Friday, April 17, 2015
Race creeps into stalled vote on nominee for attorney general

By Sari Horwitz April 17 at 6:48 PM
African American and other civil rights leaders infuriated over the stalled confirmation vote on Loretta E. Lynch, the first black woman to …
Attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch’s confirmation hearing took place in January. The full Senate has yet to vote on the nomination. (Andrew Harnik/For The Washington Post)
African American and other civil rights leaders infuriated over the stalled confirmation vote on Loretta E. Lynch, the first black woman to be nominated for attorney general, are casting the delay as an issue with racial overtones.
They are urging the Senate to act immediately and end a process that has now lasted more than five months.
Activists across the country are three days into a hunger strike over the Senate’s failure to vote on Lynch. African American groups have also protested outside the offices of senators who oppose her leading the Justice Department. And one Democratic senator has compared the holdup to the treatment of civil rights activist Rosa Parks in the segregated South, saying that Lynch has been “asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar.”

By Sari Horwitz April 17 at 6:48 PM
African American and other civil rights leaders infuriated over the stalled confirmation vote on Loretta E. Lynch, the first black woman to …
Attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch’s confirmation hearing took place in January. The full Senate has yet to vote on the nomination. (Andrew Harnik/For The Washington Post)
They are urging the Senate to act immediately and end a process that has now lasted more than five months.
Activists across the country are three days into a hunger strike over the Senate’s failure to vote on Lynch. African American groups have also protested outside the offices of senators who oppose her leading the Justice Department. And one Democratic senator has compared the holdup to the treatment of civil rights activist Rosa Parks in the segregated South, saying that Lynch has been “asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar.”
Tim McGraw trashed for playing Sandy Hook concert
The Associated Press 6 p.m. EDT April 17, 2015
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) —
A concert at the
The nonprofit group in Newtown was organized by families whose children and siblings were among the 20 children and six educators fatally shot at the
Its stated objective is to prevent gun violence and focus on mental health issues.
Gun rights advocates took to Facebook and Twitter, calling McGraw a hypocrite for headlining the event. Others tweeted messages of support to McGraw for lending his name to Sandy Hook Promise.
Plumber testifies drug squad burst in, took tuition money
AP News | Apr 17, 2015
Police paperwork showed the officers now on trial reported only finding only $8,000 in the safe. Prosecutors also said the officers also reported only about half of the $1,200 that plumber Theodore Carobine had in his pocket.
The testimony Friday came in the trial of six former drug squad officers charged with stealing cash and drugs from suspects, planting evidence and lying in court.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
They will NEVER leave hunters alone..........
Hunter Who Struck Absurd Pose With Dead Giraffe Says She’s Doing Good, Also Posed With Black Bear
The Inquisitr · 17 minutes ago
Rebecca Francis, the hunter who struck a grinning pose with a giraffe she had just killed — a picture, which ignited an
online firestorm
when it was tweeted by comedian Ricky Gervais — has publicly defended
killing the animal, as other photos of Francis posing with slain animals
were circulated online as well, drawing more angry response.
A Warning of Times To Come? Everyone Who Loves Freedom Should Be Concerned
The first step in implementing a police state is conditioning the citizens to comply… and getting them to go along with what they are told to do for fear of repercussions.
There is now an abundance of evidence of police intimidation tactics to keep everyone in line.
It starts in school, according to former New York State Teacher of the Year John Taylor Gatto, whose book, The Underground History of American Education, gives a chilling and detailed breakdown of how compulsory schooling was started and why. Suffice it to say, compliance was a key outcome that was intended by the design of the system.
And now we have police putting handcuffs on four-year-olds for being kids and knocking around ninety-five-year-old senior citizens for questioning a police officer’s order.
This should disturb you. And it gets worse. says:
“One website estimates that police kill on average three citizens a day in the United States. In 2014, 1100 individuals were killed by police in the U.S. That’s 70 times more than other first-world nations, and almost 20 times more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the same year in Afghanistan and Iraq.”20 TIMES more than the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2014. Call them police officers if you want. Statistics like this make me think that they are more like Gestapo.
Unfortunatly, I think we may see more cop shootings without motive. Police reputations are in the tank, a lot of people are angry.....
Louisiana Deputy Shot While Directing Traffic Near School
PARADIS, La. — Apr 16, 2015, 3:00 PM ET
A 36-year-old Louisiana
sheriff's deputy was directing traffic in a school zone Thursday
morning when he was shot three times by a man whose motive remains a
mystery, authorities said.
Cpl. Burt Hazeltine was in stable but guarded condition at a New Orleans
hospital, St. Charles Parish Sheriff Greg Champagne said.
