Breitbart 11/27/2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Efforts to undermine the president haven't stopped since 2016
The post-election push to pressure President Donald Trump to concede, despite numerous credible allegations of voter fraud and ongoing legal challenges, is not an isolated incident.
It is the culmination of a four-year-long campaign against him, which started during his first run for president in 2016 when the FBI launched a politically motivated investigation of his campaign. During his subsequent four years in office, there have been consistent efforts to remove him from office, first through the Russia-collusion narrative and then through impeachment.
The Epoch Times here provides an overview of some of the main efforts made against the sitting president of the United States.
This is an issue that transcends party lines, as it is not only an assault on Trump, but an assault on the office of the presidency, and with it, an assault on the foundation of America.
“Trump, Trump, Trump” Chant Breaks Out as Sen. Mastriano Spits Fire: “We’re Not Gonna Let It Stand” by noah 8 hours ago8 hours ago
This is straight fire.
Introducing Sen. Doug Mastriano, Senator for PA’s 33rd Senate District and THIS is what a true patriot sounds like.
Absolutely amazing speech in the Article II Hearing.
Watch as the chant of “Trump, Trump, Trump” starts up when he talks about the rightful winner of this election.
Damn right!
Sidney Powell Reveals Suits Alleging Massive in Georgia and Michigan November 27, 2020| By: TTN Staff| Campaign 2020,Media,NEWS
Attorney Sidney Powell has filed or revealed lawsuits in Michigan and Georgia alleging massive voter fraud.
In Michigan where Powell has filed suit, The Epoch Times reported:It claims that Michigan state election officials directed the misconduct.
It cites eyewitness and expert testimony alleging there were enough ballots identified to overturn and reverse the election results. It also says the state’s election was so “riddled with fraud” that the results can’t be relied on.
In addition to alleged Dominion computer fraud, the suit also claims there was “traditional” voting fraud—including “harassment, intimidation,” and “even physical removal of Republican poll challengers.”
The lawsuit is filed against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Michigan board of state canvassers.
The suit also claims that Dominion voting systems helped facilitate the fraud.
Powell also released the which she intends to file in Georgia alleging similar claims which were powerfully and eloquently stated in Powell’s complaint. You can read that here (pdf).
The Epoch Times reported on this suit as well:
What Happened To The Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal? New Information Surfaces Of Russian Involvement By Cullen Paradis 11/24/20
KEY POINTSThe scandal around a laptop allegedly full of incriminating information on Hunter Biden faded following doubts that the information was accurate
The primary source, legally blind computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac, has now left town after receiving death threats, and no charges have been levied against the Bidens
Some evidence now suggests the information had connections to Russia
The possible laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, which allegedly was full of incriminating files, was at the center of controversy from right-leaning media in October, weeks before the presidential election. At the center of the unsubstantiated reports was a computer repairman in Wilmington, Delaware, who gave the laptop to federal authorities.
So, whatever happened to that repairman?
John Paul Mac Isaac, owner of The Mac Shop in Wilmington, has seemingly skipped town in the wake of the scandal, the Delaware News Journal reports. His computer repair shop sits closed, and a neighbor told the News Journal that Mac Isaac had moved.
Mac Isaac’s attorney says he moved shortly after his story was published in the New York Post and that the repairman had received death threats.
The alleged incident began in April 2019, when an unidentified man walked into Mac Isaac’s computer repair shop with three water-damage laptops. He reportedly identified himself as Hunter Biden, though Mac Isaac could not be sure of the man’s identity since he is legally blind. The man dropped off one laptop to be repaired and returned only once after, never collecting the laptop or the data on it.
Mattis Is ‘Dead Wrong’ Says U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo – America First vs America Last November 25, 2020 Paul Crespo

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has received a lot of blowback for recently co-authoring a piece in Foreign Affairs magazine titled “Defense in Depth,” where he argues for removing President Trump’s signature mantra “America First” from its national security content. Among his critics is U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who called Mattis “dead wrong” on this.
Though Mattis was instrumental in developing Trump’s National Security Strategy in 2017, he and his co-authors now write that “In practice, ‘America first’ has meant ‘America alone.”
The article’s authors include establishment experts such American Enterprise Institute Director of Foreign and Defense Policy Studies Kori Schake, Hoover Institution fellow and former Commander of U.S. Strategic Command Jim Ellis, and Hoover Institution fellow Joe Felter. They add that, “That has damaged the country’s ability to address problems before they reach U.S. territory and has thus compounded the danger emergent threats pose.”
