Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Veteran responds to Omar’s criticism of 'Black Hawk Down' soldiers    4/24/2019

Now-retired Sgt. Maj. Kyle Lamb, who served in U.S. Army Special Operations, who put his thoughts to paper over at The Federalist. He was invited on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News last night. Katie Pavlich has mentioned this on the Triggered Podcast: why is Omar so ungrateful? And on his show, Tucker asked the same question. Why does this woman, who fled Somalia and came to the U.S. at the public expense because we’re a nation who is compassionate towards real refugees, then dedicate her life to attacking it?

“Well, as they would say down here in Tennessee, bless her hear,” replied Lamb.
“We watched our friends get dragged through the streets by the people that she says are her people and we got to watch that on TV once we exfiltrated from the crash site where I was at and we got back to our hanger; that’s what we got to watch. So, yeah we take it personally when you attack us like that,” added Lamb.
Here’s what he wrote about Omar’s “disgusting tweet”:
I take special exception to Omar’s disgusting comments because I served in the Battle of Mogadishu, which was later portrayed in the movie “Black Hawk Down.” If you aren’t familiar with the real story behind “Black Hawk Down,” let me set the scene for you.

The purpose of American involvement in Somalia was to protect the peacekeepers tasked with the near-impossible mission of delivering vital food and medical supplies to the starving, war-torn population. As the aid grew, so did the opportunities for graft from warring clans who saw the humanitarian crisis as a way to cement their power throughout the country.
The Habar Gidir clan, one of the more powerful clans around Mogadishu, was led by the notorious warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid, who made the distribution of international aid to those who needed it nearly impossible. Instead of equitably spreading food and medical supplies, Aidid and his henchmen spread terror and death.

I am thankful Omar and her family and countless others were able to escape to neighboring Kenya while we fought to protect those left behind, but I simply cannot comprehend her attitude towards those of us who fought to protect her country and countrymen from warlords who plunged Somalia only further into violence and starvation. I am glad that Omar can now enjoy the very freedoms we fought to protect, like the freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion affirmed in the U.S. Constitution, but I don’t understand why she uses those freedoms to slur the men and women of the U.S. military who made her security and liberty a reality.
The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can’t even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American. Her clan didn’t stand a chance against Aidid and Habar Gidirs, so I don’t blame her for leaving. But I do blame her for attacking those of us who had zero personal interest or investment in her nation for doing our jobs on behalf of our country. And I blame her for smearing American servicemen because we answered the call of our nation to address the violent barbarism of hers.

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