Hazeltine was directing traffic in the town of Paradis, about 25 miles
west of New Orleans, when a man parked a pickup truck at a nearby
convenience store, got out and opened fire, Champagne said.
A suspect, whose identity hasn't been released, was arrested a short
time later. He is believed to be the only person involved, Champagne
Hazeltine is believed to have returned fire, but it was unclear whether
the suspect was hit. St. Charles Parish authorities planned an afternoon
news conference.
Hazeltine was alert and able to talk with emergency medical personnel at the shooting scene, Champagne said.
"His vital signs are good. There is some bleeding in the chest. They're monitoring that closely," Champagne said.
Two nearby schools were briefly placed on lockdown after the shooting.
Parents rip school after college field trip includes only black students Published April 16, 2015
Parents criticized Indiana school officials Thursday for a trip
planned to local colleges that was only offered to black third-graders, ABC 57 reported.
School officials defended the trip, saying the outing sends a positive message to black students who may believe the prospect of college is out of reach.
"We take them to a college campus, have them meet African-American students, modeling the idea that as a black person, college is a great place," Dr. G. David Moss, the head of the African-American services at the South Bend Community Schools Corporation, told the station.
The initiative has been criticized by parents in the community, not because of its ambitions, but because it excludes students with other backgrounds.
One parent whose son is going on the trip told the station that she believes "all kids should be going."
Moss told the station that he did not mean to offend anyone with the trips, but said he was hired to "look at the issues facing African-American kids" in the community.
School officials defended the trip, saying the outing sends a positive message to black students who may believe the prospect of college is out of reach.
"We take them to a college campus, have them meet African-American students, modeling the idea that as a black person, college is a great place," Dr. G. David Moss, the head of the African-American services at the South Bend Community Schools Corporation, told the station.
The initiative has been criticized by parents in the community, not because of its ambitions, but because it excludes students with other backgrounds.
One parent whose son is going on the trip told the station that she believes "all kids should be going."
Moss told the station that he did not mean to offend anyone with the trips, but said he was hired to "look at the issues facing African-American kids" in the community.
Judge opens door for cops to storm your home Rules 3rd Amendment doesn't apply to law enforcement Published: 4 hours ago
SWAT members approach a home during the search for suspects of the Boston Marathon bombings.
The Third Amendment, which guards against the quartering of soldiers
in citizens’ homes – and which came into being because of the abuse of
British troops against American patriots – has just been dinged by a
judge who ruled the provision doesn’t apply to police.
In essence, that means police on official business could claim the
legal right to bust into a private citizen’s home and occupy it.
The determination from federal district court Judge Andrew Gordon was rendered when he dismissed a Third Amendment claim from a Henderson, Nevada, family who suffered that very fate.
“Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality” chronicles how America has arrived at the point of being a de facto police state, and what led to an out-of-control government that increasingly ignores the Constitution.
Anthony Mitchell and his parents Michael and Linda Mitchell sued the City of Henderson and several police agents in federal court for a July 2011 incident they described in court papers.
Volokh reported: “On the morning of July 10, 2011, officers from the Henderson Police Department responded to a domestic violence call at a neighbor’s residence. … [Police] told [Mitchell] police needed to occupy his home in order to gain a ‘tactical advantage’ against the occupant of the neighboring house. Anthony Mitchell told the officer that he did not want to become involved and that he did not want police to enter his residence.”
The determination from federal district court Judge Andrew Gordon was rendered when he dismissed a Third Amendment claim from a Henderson, Nevada, family who suffered that very fate.
“Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality” chronicles how America has arrived at the point of being a de facto police state, and what led to an out-of-control government that increasingly ignores the Constitution.
Anthony Mitchell and his parents Michael and Linda Mitchell sued the City of Henderson and several police agents in federal court for a July 2011 incident they described in court papers.
Volokh reported: “On the morning of July 10, 2011, officers from the Henderson Police Department responded to a domestic violence call at a neighbor’s residence. … [Police] told [Mitchell] police needed to occupy his home in order to gain a ‘tactical advantage’ against the occupant of the neighboring house. Anthony Mitchell told the officer that he did not want to become involved and that he did not want police to enter his residence.”
'Gay,' Muslim lawmakers launching resolution Congressmen attack 'so-called religious freedom' Bob Unruh
A homosexual member of Congress from Colorado and a Muslim
from Indiana are proposing a resolution to thwart
“so-called religious freedom” laws that reinforce the constitutional
protections reserved for religious believers accused of discrimination.
from Indiana are proposing a resolution to thwart
“so-called religious freedom” laws that reinforce the constitutional
protections reserved for religious believers accused of discrimination.
The new move from Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., and Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., would force Christians to provide their services for homosexual events, even if it violates their faith.
