Saturday, June 20, 2020
Reading about the OTHER side, This is written by Michael Moore and we all know where HE stands when it comes to President by reading this I get the idea that he's NOT TOO SURE where they stand in this coming election.....
They started lining up on Tues in Tulsa for Trump’s rally today. 100,000 are expected! Trump has lost none of his base and they are more rabid than ever. Sleeping on the sidewalk for five nights just to get in to see Trump? THAT is commitment. Do not take Trump for granted. Don’t think he can’t win. Don’t get all cocky telling everyone there’s no way he’s winning the White House because, frankly, you sound a lot like yourself four years ago when you told everyone there’s no way this country is going to put a clown in the Oval Office. If you are once again not taking my warnings seriously, then I have a question I want you to answer, and I ask you to answer me honestly:
“How many people would line up for five days just to hear Joe Biden talk?”
The candidate who inspires the most people in the swing states to excitedly get to the polls — and ensure that each of them bring 10-20 of their friends & family w/ them on Election Day — all of them highly-motivated, fired-up, & “on a mission from God” — THAT’S who wins the White House. Don’t think we don’t have a problem here. Don’t get all smug laughing at these Bubbas in Tulsa today & snickering over how many of them are going to come down with Covid-19. They live, eat and breathe Trump — and none of us do that with Joe Biden. We’re counting on Hatred of Trump - not love of Biden - to win the day. Is that how you really think — hate beats love? Like, the more we ply our neighbor’s hatred of Trump, that’s the ticket to win? Because deep down we know there’s no massive, intense love of Joe Biden, no one is all dreamy and jazzy when they think about Joe Biden’s jobs plan, Joe Biden’s health care plan, child care plan, criminal justice plan, income inequality plan — “Mike! Stop! We get it.” Trump’s ppl will pack the polling sites. Our people will, well...well...they’ll be there!
That’s not enough. We’d better figure this out. Biden better get out of the basement. We need to know he’s ok. We need to know what Plan B is. Don’t be afraid to search your own mind about what you’re afraid to ask or say. We can’t risk ANYTHING with this election. Biden has to rock everyone’s world to win. I’m just the messenger. I’ll do my part.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Rush Suggests Some Dem Govs May Harm Their State’s Economy To Hurt Trump’s Re-Election Chances June 17, 2020 Martin Walsh
During a segment on his radio program, Limbaugh warned that Democratic governors are going to try to keep their states shut down as long as possible so they can plan President Donald Trump for their problems.
Rush also said he thinks Democratic lawmakers will rely on Republicans to get economies up and running following statewide lockdown orders.
“I’ll tell you something else that’s starting to send red flags up. You probably have already noticed this. All these blue state governors that want to keep their states locked down, it’s purely political. But what are they depending on? They’re depending on the red states — the red states that are opening up! The red states are gonna get the economy kick-started,” Limbaugh said.
“The red states are gonna create capital and money to transfer to pay these people their stupid welfare costs (and whatever else they’re using to bleed this country dry), while their population sits home, doesn’t work, waits for the federal check to show up — and they sit around and they trash the supposedly reckless red states. I cannot tell you how this irritates me,” he continued.
Limbaugh argued that Republican governors are “doing the right thing” while their Democratic counterparts are doing “the exact opposite.”
He then said blue states will try to “wreck the economy” to ensure Trump isn’t reelected come November.
Rush argued: “The red-state governors — like Kemp in Georgia and any number of these people — are doing the right thing. They’re trying to get their people back to work, for all the right common-sensical human and humane reasons — to protect lives — to protect livelihoods, the United States economy, the state economy. And then you go to a blue state, and it’s the exact opposite.”
Rush then really tore into Democrats:
Conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh is sounding the alarm on a plot he believes Democrats are enacting to defeat President Trump in November.
During a segment on his radio program, Limbaugh warned that Democratic governors are going to try to keep their states shut down as long as possible so they can plan President Donald Trump for their problems.
Rush also said he thinks Democratic lawmakers will rely on Republicans to get economies up and running following statewide lockdown orders.
“I’ll tell you something else that’s starting to send red flags up. You probably have already noticed this. All these blue state governors that want to keep their states locked down, it’s purely political. But what are they depending on? They’re depending on the red states — the red states that are opening up! The red states are gonna get the economy kick-started,” Limbaugh said.
