See this child, he was left abandoned by its parents to loot the city, this officer made sure this child was safe and secure while the city tore itself apart. Sadly you don’t see or hear stories like this.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
I want to make this my last post for today. This is my home...Philadelphia...I know a few cops but not this one, I wish I did. You will NEVER see anything like this in the Mainstream media...!
Maybe the Police can use what the "RIOTERS" use against them...bricks, frozen water bottles, baseball bats, sticks etc. Not to mention being SPIT on, and unknown liquids thrown on know, "a FAIR fight'

The ban means law enforcement in Philadelphia is no longer permitted to use supplies like tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets when people are exercising their First Amendment rights.
City Council pointed out that Philadelphia now becomes the largest city in the United States to pass such a ban.
Ted Cruz Shreds Jack Dorsey Over Selectively Censoring ‘Misinformation’ Oct. 28, 2020 AAN Staff Government,Politics,Videos
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) held nothing back in a heated exchange with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in response to his platform’s decision to censor a story by the New York Post that described the contents of a compromising laptop reportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.
The report appeared poised to bring renewed and widespread scrutiny to allegations of corrupt business activities undertaken by the Biden family while Joe Biden served as vice president. Activities that, if proven, would comprise Biden should he return to the White House.
However, Twitter and other social media platforms censored the article, all but declaring themselves the arbiters of what’s worthy of being considered a mainstream news story.
My guess....Too many knew about the documents, would have been better to "hand deliver" for the price of a plane ticket.....
‘Confidential Documents’ Obtained By Tucker Carlson On Biden Family Go Missing, Report
By Ryan Saavedra Oct 28, 2020
Fox News host Tucker Carlson aid on his show Wednesday night that confidential documents that his show received from a source about the family of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden have gone missing.
“There’s always a lot going on that we don’t have time to get to on the air, but there is something specific going on behind the scenes that we did feel we should tell you about,” Carlson began. “So, on Monday of this week, we received, from a source, a collection of confidential documents related to the Biden family. We believe those documents are authentic, they’re real, and they’re damning.”
At the time we received them, my executive producer Justin Wells and I were in Los Angeles preparing to interview Tony Bobulinski about the Biden’s business dealings in China, Ukraine, and other countries,” Carlson continued. “So, we texted a producer in New York and we asked him to send those documents to us in L.A., and he did that. So, Monday afternoon of this week, he shipped those documents overnight to California with a large national carrier, a brand name company that we’ve used, you’ve used, countless times with never a single problem.
“Now, to it’s credit, the company took this very seriously and immediately began a search,” Carlson said. “They traced the envelope from the moment our producers dropped it off in Manhattan on Monday all the way to 3:44 a.m. yesterday morning. That’s when an employee at a sorting facility in another state noticed that our package was open and empty—apparently it had been opened.”
“So the company’s security team interviewed every one of its employees who touched the envelope we sent; they searched the plane and the trucks that carried it. They went through the office in New York where our producer dropped that package off. They combed the entire cavernous sorting facility. They used pictures of what we had sent so that searchers would know what to look for. They went far and beyond, but they found nothing.”
“Those documents have vanished. As of tonight, the company has no idea, and no working theory even, about what happened to this trove of materials, documents that are directly relevant to the presidential campaign just six days from now,” Carlson concluded. “We spoke to executives at that company a few hours ago; they seemed baffled and deeply bothered by this, and so are we.”
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Joe Biden: "I Am Kamala's Running Mate. Y'all Think I'm Kidding Don't You?" Oct 27, 2020 Trump War Room
CNN Claims Conservatives Are ‘Discrediting’ Big Tech While Ignoring New York Post Hunter Biden Story By Karen Ashley October 27, 2020
OPINION | This article contains political commentary which reflects the author's opinion.
CNN technology reporter Brian Fung claimed, “A right-wing offensive is underway to discredit social media companies just days before the election.”
“What began as complaints about anti-conservative censorship by social media companies has now evolved into outright allegations of election interference, as high-ranking Republicans have accused online platforms of helping Democrats by way of their content moderation decisions.”
“The Biden family knew that you were going public with this,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said. “And you spoke to Rob Walker about it – again, the self-described Biden family representative – and Biden family, meaning Joe Biden as well. What was his response when you let him know that you were going public with this?”
I find it HARD to believe that with ALL the supposedly GREAT democrats to choose from, that JOE BIDEN is the best they could come up with..?? He is LOSYNG IT completely...!!!
Joe Biden has been running around the cou criticizing President Trump’s COVID-19 response. Some of his criticisms have been strange. For example, Biden says he would implement the Defense Production Act so manufacturers could be forced to produce needed medical supplies domestically. Perhaps he missed the news, but President Trump invoked the DPA on April 2, 2020.While the administration preferred to negotiate with corporations to make needed supplies, they did use the power the DPA provides for leverage to nudge companies in the right direction. The team also created an unprecedented public-private partnership to approve masks and sterilization equipment, and to completely revamp domestic swab producers. It also stood up a global supply-chain operation to pick up and deliver needed supplies using exceptionally effective military logistics experts.
