BOOM! Ted Cruz sends strong message to Joe Biden and Hunter. What happens next is incredible.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
This is Sat. morning, Trumps counsel...In case you missed it
Trump's Counsel Drops a NUKE, Plays Video From Democrat Witnesses They're Terrified Of
Friday, January 24, 2020
They know we can choose a President, but that we won't choose the one THAT THEY WANT...!!
Democrats admit they don’t trust voters to choose a president David Limbaugh Posted January 24, 2020
I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of Rep. Adam Schiff and the Democratic horde’s portraying every charge against President Donald Trump as Trump’s effort to interfere with this or that election.
In his opening statement at the Senate impeachment trial, Lead House Impeachment Manager Schiff, puffed up with false indignation, did it again. President Trump made an “attempt to use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election,” said Schiff, and he must be impeached.
He’s claiming that the 2020 election, which won’t happen until November, will be illegitimate because of Trump’s dastardly telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” he said. Come on! How dim does he think the viewing public is?
The only thing illegitimate is Schiff’s argument — and as an experienced former prosecutor, he knows it. Even viewing Trump’s actions in the most negative light, nothing happened beyond a conversation. Neither the conversation nor anything that resulted from it could hurt the eventual Democratic nominee’s chances of winning. The same cannot be said, however, about this endless witch hunt against President Trump. The same cannot be said about all the vicious lies Schiff and company have leveled against Trump. Almost everything they’ve done is aimed at “interfering” with the 2016 and 2020 elections, if I may borrow that term.
FBI reportedly investigating Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Jan 17, 2020
Mess of Media
According to Fox News, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is reportedly under federal investigation for numerous alleged offenses.
According to Fox News, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is reportedly under federal investigation for numerous alleged offenses.
Charles Schumer’s 1999 letter about impeachment comes back to bite him
By Sen. Charles Schumer January 18, 2020
How the times have changed. In 1999, Sen. Chuck Schumer argued passionately about the dangers of impeachment; now he's a cheerleader for danger.
By Sen. Charles Schumer January 18, 2020

How the times have changed. In 1999, Sen. Chuck Schumer argued passionately about the dangers of impeachment; now he's a cheerleader for danger.
On Feb. 11, 1999 — one day before President Bill Clinton was acquitted in his impeachment trial before the Senate — Sen. Charles Schumer penned a passionate letter, outlining why the process had taken an unfair toll on the nation. He noted that the president believed he had not crossed a line, and praised the large threshold needed to get a conviction in the Senate. He also cheered the American people for opposing impeachment. A Gallup poll in December 1998 found that 35 percent of Americans were pro-impeachment, with 73 percent of Republicans and only 12 percent of Democrats in favor. Meanwhile, a Quinnipiac poll this month found that 51 percent of Americans approve of President Donald Trump’s impeachment, with 46 percent disapproving, but the partisan divide is even starker with just 7 percent of Republicans and a whopping 91 percent of Democrats in favor. Though the individual details are different, many of the same points crafted by Schumer more than 20 years ago echo Republican arguments against the impeachment of President Trump. Here is Sen. Schumer’s original letter in full, with some of the more prescient sections bolded by The Post . . .
Geraldo Rivera Calls Impeachment 'Partisan Sham' 2020-01-24 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff
Fox News legend Geraldo Rivera strongly rebuked the impeachment of President Trump on Friday, calling it a "partisan sham."
Democrats are currently arguing more testimony is needed while the White House is saying it is not needed. However, the White House did say that they would want to have witness reciprocity if the Senate did vote to allow witnesses.
Fox News legend Geraldo Rivera strongly rebuked the impeachment of President Trump on Friday, calling it a "partisan sham."
Democrats are currently arguing more testimony is needed while the White House is saying it is not needed. However, the White House did say that they would want to have witness reciprocity if the Senate did vote to allow witnesses.
Laura Ingraham shows emails tying alleged Ukraine whistleblower to Obama White House meeting on Burisma by Daniel Chaitin January 23,
Newly revealed documents raise questions about the alleged Ukraine whistleblower.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham reported Wednesday evening that she obtained a chain of State Department emails stemming from a standard request for comment from New York Times journalist Ken Vogel, whose reporting helped generate scrutiny of Hunter Biden's ties to Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Biden, 49, is the son of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, and Republicans have called for him to testify during the Ukraine-related Senate impeachment trial against President Trump.
