Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sounds a lot like "Sandy Hook: ALL evidence destroyed, no pictures, PROVE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN

Did Emperor Obama Lie About the Raid that Killed Osama bin Laden?

Did Emperor Obama Lie About the Raid that Killed Osama bin Laden?
Emperor Barack Obama amassed no small amount of political capital over the 2011 commando raid in which Osama bin Laden was taken out but there were always inconsistencies. For example, the lack of a body that would corroborate the official account – the bad assed bogeyman’s bullet riddled corpse was said to have been dumped into the sea. It also defied common sense in that if bin Laden was found that it was a monumental squandering of a potential treasure trove of intelligence to have not simply abducted him and taken him into custody for interrogation.
The hit, carried out by the now famous SEAL Team Six provided Obama with the credentials of a man who was indeed tough on terror and was a feather in his cap that for many voters carried over into his 2012 reelection. The media gobbled it all up hook, line and sinker too and were essential in selling the White House version of what happened. But what if Obama’s entire narrative was constructed of bogus horseshit?   READ MORE

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