Saturday, April 6, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Not sure who wrote this, but woah....
We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.
So while we wait in line -
Make moments count.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready.”
"Time is Running Out" Borrowed this from someone...don't remember who,thank you in advance

What we face as a nation is daunting; if we do not correct our left-leaning course, we will fall into the ashbin of history. The city on the hill. Gone.
The U.S. is moving quickly towards a centralized state. Our liberties, our culture, and our national greatness are being subverted. Subverted by a corrupt, clever, twisted, amorphous blob of powerful people. Most of the old media, the new technocratic media (i.e.,: Facebook and Google), one entire political party, part of the other party, along with the unelected bureaucracies and spy agencies of the U.S. are all a part of this blob.
Evil that’s difficult to overcome.
What this blob is doing is not new. These current evils have often been repeated. During the French Revolution, Robespierre et al. terrorized their population, and thought they could control people, not just what they did, but what they thought. Their ideas turned bloody. Would our elites repeat those evils to retain power? Yes. Consider the horrid treatment of the J6 prisoners and the Trump family as a beginning.
More recently, the Soviet state and its satellites controlled their citizens in horrible ways. China has been doing the same since the Cultural Revolution and continues today. This is not new. Unchecked tyranny corrupts, causing massive harm.
Our government was originally set up to counter the capacity of centralized power to overwhelm individual rights, to guard its citizenry from the government itself. To provide a culture of freedom where good can thrive, and great things can be accomplished.
Alas, the new amorphous blob intends to undo this most successful model of western civilization, replacing it with disastrously failed evils that have been tried ad nauseum. Centralized government, a.k.a., socialism, is what the blob wants for us here. All in the name of progress, science, and social betterment. You’d think from how highly the blob thinks of themselves, they would be more intelligent, but I digress.
If we cannot learn from history how to combat these evils, we will fail. If we cannot understand the nature of socialism/communism that has destroyed so many, then we, like them, will be destroyed. The sides are drawn. The destroyers (a.k.a., the blob) take the side of centralized government. Those who want to revive the Constitution and vision of the Founding Fathers, those who value western civilization fight them. The MAGA movement currently represents this side.
Let me put this succinctly: We do not have much time.
This next year, this election is a last hope to escape the evils that will certainly come if we lose. Like it or not, there is only one candidate who is standing against the blob. He is winning this fight, in spite of the intense full court press to get rid of him. That he has stood against it for so long is remarkable. That he knows how the blob operates, is willing to fight it, and has strategies to take them down raises the stakes. The blob knows it cannot lose to him again without losing its power. They are panicked with what they see, a wave coming to swamp them.
Winning the election is no guarantee of success, but without winning, there will be certain failure for us, our institutions, our culture, our hopes. Winning an election only throws many of the rascals out and gives us a way to jumpstart our culture once again; to begin refashioning the good that Western civilization has brought.
If we lose this time, we forfeit goodness to evil. The British aren’t coming, but the blob is. The technocratic blob that will control what people can do, say, and even think. The evils they want for us aren’t new. But experiencing the horrors of Stalinist oppression isn’t something we need to relive. It’s clear the blob intends destruction of our institutions. What’s unclear is if we will rise up to stop them.
Let me repeat: They will do anything to win, to keep their power. Lie, cheat, steal, ruin. It’s who they are.
This is a call to all US citizens that value their freedom: Wake from your slumber and realize the chains that are being fastened on you right now!
The left has a hatred of the good things commonly loved:
They actively bring in illegals from all over the globe to replace us. No vetting of criminals, of human traffickers, of violent gang members (Laken Riley), or if these illegals want to adhere to our American ideals. They want a block of uneducated voters to keep them in perpetual power.
They want to silence you. Censor you. Not allow you to speak the truth. Not allow you to strive for a civil society that is not run by them.
They want you to accept the mental depravity of cutting breasts off young girls, and penises off young boys. All in the name of tolerance.
They want you to count the color of your skin as character. They want perpetual racial animosity.
They want perpetual war. It enriches them and their cronies.
They want to allow criminals to be free, and to make you into criminals for disagreeing with them. Chaos by design.
