Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Pope is Talking Like Just Another Leftwing Politician – Not Infallible
By Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman
CHQ Chairman Richard A. Viguerie

The Pope’s choice to pick a fight over illegal immigration with secular politician Donald Trump, instead of defending Christian teachings on morality, showed that his political judgement is far from infallible, and it was a missed opportunity of historic proportions. Millions of Catholics, like me, who are looking for Papal support in our battle against the increasing secular pressure for the Church to abandon its scriptural teachings on sexual morality, and other practices directly contradicted by scripture and more than two millennia of Church doctrine, were left dumbfounded when the Pope failed to address those challenges and instead inserted himself into American politics.
AP Poll: GOP Voters Say Donald Trump Can Win in November
Donald Trump has emerged as the front-runner for the GOP nomination by winning over roughly a third of Republicans in the early voting states and in preference polls, packing his rallies with men and women, evangelical Christians and military veterans, blue-collar workers and wealthy retirees.

His critics have argued for months he'll never be able to grow that wide-but-only-so-deep coalition by clashing with Pope Francis, attacking former President George W. Bush and skipping debates like he did once in Iowa. His negatives, they say, are just too high.

But a new AP-GfK poll finds registered Republicans and GOP-leaning voters put Trump at the top of the still-unwieldy GOP field when it comes to which candidate fits best with their stand on the issues. They give Trump the best marks for competence and decisiveness.

Far more Republicans than not say they'd vote for Trump in the general election, and 86 percent of Republican voters think he can win in November — giving him a 15 percentage point advantage over his nearest rival.

Read the Full Story

Friday, February 19, 2016

blk panthers

Three Key Things PBS Black Panther Documentary Left Out (in First 25 Minutes) Via Steve







Taxpayer-funded PBS aired a documentary Tuesday night titled Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution and – surprise! – it's a whitewashed piece of propaganda about the radical black nationalist group.The film comes in the middle of Black History Month, and just a little over a week after Beyoncé Knowles and a troop of dancers costumed in outfits that were somewhere between "Black Panther" and "streetwalker" raised their fists during the Super Bowl halftime show. As the new PBS film aired, it quickly became the number one trending topic on Twitter for the entire country.

  The frightening thing is that films such as Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution act as history lessons for passive viewers, creating the illusion of education while actually working as propaganda.

More with video @ Breitbart
CHILDREN OF JIHAD: Iran Training Kids for War With The United States, Israel   Feb 19, 2016

From Breitbart
Around 1,200 children, as young as six years old, in military apparel run around the fields with weapons. They participate in obstacle courses and gather around bonfires.

Black Lives Matter Protester Warns of Coming ‘Race War’

From The Blaze
A very small number of demonstrators took to the streets in front of NFL offices in New York City on Tuesday to protest Beyonce’s performance at Super Bowl 50 of her racially charged anthem “Formation,” which they deemed offensive.
In response Black Lives Matters protesters appeared with a counter-protest. Among them was Kalief Metellus, who told TheBlaze, he believed a “race war” may be on the horizon.
Ariel Kohane, the only anti-Beyonce protester visible an hour into the protest was quickly surrounded by a rowdy group of self-described Black Lives Matter counter-protesters who hurled insults at him, suggesting he was in favor of police officers shooting innocent black people.

COPS Taunt BlackLivesMatter Thugs: Heavily-armed police captain flanked by officers taunts local gang in video challenge
From Daily Mail

I don't like detrimental posts about religous leaders, BUT, He should stay out of American politics

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump responded to Pope Francis’ comments on Thursday which called Trump’s Christianity into question.  

Trump: ‘I would be so angry’ at Obama if I were black   

William J Kovatch Jr.'s photo.

Good for the Florida Police...about time people stand up to these black people. Not all "RACISTS" are white.....