“The red states are gonna create capital and money to transfer to pay these people their stupid welfare costs (and whatever else they’re using to bleed this country dry), while their population sits home, doesn’t work, waits for the federal check to show up — and they sit around and they trash the supposedly reckless red states. I cannot tell you how this irritates me,” he continued.
Limbaugh argued that Republican governors are “doing the right thing” while their Democratic counterparts are doing “the exact opposite.”
He then said blue states will try to “wreck the economy” to ensure Trump isn’t reelected come November.
Rush argued: “The red-state governors — like Kemp in Georgia and any number of these people — are doing the right thing. They’re trying to get their people back to work, for all the right common-sensical human and humane reasons — to protect lives — to protect livelihoods, the United States economy, the state economy. And then you go to a blue state, and it’s the exact opposite.”
Rush then really tore into Democrats:
"OK, here is how to handle the situation in Seattle.
“1. Set up a perimeter around their so-called border, complete with concertina wire, armed border patrol agents, and checkpoints. At these CHECKPOINTS, post huge signs saying, "You are now entering the United States of America. Please have passports and travel papers ready". Deny them entry into the U.S.
“2. CUT OFF their electricity, water, and sewer systems. Since they are autonomous, they must supply their own infrastructure. If they wish to use American infrastructure, they must pay for it -- at international rates.
“3. Place TARIFFS on any goods or foodstuffs they wish to IMPORT into their autonomous zone, same as you would with any other country.
“4. Cut off their access to WI-FI and CELL SERVICE. Since they are autonomous, they must establish their own corporations to provide these services. If they wish to use American internet and phone services, they must pay -- at international rates.
“5. If they wish to return to the United States, they must APPLY for IMMIGRATION, just like any other foreigner would. If they sneak into the country, put them into detention centers, then deport them back to CHAZ.
“6. Sit back and laugh when they start realizing the real world isn't like playing Sims in Mommy's basement.”
"OK, here is how to handle the situation in Seattle.
“1. Set up a perimeter around their so-called border, complete with concertina wire, armed border patrol agents, and checkpoints. At these CHECKPOINTS, post huge signs saying, "You are now entering the United States of America. Please have passports and travel papers ready". Deny them entry into the U.S.
“2. CUT OFF their electricity, water, and sewer systems. Since they are autonomous, they must supply their own infrastructure. If they wish to use American infrastructure, they must pay for it -- at international rates.
“3. Place TARIFFS on any goods or foodstuffs they wish to IMPORT into their autonomous zone, same as you would with any other country.
“4. Cut off their access to WI-FI and CELL SERVICE. Since they are autonomous, they must establish their own corporations to provide these services. If they wish to use American internet and phone services, they must pay -- at international rates.
“5. If they wish to return to the United States, they must APPLY for IMMIGRATION, just like any other foreigner would. If they sneak into the country, put them into detention centers, then deport them back to CHAZ.
“6. Sit back and laugh when they start realizing the real world isn't like playing Sims in Mommy's basement.”
Peaceful protesting......
Peggy Hubbard speaks on BLM and Pelosi giving folded and cased American flag. Like the ones USUALLY given to families of military HEROES
BUT....What does pelosi know ?? BOOZE...That's it,.. PELOSI KNOWS BOOZE..!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Georgia Officer Acted Lawfully in Utilizing Deadly Force Against Suspect By AAN Staff June 16, 2020
As a criminal defense attorney, Townhall columnist Marina Medvin knows better than most what qualifies as a justifiable homicide. Non-criminal homicides often arise as an act of necessity in self-defense, which is what Medvin persuasively argues happened in the admittedly unfortunate death of Rayshard Brooks.
After being lawfully detained by Atlanta police officers Devin Brosnan and Garrett Rolfe and failing a breathalyzer test, the officers attempt to arrest Mr. Brooks.
In the next two seconds, Mr. Brooks made a series of decisions that irrevocably altered the lives of all three men. (Townhall)
Mr. Brooks begins struggling and pulling away forcefully as the two officers attempt to handcuff him. The struggle thrashes all three men onto the pavement. The officers are continuously giving Mr. Brooks commands to stop and warn him that they will have to tase him if he doesn’t stop resisting and fighting them. Ofc. Brosnan takes out his taser and points it at Mr. Brooks, who manages to get it out of the officer’s hands. The officers can be heard on the bodycam footage telling Mr. Brooks not to touch the taser. Mr. Brooks succeeds in stealing the taser away from Ofc. Brosnan and throws the two officers off of him. He punches Ofc. Rolfe and breaks free, running back from the officers on the ground, stolen taser in hand.
