Thursday, April 30, 2020

Of course there's a double standard....Is this where the Demorats "sexual assault payoff slush fund" kicks in..??

On Biden Sexual Assault Allegation, Silence Then Hypocrisy  ELIZABETH NOLAN BROWN | 4.30.2020

After all but ignoring sexual assault allegations made against former Vice President Joe Biden, many famous figures in the #MeToo movement are now rushing to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's defense or suddenly discovering the importance of nuance and restraint in discussing unproven allegations.

New testimony from people who knew her in the early 1990s suggests that Tara Reade complained privately of being sexually assaulted by Biden in 1993 when she worked as a staff assistant in his Senate office. Those accounts have proven especially problematic for women rumored to be on Biden's shortlist for vice president.

Former presidential candidate and Sen. Kamala Harris (D–Calif.) said last year that she believed three women (Lucy Flores, Caitlyn Caruso, and D.J. Hill) who accused Biden of inappropriate touching or kissing. "I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it," Harris said at an April 2, 2019, event for her presidential campaign.

But now that she's allegedly among Biden's top choices for VP (and regularly doing digital events with him), Harris has nothing to say about the Reade allegation and has gone full "We have to do everything we can to elect Joe Biden."

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