Friday, May 1, 2020
Found read interesting, I did not fact check
WELL, WELL, WELL!! Isn’t it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the “CURE” for COVID-19....and here’s where it gets interesting China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID who has an office near Wuhan and you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID....none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO. I know what your thinking! It’s just all a coincidence isn’t it! Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. Oh, silly me I forgot one more coincidence Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses......I sure am thankful it’s all just coincidences! Nothing to see here just keep moving along....
The Best Coincidences are always found when you follow the money

WELL, WELL, WELL!! Isn’t it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the “CURE” for COVID-19....and here’s where it gets interesting China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID who has an office near Wuhan and you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID....none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO. I know what your thinking! It’s just all a coincidence isn’t it! Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. Oh, silly me I forgot one more coincidence Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses......I sure am thankful it’s all just coincidences! Nothing to see here just keep moving along....
The Best Coincidences are always found when you follow the money
Time for another ARMED demonstration/protest, make sure she's there ...!!
By Adam Casalino| May 1, 2020
Michigan residents have been unhappy over their governor’s strict lockdowns.
Once the “darling” of the Democratic party, it appears Whitmer’s façade is cracking. Even her own legislature voted to sue her.
But instead of backing down, she is doubling—no, tripling—down on it.
From Daily Wire:
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has rebuked the Republican-controlled Michigan House of Representatives — which declined to extend the governor’s emergency measures and instead voted to sue her for unauthorized use of power — with three executive orders that will extend the state’s emergency declaration until May 28.
Yikes. Gov. Whitmer, despite being sued by her own government, signed three new orders to lockdown Michigan until May 28.
Hey, Gretchen, here’s a tip. If you don’t want people to think you’re a petty tyrant, don’t sign three orders to punish your own people!
How does Whitmer justify her strict orders? Many states are reopening. The data is showing the disease is on the decline. Some experts say that lockdowns can’t even help the problem.
Yet the governor seems to be punishing the state of Michigan with more restrictions, not fewer.
Is this woman doing it out of bitterness? Is she so outraged that residents would want to go back to work, that she’d make things worse for them?
I never agreed with Democrats, but the very least you could say was that they were trying to make things better (but failing).
Is this liberal deliberately trying to hurt her own people? Even California and New York are talking about reopening sooner than Michigan.
Can’t we both protect the most vulnerable while going back to work? If it works in Georgia, Florida, and Texas—can’t it work for Michigan?
And the most important question: what will Michigan residents do in response to this? What would you do?
‘Constitution Isn’t Suspended’ for COVID-19, Attorney General Barr Warns Public Officials John G. Malcolm /
Attorney General William Barr on Monday publicly released an official memorandum he sent to United States attorneys and to his assistant attorney general for civil rights. The subject of the memo was “Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights.”
The memo is a succinct acknowledgment of the extraordinary challenges posed by the coronavirus, a much-needed reminder of our constitutional rights, and a warning to those states and localities that might tread upon our individual rights.
Barr’s memo is, in effect, a warning order to his 94 U.S. attorneys. It tells them to “be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.”
The memo is a succinct acknowledgment of the extraordinary challenges posed by the coronavirus, a much-needed reminder of our constitutional rights, and a warning to those states and localities that might tread upon our individual rights.
Barr’s memo is, in effect, a warning order to his 94 U.S. attorneys. It tells them to “be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.”
Trump Administration Planning to Punish China for Virus Outbreak 2020-05-01 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff
The Trump administration is reportedly actively planning how to punish the Chinese Communist Party for its role in the virus outbreak that has severely harmed the United States and the World.
According to The New York Post:
The Trump administration is planning to punish the Chinese Communist Party for its perceived role in the coronavirus pandemic — including possible sanctions and cancellation of US debt, according to a new report.
Other potential measures to be taken against Beijing by the Trump administration include the creation of new trade policies, several sources close to the matter told CNN.
