Saturday, December 5, 2020
Is THIS what has become of our countries "LEADERS"....??
Police Say Democrat Mayor Ditched Crack Cocaine During Pursuit Dec/ 4, 2020 AAN Staff | Government
Massena Mayor Timmy Currier allegedly participated in narcotics sales and possession, according to an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement. The Lawrence County sheriff’s office further accuses the embattled mayor of trying, in vain, to rid himself of crack during a short pursuit before his arrest Tuesday.
The Washington Free Beacon’s Alex Nester has more on the bizarre odyssey of Mayor Currier:
Currier was arrested and charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, tampering with evidence, and failing to comply with police.
Before he was elected mayor in 2014, Currier served as the city’s police chief and worked on the force for nearly 30 years.
Local police in Massena and Homeland Security are still investigating Currier’s alleged drug-related activity.
The Vaccination cards will suffice until the "microchips" are ready
Thursday, December 3, 2020 6ABC.COM
Vaccination cards will be used as the "simplest" way to keep track of Covid-19 shots, said Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.
"Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due," Moore said. "Let's do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone's going to get that."
Try telling those whose votes weren't DELIVERED ON TIME, LOST, DUMPED, DESTROYED Orr SWITCHES TO BIDEN....Just how GREAT the USPS did delivering the 'MAIL IN" ballots....!!
It appears the USPS disenfranchised tens of thousands of voters – who mailed legally-cast ballots the week before the presidential election - through substandard performance, an NBCLX analysis of election and postal records found.
Postal Service Delays Disenfranchised Thousands of Legally-Cast Ballots This Fall China is going to tell AMERICANS what to do...Are they worried that WHEN THEY ATTACK US, WE WILL SHOOT BACK...???
Communist China Says Americans Owning Guns Is A Serious Problem That Must Change Jan 4, 2020 Guns & Gadgets
Why is Joe Biden Talking About Resigning and Letting Kamala Have His Spot..?
Because that was the plan from the "GIT_GO"....!! don't think it was HIS idea, do you...??

A video clip has been playing on social media that adds to the suspicion many people have about Democrat Joe Biden and his fitness for the office of President of the United States, and whether or not he would last in office for the full term of 4 years.
His running mate, radical far left Senator Kamala Harris could not get enough support from the Democrat Party alone, to continue on with her primary, yet Biden chose her as his running mate, making people very suspicious.
Before the election, polling showed that many Democrats believe that Biden, due to what they felt was declining mental health, would either bow out or be forced out of the position- were he to win- and make space for Harris to be President of the United States.
Concerning is Harris’ ties to the far left fringes of politics during her time in politics.
On Wednesday Biden made statements to CNN’s Jake Tapper that is sure to really concern people further:
In talking to Tapper, Biden said that if he and Harris were to disagree he would disappear.
“Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign,” Biden said.
Biden said he would resign if his Vice President disagreed with him. And Harris, nodding approvingly, watching over Biden added an air of think curiosity because she seemed to be looking over Biden
The US has 3.5 million more registered voters than eligible voters By The Real Side -May 6, 2020
“That’s enough over-registered voters to populate a ghost-state about the size of Connecticut,” Judicial Watch attorney Robert Popper said.
According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters, Investors reported.
The data come from the Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.
Judicial Watch’s state-by-state results yielded 462 counties where the registration rate exceeded 100 percent. There were 3,551,760 more people registered to vote than adult U.S. citizens who inhabit these counties.
“That’s enough over-registered voters to populate a ghost-state about the size of Connecticut,” Judicial Watch attorney Robert Popper said.
Judicial Watch reports that LA County employees “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144 percent of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”
This puts our electoral integrity in grave danger.
“California’s voting rolls are an absolute mess that undermines the very idea of clean elections,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a statement. “It is urgent that California take reasonable steps to clean up its rolls. We will sue if state officials fail to act.”
Read the rest at: Fraud Voters
The Pennsylvania Constitution requires in-person voting, except in narrow and defined circumstances. Late last year, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed a law that purported to allow universal mail-in voting, notwithstanding the Pennsylvania Constitution's express prohibition.