Mr. Brooks has now committed a felony obstruction by fighting the officers, a felony assault by striking the officers to rob them of the taser, and a felony robbery by stealing the taser while using force.
Mr. Brooks, while running forwards, then turns his hand bearing the taser back at Ofc. Rolfe. Mr. Brooks also turns his head back and looks behind him (while continuing to run forwards). Mr. Brooks then discharges the taser at the officer running behind him. Mr. Brooks has just committed another felony act of aggravated assault on an officer. Ofc. Rolfe ducks and moves out of the way to avoid being shot with the taser, while simultaneously switching from holding his taser to his firearm. This all happens in the course of one second.
In the next second, Mr. Brooks continues running forwards, and again turns his hand bearing the taser back at Ofc. Rolfe and looks back at him. The two men appear in a duel position, their arms, weapons in hand, pointed at one another. Mr. Brooks is in the commission of another felony assault. Ofc. Rolfe then shoots his firearm three times, with two of the bullets striking Mr. Brooks and taking him down. As soon as Mr. Brooks is down, Ofc. Rolfe holsters his weapon and screams, “put your hands behind your back!”
As a criminal defense attorney, Townhall columnist Marina Medvin knows better than most what qualifies as a justifiable homicide. Non-criminal homicides often arise as an act of necessity in self-defense, which is what Medvin persuasively argues happened in the admittedly unfortunate death of Rayshard Brooks.
After being lawfully detained by Atlanta police officers Devin Brosnan and Garrett Rolfe and failing a breathalyzer test, the officers attempt to arrest Mr. Brooks.
In the next two seconds, Mr. Brooks made a series of decisions that irrevocably altered the lives of all three men. (Townhall)
Mr. Brooks begins struggling and pulling away forcefully as the two officers attempt to handcuff him. The struggle thrashes all three men onto the pavement. The officers are continuously giving Mr. Brooks commands to stop and warn him that they will have to tase him if he doesn’t stop resisting and fighting them. Ofc. Brosnan takes out his taser and points it at Mr. Brooks, who manages to get it out of the officer’s hands. The officers can be heard on the bodycam footage telling Mr. Brooks not to touch the taser. Mr. Brooks succeeds in stealing the taser away from Ofc. Brosnan and throws the two officers off of him. He punches Ofc. Rolfe and breaks free, running back from the officers on the ground, stolen taser in hand.
Mr. Brooks has now committed a felony obstruction by fighting the officers, a felony assault by striking the officers to rob them of the taser, and a felony robbery by stealing the taser while using force.
Mr. Brooks, while running forwards, then turns his hand bearing the taser back at Ofc. Rolfe. Mr. Brooks also turns his head back and looks behind him (while continuing to run forwards). Mr. Brooks then discharges the taser at the officer running behind him. Mr. Brooks has just committed another felony act of aggravated assault on an officer. Ofc. Rolfe ducks and moves out of the way to avoid being shot with the taser, while simultaneously switching from holding his taser to his firearm. This all happens in the course of one second.
In the next second, Mr. Brooks continues running forwards, and again turns his hand bearing the taser back at Ofc. Rolfe and looks back at him. The two men appear in a duel position, their arms, weapons in hand, pointed at one another. Mr. Brooks is in the commission of another felony assault. Ofc. Rolfe then shoots his firearm three times, with two of the bullets striking Mr. Brooks and taking him down. As soon as Mr. Brooks is down, Ofc. Rolfe holsters his weapon and screams, “put your hands behind your back!”
American Patriots Retake The Seattle Occupation Zone For America Public....Hosted by Prntly and 4 others taking place July 4th 2020
On July 4th, Independence Day,a coalition of patriot groups and all who want to join are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America. antifa members are illegally occupying public property and terrorizing small businesses in the neighborhood. American patriots have agreed to come together again, remove the barricades illegally obstructing traffic, and free the people in the zone.
We will meet at volunteer park throughout the morning and then in the early afternoon march on the CHAZ.
You do not need a bike to join. Any and all patriots with all vehicles are coming to this event.