President Trump has said he will use the same supply-chain expertise to distribute a vaccine when it becomes available. But it seems everyone has forgotten the hundreds of details from the initial pandemic response shared daily by the Coronavirus Task Force. Joe Biden sure has. Of course, he often can’t remember what state he is in, what office he is running for, or who he is running against.
Because details escape him and Biden’s COVID-19 plan is cribbed from what the Trump administration has done, he focuses his criticism on President Trump’s public comments. He says these comments prove the president does not listen to the scientists. Brace yourself. This ad completely destroys that narrative in under a minute.
I have to wonder...does this make the family of Walter Wallace feel better about his death...???
Looters ransack Philadelphia businesses during 2nd night of unrest By 6abc Digital Staff
Chopper 6 was overhead as hundreds of people could be seen running in and out of businesses along Aramingo Avenue in the city's Port Richmond section, including a Foot Locker, Burlington, Target and Dollar General. Some could be seen with their hands full of merchandise, jumping in cars before police arrived.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
You can follow the link from here or better yet, go to ..... I read the article
Examples of hostilities toward Trump and his supporters abound, but leftists' threats of terror are even greater should Biden win the presidency.
7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not
BELOW are just a couple of the 7 threats against Trump voters and/or supporters....Are you ready to defend yourselves against those who wish to CLEANSE the voting rolls...??
4. Prosecute Everyone Who Supported Trump
Fourth, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann recently ranted that everyone associated with Trump, including his enablers and supporters, must be “prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society.” To many, Olbermann might seem to be a has-been, but he has nearly 1 million Twitter followers. He represents the viewpoint of many in the propaganda media that control more than 90 percent of the megaphones. Olbermann referred to Trump supporters as “maggots” who needed to be chased from the stage.
5. Trump Supporters ‘Must Be Eradicated From Society’
Fifth, on Aug. 4, 2019, a supposed religious scholar and CNN contributor Reza Aslan announced on Twitter — a tweet still up as of Oct. 22 — that all Trump supporters “must be eradicated from society” along with Trump, and that there is “no longer any room for nuance.” Aslan has nearly 300,000 followers.
His extremely defamatory and threatening tweet reads verbatim: “The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters — ALL OF THEM — are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And his evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”
This doesn't sound like a lot until you start adding the zeros....
In order to test the reliaility of mail-in voting, Fox News tested 500 ballots which were mailed to NYC, LA, Dallas, Miami and Chicago.
Of the 500 ballots mailed, 11 didn't make it. 9 of those 11 are still missing, nowhere to be found. The other two were returned to sender.
In order to test the reliability of mail-in voting, Fox News tested 500 ballots which were mailed to NYC, LA, Dallas, Miami and Chicago.
Of the 500 ballots mailed, 11 didn't make it. 9 of those 11 are still missing, nowhere to be found. The other two were returned to sender
From Fox News:
Fox kept track of exactly 500 envelopes that were sent by producers in the New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago and Dallas metro areas. Out of that 500, 11 failed to reach their destinations.
Now you might be thinking 11 failed ballots out of 500 isn't bad. However, that is a 2.2% failure to deliver rate.
Seeing that over 32,000,000 mail in ballots have already been sent in, you're looking at over 700,000 ballots that won't be counted!
The Democrats have scared their voters into relying on mail-in voting, but that plan could totally backfire. Imagine hundreds of thousands of rejected votes for the Democrats in an election where every vote counts?
Conversely, President Trump has instructed his voters to cast their ballots in person if at all possible. The reliability of in-person voting vastly outweighs that of mail-in.
This election could very well turn into a trump landslide if all of these factors converge at once.
The "City of Brotherly Love"...My Home...!!
Philadelphia Police Department representatives said that 27-year-old Walter Wallace refused to follow two officers’ orders to drop his weapon as they approached. The department’s explanation wasn’t sufficient for the hundreds of Philadelphians who took the streets.
More than thirty members of the PPD have been injured since — including one sergeant hit by a pickup truck. Police have arrested more than thirty rioters, among them five juveniles.
Monday, October 26, 2020
The Most Powerful 2 Minutes of TV I've Seen in a Long Time uly 1, 2020
President Donald Trump: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview Oct 26, 2020 60 Minutes
In an interview that's made headlines this week, Lesley Stahl presses President Trump on once-again rising coronavirus cases and what his priorities would be if re-elected. Stahl also speaks with Mr. Trump's running mate, Vice President Mike Pence.