Thursday, November 3, 2016

Country Singer Ray Stevens Releases THIS New Song to Expose Obama – It’s Going Viral

Ray Stevens may not be a name you recognize, but I can assure you that you have cracked up at one or two of his songs at some point.
If you remember his Dr. Demento hits “The Streak” and “Ahab the Arab,” his latest effort “Mr. President! Mr. President!” is going to put more than a smile on your face.
Ray brings some very serious issues of this presidency into the limelight as only he can do.
He takes a shot at Obama on things such as forecloses, small business taxes, and the debt to the Chinese.
Later in the song, he hammers him on issues Trump has been addressing, such as the job market and illegal aliens.
Mr. Stevens also points to Obama’s one skill, using the teleprompter, but calls him out on the appearance of his overall work ethic, shedding some light on the parties, vacations, and golf outings Barack H. Obama is infamous for since he has taken office.
Through all of it, Ray asks the one question we all want to know, “What are you going to do?”
Yes, the song is funny, but is also sad that everything Ray says in the video is absolutely true.
Obama promised change, and I guess he delivered. He changed America from the greatest and most feared country in the world to a total disgrace and a laughingstock. He changed us alright, just not the way we wanted him to.

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