Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Biden Took to the Stage, and Lied, and Lied, and Lied | Opinion by Paul du Quenoy• 3h • 4 min read News

"Thank you, Joe!" chanted thousands of brainwashed attendees slavishly on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. It was what even a New York Times reporter on the scene admitted was gratitude for President Biden leaving the presidential race last month, rather than heartfelt congratulations on a job purportedly well done.

To Democratic leaders, strategists, pollsters, and anyone else who can count, Biden quit his reelection bid because he was irretrievably down in the polls and virtually certain to lose to former president and 2024 Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump by a margin too wide even for Democratic state election officials to fudge. But until nearly the last minute, Biden and those around him—including his replacement on the ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris—gaslighted the American public with lies, insisting that he was perfectly competent to lead and run.


Blatantly Unconstitutional’: Second Amendment Advocates Blast DNC Platform As Gun Control Nightmare
Story by Wallace White
Preparations continue one day ahead of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, on August 18, 2024. US Vice President Kamala Harris will formally accept the party's nomination for president at the DNC which runs from August 19-22 in Chicago. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP)© The Daily Caller

Gun rights advocacy groups are sounding the alarm on the new 2024 Democratic National Committee (DNC) platform released Sunday that proposed sweeping gun control regulations.

Groups such as Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the DNC platform shows the Democrat’s proposals “run afoul” with Second Amendment protections. The platform stated that Democrats would “pass a national red flag law to prevent tragedies by keeping weapons out of dangerous hands,” and would increase ATF funding for “enforcement and prosecution,” according to the platform released ahead of the convention beginning August 19.

The DNC also restated their 2020 platform’s support for an “assault weapons” ban, “high-capacity” magazine ban, stripping liability protections from gun manufacturers and requiring “safe” gun storage.

“Tim Walz lied when he said ‘no one wants to take your guns’ and that could not be made more clear by this DNC platform, which is loaded with blatantly unconstitutional policies that won’t do anything to stop crime or make America safer,” Aidan Johnston, director of federal affairs at Gun Owners of America (GOA) told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “GOA just hosted our inaugural convention down in Knoxville, and it’s clear based on the response from thousands of our members that they’re fired up heading into this election—gun owners know the Second Amendment is on the ballot. We will continue to push back on this DNC agenda through campaign action, lobbying efforts, and if necessary, legal challenges in defense of Americans’ Second Amendment rights. We cannot afford to compromise.”

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Perfect. No brain and no courage.



Breaking News: Suspects Behind Donald Trump Assassination Identified

Authorities announced today the identification and apprehension of suspects involved in the recent assassination that has shocked the nation.

Key Details

After hours of intensive investigation, including surveillance footage analysis and digital forensics, law enforcement conducted coordinated raids this morning, leading to the arrests.

Official Statement

FBI praised the investigative team’s efforts: “This was a complex case, but our officers’ dedication has brought those responsible to justice.”

All names and details are provided here:



Why is it critical that Kamala face an adversarial interview? Because 70%+ of her own supporters have ZERO idea about the following:

Kamala supported cutting police funding

Kamala co-sponsored the Green New Scam

Kamala supports eliminating private insurance

Kamala supports reparations

Kamala never visited the border as Border Czar

Kamala was ranked the most liberal US Senator

Kamala doesn't think it's a crime to cross the border illegally

Kamala wants to abolish ICE

Kamala wants death row inmates to vote

Kamala promoted a fund to bail out violent rioters

The press is covering up Kamala's record and it will have a material, perhaps determinative, impact on the election.

American voters deserve to know.