Saturday, December 11, 2021


Why do I watch Tucker..? Because I believe what he says and reports..!!

Tucker: Why is the United States doing this?  Fox News

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host addresses Joe Biden's handle on foreign policy. #FoxNews #Tucker

The bottom line on these people being held in jail is that many (MOST) of them are held with NO CHARGES filed against them. Mistreated, beaten , ill fed, minimal hygiene and all without filed charges..The TERRORISTS HELD IN GITMO GET BETTER TREATMENT...!!

JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene Leads Group Demanding 'Justice' For Jan. 6 Detainees   The Hill

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, along with Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Paul Gosar and Rep. Louie Gohmert held a press conference Tuesday to call on justice for the detainees of the January 6th Capitol attack.

With Ivermectin in Hand, Wife Dies While Husband Begs Hospital to Administer  BY BETH BRELJE  Dec 11, 2021  RNN 

David DeLuca of Sicklerville, New Jersey w ill never know if the Ivermectin prescribed by an out-of-state doctor for his wife would have saved her life. Colleen DeLuca, 62, died of COVID-19 on Oct. 10, at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital in Sewell, New Jersey, before he could get a court order to administer the drug.

Ivermectin has helped in some cases, but across the United States, many hospitals don’t include it in their COVID protocol for treatment and refuse to use it, even as a last effort on a dying patient.

Buffalo, New York attorney Ralph Lorigo has spent the last 11 months handling cases where the family wants to try Ivermectin and must get a court order to force hospitals to allow the drug to be administered. DeLuca had Lorigo draw up papers for court, but because Lorigo doesn’t practice in New Jersey, he instructed DeLuca to find a New Jersey attorney to file the papers and handle the case. However, DeLuca couldn’t find an attorney willing to take on the case.

“They kept telling me the magistrates of New Jersey will never let this go through. Now I’ve got to go through the next 25 years without her,” grief stricken David DeLuca, 62, told The Epoch Times. “My 3-year-old granddaughter kisses her photo at night.

READ MORE               Reliable News Now


Joe Biden is in trouble.

There is no denying it or trying to hide it.

And Joe Biden got hit with some bad news that no Democrat was prepared for.

The Wall Street Journal debuted a new poll that contained an avalanche of bad news for the Democrats.

The top line showed just 41 percent of Americans approved of Joe Biden’s job as president with 57 percent disapproving.

A head-to-head matchup with Donald Trump showed a statistical tie with Biden winning 46 percent of the vote and Trump taking 45 percent.

Even that was terrible news for Biden because any race that close would tip to Trump based on Trump’s advantage with how swing voters are distributed in the Electoral College.

But the real shotgun blast to the chest of the Democrats’ political prospects came in the poll’s findings that for 2020, 37 percent of Latino voters preferred Democrats to control Congress and 37 percent of Latinos picked Republicans.

To put the scope of this disaster in perspective, Democrats won 60 percent of Hispanic voters in 2020 and Republicans still gained 14 seats in the House of Representatives and the GOP won every tossup race on the map.

“One year after giving Democratic House candidates more than 60% of their vote, according to polls at the time, the Journal survey found that Hispanic voters are evenly split in their choice for Congress. Asked which party they would back if the election were today, 37% of Hispanic voters said they would support the Republican congressional candidate and 37% said they would favor the Democrat, with 22% undecided,” the Journal reported.

Donald Trump won an even higher percentage of Hispanic voters – 43 percent – in a potential matchup with Joe Biden.

“Hispanic voters were also evenly divided when asked about a hypothetical rematch in 2024 of the last presidential contenders, with 44% saying they would back President Biden and 43% supporting former President Donald Trump. In 2020, Mr. Biden won 63% support among Hispanic voters, nearly 30 points more than Mr. Trump, according to AP VoteCast, a large survey of the presidential electorate,” the Journal also reported.

This poll found a massive gender gap with 56 percent of Hispanic men supporting Trump over Joe Biden.

From the moment the corporate media began spreading the false claim that Donald Trump called all Mexican immigrants rapists in his 2016 campaign announcement speech, the media and the Democrats were completely invested in the disastrous idea that calling Trump a racist would lock in the Latino vote.

When Barack Obama defeated establishment RINO Mitt Romney in the 2012 election winning 71 percent of the Hispanic vote, Democrats and corporate media pundits figured Democrats owned a lock on the presidency.

But Donald Trump’s strong stand to secure the border, opposition to Black Lives Matter and woke cancel culture as well as fighting back against Dr. Fauci and Joe Biden’s COVID totalitarian police state won over significant portions of the Hispanic base.

