Friday, March 7, 2025

For those of you (like mysejf) who don't really understand what Trump is doing (or trying to do), maybe the two following articles may shed some light and help you to understand a little more.


Mike Barrett  Feb 27th 2025

For those that don't understand what President Trump is doing......In Dec 2023 there was a decision by the World Court, that gave water above land shelves to those countries and ruled they were not international water. The renaming of the Gulf of America isn't renaming the whole gulf. It is renaming the area above our land shelves as our territory. You can't exactly put signs or border walls in the middle of the ocean. So for legal reasons, we need to identify these new changes on the map, so that new borders are made clear to maritime traffic. Those new maps will set the latitude and longitudes of where our border begins, or the Gulf of America. So all maritime traffic knows when they are leaving international waters. This is where knowing what is happening in the world, will help you filter out drama, and help you understand the legalities in your own country. This had nothing to do with Trump's ego, he is strengthening our borders and making sure all maritime traffic understands the changes that happened in 2023. Putting legal protections in place to help us enforce any military actions or incursion in the future. Betting most of you never realized the US grew by thousands of miles.
Likewise some of this radical idea of buying Greenland and possibly Canada. has nothing to do with his ego. That has to do with the race for minerals in the Arctic Ocean, protecting our borders, and getting us the legal right to help Europe protect their borders from the Russian and Chinese fleets that have been doing damage to infrastructure. If Greenland is the territory of the US, but still their own country like Puerto Rico, then we have the legal right to have a base there and the legal right to protect the waters around Greenland. The whole premise right now, if we were to go help Europe it would trigger an act of war. We would have to wait for Nato action to do anything. If we have the legal right, to be there. Legal right to protect Greenland, then any response to defend our territory is not considered an act of war. It makes it easier to help our Allies. Also, like as not, Russia and China have been making plans to invade Greenland. I have been hearing they are trying to buy up land around harbors in several countries or eyeing what they can take by force.

So Trump is not crazy. Not being an egotistical dictator. He is trying to strengthen the U.S. and working to provide some checks and balances that strengthen our ability to help Allies and prevent another world war. A lot of countries are getting we are the lesser of the two evils.

Media not so much, they have grown allergic to fact-checking, and understanding any complex issue and just become about stirring drama rather than reporting facts, all of the facts.


Michael McCune Feb 28th 2025

Many of you probably watched what took place between Donald Trump and Zelenskyy tonight. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, you might be thinking to yourself, Oh my God, Donald Trump just screwed up.

However, as a lifelong practitioner of martial arts, strategy, and philosophy, let me explain the difference between what you believe you witnessed and what actually happened.

Donald Trump has been under constant political persecution since the beginning of his first term. Over time, he has learned to be patient and calculated.

Tonight, Zelenskyy was invited to the Oval Office. However, both Trump and JD Vance knew exactly what Zelenskyy was going to do—he would use this opportunity, in front of the American people, to make a power play. Both Trump and Vance anticipated this.

When Zelenskyy began appealing to the emotions of the American people, JD Vance stepped in, accusing him of disrespecting Donald Trump. This was brilliant strategy. It’s important to understand that Zelenskyy is trying to gain access to NATO.

Trump knew this but could not allow it to happen. If Ukraine joins NATO, the U.S. would be bound by NATO’s collective defense agreement—an attack on one is an attack on all.

Now consider the larger implications: Ukraine and Russia despise each other. If Ukraine were to become a NATO member, any future skirmish between them would obligate the U.S. to enter into direct conflict with Russia. This would mean World War III. And if that happened, China would have to choose a side—they would almost certainly align with Russia.

So what you witnessed tonight was a setup. Trump and JD Vance knew that the only way to achieve peace was to strategically align, at least on the surface, with Russia. Why? Because Russia would never sign a peace treaty if Ukraine were admitted into NATO.

This is why Trump dismantled Zelenskyy’s argument. And when Zelenskyy, seeing his play failing, tried to backtrack and offer a treaty, Trump refused.