Carson, a Muslim whose appointment to the House Intelligence Committee has been criticized because of his association with radical Islamic groups, this week issued a statement about his plan for a “Federal LGBT Resolution Opposing Discrimination.”
“For far too long, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans have been forced to live in the shadows because of who they are,” Carson said in a statement posted online. “Year after year, we see attacks on the LGBT community as governments at all levels look to institutionalize discrimination in the name of religious freedom. Recently, we witnessed my home state of Indiana enact a Religious Freedom Restoration Act, giving businesses the right to refuse serve based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”
“Big List of Christian Coercion” with dozens of cases in which Christians have been fined, threatened or penalized for recognizing the biblical definition of marriage. A petition also has been created in support of ordinances that allow Christian business owners to live by their faith.
“The resolution comes in response to what they refer to as the ‘so-called religious freedom’ law passed in Indiana,” the report said.
Black man helps white woman, black mob 'retaliates' Good Samaritan pummeled outside Tennessee gas station Published: 1 day ago Cheryl Chumley
Customer Mary Fuller was so scared by the unruly teens flashing gang signs and raising a “ruckus” in the parking lot of the BP gas station in Memphis, Tennessee, that she expressed her fears to a complete stranger, who offered to walk the elderly white woman outside to her car. “I said, ‘I don’t know if I ought to walk out of here or not, because they’re still fighting,’” Fuller told WMC-TV. “He said, ‘It’s not a problem. I’ll take care of this.’ The man she confided in was Orrden Williams, who had gone to the gas station to use the ATM.
put my arms around her, told her it would be OK, and walked her out of
the store,” Williams, who is black, told the TV station.
Fuller says an irate Williams admonished and “hollered” at the group of black teens to settle down.
“I guess they thought, ‘I’ll show him,’” she explained.
Seconds after Williams ushered Fuller safely into her car, one of the students sucker-punched him in the back of the head
“I guess they thought, ‘I’ll show him,’” she explained.
Seconds after Williams ushered Fuller safely into her car, one of the students sucker-punched him in the back of the head
Veterans' memorial under fire for rifle depiction Michigan council member decries inclusion of 'the gun'
A Milford, Michigan, veterans’ group is up in arms after a proposal
to place a memorial containing a battlefield cross – a military helmet
and dog tags atop a semiautomatic rifle mounted on boots – was deemed
too pro-violence by the local council.
The battlefield cross dates back to Civil War days as a stark reminder of the sacrifices of fallen soldiers.
Fox News reported Bear Hall, the chairman of the Friends of American Veterans in Milford, wanted to place a sculpture of the iconic image at the end of a walkway to an existing veterans’ memorial. But some on the local council deemed it inappropriate.
“THere was some concern from a couple of members regarding the specific memorial that’s proposed. Specifically, the gun,” said Milford Village Manager Christian Wuerth, to the Detroit Free Press. “They understood the history and meaning of it. They just didn’t feel it was appropriate for that specific location.”
Councilman Tom Nader was one who opposed the memorial.
“Being a veteran, I want to see a monument there, yes,” he said. “I just don’t think this is the proper one.”
But as another council member, Jennifer Frankford, said: “If it wasn’t for the boots and the gun and helmet, we wouldn’t have all the freedoms we have.”
The council is supposed to debate the matter again at an upcoming hearing.
Hall, meanwhile, said his group would support the final decision – with caveats.
“If [the council] doesn’t want it as a focal point, that’s fine, but we don’t want some ‘foofoo’ fountain either,” he said. “Everyone’s thinking the same thing we’re thinking – we didn’t win the war by throwing sticks and stones.”
Fox News reported Bear Hall, the chairman of the Friends of American Veterans in Milford, wanted to place a sculpture of the iconic image at the end of a walkway to an existing veterans’ memorial. But some on the local council deemed it inappropriate.
“THere was some concern from a couple of members regarding the specific memorial that’s proposed. Specifically, the gun,” said Milford Village Manager Christian Wuerth, to the Detroit Free Press. “They understood the history and meaning of it. They just didn’t feel it was appropriate for that specific location.”
Councilman Tom Nader was one who opposed the memorial.
“Being a veteran, I want to see a monument there, yes,” he said. “I just don’t think this is the proper one.”
But as another council member, Jennifer Frankford, said: “If it wasn’t for the boots and the gun and helmet, we wouldn’t have all the freedoms we have.”
The council is supposed to debate the matter again at an upcoming hearing.
Hall, meanwhile, said his group would support the final decision – with caveats.
“If [the council] doesn’t want it as a focal point, that’s fine, but we don’t want some ‘foofoo’ fountain either,” he said. “Everyone’s thinking the same thing we’re thinking – we didn’t win the war by throwing sticks and stones.”
constitution shredded for obama power grab
Senate 'just rewrote the … Constitution Plan for review of Obama's deal with Iran blasted
Bob Unruh
The bill that would enable Congress to review any nuclear deal with Iran is coming under fire for allegedly altering the Constitution’s requirements for treaties.
