Saturday, August 29, 2015

One step closer to the start of the race war ??

Texas Deputy Executed Days After Black Radical Group Calls for Killing Cops

HOUSTON, Texas — A Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy was shot execution style at a gas station while reportedly in full uniform. The deputy was filling up his patrol car. Witnesses told Breitbart Texas the shooter shot the deputy in the back of the head and then three times in the back. This tragedy comes within days of a group of Black radicals calling for “lynching whites and killing cops,” as Breitbart Texas recently reported. Witnesses also told Breitbart Texas that the shooter was a black male.
The shooting occurred late Friday evening in Northwest Harris County just outside of Houston. One witness who spoke to this writer said he knew the deputy personally and had just spoken with him about five minutes before the shooting.
He said he saw the man shoot his friend and speed off in a red pickup truck. He said he followed the truck for about two miles until he lost it at a major highway intersection. The truck turned onto Highway 6 from West Road and disappeared.
Deputies in the area confirmed they were indeed searching for a red Ford Ranger pickup truck.
Two teenage girls told Breitbart Texas they saw the shooter fire one shot into the back of the head of the deputy who was simply getting gas for his vehicle. After the deputy fell, they heard three or four other shots. According to the first witness, those shots were fired into the deputy’s back.
The execution of the deputy came just days after black radicals went on an internet radio show hosted from Texas and called for the lynching of white people and the killing of cops to “turn the tide” against blacks being killed by cops. Breitbart Texas reported on Friday morning the details of the radio show and the comments that were made.
One black man spoke up saying they needed to kill “cops that are killing us. The other black male on the show said, “That will be the best method right there.”
The shooter is described as male, dark complexion, five-foot-ten to six-foot. He was said to be wearing a white t-shirt and red shorts.
Witnesses said a LifeFlight helicopter came and picked up the deputy to take him to the hospital, but they believe he was dead at the scene.
The first witness showed this reporter a photo of the deputy with his children. He was highly emotional as he was speaking. “He was the best guy you can imagine as a friend,” the witness said. “He was always coming to me and asking if he could do anything for me.”
Doomsday Economy's photo.

Working out windows 10, can't work out wifi, keeps going in and out. Will have to wait til I'm home.......

Sometimes you are lucky enough to find a reporter who is willing to write the truth, as this man does

Lessons of the Virginia TV Murders Mark Davis | Aug 28, 2015


The aftermath of a tragedy is always a clash of agendas, as various sides rush into the spotlight to score some quick points while attention is high.  
In the hours and days following the massacre of two young journalists by a race-obsessed monster, some truths took shape that can make us wiser before the next burst of evil— and there will be more. 
   1) This was, in every sense of the term, a hate crime. Vester Lee Flanagan was a powder keg of racial hatred ignited by his own self-poisoned attitude. A constant troublemaker with a permanently fused chip on his shoulder, he roamed his sorry life looking for opportunities for contrived indignation.
   If a twisted white punk kills black people to ignite a race war, the black murderer who takes him up on it joins him in the evil stew of hate. 2) We do not need gun control, we need self-control.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Trump Says What He Means and Means What He Says  Jackie Gingrich Cushman | Aug 27, 2015

Pollster Frank Luntz conducted a 29-person focus group of Trump supporters this past Monday. At one point, while talking to journalists who were watching the group through a one-way mirror, Luntz said, "I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don't realize how the grassroots have abandoned them. Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn't listening to their grassroots."
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Ferguson Mayor Taunts Donald Trump  

The mayor of Ferguson, Missouri on Wednesday mocked Donald Trump’s assertion that the north St. Louis County suburb and the city of St. Louis have gangs with immigrants in the country illegally. James Knowles said in an interview Wednesday morning with the Fox affiliate in St. Louis, "I’m assuming that Donald Trump is saying that from his extensive experience in St. Louis and in Ferguson. He has never been here as far as I know. I’ve never seen any roving bands of illegal immigrants or gangs in Ferguson." Knowles then added, "I think he’s just trying to find headlines and we just gave him one.” Trump made the remark in response to a question at a press availability in Dubuque, Iowa, on Tuesday night, naming Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis and its northern suburb as places that have numerous incidents of unrest in the past year.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

