Saturday, January 16, 2016

Does your state let you defend your home with deadly force?

Self Reliance Central Header

It seems obvious that an owner should be able to defend your property from immediate threat, but the laws that allow you to "stand your ground" vary across the country.

So before you pull a Dirty Harry and ask some scummy thief to make your day, first find out if you'll be the one to end up wearing silver bracelets.

State self-defense laws generally fall into three general categories:

Stand Your Ground: No duty to retreat from the situation before resorting to deadly force; not limited to your property (home, office, etc.).

Castle Doctrine: Limited to real property, such as your home, yard, or private office; no duty to retreat (use of deadly force against intruders is legal in most situations); some states, like Missouri and Ohio even include personal vehicles.

Duty to Retreat: Must retreat from the situation if you feel threatened (use of deadly force is considered a last resort); may not use deadly force if you are safely inside your home.

Check out where your state stands on home defense.

Click here to learn more

1 comment:

Ace Rimmer said...

I entertain the viewing of your blog on a weekly basis. I have but one observation: the use of yellow font color renders your bullet points unreadable. Too washed out contrast. RGB? Please find another color. Black, perhaps?
I read the post anyhow. But knowing what you intend with the yellow header is lost.
Thank you for
your consideration.