist operatives of rigging an election for Joe Biden using computer algorithms via the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines.
From Gateway Pundit
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
YEA..! Why wouldn't they, nothing to lose, their reputation is in the TOILET and they DON"T SEEM TO CARE...!
Why Wouldn't They Cheat?
This column is not a listing of all the evidence supporting the Trump campaign's legal arguments that anonymous election officials worked behind closed doors to game their state's balloting systems so that mail-in votes would put their preferred candidate, Joe Biden, into the White House. Making that argument is not my job, and the Trump campaign has a whole host of attorneys putting together legal arguments to handle that task.
Instead, my intention is to respond to the incredulous, astounded, and sanctimonious voices in the legacy media, Democratic leadership, and, sadly, the ranks of go-along-to-get-along Republican figures who would call you crazy for believing that any kind of election fraud could be at play in this extraordinary and historic post-election day ballot verification and counting process we are witnessing right now.
For the past five years, President Donald Trump has been casually referred to as corrupt, racist, incompetent, mentally unstable, treasonous, and illegitimate by the dominant voices in those three influential groups cited above: Legacy media, Democratic leadership, and go-along-to-get-along Republicans. Add to that list the dominant voices in mainstream culture, social media, big tech, and professional sports.
The zeitgeist of 2020 has been framed within the context of Donald Trump as our generation's Adolph Hitler. It's so casually said in academia and in the green rooms of cable news networks that it's almost controversial to object to the obscene characterization.
As a candidate, Joe Biden and his party stood for one major issue: To get rid of Donald Trump. It's all his party stood for from the moment Trump won the election four years ago.
Seems to be the feeling of many Republicans....where else can most people go for news except for MSM.....And yet the top 3 always seem to be lying thru their teeth
Annonomous Yesterday at 4:25 PM
Very upset with NBC this Am and the fact thier news is what we get on local stations. They actually said the challenge to the election had no basis...we used Socialist Canadian voting machines that were not supposed to be hooked up to the internet but were and apparently some of the counting was done by Socialist Venezuela. Are you kidding me? I can think of several million reasons to believe this election was totally dishonest. Why weren't votes counted on scene instead of stuffed in car trunks and transported elsewhere...if it was so honest why were Republicans denied the ability to monitor the count or count themselves. The Democrats have far exceeded the dishonesty of third world countries. My president remains Donald Trump and I am extremely angry at Republicans not standing with Trump. Not sure I will be a Republican next election. What a bunch of wimps!
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up Beth Baumann Posted: Nov 16, 2020
A Republican National Committee monitor in the Georgia recount efforts came forward claiming he witnessed a counted wrongly calling out votes. According to the monitor, the counter called votes that should have gone to President Donald Trump and claimed they were for former Vice President Joe Biden.
"So, second person was supposed to be checking it, right. So, three times in three minutes she called out Biden. The second auditor caught it and she said, 'No. This is Trump.' Now, that's just while I'm standing there," Hale Soucie, the monitor explained. "So, does the second checker catch it every time? But this lady, three times in three minutes, from 2:09 to 2:12, she got three wrong."
Soucie said he left the original table he was where they were recounting ballots for Cobb County. He claimed he left the table because the second person wasn't looking at the vote but was automatically assuming that the first counter was correct.
According to the insider, table 17, where they were counting votes for Cobb County, was where the woman called the wrong votes. Table 18, which was also counting votes for Cobb County, is where Soucie said he witnessed the second person not looking at the ballots.
"So, I go and report it. They say, 'Oh, we'll talk to the [Cobb County] election officials.' They talk to her. And so I come back by again in a few minutes and she's not doing it after I've talked to her," he explainedThe RNC monitor stated that after he left the table, election officials kept a close eye on him and pointed him out despite him simply observing the process.
"I haven't done anything wrong. All I'm doing is writing down and observing to tell what happened," he explained.
Soucie said he made another slow lap around the room and reapproached the woman. He allegedly heard her say, "'I'm paid by the taxpayer and this f**king a**hole is coming out and watching me.'"
"So, second person was supposed to be checking it, right. So, three times in three minutes she called out Biden. The second auditor caught it and she said, 'No. This is Trump.' Now, that's just while I'm standing there," Hale Soucie, the monitor explained. "So, does the second checker catch it every time? But this lady, three times in three minutes, from 2:09 to 2:12, she got three wrong."
Soucie said he left the original table he was where they were recounting ballots for Cobb County. He claimed he left the table because the second person wasn't looking at the vote but was automatically assuming that the first counter was correct.
According to the insider, table 17, where they were counting votes for Cobb County, was where the woman called the wrong votes. Table 18, which was also counting votes for Cobb County, is where Soucie said he witnessed the second person not looking at the ballots.