We are not going to hurt anybody, break the law etc. We are simply going to tear down the illegal barriers on public property, clean up the mess these communist kids made, and return the police station over to Seattle Police Department control.
*Bikers will use any of multiple staging areas being offered by local patriots with land. They can stage there in safety and then rally together to downtown by noon.
Ground troops without bikes will meet in the city of Seattle and rally all morning until noon.
Together we will then march and ride to the CHAZ where we will eliminate the unlawful barricades shutting CHAZ out from the United States.
We will bring CHAZ back into the fold.
You do not need a bike to join. Any and all patriots with all vehicles are coming to this event.
We are not going to hurt anybody, break the law etc. We are simply going to tear down the illegal barriers on public property, clean up the mess these communist kids made, and return the police station over to Seattle Police Department control.
*Bikers will use any of multiple staging areas being offered by local patriots with land. They can stage there in safety and then rally together to downtown by noon.
Ground troops without bikes will meet in the city of Seattle and rally all morning until noon.
Together we will then march and ride to the CHAZ where we will eliminate the unlawful barricades shutting CHAZ out from the United States.
We will bring CHAZ back into the fold.
These States Are Prosecuting Rioters
By AAN Staff June 12, 2020
By AAN Staff June 12, 2020
Law and order still exists…
While many liberal jurisdictions are opting to let rioting and looting continue unabated, others are prosecuting trouble makers to the fullest extent of the law. Not every state is looking to bring justice to those that have destroyed the lives and livelihoods of their residents but
those that are, are doing so quickly
Here are the states that are dropping the hammer hardest:
(RELATED: Terrorists Want Radical Socialist Government in American City [VIDEO]).
those that are, are doing so quickly
Here are the states that are dropping the hammer hardest:
(RELATED: Terrorists Want Radical Socialist Government in American City [VIDEO]).
IS TUCKER CARLSON the bravest man on TV ?...OR the bravest man in the country..??
Obama & Michelle’s families both were involved in slavery. Wake up America!! This is the greatest country ever.
Sean Hannity posted a video to playlist Latest Videos.
Yesterday at 7:00 AM ·
Leo Terrell: I Stopped Drinking the Democratic Kool-Aid; I Can’t Take the Hypocrisy Anymore
Yesterday at 7:00 AM ·
Leo Terrell: I Stopped Drinking the Democratic Kool-Aid; I Can’t Take the Hypocrisy Anymore
Monday, June 15, 2020
Need to block Gov. Ralph Northam every chance we get....POS
Virginia judge blocks Gov. Ralph Northam’s order to take down Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond for 10 days
By Bill Atkinson The Progress-Index Posted Jun 9, 2020
A Virginia judge has issued an 10-day injunction that prevents Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration from removing an iconic but controversial statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Richmond.
The governor, however, won’t be deterred, a spokesman told The Progress-Index, a member of the USA TODAY Network.
“Governor Northam remains committed to removing this divisive symbol from Virginia’s capital city, and we’re confident in his authority to do so,” press secretary Alena Yarmosky said in an email late Monday night.
On Monday, Richmond Circuit Court judge Bradley B. Cavedo granted a request by attorneys for William C. Gregory that would halt any of the preparation work involved in removing the statue from its 130-year-old residence on Moument Avenue.
In the order, Cavedo said Northam’s directive is a violation of an 1890 deed filed in Henrico County stating the commonwealth “guaranteed” to place the 12-ton statue and its 40-foot pedestal in its existing location and to “faithfully guard it and affectionately protect it.”
The governor, however, won’t be deterred, a spokesman told The Progress-Index, a member of the USA TODAY Network.
“Governor Northam remains committed to removing this divisive symbol from Virginia’s capital city, and we’re confident in his authority to do so,” press secretary Alena Yarmosky said in an email late Monday night.
On Monday, Richmond Circuit Court judge Bradley B. Cavedo granted a request by attorneys for William C. Gregory that would halt any of the preparation work involved in removing the statue from its 130-year-old residence on Moument Avenue.
In the order, Cavedo said Northam’s directive is a violation of an 1890 deed filed in Henrico County stating the commonwealth “guaranteed” to place the 12-ton statue and its 40-foot pedestal in its existing location and to “faithfully guard it and affectionately protect it.”
Jesse Jackson says Obama 'failed' black people as far back as 2015 Aaron Morrison, International Business Times 2015
President Barack Obama hasn’t leveraged the full force of federal agencies to target systemic and historical inequities that keep blacks in the U.S. behind whites in employment, opportunity and wealth, the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. said.
