Tuesday, February 23, 2016

As Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president continues to fall down around her, she has desperately increased her attacks against her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders, as well as Republicans.
Clinton’s best shot at saving her campaign is to accumulate as much of the black vote in the South as she possibly can. To do this, she has come out with racially charged rhetoric that is doing nothing to solve America’s problems.
Breitbart reported that among other outrageous things, Clinton has stated that white people should “recognize our privilege.”
Whites also need to “practice humility” instead of automatically assuming that “our experiences are everybody’s experiences.”

Can you smell the desperation yet?

Statements like this may serve Hillary well in a state like South Carolina, but this sort of divisive rhetoric is only going to harm her if she makes it to the general election.
As outrageous as Clinton’s statements are, they are nothing compared to the stuff coming out of Sanders’ mouth, which is attracting even more people who seem to believe that a white guy screaming about white privilege will solve everything in this country.
Clinton also went back to a party favorite, saying that the reason Republicans object to President Barack Obama’s policies is because they are all a bunch of racists who don’t want to see a black man succeed.
She said that Republicans speak in “coded racial language” regarding “takers and losers” and “demonize” President Obama.
Clinton, who likes to pretend that she is the epitome of perfect health, also had a severe coughing spell while trying to give another racially charged speech in Harlem.
While Clinton was hacking up a lung, the crowd started chanting “Hillary, Hillary!” I guess they didn’t have much else to do.

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