Sunday, March 11, 2018

Did these soldiers ever hear of INSUBORDINATION ? Maybe a few weeks in the brig and forfieture of pay might make them change their minds......SINCE WHEN CAN THE MILITARY DICTATE WHAT THEY WILL OR WON'T DO ???

Military Refuses to Participate in Trump’s Parade, Citing Bone Spurs

the history of the U.S. military, we have never experienced a bone-spur epidemic of this magnitude,” a Pentagon spokesman said.

“Regrettably, we have no choice but to issue thousands of deferments,” a Pentagon spokesman said.


Anonymous said...

You are aware that the link goes to the New yorker satire column, right? Essentially the Onion for the tea and biscuit New York set.

Pappy said...

No, I didn't realize that. It wouldn't surprise me what with all the insubordination going on in our government, why would the army be any different ? Satire, fake news what IS the difference ?

thanks for pointing this out......Pappy