Saturday, December 28, 2019
AND...What would happen if they were BLACK and belonged to thr NAACP or The new black liberation militia or the Black Panthers or...or.......NOTHING WOULD BE DONE...!!
2 Kicked Out of National Guard Over White Supremacist Ties nbcphiladelphia.com

Two men have been kicked out of the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered their membership in a religious group with white supremacist ties.
As usual, mayors, governors of states THINK they can use TAXPAYER funds any way they please.....put it on the ballot for a VOTE...!
Governor Blackface Northam Proposes Ending State Funding to Maintain Confederate Soldier Graves Published 1 week ago on Dec 19, 2019 By Shane Trejo
The cultural desecration of the South continues.
Virginia Governor Ralph ‘Blackface’ Northam has proposed an end of state funding toward the maintenance of the graves of Confederate soldiers.
Northam wants to revoke the paltry $83,000 allocated to the United Daughters of the Confederacy in annual funding as a slap in the face of the ancestors who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend the state of Virginia. Unsurprisingly, he wants the money to be spent toward racial virtue-signaling instead.
“The governor chose to prioritize funding for African American cemeteries, which have been historically neglected by the state,” Northam’s spokeswoman Alena Yarmosky said in an email.
Friday, December 27, 2019
21 State Attorney Generals Ask SCOTUS To Strike Down MD Concealed Carry Law Posted on December 26, 2019 by Tom Knighton
While many people lament the requirement for concealed carry permits inmany states, and rightly so, perhaps the most egregious infringement on our Second Amendment rights are those states which require people to show cause to be granted a permit. These are even worse than simple “may issue” requirements, though the two go hand in hand.
Now, it seems the Supreme Court may be considering a case about the constitutionality of these measures. In fact, 21 state attorneys general have written to the court asking it to strike down such an unconstitutional law.
A coalition of 21 state attorneys general is asking the Supreme Court to strike down a Maryland law that denies concealed carry permits unless applicants can convince local officials they have a “good and substantial reason” to be granted one by local authorities.
West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, a Republican, and the other state officials filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Supreme Court Dec. 18 in a case cited as Malpasso v. Pallozzi. Morrisey and the others want to expand the scope of protection afforded to gun-ownership rights after the high court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller (2010), that the right to possess a firearm is an individual right, and in McDonald v. Chicago (2012), that the right of an individual to “keep and bear arms” applies to the states.
Apart from West Virginia, the other states that participated in the brief are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah.
The question former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement, a veteran of Second Amendment battles, put before the court in the petition for certiorari filed Sept. 26, is, “Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit typical, law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self defense in any manner.”
However, we also know from Heller that the Court found the right of self-defense to be a fundamental right, which suggests that the Maryland laws’ best hope for victory is for the Court not to hear the case.
If this case proceeds, it could be a huge win for gun rights. It’s highly unlikely that the “good and substantial reason” requirement will be upheld by a Court generally believed to be pro-gun. For anti-gunners, their best hope would be for a narrow finding that just eliminates those kinds of requirements. That would be welcome in places like New Jersey, for example, where I’ve talked with readers who can’t get a permit because of this kind of thing.
Yet the Court could also find more broadly. It’s quite possible the justices to find that even “may issue” schemes are unconstitutional and that “shall issue” should be the law of the land. It’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that the Court will strike down carry permits completely, though I find that incredibly unlikely.
Still, should the Court hear this case, this could represent a huge win for gun owners in profoundly anti-gun states.

Now, it seems the Supreme Court may be considering a case about the constitutionality of these measures. In fact, 21 state attorneys general have written to the court asking it to strike down such an unconstitutional law.
A coalition of 21 state attorneys general is asking the Supreme Court to strike down a Maryland law that denies concealed carry permits unless applicants can convince local officials they have a “good and substantial reason” to be granted one by local authorities.
West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, a Republican, and the other state officials filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Supreme Court Dec. 18 in a case cited as Malpasso v. Pallozzi. Morrisey and the others want to expand the scope of protection afforded to gun-ownership rights after the high court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller (2010), that the right to possess a firearm is an individual right, and in McDonald v. Chicago (2012), that the right of an individual to “keep and bear arms” applies to the states.
Apart from West Virginia, the other states that participated in the brief are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah.
