Saturday, August 6, 2016
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Dear Khizr And Donald Derek Hunter Posted: Aug 04, 2016
Dear Khizr,
I don’t care anymore.
This is going to sound cold, but it needs to be said: You have suffered the loss of your son, something most of us can’t imagine. But he is the one who sacrificed, not you.
You didn’t force Humayun to enlist. He wasn’t drafted; he chose to sign up. You couldn’t stop him if you wanted to. He gave his life protecting his fellow soldiers. There is no doubt he died a hero. I find it disturbing you would use his sacrifice and your grief to advance an open-borders agenda.
Trump Trumps the Liberals’ Fake Outrage Clichés Kurt Schlichter Posted: Aug 04, 2016
At least there is one good thing that will come out of this miserable 2016 election cycle, and that's the death of the fake outrage gambit deployed over and over again against GOP candidates by Democrats and their mainstream media gimp platoon. Where Mitt Romney was bound in knots over binders full of women, Donald Trump blissfully plows ahead toward Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit’s final humiliation in November, immune to the weaselly whining and wailing over shamelessly distorted statements that purport to show how he’s racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, climate phobic, and just plain mean.
You know, for a conservative there's not much to like about Trump, but there are two things to love. The first is that he's not Hillary Clinton. The second is that he just doesn't care what liberals say.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Muslim is Now in Charge of US Citizenship papers.
Meet Fatima Noor, President Obama’s latest appointment to a high level position in the Department of Homeland Security,
Isn’t this precious! A Muslim in charge of US Citizenship papers.
This is not a joke! Most Americans have NO IDEA. Please forward this to as many people as you can.
Meet Our New Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Meet Fatima Noor, President Obama’s latest appointment to a high level position in the Department of Homeland Security,
the post of Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration.
Ms. Noor has little if any experience in the compliance or enforcement fields. Her total experience in government related work is limited tovolunteer work with World Relief Memphis and as activities coordinator the Tennessee Immigrant and
Refugee Rights Coalition.
(You probably didn’t know that Refugees now have rights in America)
She majored in psychology with minors in Spanish and Arabic international relations. She recently completed a month-long research fellowship in Muslim psychology hosted by Carnegie-Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh ; her research will be ongoing as part of her work at the DHS.
No….this is not a joke!
Nearly all of Obama’s appointments are Muslim.
Hillarity D.W. Wilber Aug 02, 2016
Hillary Clinton has proven time and again that not only is she a master at telling bald-faced, flagrant lies, but she’s also a master at telling the subtle lie in order to confuse or misdirect over an issue. And reporters have allowed her to get away with this tactic for her entire career, but most especially during her years as secretary of state and her campaign for the highest office in the land.
Take for example Hillary’s recent interview with Fox News reporter Mike Wallace. During that interview Hillary was questioned about her truthfulness over the scandal that resulted in an FBI investigation of her e-mail practices while serving at the State Department.

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
Not 100% fact checked but this is just like what the clinton machine would come up with and the fact that the media has been relentless in attacking Trump over this makes it even more believable
HILLARY’S “KHAN MAN”: Who Is KHIZR KHAN? The SHOCKING Truth About His Job, His Ties To Hillary, Saudi Arabia And The Muslim Brotherhood Aug 1, 2016
Khizr Muazzam Kahn moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates prior to emigrating into the U.S. Kahn is directly affiliated with the advancement of Muslim immigration into the United States.
Mr. Kahn runs a law firm in New York called KM Kahn Law Office:
Kahn’s primary area of expertise -as advertised- is legal aide and legal services for Muslim immigration assistance.
Attorney Khizr Kahn also used to work for Hogan, Hartson and Lovells law firm within Washington DC which has direct ties to the Clinton Foundation.
Khizr Muazzam Kahn moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates prior to emigrating into the U.S. Kahn is directly affiliated with the advancement of Muslim immigration into the United States.
Mr. Kahn runs a law firm in New York called KM Kahn Law Office:
Kahn’s primary area of expertise -as advertised- is legal aide and legal services for Muslim immigration assistance.