See what happens when you give in to them, it'snever enoughn they want MORE AND MORE AND MORE

Black Pastors Demand Removal of Planned Parenthood Founder’s Bust from Smithsonian Museum   Cortney O'Brien | Aug 27, 2015        

“National Portrait Gallery, you must remove the bust!” declared Bishop E.W. Jackson Thursday morning in front of D.C.’s Smithsonian museum. He, along with a group of black pastors and pro-life activists, demanded the NPG take down its statue of Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger.
Sanger is widely known as a racist and a eugenicist. Some of her documented statements from 1939 indicate as such:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.
[Keep Reading]

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Maybe a medal for ingenuity for learning how to PLAY with him/her/self ??

Joey Mckenna's photo.

I'm not eating them either, nor Hershey's

Trump vows never to eat Oreos again, citing move to Mexico

"I'm never eating Oreos again," Trump said, before adding that he would consider it if he could find some that were made in the U.S.
Trump's claim is partly true.
Oreo's parent company Mondelez International Inc. said last month that it decided to invest $130 million in building four new production lines at a plant in Mexico, which will replace nine older production lines at its Chicago plant.
That will mean the number of jobs at the Chicago plant will go from about 1,200 to about 600, said Laurie Guzzinati, a Mondelez representative. But the plant in Chicago will remain open.
Guzzinati said the decision to invest in the Mexico plant came after discussions with union representatives for workers at the Chicago plant. She said the company determined that the new production lines would cost $46 million less per year in Mexico than in Chicago, and said labor was "one of many factors."
Guzzinati noted that Oreos continue to be made in some U.S. plants, including in New Jersey, Oregon and Virginia.
© AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2015, in Dubuque, Iowa.
The Mondelez plant in Salinas, Mexico, opened in late 2014, and the four additional production lines are expected to be completed by mid-2016. Two of those lines will make Oreo cookies, Guzzinati said.
Mondelez, which also makes Chips Ahoy cookies and Trident gum, has said its "supply chain reinvention plan" is part of its broader push to slash costs and improve productivity

Native American Indian Wisdom's photo.

This Man Is Arrested For Shooting And Killing A Robber Who Broke Into His Home   August 25, 2015 In The News

Had to go way down in news to get this, remember this is BLACK ON WHITE CRIME, so it won't be headline for long. And of course the white, oops, black house will use it to push GUN CONTROL, what else would you expect ?

White House says Virginia TV shooting points to need for gun control 3 hrs ago

A Roanoke police officer moves road cones back into position after letting a vehicle through at WDBJ's Digital Broadcast Center, Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015, in Roanoke, Va.
WASHINGTON, Aug 26 (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday that the shooting of two television journalists in Virginia is another example of gun violence that is "becoming all too common."

White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters that Congress can pass legislation that would have a "tangible impact of reducing gun violence in this country."
Earnest said he had not had the chance to speak with President Barack Obama about the shooting, which occurred Wednesday morning. Earnest said the thoughts and prayers of those in the White House are with those killed.

© Erica Yoon/The Roanoke Times via AP A Roanoke police officer moves road cones back into position after letting a vehicle through at WDBJ's Digital Broadcast Center, Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015, in Roanoke…(Reporting By Julia Edwards; Editing by Bill Trott)
Just think, some people find the Confederate Battle Flag offensive ! ! !

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

See the 'high explosive' nuke site Iran will 'self-inspect'           'Like allowing a murderer to investigate his own crime'

The man who first warned the world about Iran’s current nuclear ambitions says newly revealed side deals that allow Iran to inspect one of its own nuclear sites is tantamount to letting a murderer investigate his own crime scene.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif

