Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Shock claim: Turkey provided 10,000 passports to ISIS
Intel official: Istanbul 'headquarters' for jihadists' planning

isis_tankPublished: 21 hours ago  Aaron Klein 

An Egyptian intelligence official who asked not to be named told WND his country delivered a report to the U.S. documenting the astonishing claim.
The official further charged that Istanbul is serving as the “headquarters” for ISIS planning.
“Turkey continues to allow free passage to Iraq and Syria to IS fighters,” the official added.
If the Turkish passport charge is true, it would present a worldwide ISIS travel threat.
Already, there have been major passport concerns regarding ISIS and its sympathizers.
Earlier this month, a French senate report showed about 47  percent of European jihadists known to have traveled to ISIS-held territory hold French passports.
» Read the article

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