Zelenskyy’s real intent was clear—he would not agree to peace unless security guarantees were in place. But what was he actually saying? That NATO must accept Ukraine. However, Russia would never agree to peace, knowing that NATO, their historical adversary, would surround them.

Zelenskyy, Putin, and Trump all knew this. Zelenskyy, thinking he had Democratic support, believed he could make this bold move on live television. But Trump and Vance saw right through it and outmaneuvered him.

They knew that, in the short term, Democrats and the media would try to use this moment against them. But they also knew they had two years before midterms to prove their strategy was the right one. So they held their ground—brilliantly so.

Now, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to back down and accept Trump's terms. But here’s the genius part—Trump is actually protecting Ukraine without dragging the U.S. into war.

By negotiating a mineral deal, Trump ensures that Americans will be involved in Ukraine’s mining industry. This prevents Russia from launching an invasion, because attacking Ukraine would mean endangering American lives—something that would force the U.S. to respond.

Trump played both sides like a master chess player. In the end, Zelenskyy will have no choice but to concede, because without U.S. support, Ukraine cannot win a prolonged war against Russia. And once U.S. companies have mining operations in Ukraine, Putin will be unable to attack without triggering massive international consequences.

Don’t underestimate Donald Trump. In this game of chess, he’s 10 moves ahead of everyone.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

 THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!! If you agree with the above, pass it on.

December 10, 2019 ·

Warren Buffett, "I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971...before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc. Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land...all because of public pressure.
I am asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.
*Congressional Reform Act of 2019*
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.
2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 7/1/19. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term's), then go home and back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive the message. Maybe it is time.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Gathering info from US-AID



The clock struck 2 AM on Jan 21, 2025.

In Treasury's basement, fluorescent lights hummed above four young coders. Their screens cast blue light across government-issue desks, illuminating energy drink cans and agency badges. As their algorithms crawled through decades of payment data, one number kept growing: $17 billion in redundant programs. And counting.

"We're in," Akash Bobba messaged the team. "All of it."

Edward Coristine's code had already mapped three subsystems. Luke Farritor's algorithms were tracing payment flows across agencies. Ethan Shaotran's analysis revealed patterns that career officials didn't even know existed. By dawn, they would understand more about Treasury's operations than people who had worked ther
e for decades.

This wasn't a hack. This wasn't a breach. This was authorized disruption.

While career bureaucrats prepared orientation packets and welcome memos, DOGE's team was already deep inside the payment systems. No committees. No approvals. No red tape. Just four coders with unprecedented access and algorithms ready to run.

"The beautiful thing about payment systems," noted a transition official watching their screens, "is that they don't lie. You can spin policy all day long, but money leaves a trail."

That trail led to staggering discoveries. Programs marked as independent revealed coordinated funding streams. Grants labeled as humanitarian aid showed curious detours through complex networks. Black budgets once shrouded in secrecy began to unravel under algorithmic scrutiny.

By 6 AM, Treasury's career officials began arriving for work. They found systems they thought impenetrable already mapped. Networks they believed hidden already exposed. Power structures built over decades revealed in hours.

Their traditional defenses—slow-walking decisions, leaking damaging stories, stonewalling requests—proved useless against an opponent moving faster than their systems could react. By the time they drafted their first memo objecting to this breach, three more systems had already been mapped.

"Pull this thread," a senior official warned, watching patterns emerge across DOGE's screens, "and the whole sweater unravels."

He wasn't wrong. But he misunderstood something crucial: That was exactly the point.

This wasn't just another transition. This wasn't just another reform effort. This was the start of something unprecedented: a revolution powered by preparation, presidential will, and technological precision.

The storm had arrived. And Treasury was just the beginning.

"Personnel is policy."


Sunday, February 9, 2025


To everyone abouto get fired in DC:
"Learn to code"
That's what Joe told the 10,000 pipeline workers he fired on day one.