One prominent talk radio host even is accusing the U.S. Senate of
rewriting the Constitution to allow approval of a treaty with only
one-third of the Senate, plus one.
WND has reported the Obama administration has been fighting any attempt by Congress to take oversight of an agreement with Iran’s rogue regime. But Obama reluctantly agreed to a proposal in the Senate that will be voted on in coming weeks.
The New York Times reported “the essence of the legislation is that Congress will have a chance to vote on whatever deal emerges with Iran — if one is reached by June 30.”
But the newspaper noted it would be reviewed “in a way that would be extremely difficult for Mr. Obama to lose.”
The report explained Congress “would essentially be able to vote on an eventual end to sanctions, and then later take up the issue depending on whether Iran has met its own obligations. But if it rejected the agreement, Mr. Obama could veto that legislation – and it would take only 34 senators to sustain the veto, meaning that Mr. Obama could lose upward of a dozen Democratic senators and still prevail.”
Senate 'just rewrote the … Constitution Plan for review of Obama's deal with Iran blasted
The bill that would enable Congress to review any nuclear deal with Iran is coming under fire for allegedly altering the Constitution’s requirements for treaties.
WND has reported the Obama administration has been fighting any attempt by Congress to take oversight of an agreement with Iran’s rogue regime. But Obama reluctantly agreed to a proposal in the Senate that will be voted on in coming weeks.
The New York Times reported “the essence of the legislation is that Congress will have a chance to vote on whatever deal emerges with Iran — if one is reached by June 30.”
But the newspaper noted it would be reviewed “in a way that would be extremely difficult for Mr. Obama to lose.”
The report explained Congress “would essentially be able to vote on an eventual end to sanctions, and then later take up the issue depending on whether Iran has met its own obligations. But if it rejected the agreement, Mr. Obama could veto that legislation – and it would take only 34 senators to sustain the veto, meaning that Mr. Obama could lose upward of a dozen Democratic senators and still prevail.”
Read the article
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Angry Judge Just Issued A Scathing Amnesty Ruling That Exposes Obama’s Deception Norvell Rose April 2015
Images Credit: Fox News
The language in the judge's ruling is extraordinarily blunt...
The Obama administration certainly didn’t get what it wanted from a federal judge late Tuesday, and at the same time Obama’s legal team got much more than it bargained for.
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen not only refused to lift his order temporarily blocking the president’s unilateral action on amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, he also issued what The Washington Examiner called “a scathing rebuke” to Obama’s lawyers for “misleading” him.
In fact, says the Examiner report by Byron York, the angry judge “came very near to accusing administration lawyers of flat-out lying to him.”
“Hanen’s anger is apparent throughout the order. One government assertion ‘is belied by the facts.’ A government explanation is ‘troublesome.’ Omissions from the government’s filings are ‘mysterious.'”
The Washington Examiner article notes that Judge Hanen even went so far as to characterize the actions and assertions of Obama’s legal team as “fabrications, misstatements, half-truths, artful omissions….”
So, for now, the president’s executive amnesty orders remain blocked by Judge Hanen’s preliminary injunction. On April 17th, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear arguments about lifting that injunction.
As Breitbart reports, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has vowed to continue to “vigorously oppose the president’s illegal amnesty plan in court.”
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen not only refused to lift his order temporarily blocking the president’s unilateral action on amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, he also issued what The Washington Examiner called “a scathing rebuke” to Obama’s lawyers for “misleading” him.
In fact, says the Examiner report by Byron York, the angry judge “came very near to accusing administration lawyers of flat-out lying to him.”
The administration’s assertions in the immigration case have been “misleading,” “troublesome,” and “belied by the facts,” Hanen wrote. “Any number of federal judges, given this misconduct, would consider striking the government’s pleadings.”Judge Hanen’s judicial spanking of government lawyers in the case resulted from their admission that the administration had not told the court the whole truth about when parts of the president’s executive orders easing deportation for certain illegals had begun to take effect.
Doing so would effectively end the case altogether, and Hanen wrote that he had decided not to take that action because the issues at stake are of great national importance.
“Hanen’s anger is apparent throughout the order. One government assertion ‘is belied by the facts.’ A government explanation is ‘troublesome.’ Omissions from the government’s filings are ‘mysterious.'”
The Washington Examiner article notes that Judge Hanen even went so far as to characterize the actions and assertions of Obama’s legal team as “fabrications, misstatements, half-truths, artful omissions….”
So, for now, the president’s executive amnesty orders remain blocked by Judge Hanen’s preliminary injunction. On April 17th, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear arguments about lifting that injunction.