Latino voters realized the woke college-educated voters that increasingly shape the Democrat Party are divorced from the reality in Hispanic communities where voters care little about social justice buzzwords like intersectionality and Latinx.

Donald Trump led the way, but Republicans are positioned for a strong decade electorally if they can capitalize on and consolidate Trump’s gains with Hispanic voters.

Ron DeSantis: We anticipate conflict   Fox News  Dec 10 2021

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis outlines his state's response to Biden-controlled immigration on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #TuckerCarlsonTonight

 Tucker: This is impossible to ignore   Fox News

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host exposes what caused inflation to hit a 39-year high #FoxNews #Tucker

Ingraham: Democrats headed full speed ahead to the cliff’s edge   Dec 11, 2021  Fox News

Laura Ingraham says Democrats employ the 'Jussie Smollett defense' to their losses #FoxNews #TheIngrahamAngle

Friday, December 10, 2021

WOW...This from CNN..?

A single sentence that perfectly captures the utter madness of the Trump era
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large - 1h ago

In an interview with Donald Trump earlier this week, conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt said something truly breathtaking.

"You know, Mr. President, you and I disagree about the election, but we agree on so much," Hewitt told Trump, segueing into a conversation about China's hypersonic missiles.

Talk about an other-than-that-how-was-the-play-Mrs. Lincoln moment!

That Hewitt uttered that line without irony is a telling window into how conservatives have found ways to rationalize Trump and his fundamentally anti-democratic attempts to undermine the faith of the American public in the 2020 election results.

Here's the reality: You can't just sort of yada yada the election rejection embraced by Trump. Because in refusing to accept the result of the 2020 election and repeatedly (and falsely) alleging voter fraud, Trump is actively working against everything that makes America, well, America.

Hewitt's attempt to dismiss his disagreement with Trump over the election then as just another policy disagreement is laughable. This isn't Hewitt saying we should have stayed in Afghanistan and Trump saying we should have pulled American troops out. This is the former President of the United States refusing to accept the results of a national election.

And, it's actually more than that. It's that Trump has turned election denialism into a litmus test for aspiring Republican candidates. If you aren't willing to say you believe -- contra all available evidence -- that the 2020 election was stolen, then you not only won't have Trump's support but may well find him actively working to defeat you when you run for reelection. (See Brian Kemp and David Perdue in Georgia. Also Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.)

Trump is working to make a belief that the 2020 election was stolen a central piece of the Republican Party platform. And, again, this isn't like making abortion or trade a party platform. This is making a rejection of American democracy a major part of what it means to be a Republican.

Because of all of that, Hewitt can't simply write what Trump is doing as a place where they disagree. That sort of justification is how we got into this mess, with one of the two major political parties in the country devolving more into a cult of personality than any sort of organization gathered together by a shared set of principles and policies.

Refusing to believe in the results of a free and fair election have to be disqualifying for any party leader. It's non-negotiable. If we can't agree that the election was fair -- even if our preferred candidate lost -- then we have sacrificed the thing that makes America great. That Hewitt -- and his fellow conservatives who continue to bend over backward to placate Trump -- can't (or won't) see that suggests just how lost the conservative movement is at the moment.

Nancy Pelosi 'almost as incoherent' as Joe Biden
Sept. 20, 2021

 Sky News Australia  Nancy Pelosi is almost as "incoherent" as US President Biden, says The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Tucker: This is a start to solving the crime problem  Dec 8, 2021  Fox News

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host examines why elites are protecting criminals over citizens. #FOXNews

Federal Bill Introduced To Prevent More Americans From Owning Guns!!!  Armed Scholar  Dec 1 2021

In this video I discuss HR 5878 a bill introduced into congress seeking to make more people prohibited from possessing firearms in America.

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Of course it's WHITE peoples fault that he made up this story. Who else to blame..?

Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Against Nigerian-American Brothers, Calls Jussie Smollett Trial “White Supremacist Charade”   John F. Trent  December 9, 2021

Black Lives Matter leader Dr. Melina Abdullah, who is the Director of BLM Grassroots and the Co-Founder of BLM Los Angeles, recently took sides in the Jussie Smollett trial, choosing Smollett over Nigerian-American brothers Abimbola Osundairo and Olabinjo Osundairo.

Abdullah took to Twitter, where she shared a link to her statement regarding the Smollett trial.

She wrote on Twitter, “As they move in to closing arguments in the Jussie Smollett trial, we must courageously love and protect one another and always remember that POLICE LIE. We love you Jussie!