The question former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement, a veteran of Second Amendment battles, put before the court in the petition for certiorari filed Sept. 26, is, “Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit typical, law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self defense in any manner.”
However, we also know from Heller that the Court found the right of self-defense to be a fundamental right, which suggests that the Maryland laws’ best hope for victory is for the Court not to hear the case.
If this case proceeds, it could be a huge win for gun rights. It’s highly unlikely that the “good and substantial reason” requirement will be upheld by a Court generally believed to be pro-gun. For anti-gunners, their best hope would be for a narrow finding that just eliminates those kinds of requirements. That would be welcome in places like New Jersey, for example, where I’ve talked with readers who can’t get a permit because of this kind of thing.
Yet the Court could also find more broadly. It’s quite possible the justices to find that even “may issue” schemes are unconstitutional and that “shall issue” should be the law of the land. It’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that the Court will strike down carry permits completely, though I find that incredibly unlikely.
Still, should the Court hear this case, this could represent a huge win for gun owners in profoundly anti-gun states.
Anti-Trump RINO Makes Radical Comparison of Upcoming Senate Trial 2019-12-27 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff
CNN Guest Compares Mitch McConnell’s Senate Trial to an 'All White Jury for a Klansman Trial'
Former Bush White House ethics lawyer and Democrat candidate for the House of Representative Richard Painter recently made an appealing comparison of the upcoming Senate trial conducted by Mitch McConnell.
According to Town Hall:
CNN guest Richard Painter, who served as the White House's top ethics lawyer under George W. Bush, compared Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) plan for the upcoming impeachment trial to a judge making an all-white jury for a KKK trial.
"Well, I think the House Democrats did everything they could in view of what’s going on with the Trump Administration. They have gone to court to compel a lot of evidence being produced by the Trump Administration, and they’ve been fought every step of the way," Painter said on Thursday.
"But this is trial is going to take place in the Senate as a fair trial. It is presided over by the chief justice of the United States. This is a trial. It’s not a political game. The oath of loyalty is to the United States of America, not to Donald Trump," he said.
"And for Mitch McConnell to say he is working with the White House, coordinating with the defendant in this trial before the trial has even begun is atrocious. He may think he's a judge impaneling an all-white jury for a Klansman trial in Mississippi," he said. "That’s not the kind of trial we have."
Former GOP Senator Rick Santorum responded almost immediately condemning the comparison and calling Painter absurd.
CNN Guest Compares Mitch McConnell’s Senate Trial to an 'All White Jury for a Klansman Trial'
Former Bush White House ethics lawyer and Democrat candidate for the House of Representative Richard Painter recently made an appealing comparison of the upcoming Senate trial conducted by Mitch McConnell.
According to Town Hall:
CNN guest Richard Painter, who served as the White House's top ethics lawyer under George W. Bush, compared Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) plan for the upcoming impeachment trial to a judge making an all-white jury for a KKK trial.
"Well, I think the House Democrats did everything they could in view of what’s going on with the Trump Administration. They have gone to court to compel a lot of evidence being produced by the Trump Administration, and they’ve been fought every step of the way," Painter said on Thursday.
"But this is trial is going to take place in the Senate as a fair trial. It is presided over by the chief justice of the United States. This is a trial. It’s not a political game. The oath of loyalty is to the United States of America, not to Donald Trump," he said.
"And for Mitch McConnell to say he is working with the White House, coordinating with the defendant in this trial before the trial has even begun is atrocious. He may think he's a judge impaneling an all-white jury for a Klansman trial in Mississippi," he said. "That’s not the kind of trial we have."
Former GOP Senator Rick Santorum responded almost immediately condemning the comparison and calling Painter absurd.
TAKE NOTE.....The Guardian condemnes Trump for tweeting article, BUT in case you didn't see the tweet, they published what news agency and what date it was published so that you can go back and read the entire article.....HYPOCRYTES....!!
The Guardian...condemns Trump for retweeting an article that names the Ukraine whistleblower
Trump drew the attention of his 68 million Twitter followers to a tweet by his reelection campaign’s “war room” that linked to an article by the conservative Washington Examiner news website. The article, published on 3 December, has the name of the alleged whistleblower in its headline.