The veteran civil rights activist criticized the president this week amid a nationwide campaign to inspire a sense of empowerment among African-Americans and accountability in government and corporations toward disadvantaged populations.
Jackson, who fought poverty and racism alongside the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s, launched the campaign this year amid ongoing strife over police shootings in communities of color and economic inequalities.
He said the high rate of black unemployment has been a lasting consequence of slavery and past legal discrimination that Obama, the first African-American commander in chief, should have dealt with more directly.
“The unfinished business is this issue of targeting racial justice,” Jackson told International Business Times in a wide-ranging interview about ideas for lifting people out of poverty. Even as job growth has been sustained month-over-month during the bulk of Obama’s presidency, the recovery from the 2007-09 financial crisis has been slowest for African-Americans -- and that has troubled both Jackson and economists.
“He has the view that racial injustice is something that requires a vote [in Congress],” Jackson said, referring to the president. “Blacks are without a targeted plan. Without one, we’ll never have an even playing field.”
The veteran civil rights activist criticized the president this week amid a nationwide campaign to inspire a sense of empowerment among African-Americans and accountability in government and corporations toward disadvantaged populations.
Jackson, who fought poverty and racism alongside the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s, launched the campaign this year amid ongoing strife over police shootings in communities of color and economic inequalities.
He said the high rate of black unemployment has been a lasting consequence of slavery and past legal discrimination that Obama, the first African-American commander in chief, should have dealt with more directly.
“The unfinished business is this issue of targeting racial justice,” Jackson told International Business Times in a wide-ranging interview about ideas for lifting people out of poverty. Even as job growth has been sustained month-over-month during the bulk of Obama’s presidency, the recovery from the 2007-09 financial crisis has been slowest for African-Americans -- and that has troubled both Jackson and economists.
“He has the view that racial injustice is something that requires a vote [in Congress],” Jackson said, referring to the president. “Blacks are without a targeted plan. Without one, we’ll never have an even playing field.”

White and Black Slaves in the Sugar Plantations of Barbados. None of the Irish victims ever made it back to their homeland to describe their ordeal. These are the lost slaves; the ones that time and biased history books conveniently forgot.
The first slaves imported into the American colonies were 100 White children. They arrived during Easter, 1619, four months before the arrival of a the first shipment of Black slaves.Mainstream histories refer to these laborers as indentured servants, not slaves, because many agreed to work for a set period of time in exchange for land and rights.
Yet in reality, indenture was enslavement, since slavery applies to any person who is bought and sold, chained and abused, whether for a decade or a lifetime. Many white people died long before their indenture ended or found that no court would back them when their owners failed to deliver on promises.Tens of thousands of convicts, beggars, homeless children and other undesirable English, Scottish, and Irish lower class were transported to America against their will to the Americas on slave ships. YES SLAVE SHIPS.
Many of the white slaves were brought from Ireland, where the law held that it was ?no more sin to kill an Irishman than a dog or any other brute.? The European rich class caused a lot of suffering to these people , even if they were white like them.In 1676, there was a huge slave rebellion in Virginia. Black and white slaves burned Jamestown to the ground. Hundreds died. The planters feared a re-occurence. Their solution was to divide the races against each other. They instilled a sense of superiority in the white slaves and degraded the black slaves. White slaves were given new rights; their masters could not whip them naked without a court order,etc. White slaves whose daily condition was no different from that of Blacks, were taught that they belonged to a superior people. The races were given different clothing. Living quarters were segregated for the first time. But the whites were still slaves.
In the 17th Century, from 1600 until 1699, there were many more Irish sold as slaves than Africans. There are records of Irish slaves well into the 18th Century.Many never made it off the ships. According to written record, in at least one incident 132 slaves, men, women, and children, were dumped overboard to drown because ships’ supplies were running low. They were drowned because the insurance would pay for an “accident,” but not if the slaves were allowed to starve.
Typical death rates on the ships were from 37% to 50%.In the West Indies, the African and Irish slaves were housed together, but because the African slaves were much more costly, they were treated much better than the Irish slaves. Also, the Irish were Catholic, and Papists were hated among the Protestant planters. An Irish slave would endure such treatment as having his hands and feet set on fire or being strung up and beaten for even a small infraction. Richard Ligon, who witnessed these things first-hand and recorded them in a history of Barbados he published in 1657, stated:”Truly, I have seen cruelty there done to servants as I did not think one Christian couldhave done to another.”(5)According to Sean O’Callahan, in To Hell or Barbados, Irish men and women were inspected like cattle there, just as the Africans were.