"So, I go and report it. They say, 'Oh, we'll talk to the [Cobb County] election officials.' They talk to her. And so I come back by again in a few minutes and she's not doing it after I've talked to her," he explainedThe RNC monitor stated that after he left the table, election officials kept a close eye on him and pointed him out despite him simply observing the process.
"I haven't done anything wrong. All I'm doing is writing down and observing to tell what happened," he explained.
Soucie said he made another slow lap around the room and reapproached the woman. He allegedly heard her say, "'I'm paid by the taxpayer and this f**king a**hole is coming out and watching me.'"
Allegations Swirl Around Dominion Voting Systems But Are They Accurate? November 17, 2020| AAN Staff | Politics

While the mainstream media and Joe Biden continue to proclaim he’s the president-elect, the presidential election results remain uncertified.
The controversy bubbling around Dominion Voting Systems, in particular, has transformed into a roiling boil.
Election clerks used Dominion equipment, reliant on Chinese components, in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada — hotly-contested battleground states where the presidential election results remain unresolved.
The claims from conservative activists center on unsubstantiated allegations that Dominion, through vulnerable equipment, partisan executives, or a combination of the two, altered the election results. Yet circumstantial evidence has given credence to the misgivings a growing number of conservatives genuinely feel about Dominion’s free reign in the handling of tens of millions of electronic ballots.
A finalized agreement between Dominion and California’s Santa Clara County states its staff may “adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images.”
Concerns over the lack of oversight have increased given the voting system manufacturer’s deep ties to Washington, D.C.’s ruling elite. Eric Coomer, Dominion’s Director of Strategy and Security, has long been associated with the Democrat Party’s upper echelon. Recent unconfirmed rumors link Coomer to Antifa and politically explosive social media comments, including, “Trump won’t win. I made f***ing sure of that.”
Chanel Rion OAN @ChanelRion
Dominion Director of Strategy and Security, #EricCoomer: "Trump won't win. I made F***ing sure of that."
This claim about election fraud is disputed

While the mainstream media and Joe Biden continue to proclaim he’s the president-elect, the presidential election results remain uncertified.
The controversy bubbling around Dominion Voting Systems, in particular, has transformed into a roiling boil.
Election clerks used Dominion equipment, reliant on Chinese components, in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada — hotly-contested battleground states where the presidential election results remain unresolved.
The claims from conservative activists center on unsubstantiated allegations that Dominion, through vulnerable equipment, partisan executives, or a combination of the two, altered the election results. Yet circumstantial evidence has given credence to the misgivings a growing number of conservatives genuinely feel about Dominion’s free reign in the handling of tens of millions of electronic ballots.
A finalized agreement between Dominion and California’s Santa Clara County states its staff may “adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images.”
Concerns over the lack of oversight have increased given the voting system manufacturer’s deep ties to Washington, D.C.’s ruling elite. Eric Coomer, Dominion’s Director of Strategy and Security, has long been associated with the Democrat Party’s upper echelon. Recent unconfirmed rumors link Coomer to Antifa and politically explosive social media comments, including, “Trump won’t win. I made f***ing sure of that.”
Chanel Rion OAN @ChanelRion
Dominion Director of Strategy and Security, #EricCoomer: "Trump won't win. I made F***ing sure of that."
This claim about election fraud is disputed
Tucker Carlson Reveals if He Will Leave Fox News November 17, 2020| By: TTN Staff
Fox News Tucker Carlson has set the record straight about his future at Fox News and according to the conservative star, he doesn’t plan on going anywhere.
Carlson even said that Fox News wants more of him, not less.
According to Town Hall:
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson took a moment out of his program on Monday evening to address concerns that he was leaving the network. The statement came after a doctored post circulated on social media over the weekend, which showed a fake screenshot of what seemed to be Carlson on a Parler account announcing that he would be starting at another outlet next month.
“Over the weekend we got a lot of calls asking if we’re leaving Fox News. Ironically, at that very moment we were working on a project to expand the amount of reporting and analysis we do in this hour across other parts of the company,” he explained. “This show is not going anywhere, it’s getting bigger. People who run Fox News want more of it, not less, and we are grateful for that. We’ll have specifics soon.”
Carlson even said that Fox News wants more of him, not less.
According to Town Hall:
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson took a moment out of his program on Monday evening to address concerns that he was leaving the network. The statement came after a doctored post circulated on social media over the weekend, which showed a fake screenshot of what seemed to be Carlson on a Parler account announcing that he would be starting at another outlet next month.