As Breitbart reports, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has vowed to continue to “vigorously oppose the president’s illegal amnesty plan in court.”
“The rule of law is at the very heart of our case against President Obama’s lawless immigration action,” Paxton said.
“We are a nation of laws, and we are proud to lead a bipartisan coalition of 26 states fighting this Administration’s unilateral and unconstitutional use of executive power.”
Despite Switching Urine Samples, Soldier Still Tests Positive For Drugs Bill Ashleigh April 12, 2015
FORT CARSON, Colo. — Spc. Sam DeLoach has been charged with thirty-two counts of illegal possession and use of controlled narcotics, but has asked a military judge to dismiss the charges because the urine is not actually his own, according to his attorney.
“Jenna Beerly gave me her piss because I had been smoking weed,” DeLoach said in a written statement. “Just ask her.”
DeLoach, an outspoken marijuana advocate, was randomly selected for the ninth consecutive time to take the urinalysis test last Monday.
“Do a DNA test on the pee or whatever, but don’t send me to jail for no ten years, man!” his statement concluded.
Spc. Jenna Beerly has confirmed DeLoach’s allegation, and the dozens of powerful opiates match the legitimate prescriptions Beerly uses to treat her shin splints.
“I didn’t want him to get busted for weed,” Beerly reportedly told friends.
The unit is unclear on how to proceed, as any jail time DeLoach serves will be interrupted by his newly-discovered pregnancy.
Read more: MORE
Freaking hysterical...
Platoon Sergeant Claims 38 Soldiers On His Tax Return Jack S McQuackApril 15, 2015
FORT RILEY, Kan. — After 7 years of litigation and $75,000 in legal fees, Sgt. 1st Class James Kinchloe finally gets to claim his entire platoon on his tax return.
Kinchloe, after years of mounting monetary losses, was forced to examine U.S. tax laws after he spent roughly $24,000 in bail payments, $14,239 in XBox 360 subscriptions, and $8,000 in down-payments for gender reassignment surgeries in 2013 alone.
Court documents indicate Kinchloe’s main complaint challenged the “qualifying relative” definition in IRS Publication 501: Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information. It states that a person may be claimed on a tax return “if their own funds are not actually spent for their own support” and are a “member of the household.”
Court documents indicate Kinchloe’s main complaint challenged the “qualifying relative” definition in IRS Publication 501: Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information. It states that a person may be claimed on a tax return “if their own funds are not actually spent for their own support” and are a “member of the household.”
Man Fatally Shot After Police Chase, Multi-Vehicle Crash in Houston Apr 15, 2015, By AVIANNE TAN
A suspect is now dead after being shot by two Houston Police Department (HPD) officers following a chase in Texas that started in Houston and ended in east Harris County, the Harris County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) said.
What ended as a fatal shooting started as a self-initiated patrol
investigation in Houston city limits, a Houston PD spokesman told ABC
News today.
"But then the suspect fled into Harris County," the spokesman said. "At
the conclusion of the pursuit, at least one officer did discharge his
weapon, but because it happened outside city limits, the Harris County's
Sheriff's Office will take a lead role in the investigation."
The suspect's identity is not yet being released by the HCSO, the department leading the investigation, a HCSO said.
The two cops who shot at the suspect were identified as "R. Gonzales"
and "L. Ingle" by HPD public information officer John Cannon, who was at
the scene.
"Both officers have been serving for six years," Cannon said.
He added the officers were not wearing any body cameras.
The high-speed chase, multi-vehicle crash and shooting were caught on video from a helicopter.
The video caught the suspect's car eluding police and driving into grass
and eventually slamming into another vehicle at an intersection and
then spinning into another vehicle, causing a pile-up.
The suspect can be seen coming out of the car and then reaching back
into it, at which point Houston Police Department officers opened fire,
Aerial footage from KRIV in Houston, Texas shows the end of a
high-speed police chase that culminated in the shooting of the driver on
April 15, 2015.
A large number of patrol cars from the Houston Police Department were
involved in the chase, KTRK added, saying the end of the pursuit
unfolded quickly in a matter of seconds elapsing between "the time the
suspect struck the white car and the time officers opened fire."
The chase ended near North Shore Middle School in Houston, KTRK reported.
Chris Christie Calls Normalizing Relations With Cuba a 'National Disgrace'
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J. takes a
questions during a town hall meeting with area residents in Londonderry,
N.H., April 15, 2015. AP Photo
A day after the Obama administration recommended that the U.S. government reverse its long-standing policy designating Cuba a state sponsor of international terrorism, Chris Christie called the move a "national disgrace."
In an appearance today at a town hall meeting in Londonberry, New Hampshire, Christie took aim at President Obama's diplomatic warming with the Communist nation.