In addition, Irish slaves, who were harder to distinguish from their owners since they shared the same skin color, were branded with the owner’s initials, the women on the forearm and the men on the buttocks. O’Callahan goes on to say that the women were not only sold to the planters as sexual slaves but were often sold to local brothels as well. He states that the black or mulatto overseers also often forced the women to strip while working in the fields and often used them sexually as well.(6)The one advantage the Irish slaves had over the African slaves was that since they were literate and they did not survive well in the fields, they were generally used as house servants, accountants, and teachers. But the gentility of the service did not correlate to the punishment for infractions.
Flogging was common, and most slave owners did not really care if they killed an easily replaceable, cheap Irish slave.While most of these slaves who survived were eventually freed after their time of service was completed, many leaving the islands for the American colonies, many were not, and the planters found another way to insure a free supply of valuable slaves. They were quick to “find solace” and start breeding with the Irish slave women. Many of them were very pretty, but more than that, while most of the Irish were sold for only a period of service, usually about 10 years assuming they survived, their children were born slaves for life.
The planters knew that most of the mothers would remain in servitude to remain with their children even after their service was technically up.The planters also began to breed the Irish women with the African male slaves to make lighter skinned slaves, because the lighter skinned slaves were more desirable and could be sold for more money. A law was passed against this practice in 1681, not for moral reasons but because the practice was causing the Royal African Company to lose money. According to James F. Cavanaugh, this company, sent 249 shiploads of slaves to the West Indies in the 1680’s, a total of 60,000 African and Irish, 14,000 of whom died in passage.(7)While the trade in Irish slaves tapered off after the defeat of King James in 1691, England once again shipped out thousands of Irish prisoners who were taken after the Irish Rebellion of 1798.
These prisoners were shipped to America and to Australia, specifically to be sold as slaves.No Irish slave shipped to the West Indies or America has ever been known to have returned to Ireland. Many died, either in passage or from abuse or overwork. Others won their freedom and emigrated to the American colonies. Still others remained in the West Indies, which still contain an population of “Black Irish,” many the descendents of the children of black slaves and Irish slaves.In 1688, the first woman killed in Cotton Mather’s witch trials in Massachusetts was an old Irish woman named Anne Glover, who had been captured and sold as a slave in 1650.
She spoke no English. She could recite The Lord’s Prayer in Gaelic and Latin, but without English, Mather decided her Gaelic was discourse with the devil, and hung her.It was not until 1839 that a law was passed in England ending the slave trade, and thus the trade in Irish slaves.It is unfortunate that, while the descendents of black slaves have kept their history alive and not allowed their atrocity to be forgotten, the Irish heritage of slavery in America and the West Indies has been largely ignored or forgotten.
This article was originally published in 2014 and is frequently updated
Gowdy Reveals Who He Thinks Is in Durham’s Sights
By AAN Staff June 15, 2020
Per the Washington Examiner:
“Keep in mind. Peter Strzok, that I think is now a household name, has his fingerprints on every aspect of this,” Gowdy said on Fox News on Wednesday.
Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor who served as a Republican congressman from South Carolina, mapped out Strzok’s integral role throughout investigations underlying the 2016 election.
“From initiating it in the summer of 2016 to the Hillary Clinton investigation to [special counsel Robert] Mueller to interviewing Michael Flynn,” he said. “So, Peter Strzok would be a name that I would listen for as Durham begins to wind up his work.”
Strzok took part in the Russia and Hillary Clinton email investigations. He authored the “opening electronic communication” that initiated the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. After DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz uncovered anti-Trump text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Republicans accused them of being part of a plot to undermine Trump
By AAN Staff June 15, 2020
Attorney General William Barr recently told Fox News that the Justice Department’s inquiry on the Russian probe is honing in on some familiar names.
Barr chose the eminently capable U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the investigation, and his remarks have lead Trey Gowdy to deduce that Durham has disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok in his sights.
Barr chose the eminently capable U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the investigation, and his remarks have lead Trey Gowdy to deduce that Durham has disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok in his sights.