They want to tell you lies, and make you live by lies. Just like East Germany. They have weaponized the bureaucracies and Justice Department to be the American Stasi.
They want you to beg them for scraps from their table.
Wake up. As our Founders did.
“Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”
― George Washington
Here we are again, so start by speaking truth. The left can’t handle the truth.
Donate to the Trump campaign. And any candidate that is fighting the left. Work for them when you can.
The new RNC is worthwhile supporting. Join, and work effectively for a better future.
Help by finding people who will vote well, and work with you.
Help ballot harvest. Make sure your conservative neighbors vote. Help the conservative elderly who can’t get to the polls. Volunteer to be poll watchers.
Do not sit on your hands and say you can do nothing. That is a lie.
There is much more to do, and much more to be done. But start now. The left counts on your hand-sitting. Pray for awakening and the strength to prevail.
Fight for our freedoms in every way possible. Against the leftist blob. Because if you don’t, the future is theirs: an evil, dark, dystopian future run by their twisted blob-like minds. Push against them, participate in their ouster.
Rise up, speak up, or lose your voice forever!

Time is Running Out to Save Western Civilization
By David Prentice
“What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” --Ecclesiastes 1:9
“What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” --Ecclesiastes 1:9
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” --George Santayana
What we face as a nation is daunting; if we do not correct our left-leaning course, we will fall into the ashbin of history. The city on the hill. Gone.
The U.S. is moving quickly towards a centralized state. Our liberties, our culture, and our national greatness are being subverted. Subverted by a corrupt, clever, twisted, amorphous blob of powerful people. Most of the old media, the new technocratic media (i.e.,: Facebook and Google), one entire political party, part of the other party, along with the unelected bureaucracies and spy agencies of the U.S. are all a part of this blob.
Evil that’s difficult to overcome.
What this blob is doing is not new. These current evils have often been repeated. During the French Revolution, Robespierre et al. terrorized their population, and thought they could control people, not just what they did, but what they thought. Their ideas turned bloody. Would our elites repeat those evils to retain power? Yes. Consider the horrid treatment of the J6 prisoners and the Trump family as a beginning.
More recently, the Soviet state and its satellites controlled their citizens in horrible ways. China has been doing the same since the Cultural Revolution and continues today. This is not new. Unchecked tyranny corrupts, causing massive harm.
Our government was originally set up to counter the capacity of centralized power to overwhelm individual rights, to guard its citizenry from the government itself. To provide a culture of freedom where good can thrive, and great things can be accomplished.
Alas, the new amorphous blob intends to undo this most successful model of western civilization, replacing it with disastrously failed evils that have been tried ad nauseum. Centralized government, a.k.a., socialism, is what the blob wants for us here. All in the name of progress, science, and social betterment. You’d think from how highly the blob thinks of themselves, they would be more intelligent, but I digress.
If we cannot learn from history how to combat these evils, we will fail. If we cannot understand the nature of socialism/communism that has destroyed so many, then we, like them, will be destroyed. The sides are drawn. The destroyers (a.k.a., the blob) take the side of centralized government. Those who want to revive the Constitution and vision of the Founding Fathers, those who value western civilization fight them. The MAGA movement currently represents this side.
Let me put this succinctly: We do not have much time.
This next year, this election is a last hope to escape the evils that will certainly come if we lose. Like it or not, there is only one candidate who is standing against the blob. He is winning this fight, in spite of the intense full court press to get rid of him. That he has stood against it for so long is remarkable. That he knows how the blob operates, is willing to fight it, and has strategies to take them down raises the stakes. The blob knows it cannot lose to him again without losing its power. They are panicked with what they see, a wave coming to swamp them.
Winning the election is no guarantee of success, but without winning, there will be certain failure for us, our institutions, our culture, our hopes. Winning an election only throws many of the rascals out and gives us a way to jumpstart our culture once again; to begin refashioning the good that Western civilization has brought.
If we lose this time, we forfeit goodness to evil. The British aren’t coming, but the blob is. The technocratic blob that will control what people can do, say, and even think. The evils they want for us aren’t new. But experiencing the horrors of Stalinist oppression isn’t something we need to relive. It’s clear the blob intends destruction of our institutions. What’s unclear is if we will rise up to stop them.
