Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 3.33.04 PM     Trey Gowdy has been hounding Hillary Clinton for months on end.
He wants her to turn over her emails, which Hillary has been slow to do.
But in a shocking change, Gowdy has said he is prepared to let Hillary go with the emails she’s turned over already, without requiring her to hand over any more.
What would make Gowdy do such a thing you wonder?
It’s a very good question.
Gowdy’s indicated if he could get Clinton to swear under oath, at the risk of committing perjury, that she’s handed over all relevant emails then he won’t require any more.
“If she were, under some theory, able to say, ‘yes, I can promise you under penalty of perjury you have every single document you’re entitled to,’ that would probably shut off that line of inquiry,” he told Capital Download. “If she can, then it will be a short conversation.”
The problem here is Clinton is probably just like her husband and would look at an oath as nothing
Let’s hope Gowdy doesn’t relent in any way, shape, or form.