Thursday, August 29, 2024


Kamala Harris is the most far-left, radical Democratic candidate for president in the history of the United States. Once ranked the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate, Harris has staked out extremely progressive positions on border security (or lack thereof), immigration, healthcare, fracking, education,
energy, and more. And, because she’s an opportunist, she’s flip-flopped on nearly every issue.

* “We have confused the idea that to achieve safety
we need to put more cops on the street — we really
do need to understand and reimagine how we can
make and help make communities safe.”
Kamala supports Defund the Police

* “We must have the courage to object when they use
that term ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ … We also have
to have the courage to reject that term ‘illegal alien.’ I
have seen some of the worst of criminal behavior, I
have seen the worst of crime. An undocumented
immigrant is not a criminal.”
Kamala doesn’t want you to say ‘radical Islamic
terrorism’ or ‘illegal alien’
Kamala supports open borders

* “All these detention facilities; the private prisons; the
private detention facilities — they all need to be shut
down…This is the United States government doing
this. And immediately, on Day One, I will end it.”
Kamala supports closing detention centers for illegal
* “My plan will separate your healthcare from your
employer, meaning your employer will no longer
dictate the kind of healthcare you receive. Under my
plan of Medicare for All, private insurance
companies will be able to provide coverage if they
play by our rules.”
* “Let’s eliminate all that; let’s move on.”
Kamala supports eliminating private insurance

Kamala supports Medicare for All and the end of
employer-based health insurance
* “Let me just be really clear about this. I’m opposed to
any policy that would deny in our country any human
being from access to public safety, public education,
or public health — period.”
Kamala supports universal healthcare and public
education for illegal migrants

* “It’s a term we’re very proud of, I must tell you
because Bidenomics is working — it’s working!”
Kamala supports failed Bidenomics policies

* "There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”
Kamala supports a fracking ban

* “They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in
November and they’re not gonna stop after Election
Day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels
— they’re not gonna let up. And they should not. And
we should not.”

Kamala supported riots in the wake of George
Floyd’s death

* “I’m prepared to take executive action and put in
place a ban on the importation of assault weapons ...
But we still have to deal with over two million assault
weapons that are currently on the streets of America.
So, a buyback program is a good idea.”
Kamala supports a weapons ban and buyback

* “I support a Green New Deal and I will tell you why:
climate change is an existential threat to us and
we’ve got to deal with the reality of it.”
Kamala supports a Green New Deal

What do you think ?

The Federalist Papers

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Teach our kids to be UN-patriotic ?

 Fury after student was banned from flying American flag on his truck  Daily Mail 

An Oklahoma community expressed outrage after a high school student was banned from flying the American flag on his truck. The decision sparked a patriotic protest from students and parents outside Edmond North High School who responded by flying a number of American flags on campus in support of the student.

GOP governor rips Harris after analysis reveals eye-popping cost of illegal immigration in state: 'Disaster'     Story by Adam Shaw• 3 min read

The state of Mississippi is spending over $100 million on illegal immigration, according to a new report by the state -- with the governor blaming it on an "intentional failure" by the Biden-Harris administration to secure the border.

The report by the Mississippi state auditor found that there are at least 22,000 illegal immigrants in the state. Analysts estimate that it costs taxpayers over $100 million annually, with more than $25 million to educate illegal immigrants in public school alone.

Meanwhile, taxpayers spend $77 million to provide health care for illegal immigrants and their children, and another $1.7 million to incarcerate illegal immigrant criminals, it found.

Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves told Fox News Digital that states "are being forced to step up and pay for the Biden-Harris administration’s intentional failure to secure our border, and Mississippi is no exception."

"Their dangerous immigration policies are endangering Americans and putting enormous financial strain on states all across our country — and it’s long past time to put a stop to it. It’s clear Kamala Harris isn’t up to fixing the administration’s self-inflicted problems at the border," he said. "She’s been a disaster as border czar and is actually making the situation worse. Securing our border starts with electing Donald Trump in November."

"Mississippi’s illegal immigration problem is spiraling out of control and is costing taxpayers millions," said State Auditor Shad White. "Our public schools, hospitals, and prisons will continue to lose massive sums of money that we could have spent on our own citizens if this problem is not solved."