Jury Finds Jussie Smollett Guilty Of Faking Hate Attack On Himself  Sandy Malone  3 hours ago 

Chicago, IL – A Cook County jury on Thursday found former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett guilty of faking a hate crime against himself in 2019.

The jury found Smollett guilty of lying to police in five of the six disorderly conduct charges against him, CNN reported.

Each Class 4 felony count carries a sentence of up to three years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

The judge will have the discretion at sentencing to determine whether the five sentences will run concurrently or consecutively, CNN reported.

Many legal experts have predicted that Smollett will not spend any time behind bars and will instead get probation and community service hours.

The jury panel that heard the case was made up of six men and six women who deliberated for less than 10 hours over a two-day period before returning a verdict on Dec. 9, CNN reported.

Smollett faced six felony disorderly conduct charges for orchestrating the attack he claimed had been perpetrated by two white supporters of President Donald Trump as the actor was walking home from a Subway restaurant on Jan. 29, 2019.

The whole saga began when Smollett told police on Jan. 29, 2019 that he had been attacked by two white supporters of President Donald Trump on his way home from a Subway restaurant.

He claimed the men called him homophobic and anti-black slurs and told him “This is MAGA country” as they beat him up and put a noose around his neck. He also said they threw a chemical on him.

Then-Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson explained at a press conference the day of Smollett’s arrest that that police considered the actor a victim up until Ola and Abel Osundairo returned from Nigeria to Chicago and were taken into police custody, and then the investigation “spun in a totally different direction.”

“We gave him the benefit of the doubt up until that 47th hour. But when we discovered the actual motive, quite frankly, it pissed everybody off,” he explained.

He said the brothers told police that Smollett paid them $3,500 to stage the attack, with another $500 after they returned from a planned trip to Nigeria.

“We have the check that he used to pay them,” Superintendent Johnson said.

The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office announced on March 8, 2019 that Smollett had been indicted by a grand jury on 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct.

But then on March 26, 2019, the State’s Attorney’s Office unceremoniously announced all charges against the “Empire” actor had been dropped.

The city of Chicago has since sued Smollett for the cost of the overtime the police department incurred while investigating the hoax and the actor has counter-sued for malicious prosecution.

But despite that legal wrangling over dollars and cents, Smollett wasn’t in the clear.

Cook County Judge Michael Toomin in June of 2019 appointed a special counsel to investigate what actually happened after information about Smollett hiding evidence and the involvement of Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff, Tina Tchen, in the case.

Toomin gave the special prosecutor a broad mandate to investigate what had happened with the case from beginning to end and what all parties involved had done.

Webb indicted Smollett on new charges on Feb. 11, 2020.

In March of 2020, the Illinois Supreme Court denied Smollett’s attorneys’ request to stop criminal proceedings against the actor.

Smollett’s attorneys asked the state’s highest court to issue a stay in the criminal case, dismiss the indictment against the actor, and vacate the prior court order that established Webb as the special prosecutor in the case using the same double-jeopardy argument, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Smollett’s attorneys have repeatedly asserted that Smollett is being subjected to double-jeopardy since he already forfeited a $10,000 fine and did community service in exchange for a prior dismissal of the charges.

“A deal is a deal. That’s ancient principle,” Smollett’s attorney, Nenye Uche, said in court on Oct. 15.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I read an opinion yesterday that said: Smollett could get up to 3 years jailtime BUT...He would probably get a suspended sentence. You or I woulg get HUNG..!

Jussie Smollett Says CNN’s Don Lemon Warned Him Police Didn’t Believe His Story  Sandy Malone  7 hours ago

Chicago, IL – Former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett testified on Monday that CNN anchor Don Lemon warned him that Chicago police detectives did not believe his story about being attacked by homophobic racists.

Smollett told police his attackers called him anti-gay and anti-black slurs and told him “This is MAGA country” as they beat him up and put a noose around his neck as he walked home from a Subway restaurant in his Streeterville neighborhood on Jan. 29, 2019.

He is now on trial facing six felony disorderly conduct charges for orchestrating the faux hate attack he claimed had been perpetrated by two white supporters of President Donald Trump.

Smollett took the stand in his own defense on Dec. 6, FOX News reported.

He testified that he never would have called the police because “I am a black man in America and I do not trust police,” according to Megan Crepeau of the Chicago Tribune who reported via Twitter live from the courtroom.

The judge has refused to allow cameras in the courtroom.

Smollett also explained to the jury why he had refused to turn over his cell phone to detectives when he was asked to provide it as part of the investigation.