Let me repeat: They will do anything to win, to keep their power. Lie, cheat, steal, ruin. It’s who they are.
This is a call to all US citizens that value their freedom: Wake from your slumber and realize the chains that are being fastened on you right now!
The left has a hatred of the good things commonly loved:
They actively bring in illegals from all over the globe to replace us. No vetting of criminals, of human traffickers, of violent gang members (Laken Riley), or if these illegals want to adhere to our American ideals. They want a block of uneducated voters to keep them in perpetual power.
They want to silence you. Censor you. Not allow you to speak the truth. Not allow you to strive for a civil society that is not run by them.
They want you to accept the mental depravity of cutting breasts off young girls, and penises off young boys. All in the name of tolerance.
They want you to count the color of your skin as character. They want perpetual racial animosity.
They want perpetual war. It enriches them and their cronies.
They want to allow criminals to be free, and to make you into criminals for disagreeing with them. Chaos by design.
They want to tell you lies, and make you live by lies. Just like East Germany. They have weaponized the bureaucracies and Justice Department to be the American Stasi.
They want you to beg them for scraps from their table.
Wake up. As our Founders did.
“Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”
― George Washington
Here we are again, so start by speaking truth. The left can’t handle the truth.
Donate to the Trump campaign. And any candidate that is fighting the left. Work for them when you can.
The new RNC is worthwhile supporting. Join, and work effectively for a better future.
Help by finding people who will vote well, and work with you.
Help ballot harvest. Make sure your conservative neighbors vote. Help the conservative elderly who can’t get to the polls. Volunteer to be poll watchers.
Do not sit on your hands and say you can do nothing. That is a lie.
There is much more to do, and much more to be done. But start now. The left counts on your hand-sitting. Pray for awakening and the strength to prevail.
Fight for our freedoms in every way possible. Against the leftist blob. Because if you don’t, the future is theirs: an evil, dark, dystopian future run by their twisted blob-like minds. Push against them, participate in their ouster.
Rise up, speak up, or lose your voice forever!
ESPN star Stephen A Smith fires back at Hillary Clinton over remarks about voters: 'Last thing you need to do' By Ryan Gaydos Fox News April 3, 2024
Smith responded to Clinton's appearance on 'The Tonight Show'
Smith responded to Clinton's appearance on 'The Tonight Show'
ESPN star Stephen A. Smith snapped back at former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who told voters to "get over yourselves" when asked about Americans dreading a Trump-Biden rematch this November.
Clinton made her declaration in an appearance on Monday’s "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." She suggested it wasn’t a hard choice to make for voters because "one is old, and effective, and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people. And one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies."
Smith appeared on Tuesday night and pushed back on Clinton’s take.
"I don’t think it was a very wise statement on her part," Smith said. "How did that work out for her in 2016? I think that’s something that we have to recognize. Yeah, she won the popular vote. But at the end of the day, she wasn’t the President of the United States. It was [Donald Trump]."
Smith pointed to Clinton’s strategy in 2016, suggesting that not campaigning in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania the last few days before the election hurt her in the end, along with then-FBI Director James Comey’s report on her emails.
"You can bring up a whole bunch of things, but at the end of the day, the last thing you need to do is to do anything that could agitate a potential voter in this particular election," Smith added.
Clinton explained to host Jimmy Fallon she didn’t see why it would be a hard choice for voters in November.
"I don't understand why this is even a hard choice, really. I don't understand it," Clinton said. "But we have to go through the election and, hopefully, people will realize what's at stake because it's an existential question. What kind of country we're gonna have, what kind of democracy we can have and people who blow that off are not paying attention because it's not like Trump, his enablers, his empowerers, his allies are not telling us what they want to do. I mean, they're pretty clear about what kind of country they want."
Fox News’ Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report.
Clinton made her declaration in an appearance on Monday’s "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." She suggested it wasn’t a hard choice to make for voters because "one is old, and effective, and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people. And one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies."
Smith appeared on Tuesday night and pushed back on Clinton’s take.