This appeal argues that Pennsylvania cannot change the rules in the middle of the game. If Pennsylvania wants to change how voting occurs, the state must follow the law to do so.
The illegality was compounded by a partisan Democrat Supreme Court in Pennsylvania, which has issued multiple decisions that reflect their political and ideological biases. Just over a month ago, Justice Alito, along with Justice Thomas and Justice Gorsuch, wrote-correctly, I believe-concerning the Pennsylvania court's previous decision to count ballots received after Election Day, that ‘there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution.'
In the current appeal, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed the claim based on a legal doctrine called ‘laches,' which essentially means the plaintiffs waited too long to bring the challenge. But, the plaintiffs reasonably argue that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has not applied that doctrine consistently and so they cannot selectively enforce it now.
Even more persuasively, the plaintiffs point out that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has also held that plaintiffs don't have standing to challenge an election law until after the election, meaning that the court effectively put them in a Catch-22: before the election, they lacked standing; after the election, they've delayed too long. The result of the court's gamesmanship is that a facially unconstitutional election law can never be judicially challenged.
Ordinarily, the U.S. Supreme Court would stay out of election disputes, especially concerning state law. But these are not ordinary times.
As of today, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling, 39 percent of Americans believe that ‘the election was rigged.' That is not healthy for our democracy. The bitter division and acrimony we see across the nation needs resolution. And I believe the U.S. Supreme Court has a responsibility to the American people to ensure that we are following the law and following the Constitution. Hearing this case-now, on an emergency expedited basis-would be an important step in helping rebuild confidence in the integrity of our democratic system.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Thanx to Weasel Zippers
Daily Caller @DailyCaller
Biden: I Told Obama I’d Pretend To Have A Disease And Resign If We Ever Disagreed About Something…
In case you haven't seen it yet
"Stop the Steal" rally in Georgia. Sidney Powell & Lin Wood attend Streamed live on Dec 2, 2020
NO EVIDENCE.... They mean "none they want to look at"....!!
NEW YORK — Imagine that you awaken at 4:00 a.m. to the sound of glass breaking across the street, followed by your neighbor’s blood-curdling scream. You call 911, fearing the worst.
“There is no evidence of crime,” the police operator says. “Go back to sleep.”
Fifteen minutes later, glass shatters right next door, and another horrifying shriek fills the late-night air.
“There is no evidence of widespread crime,” the 911 operator now says. “Go back to sleep.”
Are your neighbors accidentally dropping wine glasses on their tile floors and then hollering when they step onto jagged debris? Or is a serial killer in your cul-de-sac, headed your way?
Wouldn’t it be nice if the police drove over, knocked on some doors, and looked around?
This is how the media, others on the Left, and (inexplicably) Attorney General William Barr respond to reports of suspected vote fraud that grow by the day.
“No evidence!” they shout. As things look fishier with each passing day, they now say that there is “no evidence” of “widespread” vote fraud, as if “moderate” vote fraud were A-OK rather than a national outrage.
Fact: There IS evidence of vote fraud, irregularities, statistical anomalies, and other things that simply are not right about last month’s election. Debating the importance of this evidence is appropriate, indeed vital. But pretending that it doesn’t exist and calling complaints of election malfeasance “baseless” and “unsubstantiated” is pure denial of the most societally corrosive kind.
Nothing New....Rules for thee, but not for me...!!
California Politician Caught Dining Outdoors After Voting to Ban It 12/2/2020
A politician from Los Angeles is under fire after being caught dining outside after voting to ban the activity.
According to The Washington Free Beacon:
A Democratic Los Angeles County official dined outdoors at a Santa Monica restaurant just hours after she voted to ban outdoor dining, Fox 11 Los Angeles reported Monday.
At a county board meeting on Nov. 24, Los Angeles County supervisor Sheila Kuehl voted to ban outdoor dining, which she called “a most dangerous situation” for spreading the coronavirus. After the vote, which passed 3-2, Kuehl stopped by Il Forno Trattoria, an Italian restaurant she frequents, before the outdoor dining ban took effect the following day.
