Thursday, October 10, 2024

 Posted on  by Scott Johnson in 2024 Election, Democrats, Illegal immigration, Joe Biden

David Horowitz: Political war

David Horowitz is founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the bestselling author of several books, including the classic autobiography Radical Son and The Black Book of the American Left. His new book is America Betrayed. He has sent us this column for publication on Power Line. David writes:

Many Americans concerned about the fate of our country are asking themselves why the election polls seem so close. The Chinese have a piece of wisdom that suggests an answer: To restore civil sanity and order it is first necessary to call things by their right names. Whether out of politeness or cowardice, Republicans are lame at this.

As many of us have pointed out too many times to no avail, Democrats reflexively call conservatives racists, white supremacists, and Hitlerites, while Republicans respond by calling them “liberals.” What is liberal about attacking, undermining and seeking to abolish the First Amendment? Or interfering with presidential elections by mobilizing a corrupt judiciary to take the leading Republican out of the race? Or calling for government censorship of social media platforms, or privileging certain races over others?

In the current presidential campaign, Democrats in the media seek to distract voters from the conditions Democrats have inflicted on them by defaming Trump as “an existential threat to democracy.” Republicans respond by referring to the fact that Democrats have “weaponized” the Justice Department. Even if a voter understands that “weaponize” does not mean providing the FBI and federal police agencies with weapons, it sorely lacks the emotional charge of Hitlerism – although that is exactly what it means. If justice is not blind but becomes a partisan force to criminalize political opponents like Trump then the logical goal of weaponizing justice is a one-party dictatorship and a totalitarian state. Or, as Hillary has put it, without government censorship of the media “we will lose total control.”

Democrats criminalize arguments and facts they can’t answer by calling them “disinformation.” In a campaign worthy of the KGB, the Democrat Secretary of State suborned 51 top intelligence officials including the former head of the CIA to sign a letter calling Hunter Biden’s treasonous lap top “Russian disinformation” right before the 2020 election. This behavior is not just about winning elections, which it was and would be bad enough. It’s about betraying your country and fellow countrymen.

Republicans are rightly alarmed that the Democrats have destroyed America’s borders, let in an estimated 20 million unvetted individuals including hundreds of thousands of convicted criminals, virtually all from countries and continents ruled by corrupt dictators and fanatic terrorists. They are shocked by the Democrats’ determination to give these illegal aliens the right to vote along with more goods and privileges than the indigenous population.

But they are tongue-tied when it comes to calling these policies what they are: criminal and treasonous attacks on our country and its Constitution. Joe Biden had no legal authority to change America’s immigration policies by executive order. Immigration policy is the purview of the legislative branch of government not the destructive schemes of one demented executive. Destroying the border is the greatest crime committed against America in its 237-year history. It is not a run of the mill policy difference.

When Trump attempted as president to begin deporting immigration criminals, he was forced temporarily to separate their children, leaving them in the care of Border Control agents in facilities that Obama had built. He had no choice while the parents were being processed because U.S. law forbids incarcerating children for their parents’ criminal acts. Trump terminated his efforts after two months.

The Democrats’ seized on this situation to smear Trump as a heartless Nazi, calling the Obama-built facilities they were housed in reminiscent of Auschwitz. President Joe Biden led the charge, saying that Trump had ripped babies out of their mothers’ arms and then incarcerated them in “concentration camp” facilities. When Biden became president, he and his administration invited “unaccompanied minors” to make the dangerous trek through the hemisphere’s jungles with Mexican drug cartels as their guides.

While Trump had separated 4,000 children for two months, the Democrats’ policy successfully lured nearly a million minors separated from their parents for an indefinite stay. In 2024 the Department of Homeland Security revealed that they had “lost” 350,000 of these children and had no way to find them. Since the cartels were active in the sex trafficking trade and in breaking America’s child labor laws it was not too difficult to guess where the missing children had been taken.

It is difficult to fathom how callous the hearts of the Democrats have become. They not only lie about their political opponents but do so while pretending to care about the suffering of lost children when frankly they don’t give a damn – any more than they care about their country and its people. What they care about is winning the power to censor and control their political opponents so they can be free to “re-imagine” the American future whatever the human cost.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

News about US Borrowing Millions To Give Aid To Lebanon BUT...has nothing for US citizens in the wake of hurricane

$157 million  
According to 3 sources 
The United States will provide nearly $157 million in new U.S. humanitarian assistance to support populations affected by conflict in Lebanon and the region. This funding will address new and existing needs of internally displaced persons and refugee populations inside Lebanon and the communities that host them.

Humanitarian Assistance in

3 MINUTE READ   October 4, 2024  $157 millionAccording to 3 sources
The United States will provide nearly $157 million in new U.S. humanitarian assistance to support populations affected by conflict in Lebanon and the region. This funding will address new and existing needs of internally displaced persons and refugee populations inside Lebanon and the communities that host them. The assistance will also support those fleeing to neighboring Syria.

