There are so many discrepancies, so many contradicting stories, so much left untold and evidence unreleased that I don't see how anyone can't question what happened................. For just a few many guns ....which guns were used....who owned the car Adam Lanza drove to school....a teachers car in the parking lot full of bullet holes, no one heard that....where is the video surveilance from the "brand new" video system....where are pictures of the rest of the 300-400 children leaving school....who were the two nuns pictured outside the school that look like they have I D badges hung around thier necks, what were they doing there....three men in woods behind school, one taken in handcuffs?....strange interview of the coroner, as though he had no clue as to what was going on....Attorney General Holder meeting with the governor of connecticut two weeks before the shooting....An emergency drill going on the same day and time at a school 20-30 miles from Sandy Hook and one nearby in N Y ....[these drills were run by DHS] coincidence ??.....I could go on, but by now I'm sure you get the idea.
My question is this, will we ever find what really happened or are the Police and government agencies waiting for people to forget, for this to no longer be urgent, for all of it to blow over ? Change the focus to gun control, everyone will be so angry, they will comletely forget Sandy Hook.
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