He testified that “he declined to give his phone to CPD in part because earlier he’d gotten a text from Don Lemon ‘saying he’d gotten a text from CPD saying they don’t believe me,’” the Chicago Tribune reported.

It was unclear what exactly Lemon’s text message that warned Smollett that Chicago police didn’t believe him said.

Smollett also testified that he had contact information for “extremely important” activists, executives, and celebrities on his phone, as well as private photos, that he didn’t want to give law enforcement, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Lemon, who was reporting on the incident for CNN, had repeatedly boasted about his close friendship with the “Empire” star and offered his support shortly after the hate attack hit the news.

When the veracity of Smollett’s claims came into question, Lemon continued reporting on the story and told CNN viewers the case had become “personal” because he had been in constant communication with the actor since he claimed he was attacked, FOX News reported.

Lemon maintained that his friend was “innocent until proven guilty” and said on the air that if Smollett’s story wasn’t true, he lied “to a lot of people, including me. And that’s not cool,” the Daily Mail reported.

“He squandered the good will of very high-profile people who one day may be running this country, like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker and people like President Trump,” he added.

The CNN anchor also said Smollett had “lost the fight in the court of public opinion,” according to the Daily Mail.

BREAKING NEWS: Florida’s Biggest Hospital Systems Bans All Covid-19 Mandates!  By Kerri Mahoney Published December 7, 2021 THEUSAMEDIA.COM
Florida’s biggest hospital systems suspended all the C-19 vaccine mandates. The health care workers won’t be required to get vaccinated against C-19.

The decision to suspend the vaccine mandates resulted from Governor DeSantis signing the bill that prevented the employers from enforcing vaccine mandates.

The company cited a decision by federal courts to ban the CMS vaccine mandate and the “complexity of federal and state laws surrounding exemptions.”

The Cleveland clinic shared that they suspend the vaccine mandates so that all unvaccinated employees will keep their jobs.

A federal judge blocked the vaccine requirements for health care workers, so Cleveland Clinics announced that the hospital is “pausing the implementation of our Covid-19 vaccine policy.”

Andrea Jackson Fox35@AJacksonTV

BREAKING: One of Florida’s biggest hospital systems has ended all vaccine mandates Advent Health will no longer require its 83,000 employees to be vaccinated against Covid.

Monday, December 6, 2021


This map supposedly shows the Covid "infestation" in the US. The darker the color the more infection. SO what's up with Florida? NO MANDATES for masks or vaccines and yet it looks as though they have the ABSOLUTE LEAST amount of covid infection in the country. Could Fauci and his crew be WRONG?? Do Floridians have or are they developing "HERD IMMUNITY".?? Could all this BS we're going through possibly be UNNECESSARY.?

Hannity: Biden weakness inspiring American enemies to pounce  Fox News   Dec 6 2021

'Hannity' host examines how the president's feeble leade is perceived on the world stage. #FoxNews #Hannity

How gullible does "Jussie" think people are..? most of us didn't beleive, back when it SUPPOSEDLY happened...How can he look anyone in the EYE when he's telling his storytale ???

Candace Owens blasts Jussie Smollett's lies as actor takes the stand  Dec 6, 2021 Fox News

Candace' host discusses revelations at trial as former 'Empire' actor is accused of staging a hate crime against himself on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' #FoxNews #Tucker

True Police Work    turn sound up 

AND...His parents received a folded American Flag..!!

origin unknown

Need Gas ....Listen Up...!!

I'm posting this in its entirety...I'm still not sure what to think of this article, except to pray it isn't true..! GOD HELP US...!

The Disturbing and Shocking Plan to Replace Kamala Harris  By: Barry Shaw   American Thinker   November 23, 2021

Viewing America from outside the country adds a semi-neutral perspective on news and events. I’ve been told there’s value in hearing an outside viewpoint about people more intimately tied to the emotional maelstrom of unfolding events. Conversely, I find it helpful to receive information from people in the know, which adds to the volume and depth of my research. When it comes to Kamala Harris’s floundering, I’ve been hearing shocking gossip.

I received this gossip directly from a Washington insider, It will be difficult to confirm until it happens, if it happens. I hesitated before sharing it with you. I still have doubts over the wisdom of writing about it, but it points to cogs currently in motion behind closed doors.

On November 18, CNN published an article entitled Exasperation and Dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris’s frustrating start as vice president. The article speaks about “a rocky relationship with some parts of the White House.” It refers to “signs of disloyalty” from the vice president. This could have to do with Harris’s views on Biden’s almost daily faux pas or the fact that Harris has failed to do what is required of her, with the border crisis as one glaring example.