Seattle Hit With Lawsuit After Mayor Signs Illegal Gun & Ammo Tax Into Law  

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) warned Seattle Mayor Ed Murray last week that if he signed the city council’s “gun violence tax” into law, that Seattle;s citizens would have to pay to defend the law in court.
Well, Murray unwisely signed the bill into law on Friday, and the city was slapped with lawsuit today:
Gun rights and firearms industry organizations teamed up today against the City of Seattle’s new gun and ammunition tax by joining in a lawsuit against the city and Mayor Ed Murray, who signed the new tax into law Friday.
Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation, National Rifle Association and National Shooting Sports Foundation, joined by two of the city’s firearms retailers – Outdoor Emporium and Precise Shooter LLC – and two private citizens, filed their lawsuit in King County Superior Court.
Representing the plaintiffs are attorneys Steven W. Fogg and David B. Edwards with Corr Cronin Michelson Baumgardner Fogg & Moore. Fogg represented SAF, NRA and other groups in a successful 2009 lawsuit against Seattle which also forced the city to comply with the state preemption act.
Some see this new case as almost a replay of what happened when then-Mayor Greg Nickels pushed a ban on firearms in city park facilities, including those legally carried. At that time, SAF and NRA were joined by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), the Washington Arms Collectors and five private citizens, accusing the city of violating the 33-year-old preemption law that places sole authority for firearms regulation in the hands of the State Legislature.
The suit marks the first time NSSF has joined the the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the National Rifle Association (NRA) in a lawsuit, and suggests that the entire industry is looking to crush this tax into dust.
Washington state has very strong preemption laws, and the likelihood of Seattle being able to defend their punitive tax on firearms and ammunition seems very remote. It isn’t known why Seattle’s mayor and city council thought that they would be able to pass an anti-gun law just by labeling it a tax.
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Trump ejects Univision reporter from press conference 

CNN)Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was forceably removed by security at Donald Trump's press conference before his Iowa rally on Tuesday.
"Go back to Univision," Trump told Ramos, who was continually asking Trump questions despite not being called on. Security then escorted him out of the room. Trump later said that he had nothing to do with the removal -- pinning the blame on the security personnel.
"He was out of order. I would take his question in two seconds," Trump said, adding that he wouldn't mind if Ramos returned to ask a question politely.
Ramos was able to return and question Trump about his immigration policies.

So, changing the name will change where she went to school ? 50 years from now, she still will have graduated from J E B Stuart High School. Changing the name won;t change the FACTS.!

Julianne Moore launches petition to rename her high school
Wonderwall on · The actress is teaming with producer Bruce Cohen and other fellow alumni to strip J.E.B. Stuart High School of the confederate general's name.Julianne Moore and producer Bruce Cohen launch petition to rename their high school
    © Fred Thornhill/Reuters By Mark Gray       
The actress is teaming with producer Bruce Cohen and other fellow alumni to strip J.E.B. Stuart High School of the confederate general's name.Julianne Moore and producer Bruce Cohen launch petition to rename their high school   Julianne Moore and producer Bruce Cohen launch petition to rename their high school What's in a name? Everything. Julianne Moore and "American Beauty" producer Bruce Cohen are hoping to strip their Virginia high school of its confederate name and replace it with the name of a Supreme Court Judge and civil rights leader.
The duo is joining a cause that began last June after a group of students and alumni at J.E.B Stuart High School began campaigning to change the school's name following the reprehensible shootings of nine black parishioners at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. The incident ignited a discussion that questions whether symbols and names related to Civil War Confederacy should continue to be honored.
Now, the two Hollywood heavyweights have officially joined the fight, starting a new petition drawing attention to the name change debate. Their petition has garnered
more than 25,000 signatures supporting the cause.


Watch: Trump Says THIS About Bergdahl, Has Obama And Bergdahl’s Lawyer Furious Within 60 Seconds   23 August, 2015

From Western Journalism:
When Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called accused deserter Bowe Bergdahl “a dirty, rotten traitor,” a New Hampshire audience cheered its approval. The cheers redoubled when Trump did a brief pantomime of firing a rifle, as in a firing squad, while saying, “You know, in the old days… bing, bong. When we were strong.”
Trump’s actions brought a volley of protests from the White House and Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s defense attorney.
A tweet attributed to a White House official read: “Trump comment on Bowe Bergdahl ‘Crossed the Line.’”
“This is the lowest kind of demagoguery,” Fidell said Thursday. “Mr. Trump’s comments are contemptible and un-American. They are a call for mob justice.”
Trump made the remarks during a town hall meeting Wednesday in New Hampshire.
“We get a traitor named Bergdahl, a dirty, rotten traitor, who, by the way, when he deserted, six young, beautiful people were killed trying to find him,”


