When I was reading the "final" report, I read some comments from other people who also read the report. While this doesn't "sum up" everything I feel, most of this comment comes close. So many questions come to mind, it would take me a week to list them. Below are links to "crime scene photos", logistics link and link to written report. The title does sum up my feeling.
sandy hook logistics-- "//www.youtube.com/embed"
police report [PDF]--Click Here For Full Report
(pdf)crime scene photos? >>> Photos from the Sandy Hook shooting report
[alias ?] Cannot verify truth in all "her" statements
That's funny, the front window wasn't broken when FEMA arrived. Good thing they happened to be in the neighborhood. They had to be buzzed in through the front door when they arrived. That was shown on the local news. There were no broken windows, no smashed doors. Where did the USAS-12 semi-auto shotgun magazines come from? We never heard anything about that? The car out front didn't belong to Lanza, it was someone in Greenwich. What became of the van that was towed away as the festivities started? They knocked down the school just recently. Everyone involved had to sign "Non-disclosure" agreements to get inside and start the destruction. Break a few windows, throw down a few yellow cards around and call it good. Sandy Hoax was the biggest farce pulled on the people of the country and it didn't work. The LOSER GOVERNOR of CT stuff through some "Feel good" laws to HURT THE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS OF CT. and accomplish nothing else. People didn't give up their guns, like the Government wanted. Just another "False Flag" like all the rest. Gun control isn't about Guns, It's about CONTROL. Notice how the last picture showed a bus pass with Lanza's picture imposed on top of it? The same picture that has appeared everywhere. Only one picture of this kid exists, that's it. No birth certificate, no schools records, nothing. No one can ever say they saw this Ghost named Adam Lanza. Not even the people in his own town. His history is more tightly guarded than Obama. 1000 things wrong with this entire scenario, but the sheeple keep moving in the same direction. Over 262 million people were killed by their own government in the 20th century. Don't think that any agency in the corrupt administration is above some "Smoke and Mirrors' game to further their agenda. Wake up people and watch what's going on around you Get away from the Lame-stream propaganda machine and start thinking for yourselves.