The number is only an estimate because specific data is not always available. The report noted that the Mississippi Dept. of Education is barred from collecting citizenship information. Instead, it used data from the University of Mississippi to project that there are approximately 2,500 illegal immigrants attending public schools. It also accounted for extra spending on English Language Learners and Low Income Student Supplements.

For health care, the report found that approximately 50% of illegal immigrants have no health care coverage and 38% use emergency medical services for primary care. It also notes the costs of births to illegal immigrants and the cost of Medicaid for children born to illegal immigrants -- who are citizens of the United States.

The report says that due to the limited amount of reliable data, the actual spending could be much higher.

The report comes at a time when border security and the ongoing crisis at the southern border is a top priority for voters and a major issue ahead of the November election.

Republicans have blamed the three-year border crisis on the Biden administration’s policies, claiming that the administration rolled back Trump-era policies and encouraged migrants to flood into the country as a result.

The Biden administration has said it needs more funding and reform, including a recent bipartisan Senate bill, but that Republicans have failed to provide it. It has also pointed to a recent sharp drop in encounters and releases since President Biden signed an executive order limiting asylum in June. Vice President Kamala Harris told attendees at the Democratic National Convention last week that former President Trump has "ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal."

"As president, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed, and I will sign it into law. I know, I know, we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reform our broken immigration system," she said
"We c. an create an earned pathway to citizenship and secure our border."
The SCREWING OVER of DJT in & by new york
 New York ruling deals Trump business a major blow      
Reading Time: 6 mins read
New York (AFP) – The sweeping punishment meted out Friday by a New York judge on Donald Trump and his family business deals a serious blow to the former president in his longtime home market.

The ruling includes some $355 million in fines, as well as a three-year ban on Trump’s service as a corporate officer and his ability to seek loans from New York banks.

The judgment maintains the independent monitor that has frustrated the Trump family, and adds an independent director of compliance. “The business in many respects is still owned by the family, but it is out of the family’s control,” said Will Thomas, a business law professor at the University of Michigan.

Although Trump is expected to appeal the ruling, legal experts do not see a viable path for avoiding the $355 million in penalties, which is essentially due immediately.

Rather than the paying the entire sum, Trump could obtain a bond. But garnering a bond requires an upfront payment of usually around 10 percent, or $35 million, which Trump would not get back even in a successful appeal, said Brian Quinn, a professor at Boston College Law School.

While Trump is known for pushing legal challenges to their limit — or past them — government authorities in New York state have leverage over the company. The company’s properties in the state include the Trump Tower, 40 Wall Street and the Trump Park Avenue hotel, which is known partly as the venue where Bob Dylan met the Beatles for the first time. Those assets could be seized if Trump doesn’t honor the agreement, Thomas said.


Bear in mind....this is from the "HuffPost"  (HuffingtonPost)

Tulsi Gabbard's Endorsement Of Trump Ignites Social Media Reactions  Story by David Moye • 22h • 2 min read

Not surprisingly, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’sendorsement of Donald Trump attracted a lot of attention on social media ― and a lot of Vladimir Putin jokes.

Gabbard officially endorsed Trump’s presidential campaign at a National Guard event Monday in Detroit, saying the former president “understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander in chief bears for every single one of our lives.”

Gabbard previously represented Hawaii as a Democrat from 2013 to 2021 and briefly ran for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020 before leaving the party in 2022 to become an independent.

However, earlier this year, she made no secret about her desire to be Trump’s running mate, telling Donald Trump Jr. that she’d be “honored to actually be in a position to help President Trump execute his policies.”

This was a switch from 2019, when she called him “corrupt.”

But many people on X, formerly Twitter, seemed more interested in how Russian President Vladimir Putin might feel about the endorsement, since she has long been suspected of being a “Russian asset” by fellow party members, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

A 2022 trip to Russia didn’t help those allegations either.

Gabbard has also been criticized for refusing to condemn Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying that the accused war criminal is “not the enemy of the United States because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States.”

Gabbard’s endorsement brought out major snark from various people on X.