 Social Hypocrisy 

January 19, 2025



We tolerated President Obama for 8 years and kept quiet. Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from President Biden. For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone and scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops. The problem is 75+ million of us have memories longer than a hamster.
We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments.
We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember Maxine Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.
We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting.
We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F" Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media.
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.
We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.
We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.
We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.
We remember being called Nazis
We remember being called Deplorables
We remember being called Fascists
We remember our sitting President calling us "garbage" and Kamala (and the media) trying to tell us to "get past it because Biden doesn't matter anymore"
This list is endless, but you get the idea. My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me.
I will never give the Democrats a break for all the trouble they’ve caused. They’ve dug a very very deep hole and it’s going to take a very long time for them to crawl out of it.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 February 6 at 8:57 PM ·Bruce Hinton  

So here's the REAL story:

planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA 
cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept’s 
illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to
secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that
the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia 
inLibya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya 
deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private 
Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the 
shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in 
Afghanistan where they were used against our 
own military. On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not 
destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't 
arm the missile. The helicopter didn't explode, 
but it had to land and an ordnance team 
recovered the missile’s serial number which led 
back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept inQatar 
by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to 
retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This 
was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the 
Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue 
teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that 
supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn 
enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would
 not approve supplying the deadly missiles 
due to their potential use against commercial 
aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus 
under the bus when he refused to testify in 
support of Obama’s phony claim of a 
“spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube 
video that insulted Muslims.”

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON !

THIS is what the investigation is all about, 
WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to 
delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama,
 two weeks after the attack, told the UN that 
the attack was the result of the YouTube 
video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the 
administration had aided and abetted the 
enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring 
(blackmailing) the Obama Administration to 
release five Taliban generals being held at 

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to 
cover the release of the Taliban generals. 
Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but 
Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five 
Taliban generals to cover that Obama was 
being coerced by the Taliban about the 
unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only 
corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of 
State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself 
multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military 
aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: 
because the administration knew that our 
enemies had Stinger Missiles that, if used to 
down those planes, would likely be traced back
 to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State 
Dept’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

Forward this again and again and again until 
everyone reads the true story of Benghazi.



Thursday, February 6, 2025

 why is the price of eggs so high?

Arrested, USDA Inspector Phyllis Fong, a 22-year Deep State operative, is one of the key players behind the artificial inflation of poultry and egg prices in the U.S. She ordered the culling of MILLIONS of healthy birds, using the FAKE excuse of “mutating bird flu.” But here’s the TRUTH: There was NO pandemic.

Fong personally ordered mass bird exterminations in 2024, targeting farms in Colorado, Ohio, Arizona, Louisiana, and Nebraska. One case in Louisiana set the stage: a man (who DID NOT WORK on a poultry farm) was allegedly diagnosed with H5N1 after “finding dead birds” in his yard. The CDC then INVENTED a panic story, claiming 66 people were infected. Sources say that number is ENTIRELY FABRICATED.

Before the media even blasted this FAKE OUTBREAK, Fong and Biden’s corrupt FDA sent teams of inspectors in full hazmat suits to Nebraska, ordering the instant killing of 600,000 birds. The farm owner—who recently tested his flock and found ZERO SIGNS of bird flu—REFUSED. But it didn’t matter. Fong had already signed off on the order, threatening him with $4 BILLION in fines and PRISON TIME if he didn’t comply.

She thought she was untouchable. When Trump began cleansing the Deep State in January, she REFUSED TO LEAVE, publicly claiming Trump had “no authority” over “federal watchdogs.”

The next day, KARMA STRUCK. Security FORCED HER OUT, delivering her straight to JAG investigators.


For those of you who are angry over Musk having access to the Treasury Payment System.....


If you read nothing else from my blog,
Please read this ..!!!

The idea that federal employees should be immune from accountability is a modern invention, and Clinton himself showed that mass firings could be justified in the name of reform.