How Trump’s policies actually did this is left rather vague.
Mathis, et al. conclude by stating their hope that Joe Biden “will quickly revise the national security strategy to eliminate ‘America first’ from its contents, restoring in its place the commitment to cooperative security that has served the United States so well for decades.”
While this has been a persistent criticism of Trump’s foreign policy from Never-Trumpers of all stripes, it has been, at best, less than accurate, and at worst, highly misleading.
In an interview on Fox News, Pompeo said, “I have a lot of respect for Jim, but he’s just dead wrong on that,” adding that he takes “great umbrage” at the suggestion of “America first” meaning “America alone.”
“I would tell you our Japanese colleagues, our South Korean colleagues, our Indian colleagues, our Australian colleagues, all know that the [Obama administration] pivot to Asia was a joke but that the United States under President Trump actually delivered real benefits to them,” he continued.
“‘America First’ has been at its heart, a recognition that when America is secure at home, when America does good things for our own economy, for our own prosperity, that America will be a force for good,” Pompeo said.
When asked by Brett Baier about his greatest foreign policy concern about the next administration, Pompeo said plainly, “I know some of these folks, they took a very different view, they lived in a bit of a fantasy world. They led from behind, they appeased. I hope they will choose a different course.”
In reality, the choice may really be between the Trump policy of America First, or a return to the Obama-Biden policy of America Last.
Trump Snaps At ‘Lightweight’ Reporter: ‘Don’t Ever Talk to the President That Way’ BY YRUSTY WEISS NOVEMBER 27, 2020
President Trump snapped at a reporter who tried interjecting on his comments about the election, referring to him as a “lightweight” and demanding he shows some respect.
The reporter has been identified in multiple outlets as Reuters White House correspondent Jeff Mason.
The media is portraying it as a meltdown when, in reality, it was a proper reminder to reporters who have shown zero respect for the President of the United States over the past four years exactly where they sit on the food chain.
Trump began with an observation that Biden’s election performance is remarkable in crucial swing states compared to Barack Obama’s past election performances, a fact that raises eyebrows in his view
Pennsylvania State Judge Upholds Halt To Election Certification, Says Mail-In Ballots Likely Violate State Constitution…Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, November 27, 2020

A Pennsylvania state court Judge has issued a preliminary injunction preventing Pennsylvania from taking any further steps to perfect its certification of the election, including but not limited to appointment of electors and transmission of necessary paperwork to the Electoral College, pending further court hearings and rulings. The ruling upholds an injunction from earlier in the week, and is significant because of the findings made in the Opinion released tonight.
You can read the Opinion here.
The case has been somewhat under the radar, because it doesn’t involve claims of fraud. It appears to be a pretty straight legal argument. This is not the federal court case that has received a lot of press attention and in which the Third Circuit Court of Appeals denied relief.
The issue in this case is whether legislative expansion of absentee balloting to broad mail-in balloting violated the Pennsylvania Constitution. It’s not clear what the relief would be; the petitioners seek to preclude the Secretary of State from transmitting the certification or otherwise perfecting the electoral college selections.
Earlier in the week, Judge Patricia McCollough issued a temporary halt to the certification process, and that now is on appeal to the PA Supreme Court. The Judge issued this Opinion to extend that halt pending futher hearings, and to set forth the basis for the injunction, which could be relevant to the appeal:
Friday, November 27, 2020
These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most pople’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.
This comes as a shock to many people. How is it that the data lie so far from our perception?After retrieving data on the CDC website, Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.
Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.
“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said
Bombshell assertion by Johns Hopkins Econ and stat experts: “These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.”
Apparently the news was politically unacceptable so Johns Hopkins pulled it down. But as the guy says – the internet lives forever! Click on the link below to read it.
The former spy chief referred to in this audio clip is thought to be Patrick Ho, a former government official in Hong Kong. He was arrested in New York in 2017 on charges of money laundering and for bribing officials in the African nations of Uganda and Chad on behalf of CEFC.
I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling but my old partner Eric, who literally has done me harm for I don’t know how long, is the one taking the calls because my father will not stop sending the calls to Eric. I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho – the fucking spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing. The richest man in the world is missing who was my partner. He was missing since I last saw him in his $58 million apartment and signed a $4 billion deal to build the fucking largest fucking LNG port in the world. And I am receiving calls from the Southern District of New York from the U.S. Attorney himself. My best friend in business Devon has named me as a witness without telling me in a criminal case and my father without telling me.