All restaurants and bars in Los Angeles County are now banned from serving customers outdoors for at least three weeks.
Kuehl is one of several Democratic leaders who have been caught disobeying their own health restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic and resulting shutdowns.
This of course is one instance in a long list of politicians not obeying their lockdown protocol. This leads to the conclusion that the virus must not be as bad as they say.
The "MISTAKE" was electing her "SPEAKER again....Throw her out on her DRUNK ASS...!! (Joseph Zeballos-Roig) 30 mins ago
"It was not a mistake," Pelosi said at her press conference.
Some House Democrats called on her to strike a deal before the election, but Pelosi argued the administration was only putting forward "half a loaf".
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended her support of a stimulus package half the size of what the Trump administration offered in October at her weekly press conference on Friday. The California Democrat also cited the "gamechanger" of Joe Biden's election as the 46th president as well as the positive vaccine developments in her backing of the $908 billion relief bill proposed earlier this week.
She argued that her previous insistence for a broad spending package of at least $2.2 trillion is producing results.
"It was not a mistake. It was a decision that has taken us to a place where we can do the right things without other, shall we say, considerations, in the legislation that we don't want," she said, adding, "I'm very proud of where we are."
WATCH: McEnany Ruthlessly Calls Out Democrats During Press Conf. — Plays Videos Of Them Breaking Their Own Lockdown Rules! A.M. Smith enVolve 12/03/2020
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany began her Wednesday press briefing by ruthlessly destroying Democrats over their hypocrisy by showing clips of them failing to abide by their own COVID-19 lockdown rules...
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Another One.....
EXPLOSIVE: Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots, Lawsuit Claims BY TYLER O'NEIL NOV 30, 2020

“State and local officials brazenly violated election laws in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” Phil Kline, director of The Amistad Project, said in a statement. “The pattern of lawlessness was so pervasive and widespread that it deprived the people of Michigan of a free and fair election, throwing the integrity of the entire process into question.”
Nevada 'fraud': 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as 'homes' by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | December 02, 2020
The Trump campaign on Wednesday unveiled a tranche of information it plans to present to a Nevada state court Thursday that suggests there were thousands of fraudulent votes cast — possibly enough to overturn Joe Biden’s win there by 33,569 votes.Officials said that among the evidence and expert testimony to be presented in Carson City are indications that over 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, that 42,248 people voted “multiple times,” data on a huge spike in incomplete voter registrations, and home addresses in temporary RV camps and casinos.
They also plan to present polling that 1% of Nevada voters shown to have voted never did and 2% of those shown to have voted by mail never got a ballot.
The legal team was quick to note that it has just begun to collect information and that fraud cases can sometimes take months to years to investigate.
Officials also added that they have been stonewalled by U.S. Postal Service and state and county officials in their efforts to review votes and registrations.
Their focus has been in Democratic-heavy Clark County, where Biden won by 90,922 votes. Biden won 521,852 to President Trump’s 430,930. By contrast, in 2016, Trump won 511,319 votes and lost it to Hillary Rodham Clinton by just 26,434 votes.
One of the leaders of the effort, American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, told Secrets, “In my years of experience in politics, I have never seen the amount of illegal voting like we have documented in Clark County, Nevada. It is a level of corruption I didn't think could happen in a modern, free country.”
Schlapp said that if bad votes are thrown out, the president would be the winner. “I can't predict what a judge will do, but any fair-minded American would come to the same conclusion: Trump won Nevada by thousands of votes if illegal ballots are remedied.”
The campaign and surrogate groups have made similar claims in several states. Unlike many of those, the Nevada effort won a green light to continue.
Schlapp said that the problems his group has found in just a few weeks in Nevada are likely in other states.
“This is a shameful moment in American history. Five or six Democrat-controlled major cities greenlighted fraud and changed outcomes. Trump won Nevada by a wide margin, and I believe these same dirty deeds occurred in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, essentially disenfranchising 73.3 million Americans. This is a civil rights emergency. If we don't immediately expose the fraud, America will never accept this election,” he added.