“We have to get the economy going again, we have to be careful about how we do this,” one unidentified administration official said. “But we will find ways to show the Chinese that their actions are completely reprehensible.”
Trump, meanwhile, told reporters Thursday that he’s seen evidence linking the coronavirus to the Wuhan lab, but failed to elaborate, saying: “I can’t tell you that. I am not allowed to tell you that.”
The intel community has stated that the virus was not manmade but there is evidence pointing to the Wuhan lab and they are actively trying to determine that.
According to The New York Post:
The Trump administration is planning to punish the Chinese Communist Party for its perceived role in the coronavirus pandemic — including possible sanctions and cancellation of US debt, according to a new report.
Other potential measures to be taken against Beijing by the Trump administration include the creation of new trade policies, several sources close to the matter told CNN.
“We have to get the economy going again, we have to be careful about how we do this,” one unidentified administration official said. “But we will find ways to show the Chinese that their actions are completely reprehensible.”
Trump, meanwhile, told reporters Thursday that he’s seen evidence linking the coronavirus to the Wuhan lab, but failed to elaborate, saying: “I can’t tell you that. I am not allowed to tell you that.”
The intel community has stated that the virus was not manmade but there is evidence pointing to the Wuhan lab and they are actively trying to determine that.
There are PLENTY of touchy-feely photos of Joe groping women and young girls out there....
Back in 2015 when mocking Joe Biden for creepily touching the wives and daughter of Senators was all the rage, Jon Stewart did a hilarious segment on it when he was still with the Daily Show. In light of recent Tara Reade allegations, this segment really should be a killer for Biden.
Joe Biden is Joe Biden
Jon Stewart in 2015 on Joe Biden: "It's apparently a Senate rite of passage that you're not officially sworn in until Delaware Joe has felt up one female member of your immediate family."
Joe Biden is Joe Biden
Jon Stewart in 2015 on Joe Biden: "It's apparently a Senate rite of passage that you're not officially sworn in until Delaware Joe has felt up one female member of your immediate family."
We used to post a fair amount of Daily Show clips because from time to time Jon Stewart would be more fair than others in the MSM. He’s long gone and I haven’t watched the show since, but this clip is a testament to how funny his show was back then.
It just can’t be a coincidence that Joe Biden is a groper and Tara Reade has been claiming for years that Biden groped her nether regions. Even in the video above you saw how uncomfortable Biden made that one girl feel. It was cringeworthy to say the least.
You know the old saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire. Well Biden might as well be a chimney because there’s an awful lot of smoke.
How different Nancy speaks of Bidens accuser and Kavanaughs accuser 5/1/2020
Nancy Pelosi addressing the media today compared to addressing the media during the Kavanaugh hearings. Completely different perspective based on agenda. #BelieveSurvivors
Well written, to the point....WORTH READING
The Changes to Come
In a few months, everything will be largely back to what it was within the United States. The big changes will be geopolitical. By Conrad Black • April 27, 2020
Readers will recall that the Democrats charged out of the gate on the issue of taking science seriously and reacting comprehensively; the president picked up the gauntlet, brought prominent scientists forward, and “flattened the curve.” The Democrats wallowed in glee at the almost instant increase (in a month in fact) of unemployment by almost 30 million.
The president and the Republican leaders in Congress brought forth very generous and relatively simple financial assistance packages and the Democrats jumped aboard, trying to lard the payments with concessions to organized labor and the green terrorists, which the Republicans generally resisted.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was confined to his basement in Delaware and all he had to do was put on a shirt and Skype into members of the Trump-hating media. The fact that even this proved a syntactical challenge to him indicates the level of embarrassment self-distancing spared him.
The national Democratic leadership locked arms and deployed their media acolytes in support of a prolonged shutdown where virtually everyone in the country would be tested and those who test positively identify everyone they have been in contact with in the last two weeks and those people are chased down and the hunt for the last bacillus of coronavirus is pursued throughout the country to every attic, basement, homeless shelter, and rustic cabin. The president, under this scenario, would, in the greater national and human interest, commit political suicide like a kamikaze in a good cause, and patiently explain to the next scores of millions of Americans thrown out of work by the Pelosi-Biden-Schumer counter-virus strategy, that their sacrifice is noble and inevitable.