Attorney Khizr Kahn also used to work for Hogan, Hartson and Lovells law firm within Washington DC which has direct ties to the Clinton Foundation.
Well, will you look at that! What a coincidence…Loretta Lynch was also employed by Hogan and Hartson:
Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump at DNC Linked to THIS Group
Mainstream media pundits have grabbed a hold of the Donald Trump v. Khizr Muazzam Khan story and just won’t let go. These same media elites virtually ignored the anguish voiced by a grieving mother of American hero, Sean Smith during the GOP convention. People in the position of power are so in the tank for Hillary and against Trump, they appear to have neglected to do their jobs thoroughly and taken Khan at face value.
A new report by Shoebat claims Khirz Muazzam Khan is a advocate for bringing Sharia Law to America.
The same report also alleges Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Khizr Muazzam Khan specialized in International Trade Law in Saudi Arabia after graduating from the Punjab University of Law, the New York Times reports.
The same report also alleges Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Khizr Muazzam Khan specialized in International Trade Law in Saudi Arabia after graduating from the Punjab University of Law, the New York Times reports.
Khizr Khan wrote a paper in defense of OPEC and defended the petroleum exporting group, which consists of primarily Islamic nations.
Khan is also reportedly the co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law , i.e. Islamic Sharia.
Khan is also reportedly the co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law , i.e. Islamic Sharia.
His wife, Ghazala Khan, taught Persian at a Pakistan College. The couple had three sons, the middle son died a hero while serving America, the eldest started a biotech company, and the youngest works for his sibling’s business.
Did the DNC not vet Khan Khizr before adding him to the list of speakers, or did they simply use the same flawed background check system used by the federal government to look into Muslim refugees claiming to be fleeing ISIS and seeking asylum in the United States?
Did the DNC not vet Khan Khizr before adding him to the list of speakers, or did they simply use the same flawed background check system used by the federal government to look into Muslim refugees claiming to be fleeing ISIS and seeking asylum in the United States?
HILLARY'S "KHAN MAN": Who Is KHIZR KHAN? The SHOCKING Truth About His Job, His Ties To Hillary, Saudi Arabia And The Muslim Brotherhood
Clock Boy…Part II. When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary truth. In the case of the poor believed parents Hillary and the DNC held up as model immigrants, the truth could not be any more damning. We published a letter from a US Marine and Navy veteran earlier today.…
100percentfedup.com|By 100% FED Up
Here’s What to Say When Your Doctor Asks if You Have a Gun at Home:
What should you do if a doctor asks if you have guns in the house or have access to firearms? Well Hot Air columnist Jazz Shaw summed it up best – lie. Do not hesitate, do not get angry or resentful, him-haw around, or tell the doctor it is none of his business. Sadly, the best way to prevent the doctor from encouraging the government to confiscate your guns is to lie about having them.
Republican Governor Rick Scott was on his game when he banned doctors from asking citizens if they had a gun in their homes when he pushed a privacy law in 2001, the Federalist Paper notes.
NYPD Commissioner Announces Surprise Resignation Amid City's Racial Tensions Cortney O'Brien Posted: Aug 02, 2016 11:30 AM
New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has announced his resignation on Tuesday, ABC News is reporting.
Ahead of the announcement, Bratton, who had served twice as NYPC commissioner, had been pressured by groups associated with Black Lives Matter to step down. They organized protests in Manhattan on Monday, demanding accountability against what they view as police brutality against minority communities. Some even called the NYPD “terrorists.”
The protesters insisted they wouldn’t go home until Bratton resigned.
Despite these demands, Bratton's decision still comes as a surprise. He will officially resign next month to work in the private sector.
As The New York Times is noting, Bratton is "the most widely recognized face in policing."
[Keep Reading]
When It Comes To Gold Star Families, The Media Only Covers Them When They Help Democrats Matt Vespa Aug 02, 2016
While all the grieving parents deserve sympathy, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening and morning shows seemed to only care about the parents that showed up at the Democratic Convention. Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazla’s DNC appearance earned 55 minutes, 13 seconds of Big Three network coverage, nearly 50 times more than Pat Smith, whose RNC speech honoring her son earned just 70 seconds of airtime.