Also today, Indiana Sen. Mike Braun told Secrets that he believes Democratic cities also saw fraud, and he said that if states refuse to investigate the reports, people will lose faith in the voting system.
We keep hearing "No Evidence" but bad ballots and Videos keep popping up in all the "swing states"
BREAKING: Video Released by Team Trump Purports to Show Ga. Poll Workers Pulling 'Suitcases' of Ballots In Secret Follow Jonathan Davis Posted December 3, 2020
At this point, we have no idea if President Donald Trump’s legal team will manage to convince enough state legislatures in key battleground states to refuse to certify their election results for Joe Biden.
But the team is making it about as easy as they can by presenting convincing evidence to Republicans who control those legislatures that massive election fraud took place on Nov. 3 and in the hours and days following Election Day.
The campaign dropped more damning evidence during a government oversight hearing in Georgia on Thursday: Video footage showing several containers full of ballots pulled from underneath a strategically located table in a ballot counting facility after the poll worker supervisor instructed GOP poll staffers to go home in the early hours of Nov. 4.
On Election Night, the president was ahead of Biden by about 110,000 votes when report of a broken water pipe led to vote-counting to stop in Fulton County, a heavily Democratic enclave that is home to Atlanta.
Poll watchers were dismissed from the State Farm Arena, home to the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks. But it’s questionable that a pipe actually burst in the center. Also, the instruction to stop counting ballots occurred simultaneously in a number of battleground states including Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, according to witness testimony.
But a few people stayed behind and began retrieving what appears on video to be hidden ballot containers in secret.
"WATCH: Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes," Team Trump wrote in a tweet containing video of the incident.
The campaign identified a blonde woman with braided hair who put the table in the room around 8:22 a.m. on Election Day, adding she is the same one who dismissed poll observers “under the pretense that” the count was going to stop, Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says, narrating the video.
“I saw four suitcases come out from underneath the table,” Ellis adds, as people in the room then take them over to tabulation machines to be counted.
“So, what are these ballots doing there separate from all the other ballots? And why are they only counting them when the place is cleared out with no witnesses?” she added.
“These machines can process about 3,000 ballots an hour. You have multiple machines there. And you’re there for two hours. So you do the math…how many ballots went through those machines in those two hours when there was no one there to supervise, to be present, consistent with [Georgia] statutes and rules to supervise the tabulation?” Ellis continued.
“We believe that can easily be, and probably is, certainly, beyond the margin of victory in this race.”
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Trump Releases Bizarre, Stunning 46-Minute Taped Speech Digging In on False Election Claims and Conspiracy Theories By Josh FeldmanDec 2nd, 2020,
President Donald Trump dropped a surprise 46-minute speech on Facebook Wednesday digging in on the false election claims and baseless conspiracy theories he has pushed since the election was called for Joe Biden.
The president repeated a lot of false claims that have already been debunked (includiing in courtrooms) as he continued to sow doubt about the legitimacy of the election, claim there was such widespread fraud that the results would change in several states, and declaring, “If we are right about the fraud, Joe Biden can’t be president.”
The president claimed something suspicious about how Republicans made gains in Congress while he lost — something that has already been debunked as not being suspicious in and of itself.
He brought out charts on the results in some states and continued to attack top Georgia Republican officials, and touted claims of dead people voting (some of the claims Trump’s campaign had made of dead voters were debunked weeks ago).
Trump falsely declared again he “easily” wins the big swing states with legal votes, a claim he has made time and time again with no evidence backing up that kind of widespread fraud.
Not mentioned in the president’s speech were his legal team’s failures in court, with judge after judge after judge after judge rejecting their claims, with Rudy Giuliani and others claiming after the fact they’re just not getting fair hearings. The president’s excuse for the legal failures in the speech is that judges “know it’s true” and “know who won the election” but won’t admit he is right.
He aired his grievances about the Russia investigation and “the impeachment hoax” and more, and at one point even took a shot at “some people in this administration” for “disappear[ing}” in this fight, presumably referring to Bill Barr saying the Justice Department has seen no evidence of voter fraud that would overturn the results of the election.