What a godsend the coronavirus crisis was supposed to be to a political party that struck out corrupting the upper ranks of the Justice Department and the intelligence services with a fraudulent narrative about illegal election-rigging with Russia, and struck out again with a fatuous presidential impeachment for unimpeachable acts with no serious evidence that the president committed the accused acts anyway.
On the heels of the total failure of their own skulduggery, the force majeure of nature, with the assistance of China’s duplicitous and irresponsible government, rushed to the rescue of Trump’s enemies. The celebratory pleasure of Speaker Pelosi as she shows the nation her well-stocked freezer, and of presumptive presidential candidate Biden as he shambled through banal softball sessions with the likes of Joy Behar (a woman lumbered with America’s most unsuitable first name), was palpable.
The NeverTrumpers have fallen in with this nonsense, more subtly, by calling for putting “safe ahead of soon.” This is all piffle and the Democrats have turned the heat on under the frying pan and then jumped into it.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
BREAKING: Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic By Kelly -Apr 30, 2020
Dear Kelly,
It’s been several weeks since we released our first video on the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the outpouring of tips from those on the frontlines has been remarkable.
We take our jobs at Project Veritas very seriously, especially when it comes to deception by motivated superpowers.
Today, Project Veritas is sharing with you the latest tip we followed up on by releasing conversations with funeral home directors and their staff throughout New York City questioning the number of deaths officially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.
BREAKING: Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic.....Project Veritas
Judge Calls Bullsh*t on Relative’s COVID-19 Cause of Death
Funeral Home: To Me all You’re Doing is Padding the Statistics…Making the Death Rates in New York City Higher than Estimated
Staten Island Funeral Director Questions Mayor DeBlasio’s Role and Adds: I Think It’s Political
Brooklyn Funeral Director: They Are Padding Numbers; Medical Examiners Too Busy to Investigate
Brooklyn Funeral Director: 40-year-old Died in Home with No Symptoms Other Than Fever, Toe-Tagged as COVID-19 Victim
In Truth,
Project Veritas Team
No matter what...Trump will be blamed, !
New York Magazine Deploys Ghosts of Vietnam to Spook Americans Over Trump’s COVID-19 Response 2020-04-30 Source: TTN by: Deroy Murdock
The New York magazine writer’s ethical home base must be, as Stevie Wonder once sang, 10 zillion light-years away. This would explain the question that she posed Monday to President Donald J. Trump.
During a Rose Garden press briefing on COVID-19, she asked America’s Commander-in-Chief:
“If an American president loses more Americans over the course of six weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War, does he deserve to be reelected?”
This question is morally depraved on multiple levels.
First, Americans still debate whether the Vietnam War was a noble effort to save a small, independent nation from metastatic Communism or a pointless, remote quagmire in which this nation had no business. But hawks and doves agree on this: America inserted GIs into that conflict. They arrived in planes, sailed in on boats, and landed in their boots via parachutes. For good or ill, 58,220 uniformed Americans died in Vietnam because the United States government sent them there.
Au contraire, conversely, and 180 degrees in the opposite direction, America did not storm COVID-19. President Trump did not dispatch the United States Armed Forces to China, to combat the Wuhan Virus. The president did not order Americans to visit their local airports, greet incoming passengers from Wuhan, and welcome them to the USA with long, slow, deep French kisses. Trump did not instruct the Commerce Department to import giant vats of bat soup and invite Americans to savor it as a mouthwatering symbol of his beautiful, very special trade agreement with Chinese Communist Party boss Xi Jinping.
So....What are they going to do about it..? I'll tell you....NOTHING...Those in the FBI that did this SHOULD go to jail....But they won't..