This life-saving assistance from the American people includes nearly $82 million immediately available through the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and $75 million through the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. Of this total, USAID has already deployed $11.5 million, and working with Congress plans to make another $63.5 million available in the coming weeks, to ensure that vital humanitarian assistance can continue to reach the most vulnerable communities in need. This emergency food, shelter, blankets, hygiene kits, protection, water, and sanitation assistance will be a critical lifeline for those who have endured unimaginable hardships.

The United States provided nearly $386 million over the last year to support vulnerable populations in Lebanon and Syria impacted by the increase in conflict. This new humanitarian assistance comes at a time of devastating humanitarian crisis for Lebanon, with more than a million people displaced from their homes. The United States is committed to helping those most vulnerable in Lebanon and throughout the region. We urge other donors to join us in stepping up to contribute to these new humanitarian needs.

North Korea poised to deploy troops to Ukraine  Story by IntelliNews  18hrs ago

North Korea is reportedly preparing to send members of its regular armed forces to Ukraine in support of Russia, highlighting the escalating military cooperation between the two nations. This assessment was made by South Korea's Defence Minister Kim Yong-hyun, who pointed to the recent bilateral agreement signed by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which includes a mutual defence clause, as a significant indicator of deepening ties, as reported by Yonhap.

During a parliamentary audit session, Kim emphasised that the signing of this mutual treaty resembles a military alliance, making the deployment of North Korean troops a plausible scenario. He also commented on a recent report regarding North Korean casualties in a Russian-occupied area near Donetsk, suggesting that such claims may indeed have merit. According to the Kyiv Post, six North Korean officers were reportedly killed and three others injured during a Ukrainian missile strike on October 3, as indicated by intelligence sources.

The geopolitical climate further intensifies with concerns surrounding North Korea's intentions regarding its maritime boundaries. When questioned about the possibility of Pyongyang declaring a new maritime border further south of the current de facto sea border, known as the Northern Limit Line (NLL), Kim firmly stated that South Korea would respond decisively to any such provocation. He reaffirmed that the existing NLL is a fiercely defended boundary and that any attempt to alter it would meet with stern retaliation.

This announcement follows North Korea's recent parliamentary meeting, where discussions reportedly centred on constitutional revisions, including the potential removal of clauses related to unification and a clarification of the country's territorial claims. Experts warn that North Korea might leverage a unilateral declaration of a new maritime border as a pretext for further provocations, exacerbating tensions in the region.

As North Korea aligns more closely with Russia, the implications for regional security become increasingly concerning. The possibility of North Korean forces on Ukrainian soil marks a significant shift in the dynamics of the ongoing conflict, underlining the risks posed by the evolving relationship between these two nations.

Related Video....North Korea's Kim warns he could use nuclear weapons against South Korea and US


Monday, October 7, 2024

News about US Borrowing $157 Million To Give Aid To Lebanon    $157 millionAccording to 3 sources While US citizens get 0 $s in the wake of HELENE hurricane  

3 MINUTE READ   October 4, 2024

The United States will provide nearly $157
million in new U.S.humanitarian assistance
to support populations affected by
conflict in Lebanon and the region.
This funding will address new and existing 
needs of internally displaced persons and 
refugee populations inside Lebanon and the 
communitiesthat host them. The assistance 
will also support those fleeing to 
neighboring Syria.

This life-saving assistance from the American 
people includes nearly$82 million immediately 
available through the Department of State’s
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration 
and $75 million throughthe United States 
Agency for International Development’s Bureau 
for Humanitarian Assistance. Of this total, US
AID has already deployed $11.5 million, and 
workingwith Congress plans to make another 
$63.5 million available in the coming weeks, to 
ensure that vital humanitarian assistance can 
continue to reach the most vulnerable 
communities in need. This emergency food, 
shelter, blankets, hygiene kits, protection, water, 
and sanitation assistance will be a critical 
lifeline for those who have endured 
unimaginable hardships.

The United States provided nearly $386 million 
over the last year tosupport vulnerable 
populations in Lebanon and Syria impacted by
 theincrease in conflict. This new humanitarian 
assistance comes at a time of devastating 
humanitarian crisis for Lebanon, with more than 
a millionpeople displaced from their homes. 
The United States is committed to helping those 
most vulnerable in Lebanon and throughout the 
region. We urge other donors to join us in 
stepping up to contribute to these new
humanitarian needs.

Mayorkas says FEMA has no more disaster funds, but IG report says agency is sitting  Story by Elizabeth MacDonald • 5h •

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faces a new firestorm of criticism for claiming FEMA is out of disaster funds right as the Inspector General for Homeland Security released a report saying FEMA is sitting on at least $8.3 billion in untapped, unspent funds. 