In the days (July 19 to August 1) that followed Smith’s indictment of Clinton from the RNC podium, CBS (3 seconds) ABC (13 seconds) and NBC (54 seconds) gave her speech a total of just 70 seconds of coverage.
In the four days (July 29 to August 1) following Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala’s speech NBC (31 minutes, 39 seconds), offered the most amount of time followed by ABC (14 minutes, 21 seconds) and then CBS (9 minutes, 13 seconds).
This is a textbook case of bias-by-agenda: One of these stories (the Khan story) matched the Democratic agenda, and the partisan media couldn’t push it hard enough. The other (the Smith story) reflected poorly on the Democratic nominee, so it was barely mentioned.
[Keep Reading]
What Hillary Clinton Just Said Is Going To Land Her Right Back In Court

Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles are far from over.
And once again, she’s at fault.
In a 60 Minutes interview, Hillary made a jaw-dropping admission.
While being questioned by Scott Pelley, Clinton let it slip that someone actually recommended she set up her private email server.
Law Newz reports:
Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles are far from over.
And once again, she’s at fault.
In a 60 Minutes interview, Hillary made a jaw-dropping admission.
While being questioned by Scott Pelley, Clinton let it slip that someone actually recommended she set up her private email server.
Law Newz reports:
“PELLEY: All right. Do you think you blew it on the e-mails?This adds a new wrinkle to the scandal.
CLINTON: Oh, I’ve said I did. Absolutely. I made a mistake. I should have had two accounts; one for personal and one for office. And I didn’t, and I take responsibility for that.
PELLEY: Why did you do that, have the private e-mail servers?
CLINTON: You know, Scott, other people did have — other secretaries of state, other high-ranking members of the administrations, plural. And it was recommended that it would be convenient, and I thought it would be. Its turned out to be anything but.”
Donald Trump afraid presidential election is 'rigged' against him NBC News on MSN.com · The GOP nominee consistently complained of a system 'rigged' against him as an 'outsider' during the primaries and is again expressing doubts.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Donald Trump on Monday said he's "afraid" the November election "is about to be rigged," stoking mistrust of the system that he has fostered among his supporters.
The GOP nominee consistently complained of a system "rigged" against him as an "outsider" during the primaries. Now, with less than 100 days until the general election, Trump is again expressing doubts about the legitimacy of the process.
"I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged. I have to be honest," Trump said.
Trump's rally Monday was his first public event since his controversial back and forth with Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Kahn, who spoke out against his candidacy at the Democratic convention last week and he made no mention of the family during Monday's event.
He did, however, call for the press corps to meet him in the hall of the event venue ahead of his appearance where he criticized the location's fire marshal for not allowing any more people into the event hall.
I don't blame Trump for questioning whether the election is rigged against him...I don't know how your area is but here in philly, the news stations seem to really be biased. We get 15 minutes of pro Killary versus 1 minute of Trump negativity. The negative ads all geared to either make him look stupid or extremely racist, or they dwell on the Khizr Khan controversy. (By the way, look him up, he's no angel....chesk out his associates ).......BOTTOM LINE...I also think the "election" may be rigged. Remember it's Killary CLINTON !!
Monday, August 1, 2016
“Even Bill is tired of the lies, SAD!”
After Donald J. Trump saw Bill Clinton take a nap during Hillary's speech, he decided to turn it into THIS epic video!
Poor Bill, he is providing Trump with more bullets for his gun to take down his criminal wife... and his supporters love itWATCH – Trump Turns Bill’s Nap Into Hilarious Video, But THIS Caption Will Have You Rolling
Trump turns Bill’s nap into political meme.
To answer question below.....Probably about the same as I think of her---A lying murderous bitch who can never be TRUSTED........
What Does Russia Really Think of Hillary?August 1, 2016 By Linda Levy
Viewers were told that Clinton sees Russia as an enemy and cannot be trusted, while the Democratic Party convention was portrayed as further proof that American democracy is a sham.