Law enforcement around the country have been critical of the singer since her Super Bowl half-time performance, which referenced the Black Lives Matter movement, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers.
Florida police boycotting Beyoncé, refusing to work at 'Formation' concert
Florida police are apparently refusing to protect or serve Beyoncé at some of the singers upcoming concerts.The Miami Fraternal Order of Police Wednesday…|By Sinclair Broadcast Group

European Magazine Depicts The “Islamic Rape Of Europe”

A European magazine has made the strongest statement yet against the “Islamization” of Europe.The popular Polish weekly The Network has published a cover depicting the attack and rape of European women by migrants.


Showing Europe as a blonde, white woman covered only with the flag of the European Union, she is being pawed and attacked by darkened hands meant to symbolize Middle Easter migrants. The reaction was instant.
The articles that accompany the cover are titled “Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide?” and “The Hell of Europe.” It decries political correctness as what will be the ultimate downfall of the continent, Breitbart translated.
Opening the cover article, Aleksandra Rybinska writes: “The people of old Europe after the events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne painfully realised the problems arising from the massive influx of immigrants. The first signs that things were going wrong, however, were there a lot earlier. They were still ignored or were minimised in significance in the name of tolerance and political correctness”.
Outlining the fundamental differences between eastern Islam and western Christianity — “culture, architecture, music, gastronomy, dress” — the editorial explains these two worlds have been at war “over the last 14 centuries” and the world is now witnessing a colossal “clash of two civilisations in the countries of old Europe”. This clash is brought by Muslims who come to Europe and “carry conflict with the Western world as part of the collective consciousness”, as the journalist marks the inevitability of conflict between native Europeans and their new guests.
The article quotes a British historian: “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.”
The article lists dozens of recorded sex attacks from the past few weeks, often visited upon under-age Europeans, but it is not just migrants who come in for criticism from wSieci. The magazine also had strong words for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who it accuses of listening more to the German industrial lobby which it claims campaigns for cheap labour from outside the European Union.

As a feature begging the question ‘Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide’ concludes, “There is concern that European leaders have too late drawn the obvious conclusions, and some of them feel self-loathing”. “Europe is an oasis of prosperity and peace” compared to Africa and the Middle East, it contends, but the arrival of “millions” of cultural Muslims will “shock and undermine Europe”. The blame for this, the article lays firmly at the feet of Mrs. Merkel.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Maybe we'll get lucky and they will show him GITMO, looking from the inside, out

Cubans welcome Obama trip, say they want economic progress

Tourists ride vintage American convertibles as they pass by the United States embassy in Havana, Cuba, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016. President Barack Obama said that he will visit Cuba on March 21-22, making him the first sitting president in more than half a century to visit the island nation. Photo: Desmond Boylan, AP / AP
HAVANA (AP) — Cubans hailed President Barack Obama's announcement Thursday that he will make a two-day trip to the communist-run island, saying that just like the American leader, they want the historic visit to the historic visit to spur faster change in their lives.
Obama's March 21-22 trip is meant to create so much momentum behind his new policy of detente with Cuba that the next U.S. president cannot reverse it, administration officials said. More than a year after the detente was announced, the pace of normalization has been accelerating even though millions of Cubans have yet to see benefits.

San Francisco Gate · 1 hour ago


Eyewitnesses: Two Palestinian Teenagers Stab Israeli to Death at Supermarket; Armed Civilian Made Sure They Didn’t Kill More.        Feb. 18, 2016  

Two Palestinian teenagers reported to be 14-years-old stabbed two Israeli shoppers at an Israeli supermarket Thursday, killing a 21-year-old man, before they were shot and wounded by an armed civilian, eyewitnesses and Israeli police said.