“Keep in mind. Peter Strzok, that I think is now a household name, has his fingerprints on every aspect of this,” Gowdy said on Fox News on Wednesday.
Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor who served as a Republican congressman from South Carolina, mapped out Strzok’s integral role throughout investigations underlying the 2016 election.
“From initiating it in the summer of 2016 to the Hillary Clinton investigation to [special counsel Robert] Mueller to interviewing Michael Flynn,” he said. “So, Peter Strzok would be a name that I would listen for as Durham begins to wind up his work.”
Strzok took part in the Russia and Hillary Clinton email investigations. He authored the “opening electronic communication” that initiated the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. After DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz uncovered anti-Trump text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Republicans accused them of being part of a plot to undermine Trump
Senate Judiciary authorizes subpoenas for Obama officials amid Russia probe review
By Brooke Singman | Fox News
Sen. Lindsey Graham on stunning revelations from R Rosenstein's Senate testimony Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham joins Sean Hannity with insight on 'Hannity.'
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved subpoenas for documents and testimony from top Obama administration officials as part of the panel’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe during the 2016 presidential election.
The committee voted Thursday to approve a measure giving broad authority to Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to subpoena more than 50 mostly former Obama administration officials as part of its investigation.
The subpoenas apply to former FBI Director James Comey, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others.
"McCabe...Comey...their day is coming," Graham said.
The panel rejected a call by Democrats to subpoena those associated with President Trump or the Trump campaign. The Democrats sought subpoenas for George Papadopoulos, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, among others.
All amendments and authorizations were approved or tabled on party-line votes.
By Brooke Singman | Fox News
Sen. Lindsey Graham on stunning revelations from R Rosenstein's Senate testimony Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham joins Sean Hannity with insight on 'Hannity.'
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved subpoenas for documents and testimony from top Obama administration officials as part of the panel’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe during the 2016 presidential election.
The committee voted Thursday to approve a measure giving broad authority to Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to subpoena more than 50 mostly former Obama administration officials as part of its investigation.
The subpoenas apply to former FBI Director James Comey, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others.
"McCabe...Comey...their day is coming," Graham said.
The panel rejected a call by Democrats to subpoena those associated with President Trump or the Trump campaign. The Democrats sought subpoenas for George Papadopoulos, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, among others.
All amendments and authorizations were approved or tabled on party-line votes.
Fifteen Police Officers Have Died since Nationwide Protests Began. Here’s Who They Are. By Michael Brigham
June 15, 2020
End of watch…

U.S. Customs and Border Protection viaWikimediaCommons
.George Floyd’s death on May 25 came after a white police officer put his body weight on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes while he lay handcuffed on the ground. Protests justifiably erupted nationwide. Violent rioters co-opted a small percentage — but a significant number of them.
As of last week, at least 17 people have perished in the unrest.
Here’s a list of all the police officers who’ve died since May 25. While some demonize the police as a whole, we want to take time to honor the memory of officers who lost their lives in service to their communities.
As of last week, at least 17 people have perished in the unrest.
Here’s a list of all the police officers who’ve died since May 25. While some demonize the police as a whole, we want to take time to honor the memory of officers who lost their lives in service to their communities.
I am republican, is Lindsey.....??
Lindsey Graham Wavers On Calling Obama To Testify About Russia Probe, As Trump Requested
June 15, 2020 Martin Walsh
One thing that is consistent in Washington, D.C., is that the swamp protects itself, which makes it easy for someone like former President Barack Obama to get away with everything.
With that in mind, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham stabbed President Donald Trump in the back and rejected the president’s calls for Obama to testify over his administration’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.
Trump has been demanding investigations and accountability for top Obama-era officials who may have broken the law and/or skirted boundaries to launch the Russia investigation.
Graham released a statement on Thursday that his Senate committee plans to begin high-profile hearings on the topic beginning next month.
“I am greatly concerned about the precedent that would be set by calling a former president for oversight,” Graham said. “No president is above the law. However, the presidency has executive privilege claims against other branches of government.” Graham added that “to say we are living in unusual times is an understatement.”
In a Thursday morning tweet, Trump called on Graham to ask Obama to testify about what Trump has dubbed “Obamagate.”
Graham alluded to Obama’s recent comments, where the ex-president slammed the DOJ for filing a motion to drop the charges against former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn.
