Thursday, April 18, 2013

Krauthammer: Obama Using Newtown Families For Gun Control Is "Emotional Blackmail"


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The question is: Would it have had any effect on Newtown? If you're going to make all these emotional appeals -- he's saying you're betraying the families -- you've got to show how if this had been law it would've stopped Newtown. It would not have. It’s irrelevant.

I wouldn’t have objected, I might’ve gone the way of McCain or Toomey on this, but it's a kind of emotional blackmail as a way of saying, 'You have to do it for the children.' Not if there's no logic in this. And that I think is what’s wrong with the demagoguery that we've heard out of the president on this issue. (Special Report, April 17, 2013)

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