Peter LernerVerified account @LTCPeterLerner

Pearl Harbour Helicopter Crash Caught on Camera

HONOLULU — Authorities in Hawaii say one person is in critical condition after a civilian helicopter made a hard landing in the water near Pearl Harbor.
The Coast Guard said five people were aboard the helicopter Thursday. Coast Guard Petty Officer Melissa McKenzie says it was civilian helicopter, “possibly a news chopper.”
McKenzie says all five people were transferred to land after the hard landing, which occurred near the Arizona Memorial, a popular tourist destination in Oahu.
A Honolulu Emergency Services Department spokeswoman confirms one victim was in critical condition.
The Coast Guard received notification of the accident at 10:25 a.m.
Drunk monkey attacks bar patrons with knife

Capuchin monkey reportedly finishing off customers' drinks before grabbing weapon and attacking males at bar in Brazil

Why aren;t the Asians and Hispanics protesting for their history month ?

Black History Month Forgotten? 

  NO, But white History Month Sure Was February 18, 2016 by Jack Foley


The Black History Month exhibit in the Gilroy Library kids’ section offers a colorful and robust collection of books on the accomplishments of Americans of African descent  (short story )
But it was mounted nearly halfway through the month-long national celebration of a once enslaved culture and only after a black Gilroy woman complained about the lack of an exhibit and then was offended by the library’s response

Clinton: Trump, Sanders succeeding because "people are angry"

Hillary Clinton: "I've always tried to tell the truth"??   CBS News February 18, 2016, 7:19 PM
In an interview with Scott Pelley for the "CBS Evening News," Hillary Clinton explains why she thinks candidates like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump 

LAS VEGAS -- For Hillary Clinton, these are high roller stakes in Nevada after losing New Hampshire in a landslide and essentially tying in Iowa.She has decided to stay in Nevada through the caucus on Saturday. CBS News spoke to her at her Las Vegas campaign office.
SCOTT PELLEY:What do you think Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have tapped into? It's a powerful thing.

HILLARY CLINTON:Look, I do think, Scott, people are angry. People feel here government's not working for them. The economy's not working. The political system is not working. But I also see in the eyes of the people I'm meeting with, "Okay, tell me something I can believe. Don't over-promise. Tell me what I can believe you will do for me and my family." And that's what I've tried to d



Trump and Pope Francis clash over immigration, another extraordinary campaign twist
Tribune Washington Bureau            

WASHINGTON — Two of the most visible figures on the international stage, Pope Francis and Donald Trump, exchanged heated words over immigration Thursday, creating another dramatic twist in an extraordinary political year.

The long-distance volley, impelled, like so much of the campaign, by Trump's language on Mexican immigration, created a moment that actually merits the overused label "unprecedented."
No previous pope has as pointedly commented on a central issue in a U.S. presidential campaign as Francis did in his remarks to reporters on his plane, flying back to the Vatican after his trip to Mexico.
"A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they are, and not in building bridges, is not Christian," the pope said, in response to a question about Trump's oft-repeated vow to build a wall along the Mexican border. "That is not part of the gospel," he said, in Italian.
And no major presidential candidate has so sharply criticized a major religious leader as Trump did in reply.
"For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful," Trump said in a written statement, in which he suggested the Mexican government had manipulated the pope.
"If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which, as everyone knows, is ISIS' ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president," Trump said, using an acronym for Islamic State.


True southerners should remember Nikki Haley, the Indian S.C. governor who , TOOK DOWN THE CONFEDERATE FLAG

Republican presidential race erupts into four-way battle

READ STORY         

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

N.C. congressional race ad poster



Freed Gitmo detainee, ex-bin Laden aide cements place as top jihadist        February 17, 2016
When Ibrahim al Qosi was released from Guantanamo Bay in 2012, a lawyer for the former Usama bin Laden aide said he looked forward to living a life of peace in his native Sudan. 
Three years later, Qosi has emerged as a prominent voice of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, appearing in a number of AQAP propaganda videos -- including a 50-minute lecture calling for the takeover of Saudi Arabia.
The 56-year-old Qosi delivered a scathing critique of the Saudi monarchy -- which appeared online on Feb. 6 -- denouncing the Saudi government’s execution of more than 40 "mujahedeen" in January, according to the Long War Journal.



