Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hillarity   D.W. Wilber Aug 02, 2016

The balloons have all fallen and all the speeches are only echoes filling an empty meeting hall, but three things remain constant after all the hoopla of last week. Hillary Clinton, the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United State of America is still the most dishonest, corrupt, and despicable politician in American history.

Hillary Clinton has proven time and again that not only is she a master at telling bald-faced, flagrant lies, but she’s also a master at telling the subtle lie in order to confuse or misdirect over an issue. And reporters have allowed her to get away with this tactic for her entire career, but most especially during her years as secretary of state and her campaign for the highest office in the land.

Take for example Hillary’s recent interview with Fox News reporter Mike Wallace. During that interview Hillary was questioned about her truthfulness over the scandal that resulted in an FBI investigation of her e-mail practices while serving at the State Department.
As was noted during her responses to Mike Wallace, Hillary continues to use the term “private e-mail address” when talking about the e-mail scandal that was being investigated by the FBI and her own State Department. This is and continues to be used by her as a subtle attempt to confuse the issue for the American people.


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