As the debate over federal employment rages on, it is important to remember who first wielded the axe. Trump may be making headlines for firing government employees, but he is merely following in the footsteps of the master—Bill Clinton.

Trump is Firing Government Employees, but He Learned from the Master: Bill Clinton and the Birth of the Deep State

As President Donald Trump announces plans to restructure the federal government and remove entrenched left-wing activist bureaucrats , the Left has reacted with outrage. Many claimed that such firings are an unprecedented attack on the civil service. However, history tells a different story. The blueprint for mass firings in the federal government was not drafted by Trump—it was authored by President Bill Clinton.
The Creation of Bill Clinton's Deep State

For the record, President Bill Clinton took drastic action upon entering office, firing all federal appointees and those reporting directly to them, reaching three levels deep into the management hierarchy. This included upper-level, middle-level, and lower-level managers. Such sweeping dismissals were unprecedented in modern history.

The stated reason for these actions was to reform government and make it more efficient. Under the guise of the 1993 "Reinventing Government Initiative," Clinton oversaw the termination of 377,000 federal employees. This initiative, led by then-Vice President Al Gore, was marketed as an effort to cut bureaucratic bloat. Clinton publicized that his administration reduced the government payroll from 2.15 million employees to 1.79 million by the end of his term (U.S. Office of Personnel Management). However, while he claimed to be trimming the size of government, he was in reality expanding it dramatically.

Rather than actually reducing the government’s reach, Clinton tripled its size by shifting millions of jobs to government contractors. This maneuver allowed his administration to hide the true expansion of government within the bureaucracy. The federal workforce, under his administration, effectively grew from 2.15 million to a staggering 9.1 million (Project On Government Oversight), all hired by liberal activist managers.

This restructuring was the foundation for what has become the “deep state”—an unelected bureaucratic class that exercises significant influence over government operations, often in opposition to elected leaders who challenge the status quo. The same entity that Trump is now attempting to confront was a product of Clinton’s drastic reshaping of the federal workforce.

Setting the Precedent for Trump’s Actions

The Democrats are framing Trump's efforts to remove government employees as radical and dangerous. Yet, Clinton, a Democrat, set the precedent for such dismissals. The key difference is that while Clinton’s actions were aimed at consolidating power within a left-leaning bureaucracy, Trump’s efforts have been directed at reducing that bureaucracy’s grip on governance and returning government to the people.

Trump’s battle against the entrenched federal workforce is not an attack on democracy—it is an attempt to undo a system that was carefully crafted over decades to resist conservative leadership. The idea that federal employees should be immune from accountability is a modern invention, and Clinton himself showed that mass firings could be justified in the name of reform.

As the debate over federal employment rages on, it is important to remember who first wielded the axe. Trump may be making headlines for firing government employees, but he is merely following in the footsteps of the master—Bill Clinton.

I didn't know this. If you didn't and think many people DO NOT know ....FEEL FREE TO COPY AND POST IT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE AND BE MADE AWARE!!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Non Labeled Americans   Howarditsme Paris · 5h ·
SHOCKING: Trump’s Probe Into USAID Reveals Obscene, Outrageous Wrongdoing
USAID EXPOSED: The Single Largest Criminal Fraud Operation in Human History

The public’s outrage over USAID corruption is now at scale and mainstream. USAID has been fully exposed as a left-wing money laundering criminal organization. Here’s what our researchers were able to find when looking into their expenditures and why President Trump and Elon Musk must shut it down:

- Haiti: Post-2010 earthquake, $1.14 billion was spent on a port and power plant project promoted by President Bill Clinton. The project never built anything.

- Cuba: A 2006 audit showed $74 million in “democracy promotion” funds vanished without oversight.

- Afghanistan: Millions squandered on health scams; hospitals never built.

- Nigeria: Chemonics, a major USAID contractor, was linked to a subcontractor's overbilling scandal. Hundreds of millions lost.