Confederate flag and doll of black baby hanging in noose with knife in its back removed outside Pennsylvania home
BY Tobias Salinger NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 8:53 PMOutraged neighbors had been complaining for months about this display set up outside a home in East Huntingdon Township, Penn., according to reports.Action News 4

Outraged neighbors had been complaining for months about this display set up outside a home in East Huntingdon Township, Penn., according to reports.

The flag and doll were gone minutes after a reporter knocked on the door, receiving no answer. The station’s footage had shown them on a wooden fence next to a flag for the late auto racing legend Dale Earnhardt.
Area resident Rachel Szolek told the TV station she put up a picture of the “despicable” display on Facebook after driving by it earlier in the day.
“I just hope he has to take it down,” Szolek said. “That's all I want, you know. I don't care, I don't want him punished. I just want him to take it down so we don't have to look at it.”
   It wasn’t immediately clear who had installed the display and the TV station didn’t publish the home’s exact address. Local officials said they couldn’t force the homeowner to move it off the private property.
“It probably is allowed to be there at his property, but if we can do anything to stop it, we will,” said East Huntingdon Township supervisor Paul Hodgkiss.


Ted Cruz Entered US Illegally in 1974

Gateway Pundit reports:
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. a retired colonel with 29 years of experience in the US Army Reserve, argues that Senator Ted Cruz entered the United States illegally as a child in 1974. His parents failed to file a CRBA form which is required by US law. Ted’s parents did not fill out the required form until 1986.
It would be nice if the Cruz camp cleared this up for Republican voters.
     Exactly how and when did Ted Cruz obtain U.S. citizenship?The fact that it is still an open question at this stage of the Presidential campaign is a testament either to the galactic ignorance of our political-media elite or their willingness to place political expediency ahead of the Constitution and the law.

    There is no third alternative.Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on December 22, 1970 and remained a Canadian citizen until he officially renounced it on May 14, 2014, eighteen months after taking the oath of office as a U.S. Senator. At the time of his birth, Cruz’s father was a citizen of Canada and his mother was a U.S. citizen.
    Legally, Cruz could have obtained US citizenship through his mother consistent with Public Law 414, June 27, 1952, An Act: To revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality and for other purposes [H.R. 5678], Title III Nationality and Naturalization, Chapter 1 – Nationality at Birth and by Collective naturalization; Nationals and citizens of the United States at birth; the relevant section being 301 (a) (7):  

It is the responsibility of the candidate for the Presidency, not ordinary citizens, to prove that he or she is eligible for the highest office in the land. Voters deserve clarification.
Re: Your Rules, Democrats
Given what happened to Robert Bork, it is impossible to argue that the Senate cannot reject a Supreme Court nominee on the basis of his ideology

Re: Your Rules, Democrats Share article on Facebookshare Tweet articletweet Plus one article on Google Plus+1 Print Article Email article by Charles C. W. Cooke February 15, 2016 12:40 PM
Response To... Your Rules, Democrats Kevin — in noting that the Democratic party is now calling for the Republican Senate to follow the “norms” that they themselves have shattered, you write: The ur-example, of course, is the case of Robert Bork. The Democrats’ craven, despicable, lying campaign against Bork announced the arrival of Supreme Court confirmation hearings as bare-knuckle political brawls. There was no question that Bork was well-qualified for the position – he was one of the great legal minds of his time. Democrats simply did not like his view of the law and the Constitution. This is exactly right. But I think, if anything, you understate the case. The argument that I have heard since Scalia’s death was announced goes something like this: “If Obama’s nominee is qualified and accomplished, he should be approved. Let’s hear no talk of the ‘balance of the Court’
          read more

Cops surround home only to find family watching ‘The Walking Dead’

A 911 call came in from a neighbor who heard “screaming from a house about someone having a gun." A second caller helped the seven responding officers locate the house: Andrea Fisher, Great Falls (Mont.) Tribune
A Montana family gave their neighbors quite a scare while enjoying a favorite TV show Sunday evening.
A 911 call came in at 7:28 p.m. from a Great Falls neighbor who heard “screaming from a house about someone having a gun,” according to Great Falls Police Department notes from the call. A second caller helped the seven responding officers locate the house.


