Sunday, March 15, 2020

For the people in Philly...This is what you get when Soros is involved....

$1.45 million Soros investment in Philly DA's race draws heat for Krasner
Billionaire George Soros has invested in a political action committee backing civil rights attorney Larry Krasner
I think folks on this page should know who and what we are dealing with. There are very powerful forces at play here, people behind the scenes who are using our city as part of a much larger plan.

Philadelphia DA Krasner, under whose watch the murder rate here is now the highest in a decade, was put Into office by billionaire George Soros.
His first goal is to disrupt civic life through increased lawlessness. Once he achieves that, the second step is to demand complete government control to stop the violence. “Social Justice,” much touted by Krasner and Mayor Kenney, leads straight to Socialism.
And Philly is not a unique case. The election of “social justice” District Attorneys is happening all around the country and is destabilizing our communities.
Elections have consequences. We need to vote for conservative, traditional leadership in this city, or we will descend into chaos.
Don’t just take my word for it, please do your own research. This article is from two years ago, surprising the Inquirer hasn’t bleached it from its servers.
“That all was overwhelmed by a $1.45 million check, written by billionaire George Soros on April 28 and reported Friday, to fund an independent political action committee backing Larry Krasner.”
“The Soros money, invested in a PAC called Philadelphia Justice & Public Safety, is being used for television commercials, campaign literature, and online ads, and to pay for people to canvass neighborhoods to speak with voters.”

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