"I don’t think it was a very wise statement on her part," Smith said. "How did that work out for her in 2016? I think that’s something that we have to recognize. Yeah, she won the popular vote. But at the end of the day, she wasn’t the President of the United States. It was [Donald Trump]."
Smith pointed to Clinton’s strategy in 2016, suggesting that not campaigning in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania the last few days before the election hurt her in the end, along with then-FBI Director James Comey’s report on her emails.
"You can bring up a whole bunch of things, but at the end of the day, the last thing you need to do is to do anything that could agitate a potential voter in this particular election," Smith added.
Clinton explained to host Jimmy Fallon she didn’t see why it would be a hard choice for voters in November.
"I don't understand why this is even a hard choice, really. I don't understand it," Clinton said. "But we have to go through the election and, hopefully, people will realize what's at stake because it's an existential question. What kind of country we're gonna have, what kind of democracy we can have and people who blow that off are not paying attention because it's not like Trump, his enablers, his empowerers, his allies are not telling us what they want to do. I mean, they're pretty clear about what kind of country they want."
Fox News’ Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
The Rubin Report
Room Sits In Stunned Silence After Black Woman Says What Few Will Admit
The Rubin Report
Mar 13, 2024 #RubinReport Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of a black woman telling the truth about DEI and how Democrat policies have destroyed the black community.
The Rubin Report
Mar 13, 2024 #RubinReport Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of a black woman telling the truth about DEI and how Democrat policies have destroyed the black community.
"Shall not be infringed"
14 Polarizing Gun Control Measures Enacted by the Biden Administration Story by Body Cams+ • 8h
The Biden administration announced measures to strengthen background checks to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands. This policy aims to close the so-called “gun show loophole” by requiring more sellers to conduct background checks before selling firearms. Critics argue that it imposes undue burdens on lawful gun owners and sellers, while supporters believe it’s a necessary step to reduce gun violence. The controversy stems from the balance between Second Amendment rights and public safety concerns.
Enhanced Background Checks© Shutterstock
The Biden administration announced measures to strengthen background checks to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands. This policy aims to close the so-called “gun show loophole” by requiring more sellers to conduct background checks before selling firearms. Critics argue that it imposes undue burdens on lawful gun owners and sellers, while supporters believe it’s a necessary step to reduce gun violence. The controversy stems from the balance between Second Amendment rights and public safety concerns.
biden gun control proposal <<link
When all else fails, pull out the RACE card !!
How to STEAL $550 MILLION DOLLARS !!?? accuse the ex-president of FRAUD...Collude with the judge...Don't allow the defendant to present a defense...Place a gag order on him...Then pick a $550 million figure out of the air and give him no time to appeal DONE!!!
New York Attorney General Letitia James booed in New York City
Fox News March 7th 2024Fox News
The Center Square Legislation would require third background check, mandatory training for gun purchasesStory by Catrina Petersen • 19 HRS AGO

(The Center Square) – Despite Illinois having nearly four million background checks done on gun owning residents in 2023, Illinoisans who want to buy a firearm would have to undergo state-approved training and three background checks if a proposed bill makes it across the finish line.
A Second Amendment advocate says this latest gun-restriction bill is a tactic to keep firearms out of law-abiding citizens’ hands.
House Bill 3239, sponsored by state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, would obligate Illinoisans who want to buy a firearm to go through eight hours of training and other requirements. The bill is in the House Judiciary Criminal Committee, which is scheduled to meet in Springfield Tuesday. Her office said she will not be calling the bill this week.
William Kirk, president of Washington Gun Law, said the measure woud require residents who want to purchase a firearm to go to their local law enforcement department and go through a background check with fingerprinting.
"Once that permission slip is given to them, they would have 180 days in which they could purchase a firearm. They have to turn that card into the [federal firearms licensee]. The FFL has to take a receipt of it. It’s like a punch-card, you get to buy one per permission slip,” said Kirk. “Illinois also has the goofy [Firearm Owners Identification] card as well, so anyone who has a FOID card has to undergo a background check, then of course anyone who has ever purchased a gun knows that any FFL is going to run you through a federally-mandated background check and then you have to go through a background check when you get your permission slip from local police."