The recording adds to the litany of e-mails and stories broken by The National Pulse about the grift of the Biden family,including yesterday’s scoop about the VP’s son using White House access in exchange for resort villa stays and artwork
Boy.... These current and ex-military officers have NO ALLEGIENCE to the U.S. at all.....
As the legal battles rage in the contested states, Joe Biden is putting together his team to undo everything that President Trump has achieved in leveling the playing field with Chinese trade. After all, the family has many ties to China – as we discovered through Hunter Biden’s laptop – and they must be very keen to fire-up the quid pro quo relationships again.
So it comes as no surprise that former Defense Secretary James N. Mattis, a Trump appointee who left the Administration suddenly and on bad terms is now slighting the president’s achievements. Is it to kowtow to the Chinese?
A column this week by former Defense Secretary James N. Mattis that blasted President Trump‘s “America First” theme did not disclose that Mr. Mattis holds a senior position at the Cohen Group, a firm that dedicates itself to making business deals in China.
Cuomo seems to have a PROBLEM with "Hassidic Jews".....
Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge Against NY’s Cuomo November 27, 2020 By: TTN Staff
The United States Supreme Court has backed a religious challenge from religious groups against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Covid restrictions which limited attendance to religious services.
The definitive and deciding vote was cast by none other than Justice Amy Coney-Barrett
According toThe Daily Wire: READ

Former President Barack Obama‘s oldest daughter may have been caught up in the Hunter Biden scandal. Pictures showing Malia Obama‘s credit card being used to cut lines of cocaine, and a picture of Hunter Biden having sex with a woman who has the same mark on her thigh as Malia, have resurfaced.
According to multiple sources, these leaked photos were found on one of Hunter Biden’s laptops, which have been given to the FBI and multiple news outlets. Allegedly, Hunter Biden left at least one of his laptops at a computer repair store in Delaware, where it was forgotten.
After a certain amount of time, the laptop became property of the repair shop owner, who turned it over to the FBI, and reportedly gave a copy to Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer. The contents of the laptop and hard drive have been slowly published by various news outlets, starting with the New York Post.
The first viral image shows a credit card with the name Malia A Obama next to at least six lines of what appears to be cocaine. Drug users often use credit cards to push, or “cut,” a pile of cocaine into lines to snort.
The second picture allegedly shows Hunter Biden grabbing the hair of a black woman as she lies naked on a bed with her back towards the camera. In the picture, a mark on the woman’s right thigh can be seen. People have been sharing that picture alongside one of Malia Obama in a white bikini, where a similar mark can be seen on her right thigh.
Millionaire Brent
@BrentSydney1 ·Oct 25
Malia Obama doing drugs and having sex with Hunter Biden! Who knows if this is real though. It's fun to think about. #BlackWomen

The viral images made the rounds in right-wing circles on social media, with the left and mainstream media virtually ignoring them, just as they have for the majority of the evidence that has been piling up in the past few weeks
Thursday, November 26, 2020
BREAKING: Computer Repairman At Center Of Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Has DISAPPEARED — Some Fear He May Be Dead by A.M. Smith a day ago

John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repairman who was at the center of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal which broke shortly before the Presidential election, has disappeared, and some fear he may be dead.
Mac Isaac previously revealed he had a laptop computer and hard drive containing information about former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his international business dealings with Ukraine.
In October, the New York Post reported that Mac Isaac was asked to repair a computer that reportedly contained a variety of nefarious and possibly incriminating emails and photos appearing to confirm that a secret meeting between the former vice president and a top Burisma executive had taken place.
He later told Fox News, “I just don’t know what to say, or what I’m allowed to say. I know that I saw, I saw stuff — and I was concerned. I was concerned that somebody might want to come looking for this stuff eventually — and I wanted it out of my shop.”
For his part, the elder Biden said the allegations were a “desperate campaign to smear me and my family,” but did not confirm whether the laptop belonged to his son.
According to the Delaware News Journal, a “closed” sign now appears in the window of Mac Isaac’s shop.
Mac Isaac’s shop suddenly closed just a week after the election. His attorney, Brian Della Rocca, told the outlet that his client closed up shop after he received several death threats. He could not elaborated on Mac Isaac’s whereabouts at the time of this reporting. Neighbors said they haven’t seen him at his home for several days.
In October, Mac Isaac said that he retained a copy of the hard drive’s contents because he “feared he would be killed by people who ‘work for [Joe] Biden’ and having it was ‘protection.'”