Ben Shapiro's photo.

From a few days ago......Carroll County Sheriff James T. DeWees posted a letter to the president following the deaths of law enforcement officers across the country, including two sheriff's deputies in Harford County.

Carroll County sheriff's letter to President Obama Published 2:55 PM EST Feb 13, 2016 
Carroll County Sheriff Jim DeWees
Dear President Obama:
In case you haven’t heard, eight American police officers over the past eight days have been killed in the line of duty. Two of these police officers were Harford County Sheriff’s Deputies that were gunned down at a Panera Restaurant just 50 miles from where you live. I’ve watched and listened intently for words of encouragement and sorrow to come from you, but haven’t heard or seen anything.
Conversely, just two weeks ago my governor, Larry Hogan, spent the better part of a week placing a call each day to one of my deputies that was involved in a severe traffic collision in Carroll County. He wasn’t satisfied with speaking to me in order to send his prayers and regards; he called every day after the collision until he spoke with my deputy’s wife. Governor Hogan also drove to Harford County the day after two deputies were slain to meet Sheriff Gahler and the men & women of his office to grieve with them. The governor is in the middle of the 2016 Legislative Session and is pretty busy, yet found time to call, visit and pay his respects to me & my deputy, and the men & women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
I understand that you are a busy man and are being pulled in multiple directions every day of the week. But, when my president doesn’t take the time to openly recognize the sacrifices that brave men & women of law enforcement make each day to keep domestic peace, I’m disappointed! I suspect that if these same deputies walked in to a restaurant, and without provocation shot and killed an innocent man, you and your staff would quickly whisk their family away to Washington for a future speech to make an example of police officers nationwide.
For me Mr. President, it has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat; black or white, male or female; but, it has everything to do with leading or following. I’m not shocked that you haven’t openly reached out or acknowledged publically the recent rash of deaths in law enforcement, but I’m tremendously disappointed!
Mr. President, your silence about these events SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!!
PS: I'll be standing outside in the cold next week with my deputies for the funerals of the Harford Co deputies; I'll save you a spot next to me!
James T. DeWees
Carroll County Maryland
KKK Director Tells A Black, Gay CNN Anchor That It’s Not Racist For White People To Love Their Race    


The national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan appeared on CNN last night and was interviewed by a black, gay anchor named Don Lemon. During the interview, he told Lemon that it’s not racist for white people to love their race.
        The subject of a discussion was a billboard in Arkansas which features the following statement: “It’s not racist to [heart] your people.” The ad, which also features a stock photo of a white girl holding a puppy, promotes
“If anybody sees racism in that billboard, then they themselves are racist,” said Thomas Robb, the national director of the KKK. “That billboard just asks white people to do the same thing that every other racial, ethnic people in this country is allowed and encouraged to do.”
“The people who find racism there are really exposing their own racism,” he later said. “What they really are is anti-white.”
Lemon asked Robb why he felt the need to run the ad.
“Because white people have a right to love their heritage, love their culture, and to love their people,” Robb replied. “And the white people are tired of hearing of other races who are encouraged to do that…”
When confronted about the history of the KKK and lynchings, Robb replied that isn’t interested in white happened decades ago. He’s more interested in what’s happening today. “I’m concerned about the genocide against white people,” he said.
When asked if he would distance himself from the KKK’s “previous activity,” Robb replied: “I would distance myself from any type of hate. I don’t believe in hate. I think black people should love their heritage. I think people that are Asian should love their people. I think people that are Mexican should love their culture…”
Robb said his problem is with the “hypocrisy” that encourages other races to love their race but denies that right to white people.

HE HOPES.....................