"It is a national disgrace that the president is engaged in those
conversations and even considering taking that country off the terrorist
watch-list," Christie said.
"If Cuba wants normalized relations with the United States, start acting like a normal country," he said.
Obama Tuesday recommended reversing the longstanding U.S. policy of
keeping Cuba on a list of state sponsors of terrorism. The
administration released a statement declaring Obama's "intention to
rescind Cuba’s State Sponsor of Terrorism designation" days after his
return from the Summit of the Americas in Panama.
Christie also said he would make his final decision on a run for president in "late spring, early summer."
According to Florida cops, KennethCrowder did all of the below:
Ran naked through the streets, sexually assaulted a tree, called himself God, called himself Thor, tried to stab a Brevard police officer with the pin from his badge, and twice pulled out the probes from a taser gun after being jolted with high voltage.The 41-year-old man from Melbourne was arrested and charged with all of the following: assault with a deadly weapon on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest with violence, and battery of a law enforcement officer, according to
Flakka, a particularly dangerous synthetic drug, first erupted on the narcotics scene in south Florida in 2013 and has been ravaging the state ever since, according to authorities. Besides feelings of euphoria, it also induces rage, violence, and the ability to endure extreme pain.
Crowder, residents reported to police, was seen running through a residential neighborhood in his birthday suit, screaming he was God and committing a sexual act on a tree, the site reported.
By the time an officer arrived, Crowder was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. He threatened the cop, was tased, pulled out the electrodes, bunched his fists, was tased again, was punched in the face, and then tried to stab the officer with his badge pin, according to authorities.
Additional police officers arrived, subdued Crowder and handcuffed him, the site reported.
??? He was booked into the Brevard County Jail and released on bond. ???
Shock claim: Turkey provided 10,000 passports to ISIS
Intel official: Istanbul 'headquarters' for jihadists' planning
Published: 21 hours ago Aaron Klein
TEL AVIV – Egypt is accusing Turkey of providing more than 10,000 Turkish passports to members of ISIS, the Islamic State, to facilitate travel of fighters across the region.
An Egyptian intelligence official who asked not to be named told WND his country delivered a report to the U.S. documenting the astonishing claim.
The official further charged that Istanbul is serving as the “headquarters” for ISIS planning.
“Turkey continues to allow free passage to Iraq and Syria to IS fighters,” the official added.
If the Turkish passport charge is true, it would present a worldwide ISIS travel threat.
Already, there have been major passport concerns regarding ISIS and its sympathizers.
Earlier this month, a French senate report showed about 47 percent of European jihadists known to have traveled to ISIS-held territory hold French passports.
» Read the article
Intel official: Istanbul 'headquarters' for jihadists' planning
An Egyptian intelligence official who asked not to be named told WND his country delivered a report to the U.S. documenting the astonishing claim.
“Turkey continues to allow free passage to Iraq and Syria to IS fighters,” the official added.
If the Turkish passport charge is true, it would present a worldwide ISIS travel threat.
Already, there have been major passport concerns regarding ISIS and its sympathizers.
Earlier this month, a French senate report showed about 47 percent of European jihadists known to have traveled to ISIS-held territory hold French passports.
» Read the article
Gyro-Copter Lands on West Lawn of U.S. Capitol, Pilot Arrested
The U.S. Capitol Police have arrested a single occupant of a gyro copter that landed on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
According to the Tampa Bay Times, a Florida mailman was trying to deliver a message on campaign reform to Congress. The U.S. Capitol Police continues to investigate and there are temporary street closures in the immediate area.
Capitol Police have not confirmed the identity of the pilot of the craft who was arrested.
But Doug Hughes, a 61-year-old mailman from Ruskin, Florida sent an email recently to WFLA as well as other local media claiming that he intended to fly a gyro copter and deliver 535 letters to Washington DC.
"The letters are addressed to every individual member of Congress. I'm the pilot," Hughes wrote in the email.
"What's unique and newsworthy is the delivery. I'm going to land my gyro on the front lawn of the Capitol Building at the top end of the National Mall," Hughes said. "The issue is important enough to defy the no-fly zone and risk life and limb, and my freedom in pursuit of an honest government that represents the people."
A small helicopter lands on the West Lawn of the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Police arrested a man who steered his tiny, one-person helicopter onto the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, astonishing spring tourists and prompting a temporary lockdown of the Capitol Visitor Center. (Sam Smith via AP)
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
ISIS running training camp on Texas border
Terrorists employing 'spotters' to help with border crossings
Published: 10 hours ago Bob Unruh
Judicial Watch, the Washington watchdog that monitors the government, has released a new report warning that ISIS is running a camp just a few miles from the Texas border.