Confirmed: Spying on the Trump Campaign Was Always the FBI's Intention Matt Vespa Posted: Apr 30, 2020
Well, this isn’t the most shocking news given the FBI’s bad behavior when it came to investigations into Trump campaign, the administration, and this overall Russian collusion fiasco, but a new report shows that the nation’s leading domestic intelligence and law enforcement agency had always intended to spy on the president’s 2016 campaign. Last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, rolled out a new section of his committee’s website dedicated to the probe into the FBI’s surveillance operations into the Trump campaign. Margot Cleveland at the Federalist highlighted several disturbing conclusions, but the spying claim is certainly one of the most damaging. And one Cleveland writes that was always an intention from the bureau. Oh, and they also appeared to have spied on the Trump administration as well after the 2016 election:
When news first broke that the Obama administration had obtained a FISA order to surveil Page, Democrats and the left-leaning press argued the FBI’s surveillance of the former Trump foreign policy advisor didn’t constitute spying on the Trump campaign because the court-ordered surveillance didn’t begin until after Page had left the campaign
The dems want us to elect Joe, but they're not telling us who would be the President
Is Jill Biden Running For President ? By Cristina Laila Published April 27, 2020
Jill Delivers Joe’s 2020 Campaign Message as He Stands Next to Her Blinking
Is Jill Biden running for President now?
Is Jill Biden running for President now?
Jill Biden: "This moment reminds us that the presidency is about true leadership -- having the forethought to prepare for the worst, the backbone to lead through chaos, the character to move beyond politics."
Jill Biden delivered Sleepy Joe’s 2020 campaign message as her husband stood next to her and blinked.
77-year-old Joe can hardly string a sentence together without stumbling so now his wife is talking for him.
“This moment reminds us that the presidency is about true leadership — having the forethought to prepare for the worst, the backbone to lead through chaos, the character to move beyond politics,” Jill Biden said as Joe stared into space.
Old Joe’s handlers should tell him to at least smile instead of scowling next time his wife speaks for him.
“This moment reminds us that the presidency is about true leadership — having the forethought to prepare for the worst, the backbone to lead through chaos, the character to move beyond politics,” Jill Biden said as Joe stared into space.
Old Joe’s handlers should tell him to at least smile instead of scowling next time his wife speaks for him.
new orders....We don't need no stinkin CONSTITUTION or BILL OF RIGHTS....
Mayor James Kenney issues new orders for covid19 re-opening of the City of Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -As Philadelphia prepares for construction to resume on Friday, and as businesses slowly reopen, Mayor Jim Kenney said violators of the city's COVID-19 orders will face hefty fines.
The City of Philadelphia Board of Health passed a new regulation on Wednesday increasing the penalties for violations.
Previously, the maximum fine for all violations of COVID-19 orders was $300. The changes are as follows:
- For businesses: The penalty for a violation of the business operation orders or any other regulation concerning those orders is now $2,000 per violation.
- For individuals: The penalty for a violation of the orders is a fine of $500 per violation.
Enforcement officers also have the discretion to issue Code Violation Notices (CVNs) to allow payment of lesser amounts for violations of the orders to avoid being taken to court, officials said in a press release. They are:
- $700 for violations subject to a $2,000 penalty.
- $250 for violations subject to a $500 penalty.
Kenney also reminded residents that most city offices and operations will continue to be closed until further notice. He said now is not the time to let up social distancing measures and urged people to stay home.
For those who need to head out for essentials, Kenney said, "Please put on a mask, it's not that much to ask. You're taking care of all other residents and citizens. Just wear a mask, it's not a big deal. Just put it on."
Mark Levin Sends Heartfelt Message To President Trump
The Great One shares an important message with President Donald Trump. Help Us TAKE DOWN The Liberal Media With Our Free Pro-Trump App
Of course there's a double standard....Is this where the Demorats "sexual assault payoff slush fund" kicks in..??