On May 1, 2019, Vogel contacted State Department official Kate Schilling about a story he was working on regarding an Obama administration meeting in January 2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and mentioned the name of the CIA analyst believed to be the whistleblower whose complaint sparked impeachment proceedings that led to two articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Ingraham did not state the name of the alleged whistleblower — Fox News hosts are banned from doing so until the identity is confirmed — and blacked out the name when showing excerpts of documents. However, she likely was referring to Eric Ciaramella, who some Republicans and conservative media figures believe is the whistleblower.
In the email, Vogel wrote, "We are going to report that [State Department official] Elizabeth Zentos attended a meeting at the White House on 1/19/2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and embassy officials as well as ... [redacted] from the NSC ... The subjects discussed included efforts within the United State government to support prosecutions, in Ukraine and the United Kingdom, of Burisma Holdings ... and concerns that Hunter Biden's position with the company could complicate such efforts."
Adam Schiff’s Lies Grow Bigger And Bolder As Impeachment Theater Drags On by Patrick M. Arnold about 3 hours ago
There are three types of lies: Lies, damned lies and the things that come out of Adam Schiff’s pie hole
As hard as it is to believe (and it’s REALLY, REALLY hard to believe) there is currently a hashtag trending on Twitter called #AdamSchiffROCKS and it appears as if the hashtag is occasionally being tweeted by REAL people and not just the bots who normally appear in his (Schiff’s) timeline talking about how brilliant the patently dishonest Schiff is.
For those who might wish to contend the last statement, what else would you call someone who actually paraphrases evidence? If this impeachment travesty were a normal court procedure Schiff’s actions would be akin to a prosecutor using a note from your wife in the following manner:
Actual transcript of note from wife: “Don’t forget to stop at the store and pick up some eggs”
Schiff performing a dramatic interpretation of the note to a Jury “Let’s get some eggs and then murder our next door neighbor with an axe”
Were the impeachment proceedings not so serious a matter then Schiff’s clumsy machinations would be laughable. However, given the fact that he is involved in attempting to impeach a President for the unheard of crime of NOT being Hillary Clinton, then they become far more sinister and malicious than comical.
Early on in the Impeachment show, errr proceedings, Schiff demonstrated a total disregard for the truth, acting rather as a conduit for press leaks and disinformation.
As hard as it is to believe (and it’s REALLY, REALLY hard to believe) there is currently a hashtag trending on Twitter called #AdamSchiffROCKS and it appears as if the hashtag is occasionally being tweeted by REAL people and not just the bots who normally appear in his (Schiff’s) timeline talking about how brilliant the patently dishonest Schiff is.
For those who might wish to contend the last statement, what else would you call someone who actually paraphrases evidence? If this impeachment travesty were a normal court procedure Schiff’s actions would be akin to a prosecutor using a note from your wife in the following manner:
Actual transcript of note from wife: “Don’t forget to stop at the store and pick up some eggs”
Schiff performing a dramatic interpretation of the note to a Jury “Let’s get some eggs and then murder our next door neighbor with an axe”
Were the impeachment proceedings not so serious a matter then Schiff’s clumsy machinations would be laughable. However, given the fact that he is involved in attempting to impeach a President for the unheard of crime of NOT being Hillary Clinton, then they become far more sinister and malicious than comical.
Early on in the Impeachment show, errr proceedings, Schiff demonstrated a total disregard for the truth, acting rather as a conduit for press leaks and disinformation.
In a recent article in the “Washington Examiner ” aptly entitled “Adam Schiff’s lies only grown more brazen as the impeachment charade continues” Jenna Ellis points out:
WTF...??? Don't understand this....
This IS NOT Going To Go Over Well: Video Surfaces Of Lindsey Graham Giving Adam Schiff Kudos After Impeachment Speech by Doyle Alexander
The Democrat House Managers for the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump had senators in “agony” and “bored out of their minds” during the proceedings on Wednesday. Many senators
were nodding off, walking around and even leaving the chamber for extended periods of time according to reports.
The boredom was exacerbated by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) forcing debates and votes on eleven doomed motions that dragged out Tuesday’s opening session until almost 2 a.m. EST.
But at least one Republican was impressed with Schiff’s speech.
NBC News reporter Frank Thorp V saw Lindsey Graham congratulating serial liar Adam Schiff following his 2.5 hour marathon snoozer.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
VA Senate Passes a New Gun Control Bill That Tramples on 2A Rights Beth Baumann @eb454 Posted: Jan 22, 2020
Roughly 20,000 people gathered in Richmond, Virginia on Monday for the Virginia Citizen Defense League's annual Lobby Day, which is an annual tradition. All eyes were on the Old Dominion state because Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and his Democratic counterparts in the General Assembly have said they plan to implement gun control laws. Peaceful, law-abiding gun owners took to the state capitol to make their voices heard and to advocate for their Second Amendment rights.