The warning follows reports from Judicial Watch in recent months that Islamic terrorists have been captured in Texas after coming across the U.S. border from Mexico.
The organization said just last winter its sources within the Department of Homeland Security said several ISIS terror group members were arrested by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.
The warnings conflict with claims by the Department of Homeland Security there is not an imminent danger of ISIS breaching the nation’s southern border.
In its newest report, on Tuesday, Judicial Watch said its sources for the information about the ISIS camp include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican federal police inspector.
“The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as ‘Anapra’ situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm,” Judicial Watch said.
The organization said just last winter its sources within the Department of Homeland Security said several ISIS terror group members were arrested by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.
The warnings conflict with claims by the Department of Homeland Security there is not an imminent danger of ISIS breaching the nation’s southern border.
In its newest report, on Tuesday, Judicial Watch said its sources for the information about the ISIS camp include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican federal police inspector.
“The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as ‘Anapra’ situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm,” Judicial Watch said.
A majority of American boys are still circumcised every year, though rates have been falling.
Mom sues: Circumcision is 'unconstitutional assault'
Woman remains in hiding to protect son
A Florida mother who’s in hiding to prevent her son from being forcibly circumcised by the child’s father has now filed a federal lawsuit, claiming the boy’s constitutional rights are being violated.
The action by Heather Hironimus was filed late Monday in U.S.
District Court in West Palm Beach, Florida, as she claims there is no
medical justification to remove the foreskin from her boy, identified as
“(The) application of Florida law to impose unnecessary, elective, cosmetic circumcision upon C.R.N.H. at the age of 4 1/2 years old for no religious reason violates (the boy’s) fundamental right to privacy and bodily integrity secured by the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States,” her attorney Thomas Hunker wrote.
The suit also says “forcing circumcision on C.R.N.H. constitutes assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, and/or child abuse under Florida law.”
According to South Florida’s New Times, a long list of alleged reasons for the procedure not to be performed are included in the suit

“(The) application of Florida law to impose unnecessary, elective, cosmetic circumcision upon C.R.N.H. at the age of 4 1/2 years old for no religious reason violates (the boy’s) fundamental right to privacy and bodily integrity secured by the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States,” her attorney Thomas Hunker wrote.
The suit also says “forcing circumcision on C.R.N.H. constitutes assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, and/or child abuse under Florida law.”
According to South Florida’s New Times, a long list of alleged reasons for the procedure not to be performed are included in the suit
Numerous protests have taken place to try to stop the boy’s circumcision.
READ MOREEven "black on white" crime is "whites" fault
Judge scolds 'racist' 3-year-old victim, coddles home invader
'Deeply offended' after tot admits to fear of 'all black men' Published: 8 hours ago
A judge in Kentucky handed down a light sentence for an armed home
robber who frightened a little girl, 3, after expressing outrage and
offense over a section of the victim-impact statement declaring the
toddler was now scared of black men.
The robber was black; the judge was black; the victims – a mother, father and their 3-year-old daughter – were white.
The parents argued for a tough sentence for the man convicted of busting into their Louisville home at gunpoint while their daughter watched “Spongebob Square Pants,” according to the Courier-Journal.
Jefferson Circuit JudgeOlu Stevens,
Judge Olu Stevens first read from the victim-impact statement and expressed outrage over the descriptions of how the little girl, post-robbery, was afraid of black men she saw on the street and even of black men the family counted as friends.
Video captured his response, given while mulling the prosecutor’s request for a 20-year sentence.
The robber was black; the judge was black; the victims – a mother, father and their 3-year-old daughter – were white.
The parents argued for a tough sentence for the man convicted of busting into their Louisville home at gunpoint while their daughter watched “Spongebob Square Pants,” according to the Courier-Journal.
Jefferson Circuit JudgeOlu Stevens,
is facing backlash for comments that
said two parents were perpetuating racistbehavior in their young daughter
Judge Olu Stevens first read from the victim-impact statement and expressed outrage over the descriptions of how the little girl, post-robbery, was afraid of black men she saw on the street and even of black men the family counted as friends.
Video captured his response, given while mulling the prosecutor’s request for a 20-year sentence.
Cops use tank to pull over man who flipped bird Police suspect he and girlfriend had sex in car
Lucas Jewell, 23, recorded his interaction on a cell phone with a team of Alachua County sheriff’s deputies in special-operations uniforms after the intimidating Bear Cat armored personnel carrier stopped his Ford Taurus at a local library, the Ocala Star Banner reported.
Deputy Charles Drake wrote in an incident report that he and his fellow deputies were headed east along West University Avenue in the armored vehicle when he spotted the Ford and its driver “extending a hand gesture toward them,” the newspaper reported.