The suspicion of an impasse between the Biden and Harris camps came to the fore with gossip/information I received last week.

The bad blood between them stems from Jill Biden, wife of the President, who, I heard, hates Kamala Harris. It goes back to when Harris accused Biden of being a racist during the televised Democrat presidential debates.

That hurt for two reasons. Biden has a troubling past over race issues based on his incriminating comments throughout the years and his close friendships with Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd. Given the racial climate of left-wing politics, Jill Biden knew this could have seriously damaged her husband’s chances of reaching the White House, a goal she was as determined to achieve as her husband.

Jill Biden also knew that Harris had intimately attached herself to the radical wing of the Democrat Party and that this could have swung the decision against her husband, particularly if her husband’s past became a major issue.

In the end, Harris was never a major contender. The establishment insiders worked to keep her low in the polls and, eventually, she dropped out of the race.

Even then, when names were being selected to be Biden’s running mate, establishment insiders favored Amy Klobuchar but were persuaded that picking Kamala Harris as potential VP had a more successful PR ring to it. With Biden as their president, they had to raise the ante to beat Trump and Pence. They surrendered their bias and chose Harris.

But now, as things have soured between the two camps, they are looking at Biden’s mental deterioration and lack of stamina and are running scared that Biden may soon have to resign as president, in which case Kamala Harris will walk into the Oval Office.

One of the things that scares them as much as it does the Republicans is that President Harris would promote a member of the Squad to become the next House leader, replacing a probably retiring Nancy Pelosi.

So, behind the scenes, the cabal is plotting a succession acceptable to them. It begins with the premise that Harris must go before Biden does.

Two names were mulled over. They see Pete Buttigieg as a malleable young figurehead, figurehead being the operative word. The movers and shakers wanted someone in the Oval Office, like Biden, who will do their bidding over policies and budgets. However, Buttigieg is too much of a lightweight. He just proved himself to be a failure as Transport Secretary. He spent over two months at home feeding the baby as hundreds of freighters and tankers were unable to offload their cargo because thousands of truck drivers went missing.

The other name that is a constant is Hillary Clinton. This is probably due to Hillary Clinton constantly pushing herself for the job. The problem with Hillary Clinton is that, although they consider she’d be a capable vice president, would she be able to beat Donald Trump in 2024 should The Donald decide to take his title back? The answer is no.

The answer is clear, the problem is solved, according to my source, by selecting Michelle Obama. Money, the machinery of power, the media will be behind her.

The reason she could not be persuaded to run for President in 2020 was that she was afraid of being defeated. That problem is solved if she is eased into power in stages. First, she will be called upon to fill the vice-presidential vacancy a departing Kamala Harris would leave. And then, probably before the 2022 mid-term elections, Biden will be asked to step down gracefully by those pulling the strings, and by Jill Biden as well, to allow Michelle Obama to become the caretaker president leading up to 2024.

This will, they hope, swing the polling in their favor for the Primaries.

Race and gender will be an even louder drumbeat leading up to 2024 with Michelle Obama in the White House. By 2024, the propaganda will be so loud that it will be considered treasonous for the people to vote against a Black, female president in 2024.

Democrats will ensure that race will remain the front and center issue in American society. This is the scenario that is being plotted behind closed doors in Washington DC.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Ben Carson to Newsmax: Can't Let Politicians Control Us Through COVID  By    |   Saturday, 04 December 2021

"And when it comes to natural immunity, you know, a few weeks ago, the CDC admitted that they didn't have data on natural immunity," he said.
"Why don't they have data on that immunity? Because they're not collecting it.
Why aren't they collecting it? I guess because they don't want to know the results."
In real science, he added, "you look at everything and you would take all the avenues that are available to us."

Ben Carson to Newsmax: Can't Let Politicians Control Us Through COVID

COVID-19 is becoming endemic and will be part of everyone's lives for a long time, former Housing and Urban Development director Ben Carson, also a renowned neurosurgeon, told Newsmax on Saturday.

"We have to learn how to control it, and not let it control us," while not allowing politics to play a role in health decisions," Carson told "Saturday Agenda."

"We're going to have variations for several years to come. We can either let those control our policymaking, and there are certain politicians who would like to do that so that they can use things to their advantage."

Or, he said, the decision can be made to remove politics from public healthcare and do what is good for the American people, and "use the tremendous advantages we have in this nation and our scientific and medical community for the purposes of helping the people, not for the purposes of helping political agenda."

Worth Sharing....In a college textbook from 68 years ago.....