Despite that, the Virginia Senate on Wednesday passed SB240, which would allow police to confiscate a person's firearms under Extreme Risk Protection Orders, commonly referred to as red flag laws. The bill passed 21 to 19, WTVR-TV reported.
Under the proposal, attorneys and law enforcement would be able to petition a court to prohibit the person from purchasing, possessing or transferring a firearm if he or she is considered a risk to themselves or others.
"The red flag bill that passed out of the Virginia Senate fails to address mental health concerns for individuals and falls far short on due process," National Rifle Association spokesperson Catherine Mortensen said in a statement. "This red flag legislation also creates numerous false flag opportunities for law enforcement.”
Gun rights advocates take issue with red flag laws primarily because of the lack of due process. A gun owner can have their firearms taken away without having the ability to defend themselves. Instead of having a hearing, determining if the person is truly a threat and then deciding to confiscate this or her firearms, law enforcement and the courts are given carte blanche to decide a person's fate.
Not only that but there's also an opportunity for mistaken identity to take place, like what happened a few months back in Florida. A man was mistaken for a criminal because they both had the same name. Police searched concealed carry licenses and made the assumption that the law-abiding gun owner was the one who committed the crime. The worst part is the man's firearms had to remain in police custody until the person filing the complaint against the criminal said the police had the wrong man. He'd then have to petition the court to get his firearms back...and he would have to bear the cost.
Despite that, the Virginia Senate on Wednesday passed SB240, which would allow police to confiscate a person's firearms under Extreme Risk Protection Orders, commonly referred to as red flag laws. The bill passed 21 to 19, WTVR-TV reported.
Under the proposal, attorneys and law enforcement would be able to petition a court to prohibit the person from purchasing, possessing or transferring a firearm if he or she is considered a risk to themselves or others.
"The red flag bill that passed out of the Virginia Senate fails to address mental health concerns for individuals and falls far short on due process," National Rifle Association spokesperson Catherine Mortensen said in a statement. "This red flag legislation also creates numerous false flag opportunities for law enforcement.”
Gun rights advocates take issue with red flag laws primarily because of the lack of due process. A gun owner can have their firearms taken away without having the ability to defend themselves. Instead of having a hearing, determining if the person is truly a threat and then deciding to confiscate this or her firearms, law enforcement and the courts are given carte blanche to decide a person's fate.
Not only that but there's also an opportunity for mistaken identity to take place, like what happened a few months back in Florida. A man was mistaken for a criminal because they both had the same name. Police searched concealed carry licenses and made the assumption that the law-abiding gun owner was the one who committed the crime. The worst part is the man's firearms had to remain in police custody until the person filing the complaint against the criminal said the police had the wrong man. He'd then have to petition the court to get his firearms back...and he would have to bear the cost.
Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense
This is naked tyranny

In the wake of the Virginia gun rights rally on Monday,
Democrats in the Capitol are not slowing down their push for tyranny.
They are moving a bill through the legislature that would effectively criminalize dissent against Governor Blackface Northam and other state government officials.
Democrats in the Capitol are not slowing down their push for tyranny.
They are moving a bill through the legislature that would effectively criminalize dissent against Governor Blackface Northam and other state government officials.
House bill 1627 was introduced by Delegate Jeffrey M. Bourne last week. The legislation “provides that certain crimes relating to threats and harassment may be prosecuted in the City of Richmond if the victim is the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.”
The legislation makes it clear that the above provision applies directly to “the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia,” which means this legislation effectively criminalizes dissent against public officials.
I've never before seen even a picture of Maxine Waters SMILING...She's so happy to get her "souvenir impeachment pen"
Nancy Pelosi signed the House's articles of impeachment with Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, and other chief architects of the Democrats eagerly joining in on the impeachment scheme.
To much disbelief to most of us in the US, Nancy Pelosi had pre-ordered celebratory souvenir pens with her name engraved in gold on them to give to her Democrat buddies ... MOST IMPORTANTLY, Did you see Maxine Waters's face when she got her pen?
Maxine Waters was so excited about impeaching President Trump, that she couldn't contain herself. This in NOT the kind of leadership we need representing us in DC!
It was not only disrespectful, but a sad day for our Country. This was a complete Partisan event, an abuse of power, and a disgrace to The US House of Representatives. This is exactly what Maxine Waters had been pushing for since before President Trump was even elected.
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