On Oct 2, Mayorkas said, "We are expecting another hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what is imminent."

This new controversy is surfacing as Hurricane Milton is strengthening into a Cat 4 and massive evacuations are now underway in Florida, which is still struggling from Hurricane Helene, as is much of the Southeast.  

But analysts say FEMA cannot tap unspent appropriations from long-ago crises, so the money sits frozen as 600 people are reportedly still missing from Hurricane Helene, at least 220 died, and entire towns were wiped off the map. Helene is the most catastrophic hurricane to hit the U.S. since Katrina in 2005.

Budget experts warn that this new firestorm shows that FEMA has been turned into a slush fund that the agency and the Biden-Harris White House can spend at will. 

An August 2024 report from Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General noted, "As of October 2022, FEMA estimated that 847 disaster declarations with approximately $73 billion in unliquidated funds remained open." The report also says "$8.3 billion in unliquidated obligations" was "for disasters declared in 2012 or earlier" that analysts say could be returned to help people battling for survival in disasters now. on billions 


Friday, October 4, 2024

Gary Franks: Did October 1 mark the beginning of the end for the Harris-Walz campaign?   Opinion by Gary Franks, Tribune Content Agency• 19h •

Ohio Senator JD Vance did exactly what he had to do during the vice-presidential debate with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Vance was outstanding. He adroitly handled the questions and issues in a way that clearly informed America why they should support a Trump-Vance ticket for the White House come November.

Vance’s answers on women’s issues and former President Donald Trump’s recent announcement that he would veto any national ban on abortion rights, both should shore up pivotal support from women.

And Walz – Vice President Kamala Harris’s first major decision as a candidate for president – imploded on the stage. Even the liberal media spin doctors could not resuscitate him. He proved that he was not ready for prime time. Not having prime time moments is fine with Walz and Harris as they both have been doing their best to avoid the media – by not doing interviews – like Superman avoids kryptonite.

The Biden-Harris administration continues to manifest its incompetence on foreign affairs in two parts of the globe. We have two wars that the U.S. is funding to the tune of hundreds of billion dollars (that we have to borrow and add to our over $35 trillion national debt). Each war could very well unleash weapons of mass destruction, which have not been used in nearly 80 years, since World War II.

Russia has repeatedly threatened to use these weapons if its interior, especially Moscow, is bombed by Ukraine with U.S.-made long-range missiles. And the ever-expanding war in the Middle East which now includes Lebanon and Iran could force such a result as Israel retaliates for the October 7 senseless killings, kidnappings and attack on innocent Israeli civilians. President Joe Biden’s attempts to lead on either have failed. Clearly when America’s president shows little strength there is no peace.

Would Harris do better than Biden here? Doubtful. With Trump however, we had no wars in four years, proving peace is ensured through strength.



Biden-Harris admin slammed for Hurricane Helene response: "Anger is building"'Special Report' anchor Bret Baier joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the Biden admin's response to Hurricane Helene, a firefighters union refusing to endorse Kamala Harris, the latest on the dockworkers' port strike and the state of the 2024 race 

Bret Baier: This story keeps getting bigger Fox And FriendsOctober 04, 2024  

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Yes, Non-Citizens Are Being Registered To Vote And Are Voting   George Rasley, CHQ Editor  6 days ago

Our friend J. Christian Adams and his team at the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) have just released another bombshell report on vote fraud and non-citizens registering to vote.

And it turns out that, despite Democrats denying such crimes are being committed, thousands of aliens have registered to vote and are voting.

In her analysis of the report independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson found non-citizens have been added to voter rolls in several states through motor vehicle departments (DMVs), even after stating they were not US citizens. These registrations occurred as part of the “motor voter” process, which allows individuals to register to vote while completing DMV transactions.

Oregon reveals hundreds of non-citizens were mistakenly registered to vote since 2021
12:23PM SEPT14 2024



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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jesse Watters Reveals Big Update In 2024 Race Martin Waief  October 1, 2024 Conservative Brief

Explain America

Fox News host Jesse Watters revealed a big update in the 2024 presidential race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Kamala is not Joe Biden and yes she has a woman and there’s excitement around that. You should see my mom. Suddenly she’s a Kamala fanatic. Keeps talking about joy,” he began on his show “Jesse Watters Primetime.”

“Trump kept one woman out of the White House and he can do it again. This country is thirsty for leadership after four years of joked hideaway Harris isn’t going to fly and only so much bamboo sling voters can tolerate. And you can sense in the room today the press thrilled they can justify their paychecks. Kamala Harris hasn’t held a press conference since 2023 and that wasn’t even in America. It was in Dubai. Trump got the gang back together and this is what democracy looks like,” Watters continued.