Sunday, June 29, 2014

Well it's against the constitution for him to run again, but if wants to, he has a pen and a phone, he'll just rewrite the constitution to suit him

Obama 10 - 1
President Obama seems to have dusted off some of his old lesson plans from his days as a constitutional law professor.
During a town hall meeting in Minnesota on Thursday, someone asked him if he’d ever consider running for a third presidential term. It’s not clear whether this person was:
  1. Joking
  2. Severely misguided
  3. Trying to decide whether to book that one-way trip to Mars
Regardless, Obama gave an answer that should save you from a massive heart attack.
“Not only the Constitution bars it, but Michelle bars it — and you can’t change Michelle’s mind,” he said.
It’s going to be okay, folks! In just 937 days, you’ll be able to call him FORMER President Obama. And hopefully the next one won’t share the same last name as the 42nd president.
But sadly, he doesn’t seem to respect the Constitution while he’s, you know, in the highest office in the land. Take a look at Thomas Sowell’s opinions on what Obama thinks of the document he swore to “preserve, protect and defend.”
In that light, perhaps he can propose scrapping the 22nd Amendment, you know, since he’s entertained the idea of altering the Constitution before. This way, he can be president for decades. Maybe he can even stay in office long enough for a clone to be developed and programmed with his infinite wisdom. After all, he knows what’s best for America and the next president might just ruin all the great work he’s done, right?

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