A FOID card is required in Illinois for residents to own or purchase firearms and ammunition. According to numbers from Illinois State Police, over 2.4 million Illinois residents possess FOID cards, nearly 19% of the state's 12.7 million people. The greatest number of these cards have been issued in Cook County, with over 730,000 active cards at the end of 2023. Champaign County had issued 34,144.
"Illinois residents will have to go through a background check, to get a background check to get a background check,” Kirk said.
Illinoisans already undergo some of the most extensive background checks when it comes to firearms. Federal Bureau of Investigations firearm background check data shows Illinois had 248,767 background checks in February. Most of those, or 163,355, were "permit rechecks." That's second in the country next to Kentucky's 321,300 total checks and 294,377 rechecks. The third highest state for February rechecks was Utah with 50,486.
For all of 2023, FBI data show Illinois had 3,961,236 total firearm background checks in the country. That's more than any other state and nearly 300,000 more than Kentucky's 3.6 million total checks.
The mandatory eight-hour class required in the proposed Illinois legislation is a big problem, Kirk said. He’s seen this in other jurisdictions, like California, and what usually happens is the classes have to be state certified.
"State law enforcement gets to certify and say who the instructors are. It's a very limited number of instructors and they don’t allow private companies to be in on it because the government wants a monopoly on it,” said Kirk. “That is another method that they can use to disarm lawful citizens.”
HB3239 would require Illinois residents who want to buy a firearm to undergo eight hours of mandatory training approved by the director of the Illinois State Police.
Kirk said this bill makes it to where Illinois citizens have to seek the government’s permission before exercising an unalienable right. He said HB3239 and the FOID card would likely be struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Students Demand Action of Illinois are proponents of the bill. There are 15 proponents and nearly 1,800 opponents.
On social media, Hirschauer said gun violence is a public health epidemic.
"Gun violence is a complex public health and safety crisis that deserves holistic, multifaceted policy solutions," Hirschauer said in a social media post.
Greg Bishop contributed to this report.
A Second Amendment advocate says this latest gun-restriction bill is a tactic to keep firearms out of law-abiding citizens’ hands.
House Bill 3239, sponsored by state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, would obligate Illinoisans who want to buy a firearm to go through eight hours of training and other requirements. The bill is in the House Judiciary Criminal Committee, which is scheduled to meet in Springfield Tuesday. Her office said she will not be calling the bill this week.
William Kirk, president of Washington Gun Law, said the measure woud require residents who want to purchase a firearm to go to their local law enforcement department and go through a background check with fingerprinting.
"Once that permission slip is given to them, they would have 180 days in which they could purchase a firearm. They have to turn that card into the [federal firearms licensee]. The FFL has to take a receipt of it. It’s like a punch-card, you get to buy one per permission slip,” said Kirk. “Illinois also has the goofy [Firearm Owners Identification] card as well, so anyone who has a FOID card has to undergo a background check, then of course anyone who has ever purchased a gun knows that any FFL is going to run you through a federally-mandated background check and then you have to go through a background check when you get your permission slip from local police."
A FOID card is required in Illinois for residents to own or purchase firearms and ammunition. According to numbers from Illinois State Police, over 2.4 million Illinois residents possess FOID cards, nearly 19% of the state's 12.7 million people. The greatest number of these cards have been issued in Cook County, with over 730,000 active cards at the end of 2023. Champaign County had issued 34,144.
"Illinois residents will have to go through a background check, to get a background check to get a background check,” Kirk said.
Illinoisans already undergo some of the most extensive background checks when it comes to firearms. Federal Bureau of Investigations firearm background check data shows Illinois had 248,767 background checks in February. Most of those, or 163,355, were "permit rechecks." That's second in the country next to Kentucky's 321,300 total checks and 294,377 rechecks. The third highest state for February rechecks was Utah with 50,486.
For all of 2023, FBI data show Illinois had 3,961,236 total firearm background checks in the country. That's more than any other state and nearly 300,000 more than Kentucky's 3.6 million total checks.
The mandatory eight-hour class required in the proposed Illinois legislation is a big problem, Kirk said. He’s seen this in other jurisdictions, like California, and what usually happens is the classes have to be state certified.