Inside the car, the deputy also saw a woman with her head in the driver’s lap. The woman pulled her head up from the driver’s lap and reportedly smiled at the deputies as the Ford passed.
The deputies suspected the woman was performing a sex act on the driver, later named as Jewell in the report.
What a shame for this man, but he's 73 tears old, why is he a volunteer sheriff? can't tell the difference between a stun gun and his service pistol ???
Reserve Deputy Robert Bates Turns Himself in at Tulsa Jail for Stun-Gun Mix-Up
Apr 14, 2015, By EMILY SHAPIRO via Good Morning America
A 73-year-old reserve deputy turned himself in at the Tulsa, Oklahoma County Jail today on a second-degree manslaughter charge in connection with the deadly shooting of a suspect.

Apr 14, 2015, By EMILY SHAPIRO via Good Morning America
Robert Bates, an unpaid, volunteer reserve deputy, "shot the victim with a Smith & Wesson Revolver which at the time he shot it he believed it to be a Taser gun," according to court filings.
The suspect, Eric Harris, died after the April 2 shooting.
Bates' attorney Clark Brewster spoke briefly today, saying the charges are unwarranted. Bates' first court appearance will be next Tuesday, according to his attorney.
Tulsa County Jail
PHOTO: Reserve sheriff's deputy Robert Bates appears in a booking photo at the Tulsa County Jail in Tulsa, Okla. on April 14, 2015.
Before the charge was announced Monday, the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office called the shooting "inadvertent."
Harris' family called the charge a "necessary first step on the road to justice and for our family's healing process.”
The family says the treatment of Harris "clearly shows that there is a deep-seated problem within the TSCO [Tulsa County Sheriff's Office]."
"There remain many unanswered questions,” the family said today in a statement. “And we will continue to fight until those questions are answered.”
Step aside, America. Give them room.
Religious liberty is non-negotiable. Freedom of conscience is the bedrock of American society. Today’s anti-Christian lynch mob, which angrily imagines that some newfangled “gay right” to not be offended trumps the First Amendment, is not only on the wrong side of the U.S. Constitution, it’s on the wrong side of history.
It’s also on the wrong side of public opinion.
It's California, what do you expect ??
Bakersfield cop on leave after accused of tickling dead man's feet
Bakersfield police spokesman Sgt. Joe Grubbs confirmed that Officer Aaron Stringer was on leave from the department and that an internal affairs investigation was underway.
Stringer is accused of grabbing Ramiro James Villegas' head and touching his feet as he lay dead on a gurney, the Bakersfield Californian reported. He reportedly told another officer that he "loves playing with dead bodies," the newspaper reported.
Monday, April 13, 2015
THIS is what REAL racism looks like: Group of Racist THUGS Harass White People Walking By [WATCH]
Lindsey Bruce 04/13/2015
I watched this video and it seriously disturbed me. The truth is, there are people in this country who actually think like this. I shouldn’t even call them people, they are animals. Animals who think women want to be raped. Animals who think white people are the reason their lives are pathetic. When the media talks about racism, it is always white on black. You never see videos like this because then liberals would have to admit that racism goes both ways.
The most hateful group in America [1]
The most hateful group in America [2]
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Media Claims 'Ferguson' Play Will 'Reignite Racial Tensions'
Cortney O'Brien
Black flamingo spotted in Cyprus may be only bird of its type ever seen New York Daily News ·
An extremely rare black flamingo has been spotted on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, exciting nature lovers who said it may be the only bird of its type …
MY THOUGHTS...Something is up !! something going on. Are cops really this stupid ? Since the shooting of Michael Brown and the fallout that followed, I've lost count of how many "unarmed black men" that have been shot. Now this one who "thought he shot his taser". There are too many, could these be set ups [false flags] to further the Blacks agenda? I just can't believe that all these cops from all over the country, CAN BE THIS DUMB..... The last thing any cop should do is shoot at a black man...JUST LET THEM GO, Trust in carma.
Oklahoma Man Eric Harris Fatally Shot by Deputy Who Meant to Fire Taser ????? NBC News
Oklahoma prosecutors are
reviewing the shooting of an unarmed black man by police who say he was
unintentionally struck with a gun instead of tased during the fatal
Video released Friday
shows the dramatic April 2 arrest of Tulsa man Eric Harris, 44, and the
moment Reserve Deputy Robert Bates, 73, shoots him.
"Taser! Taser!" Bates is
heard shouting, before firing a single round from his regular gun,
hitting Harris, who was pinned to the ground by officers.
Bates quickly realized his mistake: "I shot him! I'm sorry!"
As Harris squirms on the ground he screams, "He shot me! He shot me, man. Oh, my god. I'm losing my breath," he said.
Harris was taken to the hospital, where he died about an hour later.
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