“Over the weekend we got a lot of calls asking if we’re leaving Fox News. Ironically, at that very moment we were working on a project to expand the amount of reporting and analysis we do in this hour across other parts of the company,” he explained. “This show is not going anywhere, it’s getting bigger. People who run Fox News want more of it, not less, and we are grateful for that. We’ll have specifics soon.”
Monday, November 16, 2020
New York Sheriff Stands Up to Cuomo -- Refuses to Enforce His Anti-Thanksgiving Decree BONGINO.COM
Awesome! NY Sheriff, Richard Giardino of Fulton County, NY, has stepped up and basically told the arrogant, fukn communist, criminal tyrant Cuomo, to blow it out his ass and go to hell! How refreshing!. A constitutional officer honoring his oath to our Constitution. Okay...time for the rest of you all to get on board. We need much, much more of this across our great nation! A big, big KUDOS to Sheriff Giardino! How great to see an official actually honor his oath of office and stand firmly on principles and convictions. Excerpted from The Dan Bongino Show, today, November 16, 2020:
"With regard to the Thanksgiving Executive Order, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office will NOT be enforcing it against our County residents. Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a Constitutional challenge in Court for several reasons including your house is your castle. And as a Sheriff with a law degree I couldn’t in good faith attempt to defend it Court, so I won’t." (Fulton County, NY, Sheriff Richard Giardino.)
An unusual path to a Trump election win; French politician calls out Biden’s ties to China | NT Nov 15, 2
How Congress May Make Trump Win Allegations of voter fraud are pushing one more possibility for the election to the forefront that state legislatures, which have a GOP majority, confirm Trump as the winner. Some Republicans are already talking about it. But how would that actually work? A legal expert explains.
Masters Tournament November 10
I'm not a golfer BUT this was AMAZING....!!
Rahm skips to a hole-in-one at the Masters
From pond to pin! Rahm skips to a hole-in-one on No. 16.ggg
Sidney on the "Lou Dobbs" show....
Sidney Powell - I am going to release the Kraken...…I’m going to expose every one of them’ Nov 13, 2020
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Following the debacle that was the 2018 midterm elections, the Trump administration created a new department within the Department of Homeland Security, called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or CISA. It sees our critical infrastructure is a matter of national security and part of that infrastructure involves the security of our elections.Outside of the ballots showing up in landfills across the country, the tens of thousands of Pennsylvania ballots being returned on an earlier date than they were sent and the many other abuses stemming from the farce of mail-in ballots and the frauds perpetrated by the USPS, our elections were also woefully hacked.
Therefore, we shouldn't be surprised that Reuters has just published a report that Chris Krebs, the chief of CISA expects to be fired shortly.
Two hours after I reported this on John Chamber's Making Sense of the Madness, Q made the first drop since before the election, releasing the news that Chris Krebs' Assistant Director, Bryan S Ware had stepped down. Adding:
More coming?
Why is this relevant?
How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
You may recall, a couple of weeks before the Election, that the acting DHS chief, Chad Wolf, FBI Director Chris Wray and Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe held a joint press conference about how they were very confident and working very hard to ensure the security of the 2020 Elections. NSA Director, Paul Nakasone was also tweeting about how "we continue to defend our nation's essential processes of democracy from foreign threats."
But all of them have been very quiet lately, as it's emerging that much of our digital vote tabulation is contracted-out by a private company called Scytl that is based in Barcelona, Spain and with servers in Germany and Serbia.
I've been hearing about Scytl since last August, when I saw the first Shadowgate documentary by Millie Weaver, segments of which are played by Tore Maras in today's video. The information is a lot easier to absorb now, that we can see it playing out in the 2020 Election.
Scytl is one of the most notorious outsourced companies for elections, with regular electronic voting machine problems. They tabulate our election results in cloud services in Europe – yes, from servers outside the United States! Why?
Here is one map of the information flow from the Dominion/Smartmatic machines to their servers in Europe:
In 2014, Scytl got a field office in Kiev to provide “election training” and “election management” for the Ukrainian Election Commission, as part of Obama's aid package to Ukraine, which corresponds with Joe Biden’s billion-dollar loan guarantee scandal – it came from the same aid package. This is all tied to George Soros and the Atlantic Council, who have been deciding America’s policies for decades now.
So, it's clear that the election antics we're seeing are closely tied to the same State Department/Atlantic Council criminals who gave us the fake impeachment, the fake Russian dossier – and who live in Hunter Biden's laptop.
Newsmax is reporting that Allied Security Systems, a cybersecurity firm has found that your votes are stored in Scytl servers in Germany as well as Serbia, Spain and other countries, with malware, Trojans called "Qsnatch" embedded in the source code to change votes in the databases.
