Monday, July 21, 2014

Of course,... the KKK is a WHITE organization [can't have that] Can only have ALL BLACK ORGANIZATIONS. I'm surprised blacks haven't SUED to become members of the KKK

Florida Cop Fired for KKK Ties Was Undercover, Ex-Wife Claims
Why can't they belong, unless there's proof of wrongdoing ? It's an organization ! YOU CAN'T MANDATE LOVING BLACK PEOPLE
PHOTO: Two Fruitland Park polcie officers, David Borst, left, and George Hunnewell, right, are under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for their alleged involvement in the Ku Klux Klan.
The woman's allegations come with a description of the Klan's initiation ceremony that included kneeling with pillow cases over their heads.
The departures from the Fruitland Park Police Department earlier this month of Deputy Chief David Borst and Officer George Hunnewell have revived emotions of Fruitland's past. The department had already dismissed an officer in 2009 for being affiliated with the KKK and the overwhelmingly white former citrus town turned retirement community has had a history of racial violence in the 1940s and 1950s.
Since the initial news of the investigation broke, the release of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's report has revealed more details about the explanation that Hunnewell's ex-wife gave to attempt to support his claims of innocence.
The FDLE report states that Ann Hunnewell told investigators that she was working as a secretary for the Fruitland Park Police Department in 2008 when she and her then-husband George were assigned to an undercover mission by then-chief James Isom.
"Ann Hunnewell said in 2008 through 2009, she and her ex-husband successfully infiltrated the [United Northern and Southern Knights] chapter of the KKK in an undercover capacity," the report states.

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