“We have the sitting president (Trump) accusing the former president (Obama) of being part of a treasonous conspiracy to undermine his presidency,” Graham said. “We have the former president suggesting the current president is destroying the rule of law by dismissing the Gen. Flynn case. All of this is occurring during a major pandemic.”
“As to the Judiciary Committee, both presidents are welcome to come before the committee and share their concerns about each other. If nothing else, it would make for great television. However, I have great doubts about whether it would be wise for the country,” he added.
While Obama and Trump have been going at each other, we also learned this week the names of several Obama administration officials who “unmasked” Flynn in late 2016 and early 2017.
Below are a few of the big names on the documents that “unmasked” Flynn’s identity:
Former Vice President Joe Biden
Former White House chief of staff Denis McDonough
Former FBI director James Comey
Former CIA director John Brennan
Former director of national intelligence James Clapper
Unmasking involves revealing the identity of an American’s private phone conversations without a constitutional warrant.
These documents are particularly important because Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, originally claimed he had no role in this.
Now, we see that he literally requested to “unmask” Flynn’s identity.
In the newly released documents, we also learned that the FBI had drawn up paperwork to close the case against Flynn, but fired agent Peter Strzok made a last-minute move to keep it open.
Strzok was fired for sending countless anti-Trump text messages to Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer with whom he was having an affair.
Strzok played a critical role in going after Flynn, the new documents reveal.
Handwritten notes from the FBI — which were withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years — show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
With that in mind, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham stabbed President Donald Trump in the back and rejected the president’s calls for Obama to testify over his administration’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.
Trump has been demanding investigations and accountability for top Obama-era officials who may have broken the law and/or skirted boundaries to launch the Russia investigation.
Graham released a statement on Thursday that his Senate committee plans to begin high-profile hearings on the topic beginning next month.
“I am greatly concerned about the precedent that would be set by calling a former president for oversight,” Graham said. “No president is above the law. However, the presidency has executive privilege claims against other branches of government.” Graham added that “to say we are living in unusual times is an understatement.”
In a Thursday morning tweet, Trump called on Graham to ask Obama to testify about what Trump has dubbed “Obamagate.”
If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it @LindseyGrahamSC, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!
Graham alluded to Obama’s recent comments, where the ex-president slammed the DOJ for filing a motion to drop the charges against former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn.
“We have the sitting president (Trump) accusing the former president (Obama) of being part of a treasonous conspiracy to undermine his presidency,” Graham said. “We have the former president suggesting the current president is destroying the rule of law by dismissing the Gen. Flynn case. All of this is occurring during a major pandemic.”
“As to the Judiciary Committee, both presidents are welcome to come before the committee and share their concerns about each other. If nothing else, it would make for great television. However, I have great doubts about whether it would be wise for the country,” he added.
While Obama and Trump have been going at each other, we also learned this week the names of several Obama administration officials who “unmasked” Flynn in late 2016 and early 2017.
Below are a few of the big names on the documents that “unmasked” Flynn’s identity:
Former Vice President Joe Biden
Former White House chief of staff Denis McDonough
Former FBI director James Comey
Former CIA director John Brennan
Former director of national intelligence James Clapper
Unmasking involves revealing the identity of an American’s private phone conversations without a constitutional warrant.
These documents are particularly important because Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, originally claimed he had no role in this.
Now, we see that he literally requested to “unmask” Flynn’s identity.
In the newly released documents, we also learned that the FBI had drawn up paperwork to close the case against Flynn, but fired agent Peter Strzok made a last-minute move to keep it open.
Strzok was fired for sending countless anti-Trump text messages to Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer with whom he was having an affair.
Strzok played a critical role in going after Flynn, the new documents reveal.
Handwritten notes from the FBI — which were withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years — show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Nationwide Luciferian march rollout on June 21 during solar eclipse ‘ring of fire’
Hans Splinter/Flickr
(INTELLIHUB) — The Luciferian March for a One World Government will be held in at least 9 U.S. cities on June 21 during a solar eclipse.
The marches are intended to create chaos and it has been speculated by some that demonstrators may even try to erect satanic monuments at existing sites where Confederate and other allegedly racist statues have been torn down.
Most of the protests will take place at city capitols in the following cities:
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Columbus, Ohio
- Washington, DC
- Madison, WI
- Buffalo, New York
- Niagara Falls, NY
- Salem, OR
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