It was found that they can go in and change the data with Qsnatch, they can change the votes and backdate the previous databases to hide the changes. They can watch the malware collect all the information, all your private ID information for voter matching, who you voted for and now they have it all as well, in one of the biggest data breaches in US history.
On Thursday morning, Trump tweeted about Dominion Voting Systems, which has about 40% of the share of the digital voting platforms used in US elections:
@ChanelRion @OANN
These figures were compiled by Joe Hoft at the Gateway Pundit and it's clear that our insanely precarious voting infrastructure is eminently hackable by design. With CISA, the new government agency tasked with fixing it having failed completely (unless, of course this was a sting operation, as some claim), it's obvious that vested interests are bent on keeping it vulnerable.
The Democrats are now admitting that fraud occurred – but they're saying it "wasn't enough to swing the election" – and that the burden of proof is on Trump to prove that it was.
With all that's being uncovered, it looks like this would be easy to do but it's also more than clear that there is no way to legitimize the 2020 Election and it should be declared null and void.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
If President-elect Biden shuts down the US economy, the Dow would drop nearly 4,000 points: strategist “3,000 or 4,000 [Dow] points lower at least."
The last thing bullish post-election season investors want to see is a nationwide lockdown to control the resurgent coronavirus under President-elect Joe Biden.“3,000 or 4,000 [Dow] points lower at least,” veteran strategist David Nelson of Belpointe Asset Management told Yahoo Finance Live on the market reaction to a possible lockdown.
But that may be what investors are staring down the barrel of if COVID-19 infections and deaths continue to rise ahead of Biden assuming power in late January.
Was Election Software Rigged? Sidney Powell Lays Out the Trump Team's Findings.
Beth Baumann @eb454 Posted: Nov 15, 2020
On top of that, former Admiral Peter Neffenger is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Smartmatic. He is also on Vice President Joe Biden's transition team, which calls into question his impartiality, which doesn't pass the smell test.
According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation.
"We're fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but my millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose," Powell explained. "We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections."
According to Powell, the witness that the Trump team has is someone who has seen elections rigged in other countries. Those same tactics and software were allegedly deployed to the United States.
"They did this on purpose. It was calculated. They've done it before," she said. "We have evidence of 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Host Maria Bartiromo pushed back, saying the election must be certified in a few weeks. She wanted to know if there was enough time for Powell and the team to produce evidence of the alleged wrongdoing.
"First of all, I never say anything I can't prove. Secondly, the evidence is coming in so fast I can't even process it all. Millions of Americans have written by now, I would say, definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also."
Interestingly enough, Powell stated that the software's user manual talks about how "votes can be wiped away."
"It's absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system," the attorney said.
Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money.
There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.
"It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained.
The attorney said the campaign has a sworn affidavit from a person who knows how the system works and was allegedly there when the system was being created and implemented.
I posted this video, after reading the comment below it. This man by the name of "Sameh Abou Arayesman" an Egyptian businessman, has nothing to gain by writing this comment BUT....He is an Egyptian who evidently thinks Donald Trump is doing an excellent job as PRESIDENT of the U.S. .....I often read articles by the media that portray Pres. trump as a clown or buffoon according to people in other countries.....Is that really the case..??
What the governor of Pennsylvania did was unconstitutional..!!
He also supported moderate governments and regimes in the Middle East while Obama and Hillary Clinton supported radical extremists who destabilized the region and created chaos..
President Trump is a real peace maker who is spreading peace... And this will improve the image of the United States in the Middle East and will be good for American interests in the region and worldwide ..
Talking about peace in the Middle East we shouldn't forget the efforts of President Trump's envoy and son in law Jared Kushner who played a great role as a mediator for these peace agreements.. He did a great job..
President Trump is changing history in the Middle East and he's a great peace maker..
I totally support you President Trump... I hope you will be the President for the next 4 years .. This will be important for world peace.. Best of luck
Sameh Abou Arayes ....Cairo, Egypt
The Presidential Election was rigged... There was wide spread voter fraud.. You won the election President Trump... But they faked the results... Results based on the insecure Dominion Voting System should be canceled.. The whole election process should be revised and investigated... Those who were involved in the fraud should be arrested and prosecuted including Biden, Kamala, Obama and everyone involved in the fraud... It's very clear that they faked the election results and manipulated the voting system to make Biden win... What happened was a scandal, manipulation and fraud... Please Mr President expose the fraud and take all legal actions against those who manipulated the election results.. If necessary, the whole voting process should be repeated... We are all behind you and we support you... You won the Presidential Election and you will be the President for the next 4 years... Keep fighting President Trump... Make America Great Again... I trust that you will win!!
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