Monday, July 25, 2016

CIA's OPSEC Guidelines For Pokémon Go

People across the globe are doing it. It's the latest craze to play Pokémon Go, catching the little critters on your smartphone as you wander around town, or across fields, or in historical locations. One over-enthusiastic Pokémon was even arrested on the lawn of the White House. 
But these computer generated images depend on geo-tagging, and if you're on a sensitive mission you don't want to give away your position. So some smart CIA operative has come up with these guidelines. They make sense to civilians, too.
(And back in the world of commonsense, be aware of your surroundings while you play this game. No cars, cliffs or ponds, right?)

 I thought this was silly and the remembered this instructional from the USDA blog.....

USDA Blog » US Forest Service Asks: How Does Your ...
Only *morons* would provide instructions for roasting ... to do than to tell folks how to make smores and roast ... the fact that the US Forest Service, ...

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