The president’s retweet quickly drew sharp criticism. Amy Siskind, president of The New Agenda, a nonpartisan advocacy organisation, posted on Friday: “This is not acceptable behavior from the so-called leader of our country, and he must be called to task for it!”
The whistleblower is reportedly a CIA analyst . They filed an anonymous complaint in August alleging Trump pressured Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy to announce an investigation into a political rival – a violation of laws against seeking foreign help in US elections.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Trump Slams Dems for Holding up Impeachment
2019-12-26 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff
President Trump has slammed Democrats for calling him a threat but then holding up impeachment as a political stunt.
According to Fox News:
The president went so far Thursday morning as to suggest Pelosi should face a primary challenge, as he called her San Francisco district "filthy" and "dirty" and said she should focus on cleaning it up.
This, after the president tore into House Democrats overnight and into the morning over their handling of the impeachment process, calling them "hypocrites" and "liars" for allegedly seeking concessions in the Senate that Republicans were not afforded in the House -- and for hitting pause on impeachment after stressing the national security urgency of it all.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., in his committee's impeachment report, stated the president "will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution" if he remains in office.
Democrats generally used that argument to bolster their case for a swift impeachment process. Nadler made a similar declaration in an ABC interview earlier this month, claiming that Trump's dealings with Ukraine are evidence of an ongoing security risk.
The Democrats have continued to work with the President while telling the American public that he is a threat and it appears President Trump has had enough of the hypocrisy.
2019-12-26 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff
President Trump has slammed Democrats for calling him a threat but then holding up impeachment as a political stunt.
According to Fox News:
The president went so far Thursday morning as to suggest Pelosi should face a primary challenge, as he called her San Francisco district "filthy" and "dirty" and said she should focus on cleaning it up.
This, after the president tore into House Democrats overnight and into the morning over their handling of the impeachment process, calling them "hypocrites" and "liars" for allegedly seeking concessions in the Senate that Republicans were not afforded in the House -- and for hitting pause on impeachment after stressing the national security urgency of it all.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., in his committee's impeachment report, stated the president "will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution" if he remains in office.
Democrats generally used that argument to bolster their case for a swift impeachment process. Nadler made a similar declaration in an ABC interview earlier this month, claiming that Trump's dealings with Ukraine are evidence of an ongoing security risk.
The Democrats have continued to work with the President while telling the American public that he is a threat and it appears President Trump has had enough of the hypocrisy.
I'm "disturbed" that she's "disturbed"...does she expect McConnell to bend to every little WHIM that Pelosi comes up with..? The Dems are NUTS and everyone knows it..Treat them like they treated the Reps. when the hearings were done in the House..!!!
GOP Senator Says She's 'Disturbed' by McConnell's Impeachment Strategy Cortney O'Brien Posted: Dec 26, 2019
Source: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds on to the two articles of impeachment she and her colleagues just passed in the lower chamber, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is preparing for when they make it to the Senate - if ever. Pelosi and other leading Democrats have threatened to withhold the articles until the GOP agrees to their terms.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wants McConnell to agree to his requested time limits on each side of the aisle, as well as a whole new set of witnesses, he outlined in a letter last week. Those witnesses include Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair, and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.
As Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) observed, Schumer's demands suggest that the Democrats don't exactly have their act together.
"If they don't believe they've developed their factual record, they have every tool at their disposal to say, 'Gosh Chuck Schumer's given me a list of four witnesses we want, we're going to go get those witnesses' testimony,'" Cruz said during a recent Heritage Foundation event.
Republicans like Cruz are left to believe that the Democrats want the Senate to do the House's work for them. Yet, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is "disturbed" with McConnell too after the Republican leader revealed that he plans to work in "total coordination" with the White House on the Senate side of impeachment.
“And in fairness, when I heard that I was disturbed,” Murkowski said before describing that there should be distance between the White House and the Senate in how the trial is conducted. “To me it means that we have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense, and so I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happened to think that that has further confused the process.”
As of now, Murkowski is undecided.
“For me to prejudge and say there’s nothing there or on the other hand, he should be impeached yesterday, that’s wrong, in my view, that’s wrong," she explained.
The two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, were passed on a partisan basis in the House two weeks ago. Two Democrats defected to vote with Republicans, while presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) voted "present."
google and facebook.....are you surprised...??
