It seems as though VIRGINIA governor doesn't want you to defend yourselves in any "way shape or form.....My advice.....learn as many defense methods that you can......SCREW RALPH NORTHAM, We don't have DICTATORS here in the U S of A...…….."MOLON LABE"

‘Blue’ Virginia senate bill to ban firearm and martial arts instruction November 29, 2019
Virginia was considered a “swing” state in presidential elections, but the state became a solid “blue” on November 6, 2019.
With Democrats already holding the state’s three highest offices (governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general), after two years of Republican control in the state House and Senate by single-seat majorities, the voters of Virginia saw fit to give Democrats full control of the state legislature for the first time since 1994. Democrats won at least 21 of 40 seats in the state Senate and 51 seats in the 100-member House of Delegates.
Virginia’s pro-abort Gov. Ralph Northam (D), 60, a pediatric neurologist by occupation and a former U.S. Army medical officer, wasted no time in pushing his gun control agenda. On election night, he declared his plan to reintroduce a package of gun control laws during the next legislative session. See “Elections have consequences: ‘Blue’ Virginia goes whole hog for gun control”.
Northam is now joined by the State Senate.....Louise Lucas
On November 21, 2019, Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas (D) introduced a bill that seeks to ban “paramilitary activities” by criminalizing:
- Instruction and training in using firearms.
- Instruction and training in any “technique capable of causing injury or death to persons“, which can be construed to mean boxing, fencing, and the martial arts.
- Assembling with others to target shoot in a gun range.
- Assembling with others to perform “technique capable of causing injury or death to persons“, which can be construed to mean being in a boxing or martial arts studio.
- Marching or parading while carrying a firearm.
The bill is SB 64: Paramilitary activities; penalty. Here is the full text of SB 64 (I provided the bold in red):
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