Monday, February 2, 2015

Check Out This Warning About Obama From Chris Kyle Before He Died     Young Cons reports  :02 February, 2015
     “I don’t know exactly what he’s doing,” Kyle said then, referring to Obama’s efforts to enact gun control according to, “but I know he’s definitely against the Second Amendment, and he’s trying to ban everything.”
     “Good luck,” he said. “Because I’ve talked to a bunch of the cops and the Secret Service guys. They’re not going to dare go to anyone’s house [to confiscate weapons], especially if they know they have guns. They don’t want to be knocking on doors.”
     “You start putting these bans in effect — you know, these people who don’t know anything about the guns — and they start thinking, ‘Well, who needs 30-round magazines?’” he said. “Really? That’s just opening the door so you can start taking more of our rights.”
     “It was there, it was started by our Founding Fathers, and they had the same weapons the military did,” he argued. “We don’t even have that today. But don’t try to take what I’ve already got.
Kyle definitely hit it out of the park here,
     In the nearly two years since his death, we’ve seen the Obama administration do their best to create a narrative that promotes fear of guns and Second Amendment supporters, never missing an opportunity to turn a tragedy into political gain.
     Time and again liberals have attempted to implement bans or tighter regulations over high capacity magazines, assault weapons, and handguns at both the state and federal level.
     Folks who are uninformed neglect to see the danger in implementing even the slightest of these gun control policies, being blinded to the fact it’s not just about the guns, but about taking away our freedom.
     Without the Second Amendment, without the right to own a firearm, it’s impossible to stand up against tyrannical government and keep them from taking away our other rights.
     History has shown that when a free society crumbles to tyranny, the first liberties to go are guns and speech.
     This is why gun rights activists fight so hard against the anti-gun crowd, because those dolts have been brainwashed by a false narrative of fear.
     They’re so caught up in their frenzied emotions they can’t see the truth.
Guns save lives. They also protect freedom.
     Let’s honor Chris Kyle’s legacy and his strong belief in the Second Amendment by electing more pro-gun candidates in Congress, as well as pushing hard for pro-gun legislation both in our local areas and at the federal level.

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