They lied to us all. Here's the real Elections Interference
OMG OMG. They lied to us all. Here's the real Election Interference...... This is "SICK"
OMG OMG. They lied to us all. Here's the real Election Interference...... This is "SICK"
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Virginia: Constitutional Attorney Says AG Wrong On Sanctuary Counties – Supports Militia Training Under “Preparedness” Laws Tim Brown / December 23, 2019
As Virginia’s representatives and governor act outside the confines of the law to oppress their people in what can only be seen as a pressure point to see just how far people will tolerate tyranny, the vast majority of counties in Virginia have declared themselves to be Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities, and at least one county has sought to form its own militia. Is this a good thing? Is it lawful? Or is there a better way to deal with the tyranny Virginia is facing? Constitutional scholar and attorney Dr. Edwin Vieira says that the claims of Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring is absolutely wrong in declaring that Second Amendment sanctuaries have no “legal force” and believes that the proper way to address the matter of training militia in Virginia is through preparedness laws, as well as an appeal to President Donald Trump, who would be the commander of the militia if they are called up and the superior to Governor Northam, to step in and put the kibosh on the entire tyrannical movement coming out of the Virginia legislature and governor’s mansion.
Dr. Vieira, a citizen of Virginia, spoke out on the matter on Setting Brushfires on Monday morning.
Take a listen.
Dr. Vieira supports the Second Amendment and the Second Amendment Sanctuaries and believes they do have good standing in law.
However, he would like to tweak a few items concerning how counties like Tazewell deal with what they are calling the militia.
Dr. Vieira would use Virginia’s preparedness laws to engage in what would essentially be militia training without actually using the terminology.
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
defines the militia in this manner:
MILI’TIA, noun [Latin from miles, a soldier; Gr. war, to fight, combat, contention. The primary sense of fighting is to strive, struggle, drive, or to strike, to beat, Eng. moil, Latin molior; Heb. to labor or toil.] The body of soldiers in a state enrolled for discipline, but not engaged in actual service except in emergencies; as distinguished from regular troops, whose sole occupation is war or military service. The militia of a country are the able bodied men organized into companies, regiments and brigades, with officers of all grades, and required by law to attend military exercises on certain days only, but at other times left to pursue their usual occupations.
Dr. Vieira is also working with the Virginia Citizens Defense League on an appeal to President Trump to speak out on the issue and settle it once and for all before it goes any further.
He said that an appeal to Trump would be similar to what our forefathers did prior to the War for Independence.
After appealing to those who were in power in the Colonies, and to Parliament, our forefathers appealed to King George III, hoping that he would be reasonable, but he wasn’t and that’s what led to them being declared traitors and the ensuing of the war.
So far, President Trump has been silent on the issue, but Dr. Vieira is hopeful that he will be reasonable and squash what is taking place in Virginia.
Is it possible? Sure, it’s possible. In fact, it might even be likely due to the fact that this is an election season and Trump would be sure to lose the support he has by either ignoring this matter or siding with Northam and the Communists in Virginia.
However, as was also pointed out, President Trump has already demonstrated that he will ignore portions of the Constitution regarding his position as president by illegally banning bump stocks and pushing red flag laws, which are violations of more than half of the Bill of Rights.
Dr. Vieira, a citizen of Virginia, spoke out on the matter on Setting Brushfires on Monday morning.
Take a listen.
However, he would like to tweak a few items concerning how counties like Tazewell deal with what they are calling the militia.
Dr. Vieira would use Virginia’s preparedness laws to engage in what would essentially be militia training without actually using the terminology.
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
MILI’TIA, noun [Latin from miles, a soldier; Gr. war, to fight, combat, contention. The primary sense of fighting is to strive, struggle, drive, or to strike, to beat, Eng. moil, Latin molior; Heb. to labor or toil.] The body of soldiers in a state enrolled for discipline, but not engaged in actual service except in emergencies; as distinguished from regular troops, whose sole occupation is war or military service. The militia of a country are the able bodied men organized into companies, regiments and brigades, with officers of all grades, and required by law to attend military exercises on certain days only, but at other times left to pursue their usual occupations.
Dr. Vieira is also working with the Virginia Citizens Defense League on an appeal to President Trump to speak out on the issue and settle it once and for all before it goes any further.