On Biden Sexual Assault Allegation, Silence Then Hypocrisy ELIZABETH NOLAN BROWN | 4.30.2020
New testimony from people who knew her in the early 1990s suggests that Tara Reade complained privately of being sexually assaulted by Biden in 1993 when she worked as a staff assistant in his Senate office. Those accounts have proven especially problematic for women rumored to be on Biden's shortlist for vice president.
Former presidential candidate and Sen. Kamala Harris (D–Calif.) said last year that she believed three women (Lucy Flores, Caitlyn Caruso, and D.J. Hill) who accused Biden of inappropriate touching or kissing. "I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it," Harris said at an April 2, 2019, event for her presidential campaign.
But now that she's allegedly among Biden's top choices for VP (and regularly doing digital events with him), Harris has nothing to say about the Reade allegation and has gone full "We have to do everything we can to elect Joe Biden."
JUST SO YOU KNOW....YOU TUBE REMOVED THESE TWO VIDEOS...saying it "violated youtubes terms of service" which translated means......SOMEBODY HIGHER UP Didn't want you to see these videos and WANTED THE VIDEOS REMOVED...!!!
Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing...Part 1
Doctor Speaks On COVID-19, Claims Lockdown Is Pointless & Destroys Your Immune System + Government Control!
Dr. Dan Erickson of Accelerated Health Care talks about the impact of the coronavirus on Kern County.
This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.
Only if he has to....I would rather see Flynn exonerated by the court....If trump pardons him, there will always be that stigma of "He was guilty, but Trump pardoned his friend".....
Trump considers ‘full pardon’ for ex-adviser Flynn
Flynn sought to withdraw the guilty plea in January, arguing that prosecutors violated his rights and duped him into a plea agreement. Mr Trump said the FBI and justice department had “destroyed” Flynn’s life and that of his family, and cited an unspecified, unsubstantiated report that they had lost records related to Flynn.
“I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!” Mr Trump said on Twitter.
Flynn was supposed to help co-operate with the government as part of his plea deal. But he later switched lawyers and tactics, arguing that prosecutors in the case had violated his rights and tricked him into lying about his December 2016 conversations with Sergei Kislyak, then Moscow’s ambassador in Washington.
The US Department of Justice has repeatedly denied allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, and district court judge Emmet Sullivan rejected all of Flynn’s claims in December and set a sentencing date.
Shortly after that, Flynn filed the motion to withdraw his plea.
Flynn, who also previously led the Defense Intelligence Agency, served just 24 days in the Republican Trump administration before he was fired in January 2017.
He was one of several former Trump aides to plead guilty or be convicted at trial in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that detailed Moscow’s interference in the 2016 US election to boost Mr Trump’s candidacy, as well as numerous contacts between Mr Trump’s campaign and Russia. – Reuters
US president Donald Trump said on Sunday he was considering a full pardon for his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about dealings with Russia’s ambassador before Mr Trump took office.
Flynn sought to withdraw the guilty plea in January, arguing that prosecutors violated his rights and duped him into a plea agreement. Mr Trump said the FBI and justice department had “destroyed” Flynn’s life and that of his family, and cited an unspecified, unsubstantiated report that they had lost records related to Flynn.
“I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!” Mr Trump said on Twitter.
Europe shuts down as Italy records highest daily coronavirus death toll
Coronavirus: Hong Kong issues ‘red alert’ over travel to Ireland
Coronavirus: Italy records 368 new deaths as Spain sees surge in fatalities

Donald J. Trump
So now it is reported that, after destroying his life & the life of his wonderful family (and many others also), the FBI, working in conjunction with the Justice Department, has “lost” the records of General Michael Flynn. How convenient. I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!
1:29 PM - Mar 15, 2020
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Flynn was supposed to help co-operate with the government as part of his plea deal. But he later switched lawyers and tactics, arguing that prosecutors in the case had violated his rights and tricked him into lying about his December 2016 conversations with Sergei Kislyak, then Moscow’s ambassador in Washington.