In her acceptance speech, Clinton reaffirmed a commitment to NATO, saying she was “proud to stand by our allies in NATO against any threat they face, including from Russia.”
In doing so, she was implicitly rebuking her rival, Republican nominee Donald Trump, who has questioned the need for the Western alliance and suggested that if he is elected president, the United States might not honor its NATO military commitments, in particular regarding former Soviet republics in the Baltics.
While Trump’s position on NATO has delighted the Kremlin, Clinton’s statement clearly stung.
“She mentioned Russia only once, but it was enough to see that the era of the reset is over,” Channel One said in its report.
As U.S. secretary of state, Clinton in 2009 presented her Russian counterpart with a red button intended to symbolize a “reset” in relations between the two countries, one of U.S. President Barack Obama’s initiatives. In Russia, the gesture is best remembered for the misspelling of the word in Russian, while the reset itself failed in the face of Putin’s return as Russian president in 2012 and Russia’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine two years later.
Source: AP
To understand what the Kremlin thinks about the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming the U.S. president, it was enough to watch Russian state television coverage of her accepting the Democratic nomination.
In her acceptance speech, Clinton reaffirmed a commitment to NATO, saying she was “proud to stand by our allies in NATO against any threat they face, including from Russia.”
In doing so, she was implicitly rebuking her rival, Republican nominee Donald Trump, who has questioned the need for the Western alliance and suggested that if he is elected president, the United States might not honor its NATO military commitments, in particular regarding former Soviet republics in the Baltics.
While Trump’s position on NATO has delighted the Kremlin, Clinton’s statement clearly stung.
“She mentioned Russia only once, but it was enough to see that the era of the reset is over,” Channel One said in its report.
As U.S. secretary of state, Clinton in 2009 presented her Russian counterpart with a red button intended to symbolize a “reset” in relations between the two countries, one of U.S. President Barack Obama’s initiatives. In Russia, the gesture is best remembered for the misspelling of the word in Russian, while the reset itself failed in the face of Putin’s return as Russian president in 2012 and Russia’s seizure of Crimea from Ukraine two years later.
Source: AP
So...because Trump never had to sacrifice, this then gives Khan the right to jump all over him.. I wonder who in the "demoncrat" party wrote his speech or at the least suggested the subject matter ? What was expected ? Should Trump have had one of his sons throat slit so he will have "sacrificed" ?
Father of Fallen Muslim American War Hero to Trump: “You Have Sacrificed Nothing!” By Jeremy Stahl
Khizr Khan, father of deceased Muslim American soldier Humayun S.M. Khan, holds up a booklet of the Constitution, offering it to Donald Trump. Alex Wong/Getty Images
One of the finest and most damning addresses of the Democratic National Convention was delivered on Thursday night by one of the event’s lowest profile speakers. Khizr Khan addressed the Philadelphia crowd to recount the story of his son Humayun Khan, a Muslim American soldier who was killed while serving in Iraq in 2004.
Khizr Khan painted a portrait of heroism, patriotism, bravery, and sacrifice—one that stood in stark contrast to the invidious message Donald Trump has issued to describe American Muslims and the unconstitutional religious test he has offered to bar Muslim immigrants from entering this country. Quite simply, Khan (tried to) put Donald Trump to shame.
“Our son Humayun had dreams … of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers,” Khan told the convention. “Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son ‘the best of America.’ If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”
Two Trump Supporters Had THE BEST Response to Bikers For Hillary! I Can’t Stop Laughing!
Diamond and Silk are two of Donald Trump’s most vocal supporters. The pair’s videos have been going viral and they have even spoke at a rally with Trump.

Now these two have some big news. Bikers for Hillary were heading to the DNC to support the former First Lady. Diamond and Silk had a first look at the event and a hilarious reaction to it.
That’s a lot of laughing! But, that is about the extent of biker support for Hillary Clinton, so it is pretty funny!
Father Of Muslim Soldier: Trump Is Incapable Of Empathy
Matt Vespa
THEN.....WE HAVE.....
Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
THEN.....WE HAVE.....
Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?