- COVID 19 Funding: USAID sent over $40MILLION in taxpayer money to a scientist located in Wuhan to do gain of function mutations. This directly led to the creation and release of COVID-19

- $2.5 MILLION to DEI in Serbia

- $70,000 onan Irish DEI musical

- $47,000 on transgender operas in Colombia

- $32,000 on a trans comic book in Peru

- Iraq: $20M for an Iraqi version of Sesame Street to promote LGBTQ Agenda

- Egypt & Tunisia: $56M for “tourism”

- Jordan: $40M for “schools”

- Vietnam: $11M to fight “trash burning”

- Central America: $27M for deportee gift bags.

- Trump Lawfare: $27M to fund left wing prosecutions of populist political opponents around the globe, including Donald Trump. Patently illegal.

And countless billions more.

Here’s the thing: The majority of this money never went to the “projects” they claim to be promoting. It’s just pure money laundering from your tax dollars into deep state left wing activists. USAID is likely the largest fraud operation in human history.

Trump and Elon are ending it. Watch who cries the hardest about it — they’re the true criminals.

USAID funneled $53 million to EcoHealth Alliance, which then used U.S. taxpayer funds to support gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab—research that likely led to the creation of COVID-19.

e $2.1 Billion USAID Dollars sent to Gaza and West Bank which directly wound up in the bank accounts of billionaire Hamas/PA terrorists who call for Death to America

$70,000 for transgender comic in Peru. (X)

TransCare Clinic in Vietnam. (X)

1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia workplaces.

Transgender opera in Columbia.

DEI musical in Ireland.

Transgender comic book in Peru

Hundreds of thousands to feed Al Qaeda

$27 million to the George Soros prosecutor fund.

Top USAID contracts in 2024. Pfizer is #2 on list.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Fact Check: Yes, Obama and Biden Had FAA Hire People with Intellectual, Psychiatric, Severe Physical Disabilities
Story by C. Douglas Golden   The Western Journal • 9h • 4 min read

Mandel Ngan - AFP / Getty Images© The Western Journal

As someone whose father was in the aeronautics business -- and who got passed on plenty of his wisdom from a young age -- there are two things that I know, even as an unskilled observer, about airplane crashes.

The first is that there's never one single thing to blame for disasters, especially when it involves airliners; so much redundancy is built into the system that numerous things have to go wrong, either simultaneously or over a period of time, for a crash to happen. The second is that nobody -- nobody -- knows what caused the disaster in the first 24 hours. (Anyone old enough to remember how wrong we were about TWA Flight 800 being bombed or hit by a missile?)

The collision between American Airlines Flight 5342 and a U.S. Army helicopter, which claimed 67 lives, may have reached a new low in this department. As Dan McLaughlin pointed out at National Review, people are already blaming Trump administration Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy for the disaster just outside of Reagan National Airport near Washington, D.C.

Duffy took office the morning before the collision, which more or less rules him out as a factor. Not that this stopped anybody on social media, of course:

However, McLaughlin also noted "that Trump has actually moved to fix a problem with how we hire air-traffic controllers, in order to reorient it toward hiring the best people in order to make air-traffic control safer."

The question raises itself: We weren't hiring air-traffic controllers, some of the most critical positions in civilian government employ, simply on the basis of merit?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Heritage Foundation 
·The Obama and Biden administrations weaponized America’s intelligence agencies against their own citizens, violating Americans' constitutional rights and manipulating voters. The list of abuses by these agencies is long, and justice must be served for each one.


 HOW TRUE....!!

Monday, January 27, 2025


 Should have happened a LONG time ago

Judicial Watch.....26m ·

Following a hearing on September 20, a judge scheduled a trial date of July 20, 2026, for the $30 million wrongful death suit filed on behalf of the estate and the family of Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, by then-Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd.
“Ashli Babbitt’s family is relieved Ashli’s case is moving forward to trial on all fronts. They seek justice and accountability for Ashli’s violent and lawless death at the hands of U.S.Capitol Police Lt. Byrd,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.