Monday, August 24, 2015

One of obamas "golden" boys

 This Illegal Immigrant Violently Carjacked A Woman Minutes After Getting Out Of Jail

 The Daily Caller · 3 hours ago 

Just minutes after being set free from jail, an illegal immigrant who had already been deported once stole a woman’s car and threatened to kill her.
Guaymar Cabrera-Hernandez, 24, had been held in the Montgomery County Detention Center since June before being released Monday afternoon, FOX5 reports.
Upon his release, Cabrera-Hernandez approached a woman in the parking lot of a nearby Islamic Education Center and demanded she get out of her car.
Drop What You’re Doing And Watch This Woman Absolutely Tear Apart The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement

This video is nothing short of spectacular. This is the urban, homespun wisdom that the racist jackasses in the “Black Lives Matter” movement need to hear.
We’re told that this woman is named Peggy Hubbard. We can’t confirm that, but we believe that Fox News should hire her as an analyst to discuss racial issues. A split-screen with her and Sheriff David Clarke talking about the thugs who riot in response to a perceived injustice would make for some marvelous television.

Because he isn't BLACK or MUSLIM

Donald Trump Quietly Helped Marine Whom Obama Ignored

In a little-publicized act of kindness, it has been reported that Donald Trump gave financial support to Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the soldier held in a Mexican jail for 214 days.
Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren told her audience about the charitable effort on behalf of Mr. Trump, but also added this point about the President — he “wouldn’t even pick up the phone to help.”
via Greta Wire:
Trump: I was proud to help Sgt. Tahmooressi and this showed what we can do when we work together.
     Greta: “In all seriousness, Donald did help out Sgt. Tahmooressi. He sent him some money to help him jump start his life. Sgt. Tahmooressi rotted in a Mexican prison for 214 days. President Obama wouldn’t even pick up the phone to help.”
Tahmooressi was released in November when a Mexican judge was finally convinced to do so on humanitarian grounds. His lengthy prison stay became a farce and a failure under the Obama administration, culminating in a September congressional hearing that was “highly critical of Obama Administration efforts to secure his release and Mexico’s refusal to let him go.”
It’s good to see that at least Mr. Trump cared enough to lend a helping hand.
Will be posting soon, just downloaded windows 10 and as soon as I get things figured out, I'll be back..............

Sunday, August 23, 2015

70% of North Korea’s Submarines have Left their Bases, Can’t be Located
    August 23, 2015 
North Korea couldn’t be crazy enough to actually start something with America or South Korea, could they? If so, they would be the ant under our magnifying glass, and would perish before they knew what hit them.
Donald Trump said the other day that Kim Jong-un is either “mad” or a “genius,” because whenever he makes a threat the U.S. is forced to respond in defense of other countries, and this move alone might just clarify one of those adjectives.
Apparently, dozens of the North’s subs have left their bases, and nobody can track their whereabouts.
I’m leaning towards “mad.”
From Gateway Pundit via Free Republic:
Dozens of N. Korean submarines left their bases at both Eastern and Western coast, and can’t be located. Military are increasing their surveillance capability to track them, it is confirmed.
That accounts for 70% of (N. Korea’s) submarine fleet, which totals 70 ships. This is the largest rate of deployment since the Korean War.
Military sources said, “This is 10 times more than their normal deployment level. Dozens of them left their bases at both coasts, and we are unable to track them.”
They said, “70% of their submarine fleet is not located. We are increasing our surveillance capability to find them.”
They suspect that the unusually high level of N. Korea’s submarine movements may be for further military provocation, and raised their level of alert.
N. Korea also more than doubled its front-line deployment of artillery power, since the high-level talks began.
The sources said, “Since the talks began, their front-line artillery power has more than doubled.”
What are you up to, Kim?
How does 70% of a nation’s fleet go missing, and the United States can’t locate a single submarine from a satellite image?