Matt Vespa
"The pot calling the kettle black"
The Clinton Foundation Sure Benefited From Relationships With The Russians Katie Pavlich Aug 01, 2016

As the fallout from the DNC email hack continues, with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange promising more email dumps in the coming weeks, the Clinton campaign is doing everything possible to connect opponent Donald Trump to the Kremlin. The campaign pointed to the Russians for hacking politically damaging DNC emails and accused Trump last week of encouraging espionage when he suggested the Russians find Hillary Clinton's 30,000 deleted emails.
While there is plenty of evidence Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort do in fact have ties to Russian business and politics, Hillary Clinton herself has plenty of Russian connections through the Clinton Foundation. Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, writes about the details in the Wall Street Journal:
While there is plenty of evidence Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort do in fact have ties to Russian business and politics, Hillary Clinton herself has plenty of Russian connections through the Clinton Foundation. Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, writes about the details in the Wall Street Journal:
Not all, but a lot of blacks already recieved "reparations"....WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS,HOUSING AND UTILITY ASSISTANCE, ETC, ETC.
Groups affiliated with Black Lives Matter release agenda AP News Aug 01, 2016 11:40 AM
The agenda was released Monday by the Movement for Black Lives after both the Republican and Democratic conventions, during which Black Lives Matter activists were noticeably absent from protest lines.
"We seek radical transformation, not reactionary reform," Michaela Brown, a spokeswoman for Baltimore Bloc, one of the group's partner organizations, said in a statement. "As the 2016 election continues, this platform provides us with a way to intervene with an agenda that resists state and corporate power, an opportunity to implement policies that truly value the safety and humanity of black lives, and an overall means to hold elected leaders accountable."
The agenda outlines six demands and offers 40 recommendations on how to address them. To address criminal justice reform, for example, organizers are calling for an end to the type of militarized police presence seen at protests in cities like Ferguson, and the retroactive decriminalization and immediate release of all people convicted of drug offenses, sex work related offense and youth offenses.
*The group also is calling for the passage of federal legislation, already proposed in Congress, that would create a commission to study reparations for descendants of slaves.
This is the first time Black Lives Matter has articulated its demands. A year ago, groups held a two-day meeting in Cleveland in the wake of several high-profile killings of black men and boys by police. The shootings sparked racial tensions and protests that evolved into a national conversation about disparities in policing. Since then, the groups met to come up with the final agenda.
* Again with the "reparations"....Again with the answer...." I never owned no slaves, you never picked no cotton"...END OF STORY !
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Why isn't she thrown out of office and disbarred ?
Full Press Conference: State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby On The Dropped Charges Published on Jul 27, 2016
Full press conference video of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby statements on the dropped charges in the Freddie Gray case.
"Justice has been done," Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police President Gene Ryan said Wednesday after charges were dropped against three officers in the Freddie Gray case. watch for more. He added that comments about police from Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby were "outrageous." Baltimore Police FULL Press Conference 7/27/16 RIPS Marilyn Mosby
Full press conference video of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby statements on the dropped charges in the Freddie Gray case.
How Much More do They Expect us to Compromise on Gun Rights?

July 29, 2016 by Jenn Jacques
I always hear gun control proponents ask, “Why won’t the pro-gunners compromise? Why won’t they give into something?” Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how long it takes to get a suppresser for my gun, so that if God forbid there’s ever a home invasion and I have to shoot the intruder I don’t blow my eardrums out?
Since the time the Second Amendment was written pro-gunners have been compromising. We went from arms to only owning semi-auto handguns and rifles while the government gets to play with drones. The Second Amendment said nothing about background checks, yet thousands of people have to play Russian roulette with their names in the NICS system, getting arbitrarily delayed because there are a billion John Smiths in the world. Why? Because we compromised and said, “You know what? Let’s do background checks.”
Look at the system for concealed-carry licenses. Technically I don’t need a damn license for my constitutional right, but we compromised. Now me, and a bunch of other law-abiding pee-ons have to sit through an eight-hour lecture just to get a plastic card telling us we have permission to do what we had permission to do 200 years ago.
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