"State law enforcement gets to certify and say who the instructors are. It's a very limited number of instructors and they don’t allow private companies to be in on it because the government wants a monopoly on it,” said Kirk. “That is another method that they can use to disarm lawful citizens.”
HB3239 would require Illinois residents who want to buy a firearm to undergo eight hours of mandatory training approved by the director of the Illinois State Police.
Kirk said this bill makes it to where Illinois citizens have to seek the government’s permission before exercising an unalienable right. He said HB3239 and the FOID card would likely be struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Students Demand Action of Illinois are proponents of the bill. There are 15 proponents and nearly 1,800 opponents.
On social media, Hirschauer said gun violence is a public health epidemic.
"Gun violence is a complex public health and safety crisis that deserves holistic, multifaceted policy solutions," Hirschauer said in a social media post.
Greg Bishop contributed to this report.
Monday, April 1, 2024
I hope this is true and that he will
Donald Trump Has Grounds To Sue Letitia James: Fox News Guest April 1, 2024 Martin Walsh
Political analyst and frequent guest on the conservative news channel Deroy Murdock made the statement following the decision of a New York appeals court to postpone the payment of Trump’s $454 million civil fraud penalty resulting from James’ lawsuit. Instead, the former president was instructed to pay a $175 million bond within ten days while he filed an appeal with the court.
Judge Arthur Engoron declared in February that Trump had been filing false financial reports for years, inflating the value of his properties and other assets to get favorable terms from lenders. James’ office was unable to begin the process of seizing Trump’s properties due to the Monday financial guarantee payment delay.
Murdock restated his recommendations from an American Spectator article that Trump should sue James for remarks she made in 2018 when she was a candidate for New York state attorney general, Newsweek noted.
He said that James declared that she was going to oppose the Trump administration because it was “too male, too pale, and too stale.”
“Now, you could talk about stale ideas, that’s fine, but too male and too pale, that constitutes, basically, sex and race discrimination. So I think what President Trump ought to do is sue her on the basis of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,” Murdock told Fox News on Tuesday.
“Her office gets federal money for various subsidies for law enforcement activity. So federal money is flowing into her office and if she is engaged in that kind of sexual and racial discrimination and that kind of language, I think she’s wide open to exposure on the 1964 Civil Rights Act,” Murdock said.
“Donald J. Trump should sue Letitia James on the basis of Civil Rights,” Murdock added.
Trump has also accused James of conducting a “racist” and politically motivated investigation into him.
Writing in The American Spectator, Murdock suggested the former president should sue James as “what the hell does Trump have to lose?”
“He immediately should file a federal complaint and demand justice under America’s keystone civil-rights law. To see a white male multi-billionaire sue a [Black] female attorney general to secure his civil rights would be the ultimate man-bites-dog story,” Murdock wrote.
“For this extraordinary spectacle, America owes a hearty thank you to New York state’s leading despot, Attorney General Letitia James.”
Alina Habba, a lawyer representing Trump, is celebrating a recent win after an appellate court reduced his bond in a civil fraud case.
During an interview with Jesse Watters on Fox News last month, Habba expressed her satisfaction with the bond’s reduction from $454 million to $175 million, also taking the opportunity to criticize New York Attorney General Letitia James.
“I hope she took a little piece of humble pie today because that’s what was served to her, just a little, but we’ll be serving a lot more of that in the next couple of years,” she said about the AG.
When Watters asked if James and Judge Engoron felt a little bit “ashamed” and “embarrassed,” Habba jokingly suggested that they would require them to have a “moral compass” and a “conscious.”
AG James released a statement on the ruling, saying that the lowered bond does not undo the ruling that Trump is liable for fraud.
“Donald Trump is still facing accountability for his staggering fraud,” the statement read. “The court has already found that he engaged in years of fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family, and his organization. The $464 million judgment—plus interest—against Donald Trump and the other defendants still stands.”
“The ruling by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges was a crucial and unexpected victory for the former president, potentially staving off a looming financial disaster. Had the court denied his request — and had he failed to obtain the full bond — Mr. Trump risked of losing control over his bank accounts and, eventually, even some of his marquee properties,” the New York Times reported.