Donald Trump won't become US president: Obama
Mr. Trump will not be president." - President Barack Obama, weighing in today on the Republican candidates
The Nation ·  
Speaking at a press conference in California after hosting a summit with Southeast Asian leaders on Tuesday, Obama launched a scathing attack on the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination in which he identified Mr Trump by name. "It's not a matter of pandering and getting in the news every day. It requires being able to work with leaders around the world in a way that reflects the importance of the office, and gives people confidence that you know the facts, and you know their names, and you know where they are on a map, and you know something about their history."


president obama says he is moving forward with his plan to nominate a replacement for Justice Scalia. "The Constitution is pretty clear about what is supposed to happen now. Historically, this has not been viewed as a question."
Obama Says ‘Constitution is Pretty Clear’ About SCOTUS Nominee|By ABC


President Obama Will Not Attend Justice Scalia's Funeral  Christine Rousselle | Feb 17, 2016

The president and first lady will not be in attendance at Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral this Saturday. Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill will be in attendance. The service will be held on Saturday at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
President Obama and Michelle will pay their respects at the Supreme Court on Friday. Scalia will lie in repose in the Court's Great Hall until 8:00 p.m. that night.
Obama and first lady Michelle Obama instead will go to the Supreme Court on Friday “to pay their respects to Justice Scalia” while the justice lies in repose in the Great Hall, press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Wednesday.
The last time a justice died was Chief Justice William Rehnquist in 2005, and at that time President George W. Bush not only attended the funeral but also eulogized him.
Earnest declined to elaborate on what the Obamas would be doing on Saturday in lieu of the funeral. While it's not unheard of for presidents to miss the funerals of retired justices, Obama's absence on Saturday may be the first time in at least 65 years that a current president has skipped the funeral of a sitting justice


BREAKING: OBAMA FACING PRISON Time After It’s PROVEN That He Funded Terrorism, 

VIA| A major GOP representative has just made a move that could prove Obama funded terrorism, which in turn could put him in jail for treason.
According to Conservative Tribune, U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter has written a letter to the Justice Department’s inspector general asking if the FBI was involved in a potential cash payment for the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. If this is true, it would mean that the Obama administration had broken the law by effectively funding terrorism. It is illegal to pay any sort of fee for the release of a hostage.
   This would also mean that the FBI overstepped their boundaries as well. Since Bergdahl was a soldier not a civilian, it means it is up to the military to take action to secure his freedom.
   “They (the FBI) don’t have the assets,” Joe Kaspar, Rep. Hunter’s chief of staff, told Fox News. “They don’t have the resources.”
Hunter claims FBI agents went to the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan to pay the ransom. After the money was paid, the FBI’s contact told them that Bergdahl would soon appear. However, he never did.
   Bergdahl was later traded for five of the Taliban’s top terrorists by Obama. He is now facing a court-martial for desertion.
We can only hope that this letter gets Obama impeached and put in prison, which is EXACTLY where he belongs!

Is this another government LAND GRAB ?

Obama To Create Three New National Monuments

According to the Washington Post, the president is expected to designate 1.8 million acres of land in California as national monuments on Friday.

Operation Fast and Furious was a seriously flawed operation organized by ATF agents in Phoenix and the former U.S. attorney in Arizona. Unbelievably, these government agencies allowed drug cartel straw purchasers to smuggle more than 2,000 weapons across the southern border into Mexico. 
As the Inspector General summarizes in his latest report of the affair, the ATF and Department of Justice "failed to take enforcement action when they had both the opportunity and legal authority to seize firearms."

As you know, the events of this government-run wild scheme ended the life of a Border Agent who was murdered with one of the smuggled firearms.

And now it would appear that the whole thing could happen again, not just on the Border but in any one of the Department of Justice's out-of-control agencies. In the murk of Washington alphabet soup, some of the biggest agencies have been singled out for their irresponsible supervision.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? the Romans asked. "Who will guard the guards themselves?
The answer appears to be: no one.

Keeping track of a firearm - something we citizens are expected to do without exception - is apparently too much to ask of Uncle Sam, while several agencies just waved their arms in the air and said that the Inspector General's instructions didn't actually apply to them. 

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