Tuesday, August 11, 2015

WHO IS GOING TO FINE THE EPA FOR THIS TOXIC WASTE SPILL ?? Who will pay for the cleanup ? This will be swept under the rug with a "OOPS... Wasn't our fault" It will be OUR fault, you know "we the people" It's only our country when something like this happens

EPA Causes Massive Waste Spill, Hurting Navajo Nation

Durango, Colorado declared a state of emergency yesterday after the EPA accidentally contaminated a local river with 3 million gallons of waste. The Animas River has turned orange, and residents living along its banks have been warned to avoid it.
The accident began Wednesday last week when EPA workers accidentally leaked a local mine, releasing concentrated minerals into a stream. The mine had been abandoned for about 10 years, and ground water had accumulated inside it. EPA workers were there to clean up the mine. Now, the mine is leaking at 500 gallons per minute. It still hasn't been contained, though workers are treating the nearby ponds where the minerals are leaking.


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