The outlet added, “Mr. Trump has 10 days to secure the bond, and two people with knowledge of his finances said he should be able to do so by then.”
Meanwhile, according to a new poll, Trump leads President Joe Biden by twice the margin of victory he had four years ago in the Lone Star State in the contest for Texas’ 40 electoral votes
Sunday, March 31, 2024
14 House Democrats Break Ranks with Biden, Unite with Republicans Story by Daniel Walker • 1h History Daily
History DailyThe border crisis is threatening to fracture unity among Democrats as moderate members face increasing pressure over the issue.
A recent House resolution condemning President Biden's border policies passed with 14 Democrats voting in support, the highest number to break ranks.
The President and Homeland Security Secretary
The measure accuses the President and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of creating “the worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history,” adding that the president “systematically dismantled effective border security measures and interior immigration enforcement.”
Immigration has become the top concern for voters, according to multiple polls, as the situation at the border has deteriorated badly under Biden.
The U.S.-Mexico border crisis has emerged as a pivotal and contentious issue, shaping public opinion, policy debates, and governmental responses. A deep dive into the public's views, the factors driving migration, and the proposed solutions yields critical insights into the complexities of the situation.
Moderate Democrats are now urging stronger action, with some joining a new border security task force. The measure states that Biden “purposely violated United States immigration law” with his “open borders agenda.”
However, Biden refuses most executive measures and blames Congress instead. His failure to take responsibility and remedy the crisis makes him appear unfit for the growing challenge at the border, endangering Democrats ahead of the 2024 election if unity is not restored on this defining issue.
According to a recent Pew Research Center study, economic opportunities in the United States and poor conditions in migrants' home countries are widely cited as major reasons for the migrant influx. About 71% of Americans view better economic opportunities in the U.S. as a significant factor, while 65% highlight violence in migrants' home countries as a major reason for the influx.
The study revealed that a sizable majority of Americans (78%) regard the large number of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. at the border as either a crisis or a major problem. However, there are significant partisan differences in how the situation is perceived, with Republicans more likely to describe it as a "crisis" and Democrats predominantly viewing it as a "major problem."
The U.S. government's handling of the migrant influx has garnered widespread criticism, with only 18% of respondents expressing confidence in its management of the situation. Additionally, there is a lack of consensus on policy proposals to improve the border situation, highlighting the challenge of finding common ground across party lines.
The migrant influx is driven by diverse factors, including economic hardships, violence, and political upheaval in migrants' home countries. These complex drivers underscore the need for a comprehensive understanding of the root causes and the formulation of targeted solutions.
The surge in migration has strained government resources and underscored the urgent need for effective policy responses. However, the task of reducing the number of migrants while upholding legal and humanitarian responsibilities presents a formidable challenge.
Communities across the U.S., including border towns and urban areas, face constraints in providing shelter and public services to the influx of migrants. The economic burdens and security concerns associated with the migration surge have heightened the challenges faced by these communities.
The border crisis has prompted significant political debates, with lawmakers deliberating on proposals to address the challenges at the U.S.-Mexico border. However, the failure of a recent bill to make substantial changes to U.S. immigration law underscores the complexities and divergent perspectives surrounding the issue.
Efforts to address the border crisis necessitate a holistic approach, encompassing measures to reduce migration, expedite asylum processing, and revamp the outdated U.S. immigration system. A comprehensive update to immigration laws based on a nuanced understanding of migration drivers is pivotal in addressing the underlying challenges.
The U.S.-Mexico border crisis represents a multifaceted and pressing challenge, necessitating a nuanced understanding of the factors driving migration, the implications for U.S. communities, and the formulation of effective policy responses.
The U.S.-Mexico border crisis represents a multifaceted and pressing challenge, necessitating a nuanced understanding of the factors driving migration, the implications for U.S. communities, and the formulation of effective policy responses.
As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial to foster constructive policy dialogues, address the root causes of migration, and work towards holistic and sustainable solutions that uphold legal and humanitarian responsibilities while mitigating the challenges posed by the crisis.
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