He said that an appeal to Trump would be similar to what our forefathers did prior to the War for Independence.
After appealing to those who were in power in the Colonies, and to Parliament, our forefathers appealed to King George III, hoping that he would be reasonable, but he wasn’t and that’s what led to them being declared traitors and the ensuing of the war.
So far, President Trump has been silent on the issue, but Dr. Vieira is hopeful that he will be reasonable and squash what is taking place in Virginia.
Is it possible? Sure, it’s possible. In fact, it might even be likely due to the fact that this is an election season and Trump would be sure to lose the support he has by either ignoring this matter or siding with Northam and the Communists in Virginia.
However, as was also pointed out, President Trump has already demonstrated that he will ignore portions of the Constitution regarding his position as president by illegally banning bump stocks and pushing red flag laws, which are violations of more than half of the Bill of Rights.
We’ll see what takes place in the coming days. For now, we know that Governor Northam’s gun ban is unconstitutional and he’s too much of a coward to actually try and enforce it.
Celtic Thunder Official
On this day in 1914 on the Western Front, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain points the Allied soldiers even heard brass bands joining the Germans in their joyous singing.
On this day in 1914 on the Western Front, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain points the Allied soldiers even heard brass bands joining the Germans in their joyous singing.
At the first light of dawn on Christmas Day, some German soldiers emerged from their trenches and approached the Allied lines across no-man’s-land, calling out “Merry Christmas” in their enemies’ native tongues. They climbed out of their trenches and shook hands with the enemy soldiers. The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols and songs and played a good-natured game of soccer.
The 'Christmas Truce of 1914' served as heartening proof, that beneath the brutal clash of weapons, the soldiers’ essential humanity endured.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Franklin Graham December 20 at 12:39 AM
My Response to Christianity Today:
Christianity Today released an editorial stating that President Trump should be removed from office—and they invoked my father’s name (I suppose to try to bring legitimacy to their statements), so I feel it is important for me to respond. Yes, my father Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he would not agree with their opinion piece. In fact, he would be very disappointed. I have not previously shared who my father voted for in the past election, but because of this article, I feel it is necessary to share it now. My father knew Donald Trump, he believed in Donald Trump, and he voted for Donald Trump. He believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour in history for our natio
I felt pretty bad for Va. until I saw that they voted these demorats into power, so do I now say..."they deserve whatever they get"...?
It seems as though VIRGINIA governor doesn't want you to defend yourselves in any "way shape or form.....My advice.....learn as many defense methods that you can......SCREW RALPH NORTHAM, We don't have DICTATORS here in the U S of A...…….."MOLON LABE"

‘Blue’ Virginia senate bill to ban firearm and martial arts instruction Posted on November 29, 2019 by Dr. Eowyn
Virginia was considered a “swing” state in presidential elections, but the state became a solid “blue” on November 6, 2019.
With Democrats already holding the state’s three highest offices (governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general), after two years of Republican control in the state House and Senate by single-seat majorities, the voters of Virginia saw fit to give Democrats full control of the state legislature for the first time since 1994. Democrats won at least 21 of 40 seats in the state Senate and 51 seats in the 100-member House of Delegates.
Virginia’s pro-abort Gov. Ralph Northam (D), 60, a pediatric neurologist by occupation and a former U.S. Army medical officer, wasted no time in pushing his gun control agenda. On election night, he declared his plan to reintroduce a package of gun control laws during the next legislative session. See “Elections have consequences: ‘Blue’ Virginia goes whole hog for gun control”.
Northam is now joined by the State Senate.....Louise Lucas
On November 21, 2019, Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas (D) introduced a bill that seeks to ban “paramilitary activities” by criminalizing:
- Instruction and training in using firearms.
- Instruction and training in any “technique capable of causing injury or death to persons“, which can be construed to mean boxing, fencing, and the martial arts.
- Assembling with others to target shoot in a gun range.
- Assembling with others to perform “technique capable of causing injury or death to persons“, which can be construed to mean being in a boxing or martial arts studio.
- Marching or parading while carrying a firearm.
The bill is SB 64: Paramilitary activities; penalty. Here is the full text of SB 64 (I provided the bold in red):
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