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Sidney Powell Filing Georgia Lawsuit on Wednesday, Says Attorney Lin Wood BY JACK PHILLIPS November 24, 2020
Attorney Sidney Powell, who had worked with President Donald Trump’s legal team, will be filing a significant lawsuit in Georgia related to election fraud, according to Atlanta-based attorney and outspoken conservative Lin Wood, who has filed lawsuits in support of the president.
“I have worked closely with @SidneyPowell1 & others over recent weeks,” he wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “The lawsuit Sidney will be filing tomorrow in GA speaks TRUTH.”
“Enemies of America will deny its allegations. Do NOT believe them. Believe Sidney & me. We love America & freedom. Our enemies do not,” added Wood, who represented a number of clients such as JonBenet Ramsey’s parents, Herman Cain, ex-Rep. Gary Condit, and Richard Jewell.
Powell, who successfully represented former Trump national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, has not immediately responded to a request for comment following Wood’s tweet.
It’s unclear what the lawsuit will entail.
Wood’s comment comes several days after Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said Powell is not working for the campaign. Trump announced she would be joining his campaign’s efforts last week, and Powell appeared alongside Giuliani and Ellis in a news conference a few days later.Lin Wood speaks at a press conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, on Nov. 8, 2011. (Eric Thayer/Getty Images)
“We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down,” Powell also said. “We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom.”
The former federal prosecutor said a criminal investigation should be launched over the allegations.
Giuliani, meanwhile, explained to Fox News’ Lou Dobbs about Powell’s status, “I think it’s because we’re pursuing two different theories.” The former New York mayor didn’t describe what Powell was working on.
Trump’s legal team, he said, is focused on “misconduct of the election” by state officials in places like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and elsewhere. Giuliani said that Trump’s constitutional rights were deprived in some of these states, and he predicted that some of their lawsuits will make it to the Supreme Court.
Following Giuliani’s statement on Sunday, Flynn revealed Powell “understands the [White House] press release & agrees with it.”
“She is staying the course to prove the massive deliberate election fraud that robbed #WeThePeople of our votes for President Trump & other Republican candidates,” he wrote on Twitter.
Thanksgiving Eve News! 11th Circuit granted my Emergency Motion for Expedited Review of lawsuit challenging validity of GA election procedure. We The People delivered a historic landslide win for
@realDonaldTrump in GA & nationally. We The People will not allow it be stolen.
FBI Buried Hunter Biden Laptop Lee Smith November 24, 2020
News reports last month claimed that in late 2019 the FBI had opened an investigation of matters related to information found on a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden. Would the bureau continue its probe under a Biden administration? Doubtful. In fact, it’s unlikely there was ever any investigation at all.In July 2019, after Hunter Biden failed to reclaim his laptop from a computer repair shop in Delaware, the shop owner and his father grew concerned about information they found on the device and reached out to the FBI’s Albuquerque field office. They were turned away. In mid-October the bureau contacted the shop owner and two months later, an Assistant U.S. Attorney from Delaware issued a grand jury subpoena to retrieve it.
Last month, word circulated through Washington that FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich told Trump administration officials about its Hunter Biden investigation. Anonymous Department of Justice officials confirmed its existence to reporters. As further evidence of a serious probe, conservative media pointed to the fact that former Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski was interviewed in late October by six FBI agents.
So doesn’t all that mean it’s a real investigation? It’s worth remembering that in June, 15 FBI agents were sent to Alabama to investigate whether a knot tied like a noose in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s garage was evidence of a race crime. It wasn’t. One agent with a smartphone would have quickly discerned the truth—that the knot had been there for more than a year—but because race is a third rail in American politics and culture, the FBI was determined to prove they were on the job. The investigation was performative, designed to show that the FBI was taking the matter seriously, even though it wasn’t.
The evidence shows that the FBI is one of many institutions that no longer belong to the American public. Rather, its job is to protect and advance the privileges and interests of an increasingly powerful class of elites who draw their wealth and prestige from their relationships with corrupt foreign entities. And that’s why it appears the FBI didn’t investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop, but buried it.
And.....Killary Clinton asked for "Sec. of Defense". post....REMEMBER BENGHAZI..!!!
Goodwin also notes that as “Climate Czar” “Biden foolishly also put him [Kerry] on the National Security Council, guaranteeing monologues and endless turf battles.” What’s worse is that Kerry’s appeasement of America’s enemies goes back decades.
Recall that Kerry was the architect of Obama-Biden’s disastrous 2015 “Iran Nuclear Deal” which provided the Iranian terror regime $500 million dollars in planeloads of cash and billions of dollars in sanctions relief, while only nominally delaying its nuclear weapons ambitions.