The US Department of Justice has repeatedly denied allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, and district court judge Emmet Sullivan rejected all of Flynn’s claims in December and set a sentencing date.
Shortly after that, Flynn filed the motion to withdraw his plea.
Flynn, who also previously led the Defense Intelligence Agency, served just 24 days in the Republican Trump administration before he was fired in January 2017.
He was one of several former Trump aides to plead guilty or be convicted at trial in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that detailed Moscow’s interference in the 2016 US election to boost Mr Trump’s candidacy, as well as numerous contacts between Mr Trump’s campaign and Russia. – Reuters
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Doesn't the republican dominate SENATE have a backbone, they need to stand up to Pelosi and her "POSSE" ...The demorats are out of hand...bring a lawsuit against the whole Dem. party for HARRASMENT...
Pelosi, D-Calif., and Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., who will chair the committee, announced six Democrats to serve on the committee:
House Financial Service Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., House Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., and Reps. Bill Foster, D-Ill., Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Andy Kim, D-N.J.
The House voted last week to approve the creation of the committee to oversee the federal response, even as Republicans blasted the idea as politically motivated and argued Democrats would use it as a forum to attack the president.
Pelosi said the committee was designed to address the “here and now,” specifically concerning the allocation of the historic amount of federal funds directed to the economic recovery. She compared the panel to the committee chaired by then-Sen. Harry Truman in 1941 to investigate waste, fraud and abuse in defense spending in the early days of World War II.
“We must be sure that the money we put forth goes to those who need it most, in a way that addresses disparities in access to health care and credit,” Pelosi said Wednesday. “We also owe it to the American people to prevent waste, fraud and abuse and to protect against price-gouging and profiteering.”
The House voted last week to approve the creation of the committee to oversee the federal response, even as Republicans blasted the idea as politically motivated and argued Democrats would use it as a forum to attack the president.
Pelosi said the committee was designed to address the “here and now,” specifically concerning the allocation of the historic amount of federal funds directed to the economic recovery. She compared the panel to the committee chaired by then-Sen. Harry Truman in 1941 to investigate waste, fraud and abuse in defense spending in the early days of World War II.
“We must be sure that the money we put forth goes to those who need it most, in a way that addresses disparities in access to health care and credit,” Pelosi said Wednesday. “We also owe it to the American people to prevent waste, fraud and abuse and to protect against price-gouging and profiteering.”
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The United States is crashing and will burn, but the demoncrats don't care....has to fit their agenda...!
House Democrats Refuse to Return to Work on May 4th CollinRugg Posted April 28, 2020
Members of the House are supposed to return back to work on May 4th however House Democrats have recently announced that they will not return to work because it is "too dangerous" to do so.
Congress members, who are deemed as "essential" workers, continue to rake in their salaries while the rest of the country suffers.
“Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said returning next week would be ‘dangerous,’ according to multiple Democrats on the call,” Politico reported on Tuesday. “Other members also spoke up including Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA.), Susan Wild (D-PA) and Veronica Escobar (D-TX), with some asking how they were expected to take care of their families — many without childcare at home — and return to Washington for an extended stay.”
Republicans however, are eager to get back to work so they can help the American people.
WERE WE and ARE WE BEING PLAYED.....Will we look back on this and wonder "What happened to our basic rights to freedom....You do know, that after these infringements to our MOST basic rights, they will never go back to the way they were before this "PANDEMIC"
40 Million Californians Under ‘Stay At Home’ Order ....
$5000 Fine For Violation...VIDEO
"When someone dies in this country right now, they're not talking about the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the stroke. They're saying 'Did they die from COVID?'" Erickson says in another video. "We've been to hundreds of autopsies. You don't talk about one thing, you talk about comorbidities. ER doctors now [say] 'It's interesting when I'm writing about my death report, I'm being pressured to add COVID. Why is that?
"Something else is going on here. This is not about science and it's not even about COVID. When [authorities] use the word 'safe' -- if you listen to the word 'safe', that's about controlling you."
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