Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Franklin underspoke the time spent on Trumps "investigations", It's more like 3 years that the demorats have been "investigating" Trump. The allegations against him are made up FANTASIES from the minds of desperate demo-rats. All it takes is an allegation (true or false) and someone will insist that a committee "investigate" it...!!!

Franklin Graham
I wish President Donald J. Trump’s enemies would give it a rest. For two years all that the American people heard was collusion. Not true. Then accusation after accusation seemed to come out of the woodwork by various women. Then all we heard was impeachment, impeachment. Now it’s a whistleblower claim. When will this ever end? The president was elected to do a job. Let’s pray for him, that God will give him wisdom to make the right decisions for the American people and to do his job well.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I will never vote for libtard democrat ever again. I would vote for an octo-gendered, pink/green/purple {etc.} haired conservative before I'd vote for any POS democrat.